I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 640 A culture war!

“Pay from [WeChat] to [Jingsheng Logistics]!”

"From [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to our offline industries..."

"we won!"

"We won a great victory, we..."


October 14th.

The entire [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is in a state of surprise.

Li Bin hurried into Zhang Sheng's office, chattering excitedly about their results.

Then, Dong Mingqiang from [Xingyang Refrigerator] ran in excitedly.

He told Zhang Sheng that in just a few days, all the [Xingyang Refrigerators] in their inventory had been sold out, and even the sales of the small home appliance brands in their [Xingyang Electrical Appliances] reached new highs.

Just when Dong Mingqiang from [Xingyang Refrigerator] was excitedly reporting the results...

There was another knock on the door.

The bosses of [Jiacon TV] and [Shenchuan Computer], domestic second-tier brands, rushed in with champagne.

Without saying a word, he pulled Zhang Sheng out of the company...

"[Jiakon TV] has sold nearly 500 units nationwide in the past few days! For the first time, it is on par with big-name TVs!"

"[Shenchuan Computer] is another Chinese local brand that is rising. In two days, its sales volume was not inferior to [Lianzhong], [Puhui], and [Huasuo]!"


"Oh my god, the sales of all the brands that cooperate with Mr. Zhang have soared. It seems that as long as it has Mr. Zhang's label on it, it seems to be a golden brand!"


"Sold out, [Xingyang Refrigerator] is completely sold out!"


"The traffic of [Suzhou Tesco] has surged! It has completely overwhelmed [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] in the same period. No, [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] has been renamed [Paipai Mall]..."


When the fig leaf of capital’s business routines was completely lifted.

When Zhang Sheng’s [Qiangsheng Online Mall] announced an apology and stated that it had completed the 2 million yuan penalty imposed by the relevant departments and actively conducted self-examination...

Countless consumers suddenly realized that Zhang Sheng and his partners were the only ones who could really benefit them from the beginning to the end without any tricks.

Then, a new round of brutal consumption officially shocked countless brand owners at this moment.

Then, pairs of red eyes stared at Zhang Sheng like crazy.

His hungry eyes seemed to swallow Zhang Sheng completely, not even the dregs would be left.


When a brand reaches its peak.

All related industries will quietly rise.

The popularity of the [Southern California International Film Awards] is getting higher and higher without even realizing it!

October 15th.

[Southern California International Film Awards] The number of films submitted in China exceeded 300 for the first time!

As of October 2011.

The total output of Chinese local films increased from 675 to 705, and the box office increased from 11 billion to 11.9 billion.

Of the 11.9 billion, the real Chinese box office is about 100 million.

The total box office of 30 movies was only worth 100 million, and it was after the National Day on October 1st...

National Day stalls.

Except for one main theme movie "Flying Sky" with a box office of nearly 40 million, all the other Chinese movies fell into decline.

I don’t know if it has something to do with "That Summer"...

Or maybe it's because "My Sassy Girl Sadako" took the lead. Love-and-love movies seem to have become the most sought-after movies by Chinese investors in 2011.

However, the content of the film is an understatement.

This year's overseas movies are still crazy. The Hollywood-produced movies "Breaking Dawn" and "Wolf Man" are not on October 1st, but at the end of October 7th.


In just four days, the box office of "Wolf Man" has exceeded 200 million.

As for the movie "Breaking Dawn", it was even more exaggerated, with a direct hit of 250 million...

They are all about love stories, but "Breaking Dawn", a vampire-themed love story, is much more beautiful and extreme than those Chinese movies, and the way it tells the story is also much better.

October 16th.

The Chinese Film Department held a meeting regarding the [Southern California International Film Awards].

The astonishing popularity on the Internet has made everyone no longer regard this award as a pheasant award or an amateur award.

After the meeting, relevant leaders of Huaxia Film plan to officially attend such an international film exhibition!

“This is China’s first international film exhibition so far!”


At the meeting, this sentence was reiterated again.

When many people heard this sentence, their spirits were slightly shaken.

This is the third time that Zhao Guorong, the leader of the relevant departments of China Film, has emphasized this sentence at a similar meeting!

They know very well that after the Film Awards have risen to this level, the cards must not be too bad.


On the morning of October 17th.

Relationships in this world are quite complicated.

Xin Xiaoqi, the director of "My Sassy Girl Sadako" knocked on Zhang Sheng's office.

She is a major contributor in the film field of [NC Entertainment]. In the entire company, her director status is second only to Bi Feiyu.

When she walked into the office, she first chatted about some movies with Zhang Sheng, and then talked about the current situation of Chinese movies.

Zhang Sheng was very patient and listened silently. He originally thought that Xin Xiaoqi was preparing to chat with him about a new movie, but halfway through, he realized that Xin Xiaoqi was not talking to him about movies this time.

