I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 639 You won the bet!

Original world.

On August 14, 2012, [JD.com] took the lead in starting that price war.

Subsequently, [Suning], [Gome], and even [Dangdang], [Yitao] and other merchants collectively announced their participation in the battlefield.

Just when everyone thought that this price war would eventually end in darkness, it ended in haste, and many voices were heard.


"Director Zhou, the report letter from [Hangmei Electric Appliances] was reported by me, and the [Anti-Monopoly Law] report letter from Ma Yunhua was written by me myself! Of course, I also believe that those reports behind me, No matter it’s Mr. Huang or Mr. Ma, none of them can be separated from each other..."


"In order to maintain the fairness of the legal and business systems..."


"I hope that everyone here can get the punishment they deserve!"


Early morning.

A gust of wind blew through the conference room, bringing with it a chill.

Zhang Yuanqiao from [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] looked at Zhang Sheng. There was a moment of shock in his eyes, and then the shock became complicated, and finally became frightened.

That young man...

At this moment, it was like a cold sword, piercing everyone's heart.

The sonorous and powerful voice, accompanied by the serious-faced figure who stood up, seemed to have always stood on the highest point of morality and law, tearing away all fig leaves.


Ma Yunhua said nothing, and still had a cold face, as if everything Zhang Sheng said was like farts!

But Huang Guangrong from [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] next to him gritted his teeth and spat out these words. Then, he stared at Zhang Sheng, his hatred no longer concealed.

In this price war, although [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] also responded and had enough momentum, Huang Guangrong knew very well that he did not have an advantage in any aspect, so he gave up as soon as he saw the opportunity.

But unfortunately...

Zhang Sheng must be killed!

Zhou Guoan had everyone's eyes on him.

Finally, he motioned Zhang Sheng to sit down: "Our Ministry of Commerce will discuss how to deal with this matter in the future."

When he finished saying this, he looked at Ma Yunhua again: "Mr. Ma, what do you think?"

"If Mr. Zhang wants to have fun, then let's play like this. I [Taozhu.com] has been established for 7 years. In these 7 years, everyone knows how many jobs we have solved. We have gone through ups and downs, and we have never been Forget your original intention, for us..."

“We [Qiangsheng Online Mall] are just to create more [Taozhu.com]!”


Ma Yunhua was always calm, but this time, before he finished speaking, he heard Zhang Sheng interrupting him fiercely.

At this moment, Ma Yunhua's facial muscles were twisted. She had never been so humiliated before, and she felt that her emotions were blocked in an instant.

"Okay, okay! I invite you here today, not for bickering or quarreling! In this way, it's getting late, so everyone should go to bed early. I hope this matter will come to an end..." Zhou Guoan saw that Zhang Sheng was trying to get into trouble again. , he frowned immediately.

Looking at Lao Ma's blushing face and thick neck, I was afraid that Lao Ma would get really angry here!

After everyone has left.

Zhou Guoan is tired.

He rested for a while in the office, and waited until nine o'clock in the morning, after breakfast...

He once again convened a meeting of the [Business Department].

At the meeting, there were different opinions.

Some people feel that this matter is almost over and it is not appropriate to continue the matter.

Another group of people felt that this matter must be investigated thoroughly, whether it is Zhang Sheng, Lao Ma, or others.

There are also some people who feel that Zhang Sheng is too arrogant and is fighting everywhere. It is time to give him a hard blow to avoid causing big trouble in the future...

Zhou Guoan listened one by one.

The eyes are getting deeper and deeper.


October 13th.

This price comparison war came with great vigor.

Eventually it dispersed very quickly.

It only lasted for more than ten days, and the war on the Internet gradually extinguished.

In the morning, netizens habitually visited websites such as [Taozhu.com], [Qiangsheng Online Mall], [Suzhou Tesco], and [Hangmei Mall] to look for products with higher cost performance.

However, it was discovered that the prices on these websites had all been adjusted back to their original prices, and all parties’ Weibo posts maintained the same blog posts as when [announcement of great victory]...

The official Weibo websites of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Suzhou Tesco] also announced their sales during Double 10.

One is 950 million, the other is 1.5 billion...

On the 13th, there were occasional sparks of war, but there was less of a smell of gunpowder. Basically, they were saying things like "We didn't have a truce, we just won. If the other side wants to fight, we will continue to accompany you" and the like!

As the flames of war gradually subsided, the media gradually dispersed.

This [price war] eventually slowly faded out of the sight of netizens.

Just when everyone thought that was almost it, it was October 14th.

A piece of critical news from the [National Development and Reform Commission] became a hot search topic.

