I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 623 A lesson worth tens of millions?

this world.

There are never airtight walls.

Ever since Zhang Sheng went from Cangdong County to Ninggan County, GZ City...

Somehow, a piece of news was leaked.

The leaders of Ninggan County, GZ City were very excited.

An urgent meeting was held.

The content of the meeting is also very simple!

If you want land, give land, if you want tax exemption, give tax exemption, if you want people, give people, if you want help, give help...

In Cangdong County next door, economic development is now in full swing!

Even after Zhang Sheng left, a lot of capital was like locusts crossing the border, taking over the newly approved industrial parks.

Before that...

No one could have imagined that the influence of Zhang Sheng could be so terrifying!

What the leaders of Ningqian County couldn't even imagine was...

On the second day after Zhang Sheng arrived in Ningqian County, batches of entrepreneurial capital poured in one after another. Countless local companies in Ningqian County, and even some young people who had gone out to start their own businesses, also returned.

In just a few days, this small county suddenly became lively.

Chinese people actually have some herd mentality...

Some self-proclaimed smart people have been paying attention to Zhang Sheng's whereabouts all day long, and then, in these whereabouts, they are constantly looking for clues about Zhang Sheng!

[Zhang Sheng always does things first and then act...]

[Cangdong County is Zhang Sheng’s hometown. He developed Cangdong County. This is something everyone understands, but what about Ningqian County? 】

[There must be some prospects in Ningqian County, or there must be some hidden opportunities! 】

[Anyway, just come here first and take your seat first! 】



"Holy shit, it's so late at night, why are there so many people around [Vocational and Technical College]? Did something happen?"

"What! It's true or false, what did you say?"


"Zhang Sheng is taking classes at [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College]. Is this true or false?"

"Holy crap, when did it happen? Why did I have no news at all beforehand!"

"What are you wearing? If you go too late, you won't even be able to eat shit!"



Nightlife may have just begun in big cities.

However, for small second- and third-tier counties, especially those near the suburbs, it is already a time of complete silence.


[Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] The gate of the school is crowded with people!

Luxury cars filled the parking lot next to them. There were even all kinds of cars parked in the open space not far away, next to the garbage dump.

Some of these cars are local cars, while others are luxury cars from the next county...

The whistle was so noisy that the traffic control department immediately came over to direct traffic, but they still couldn't resist the steady flow of people coming from a distance.

On the edge of the residential building next to it, lights were also turned on. Some people who were so noisy that they couldn't sleep simply stopped sleeping and ran downstairs to watch the excitement.

But as soon as he got off, he was immediately evacuated by traffic control personnel and rushed back home.

Countless media carried cameras and rushed into the college to shoot some news!

The security personnel of [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] had never seen such a battle before. They were shocked and hurriedly called the group of security guards who were listening to the class at the door of the classroom.

When these people come, just stay on guard!

"Zhang Sheng is in class!"

"What? Zhang Sheng is in class? What class is he in?"

"I don't know, but I heard from others that I am learning a lesson worth tens of millions!"

"What tens of millions?"

"It seems that after taking his class, you can earn tens of millions!"

"Really or not, such an exaggeration? No, I heard that Zhang Sheng is going to start a big project at [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College], and I heard that all foreign capital will be brought in..."

"That's not right!"

"I heard that Zhang Sheng borrowed the space of [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] for a work meeting..."

"How could it be a work meeting and you still need to borrow the space of [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College]? What I heard was that Principal Xu Shangwu asked the county magistrate to go all the way to the next county and invited Zhang Sheng to come over..."

"This is too exaggerated!"

"No, I heard something even more exaggerated. It seems that I heard that Zhang Sheng obtained the national policy and then came to us... Whoever cooperates with Zhang Sheng first will make money from the country!"

"Wait a minute, how did I hear that Zhang Sheng found a gold mine in our Ninggan County?"

"Gold mine? You are talking nonsense!"


[Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] The entrance is brightly lit.

Various versions of rumors have spread!

Ordinary people were very excited. The word "success" was already very hot in their hearts. When they heard that Zhang Sheng was in class, they immediately ran over like crazy.

Local entrepreneurs in Ninggan County were also standing at the door at this moment, staring closely at the classroom.

There are really too many resources behind Zhang Sheng. As long as they cooperate with Zhang Sheng and even leak some resources, then at least next year, they will have a direction.