She seemed to be talking to herself about fifth-generation directors...

When talking about those directors who have been hidden in the dust but are quite talented, the most profound name in the topic seems to be a sixth-generation director named Dong Chao.

Strictly speaking, Xin Xiaoqi and Bi Feiyu both belong to the sixth generation of Chinese directors, but among the six generations of directors, there are actually certain differences.

"Director Xin, strictly speaking, the [Southern California International Film Awards] is now an international film award. Although I am the founder, I don't understand the ups and downs of the film industry... As for movies The review chairmen in China are Mr. Wu Guanli and Chen Xuebin... Overseas regions are held by teachers such as Mr. Avery Tashi and McCaskey. Each of them is internationally renowned. Filmmakers..."


"Director Xin, things are different now. We are no longer the Pheasant Film Festival. Even within us, we must follow the process step by step."


Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and looked at Xin Xiaoqi seriously.

Xin Xiaoqi's face turned slightly red, but she still bit her lip. After a moment, she hesitated again: "I...Mr. Zhang, as long as you are willing to nod, nothing will be a problem..."

"Why do you value that director named Dong Chao so highly? If I remember correctly, Director Dong Chao is one of the newly released underground directors among the Sixth Generation of Directors, right?"

"He was the guide for my films and one of my best seniors at [Yan Film Academy]..."

"Are you in a relationship?" Zhang Sheng frowned.

"No, no, absolutely not, Mr. Zhang, I..." Xin Xiaoqi was shocked. Although she quickly denied it, she was so excited that she felt as if her tail had been stepped on.

"That's..." Zhang Sheng did not pursue the question any further, but changed another topic: "As long as the movie is good enough, no matter who he is, we will support him. We will compete at the [Southern California International Film Awards] Any film award in the world is more authoritative, more fair and just..."

"There is absolutely nothing wrong with his movies, it's just that they are a little bit sensitive..."


"Yes, no, it's not sensitive, it's just too artistic, the conflict is too strong, and then..."

"In this way, show me the movie first, Director Xin. If his movie really satisfies me, I will personally call and recommend it to Mr. Wu and the others..."

"no problem!"


Xin Xiaoqi immediately took a USB flash drive and handed it to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng looked at the USB flash drive: "Is there a Trojan horse in it?"

"Huh? No, no, absolutely not."

"Oh, that's good."

"By the way, Mr. Zhang, the other party is willing to sponsor our [Southern California International Film Awards] for 50 million free of charge, without any conditions and without any advertising fees..."


Just when Zhang Sheng was watching the movie, he heard the knock on the door again.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Xiaoxi also came over hesitantly: "Mr. Zhang, can I recommend a director? The other party hopes to sponsor us 100 million yuan, and then..."



Open the USB flash drive.

When Zhang Sheng saw this "Red Corn".

Zhang Sheng had a smile on his face.

However, when I was halfway through "Red Corn", this smile gradually solidified.

When he saw the end, Zhang Sheng's eyes became calmer than ever before.

Xin Xiaoqi noticed this scene and her face changed slightly. At this time, her phone vibrated.

Before Zhang Sheng could speak, Xin Xiaoqi's expression became surprised again.

"Mr. Zhang, Director Dong can also sponsor 100 million, as long as we can be shortlisted for his movie..."

Zhang Sheng was not surprised by 100 million, nor did he show any emotions such as surprise or excitement. He remained silent from beginning to end.

Xin Xiaoqi didn't know what happened...

I even thought Zhang Sheng thought it was too little: "Mr. Zhang, the other party can have more..."

Zhang Sheng still didn't respond.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Sheng looked at Xin Xiaoqi quietly.

"Director Xin!"

"You say……"

"The despicable, disgusting, despicable and cruel scenes captured in "Red Corn" are our real rural people?"


"Also, the eyes of the male and female protagonists are squinted from beginning to end, which is in sharp contrast to the glamor of the city people. Every line of the words reveals the despicability of people under the influence of money and the high morals of foreign wealthy elites. ...Is this the real China? I really want to know, is this the real China, or is it a China that deliberately magnifies its ugliness countless times and then flatters the West?"

"This is art. Art is deeply processed and then presented..."

"I don't know what art is. I know that this is a culture war..."

"Mr. Zhang, but I am willing to pay 100 million..."

"Director Xin! I will not recommend this movie. Not only will I not recommend it, but if I know that anyone at the Southern California International Film Awards recommends this movie, I will definitely deal with it seriously!" Xin Xiaoqi looked at Zhang Sheng His face was cold.

She was stunned!

There was a moment of panic.

She had never seen such a cold expression.

After a long time...

Zhang Sheng looked at Xin Xiaoqi.

"Director Xin, maybe this is an art to you, but to me, this is a war! A cultural war!"


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