[The National Development and Reform Commission found after investigation that [Hangmei] Electric Appliances and [Taozhu.com] were suspected of price fraud, and they were severely criticized and warned! [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] Some of the data released are inaccurate! 】

[[Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Suzhou Tesco] were suspected of selling at low prices, disrupting business order, and unfair commercial competition. After investigation, it was found that the situation was true and they were fined two million or four million and given a serious warning! 】

[The above merchants will carry out self-examination, rectification, and apology to consumers within the time limit...]


Of all the merchants participating in this price war, not one of them ran away, they were all dealt with!

[Hangmei Electrical Appliances].


Huang Guangrong's eyes are blood red!

He smashed things in anger, and then cursed for who knows how long.

It seemed like a warning, but in fact, it was the collapse of the market's faith. This sword struck so hard that it went directly to the heart.

He immediately contacted the public relations department and tried every means to calm public opinion.

Even, let the Ministry of Commerce quickly adjust and pick up the goods, sell them at the original low price, and spend money to save your life!



"Ask yourself, have you really lowered the price? [Hangmei Electric], if Zhang Sheng hadn't stepped forward, how long would it have continued to lie to us?"

"Chargeback, chargeback, no matter how cheap it is, we don't want it anymore!"

"[Hangmei Mall] Fortunately, I am still your 5-year-old user. What an international joke you are kidding, but you are still robbing us like this!"

"We talk about huge price cuts and breaking bones, but secretly we are doing some tricks like raising prices first and then lowering them. You think we are all fools. Return the product, we don't want it anymore!"

"If you don't give us a refund, we will call the police!"


At this moment, it seems too late.

When all the fig leaves of the shopping mall were torn away, revealing the filth and stench inside, except for a few die-hard fans, the faith of some people has gradually collapsed.

It’s not that consumers can’t afford to pay, nor are they stingy, it’s just that no one wants to be deceived…

Just when Huang Guangrong was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, an authoritative organization from China compiled a statistics regarding this business war: [Taozhu.com] and [Hangmei Mall], the two major Among the more than 85,000 major home appliance products on e-commerce, only more than 3,000 products have seen price decreases...].

This data almost pushes [Hangmei Mall] deeper into the abyss!

The official Weibo of [Taozhu.com] and [Hangmei Mall] are filled with a lot of curses. [Taozhu.com] is big, so it doesn’t matter. After the war subsides, everything will be discussed after dinner, but [Hangmei Electric Appliances] ], at this moment, [Hangmei Mall], which had just transformed online, almost suffered a devastating blow...

"Mr. Zheng!"

"Mr. Zheng! We are now an industry under your [Tengji Technology]. Can you please stretch your hand..."


Huang Guangrong was so anxious that he called Zheng Huateng.

Zheng Huateng, who was far away at [Tengji Technology], looked increasingly constipated.

After a long time, he sighed deeply: "Apologise, then change your name, and the rest of the shares will be merged into our [Tengji Technology] mall. You announce your resignation..."


"The blame is all on you... [Tengji Technology] will come forward to help you settle the matter. You can cash out and leave."


Huang Guangrong was stunned by his cold words. He originally thought he had grabbed a life-saving straw and boarded a giant wheel, but he didn't expect that the giant wheel would directly push him down hard.


[[Hangmei Mall] Chairman Huang Guangrong resigned! 】

[[Hangmei Mall] officially apologizes: The price war only resulted in sales of 550 million, less than half of [Suzhou Tesco]! 】


[Suzhou Electrical Appliances].

Zhou Haopeng sat down on the chair, feeling weak and exhausted, as if he had drained out the last bit of energy.

He was like a gambler who placed all his bets on Zhang Sheng!

Taking the risk of offline collapse, online blockage, and overall collapse, I stare at all kinds of data every day...

During this period!

Despair, unwillingness, excitement, anger...

But he knew very well that when he stepped towards Zhang Sheng, he could never look back!

Fortunately, at this moment, he won the bet!

[Suzhou.com] has nearly 10 million visits. After restoring the original price, not only did the sales not drop significantly, but it became more and more gratifying...

The subsidies used to be given, the red envelopes used to be given out...

When a person's pressure completely disappears in an instant, he has no joy or surprise...

He just wanted to get some sleep.

He was so tired.

He lay down on the chair and somehow fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he had slept for, but the door to the office was opened and he opened his eyes!

He saw Zhang Yuanqiao walking in.

Zhang Yuanqiao was surprised at first: "I paid the fine just now and had someone apologize online. By the way, I also paid the share for helping Mr. Zhang!"

It has been a long time since Zhou Haopeng saw Zhang Yuanqiao getting excited!

Offline business is full!

Online is officially revitalized!

"We won the bet!"

When he said this, his eyes were slightly complicated: "No, you won the bet!"

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