Entrepreneurs from Nankang County, not far away, also came, and they also received the news...

A very magical scene is being staged scene after scene.


In classrooms.

Zhang Sheng was completely unaware of the commotion outside.

He was still doing pre-war strategies with the staff under the podium.

"We are a collective!"

"Collectively, we must unite and help each other!"

"Mr. Song! In your [Jingsheng] team, I will send you a few more interns. Regardless of any orders, we must take them, and we must serve them!"

"[Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] have had a lot of orders recently. We try not to have any conflicts with them!"

"I made an APP for [Jingsheng] with a service system in it. You are the director of the service system in Ningqian County. I hope you can be a fair evaluator so that customers can rate each of our service providers." Thumbs up……"

"[Honeycomb Ji Delivery] Brothers in Ninggan County, you have the heaviest task. On the one hand, I hope you can continue to serve the public and do your best to deliver takeaways on time. On the other hand, I hope you can We can have a group of mobile teams. You can assist [Jingsheng] with logistics services. We can set up a [WeChat] group. The brothers in [Jingsheng] need help. I hope that the [Honeycomb Jishu] brothers in the Ninggan County area can help. I can help you to the best of my ability. Of course, except for part of the operation, I, Zhang Sheng, will not take a penny from the profits generated by the transportation, and I will give it all to you!"

“Brothers of [WeChat] local promoters... I hope you can assist the team of [Home Appliances Going to the Rural Areas], and our friends from [Shenchuan Computer] and [Xingyang Electric] to work together... These two brands, It is both our cooperative brand and our own brand, but now, our own brand is very weak. Electrical appliance giants such as [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] are still at their peak at this moment, but fortunately, our second- and third-tier urban areas , they won’t take it too seriously, which just gives us a certain amount of room for development!”

"Of course, when we meet the teammates from [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] and [Hangmei Electrical Appliances], we should not be impatient, let alone fall out. They are our business friends. We can help them and help them appropriately. Only through cooperation can we help them." It will be a win-win situation. They sell large appliances. For our current small household appliances, we can cooperate with them. We can offer various preferential conditions... We should not let go of sales of our large appliances. Even if there is competition, we can still Let’s talk about the cooperation system, we can release profits and prices!”


“Brothers of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], you have the greatest responsibility. You are the main force in connecting [Jingsheng Logistics], [Home Appliances to the Rural Areas] and other discounts, and you are also the ones who help thousands of aspiring families in Ninggan County who want to start a business. I will not set any goals for you. You know very well that in our system, everyone is a collaborator and a boss, and I am just a person who helps you with behind-the-scenes work and sets the stage for you. People, if you are willing to trust me, please follow me. If you are not willing, I will never force you!"

"[Hongwei Technology] Brothers in Ningqian County, I hope you can also cooperate with our work this time. Sometimes, when transportation encounters difficulties, I hope you can also set up a motor vehicle team to provide a Our company will pay you for the expenses incurred in approving the battery tricycles that can be transported..."

"If there is a problem with the battery, we go to [Bosch Technology] in the next county and we will give priority to supplying it!"



"Okay, I've finished what I want to say. Maybe you think I am a pure idealist!"

"But, I speak from my heart!"

"I'm not short of money, and I don't have much interest in money either!"

"Everyone knows that I, Zhang Sheng, as long as I want to make money and raise my fingers, there will be countless people outside begging to give me the money... I will just lie down and collect the money!"

"Many of you are old people who have followed me. Once again, thank you for supporting me until today!"

"I know how to repay my kindness, and you can also say that I don't overestimate my abilities, but I want to take you, your brothers, to break the rules and create new ones!"

"Let everyone make money!"


The applause sounded like thunder.

Zhang Sheng raised his hand!

Then, almost at the same time, a group of people below raised their hands.

The teachers who refused to leave also raised their hands uncontrollably.

Xu Shangwu looked at this scene...

Zhang Sheng's few words made my blood boil with excitement, but also brought with it a chill!

Somehow, a feeling of panic deep inside surged out!


He pictured in his mind some mustache holding up his hands!

He shook his head violently!

[Zhang is always a person who has been on Xinwen Network...and he is very decent and inspirational...]

[However, fortunately, Mr. Zhang was born in China. If he was born in a chaotic place...]

[Fortunately, Mr. Zhang did not engage in fraud...otherwise...]

Xu Shangwu looked at the teachers.

Otherwise these guys...

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