I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 651 Sponsoring the Spring Festival Gala!

I don’t know when it started…

Among the leaders in the market, Zhang Sheng's tea is becoming more and more famous.

But what is famous is not how good the tea is, nor how exquisite the tea-making technique is.


Use extremely exquisite and professional tea-making skills to brew a bunch of broken tea.

Rumor has it that Zhang Sheng got all his fine tea from the Ministry of Commerce.

Later, the leaders of the Ministry of Commerce banned wool harvesting.

Something was wrong with the tea that Zhang Sheng served others.


Zhou Songtao met Zhang Sheng again.

The last time we met, Zhang Sheng came to his office with "Temple Escape".

Zhang Sheng kept chatting with him about a series of various benefits of [games]. The "Parental Supervision Project for Minors in Online Games" currently being implemented was written by Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng not only drafted the "Parental Supervision Project for Online Game Minors", but if Zhou Songtao's memory is correct, Zhang Sheng was also one of the authors of the original draft of "Home Appliances to the Rural Areas"...

"Director Zhou, come, come, sit here..."

"Farewell Director Zhou, Director Zhou, here, I am just an ordinary tourist, and I can do whatever I want in private."

"Haha, then I can't call you Uncle Zhou, right?"

"Do I look that old?"

"Brother Zhou?"


Zhang Sheng welcomed Zhou Songtao in with a smile on his face.

Zhou Songtao looked at Zhang Sheng with a smile and naturally sat opposite Zhang Sheng.

In addition to having a good impression of what Zhang Sheng did, I was also paving the way for what I would do next.

It’s November, and things in Chinese culture-related units have not decreased in November, but have increased in number.

In the second half of this year, Zhou Songtao's job functions changed and he was promoted, but he faced great pressure.

The greater the pressure, the more cautious the team that needs to be formed in the future will be, and the greater the need for an external benchmark to coordinate with his next series of work.

When Zhang Sheng appeared on [News Network] before, he also said a few words about it, which was a good thing in advance.

"This [Southern California International Film Awards] was well done..."

"I used to just do it to make some money, but after I made some money, I always felt that I needed to stand up and do something. Brother Zhou, this is "Farewell My Concubine" that I created with Teacher You Tianming..."

After a brief exchange of greetings, Zhang Sheng's smile became even wider. He took out a script from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Songtao.

After Zhou Songtao took the script, he glanced at it briefly and nodded: "Tell me, what kind of support do you want me to help you with?"

"Can we get some subsidies at the box office?"

"Zhang Sheng, our cultural department is not the financial department..." Zhou Songtao shook his head when he heard about the box office subsidy.

"Then I want a word from you..."

"What words?"

"The cultural department's key support and intangible cultural heritage projects in 2012. If possible, maybe you can also give an award to "Hundred Birds"?"

"Zhang Sheng, it's too rude of you to open your mouth as soon as you come up." When he heard Zhang Sheng say these words, Zhou Songtao instantly burst into laughter.

"Brother Zhou, I have a low emotional intelligence, I don't have much power, and I can't hide anything in my heart. If you ask me to play with you, I can't do it. Besides, I am a person who does practical things..." Farewell, Overlord Ji" is the same as "Hundred Birds", and it should be said that it is the same as our [Southern California International Film Awards]. In fact, they are all about promoting traditional intangible cultural heritage so that more young people can understand the legacy left by our ancestors. Other than that..."

"Stop!" Looking at Zhang Sheng's gushing appearance, Zhou Songtao shook his head, fearing that if he continued to listen, he would be taken into a ditch: "Zhang Sheng, my work has been changed now, but I only have the right to make suggestions and proposals. , it is the people at the top who really make the decisions... In this way, when I go back, I will carefully consider what you said and draft a copy..."

"Hey, Brother Zhou, look at what you said...can I still ask you to draft a proposal?" Zhang Sheng was shocked when he saw Zhou Songtao's expression.

Afterwards, he quickly took out several proposals from the bag he carried with him.

The proposal includes the "Proposal for Strengthening the Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage", the "Implementation Plan for the Promotion of Intangible Cultural Heritage", the "Proposal for the Inheritance and Protection of Traditional Culture", and the "Proposal for the Promotion of Drama Culture"...

Zhou Songtao did not take these documents, but glanced at the other piles of things in Zhang Sheng's bag...

The corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Zhang Sheng... tell me, how many similar things have you written?"

"Not much, just prepare more and be prepared... Moreover, I wrote it myself, and many of the contents are imperfect. If you think they are useful, please help to improve them..."

"I sometimes think, it's a pity that you don't go into politics! You are the most politically sensitive..." Zhou Songtao smiled bitterly, but after looking at Zhang Sheng's increasingly sincere expression, he finally took these things: "Okay, since you've put so much effort into it, I'll help you improve it..."


After talking about "Farewell My Concubine" and other things like "Intangible Culture", the smile on Zhang Sheng's face became deeper and deeper: "Brother Zhou, actually I brought some good tea here... How about we Pinpin?”

"No, don't hold back your water. If you fart, hurry up..." After looking at Zhang Sheng's increasingly serious expression, Zhou Songtao said angrily: "I heard Secretary Xu from the Ministry of Commerce say, you Every time I go there, I just think of ways to take advantage. I can’t get any money from the Ministry of Commerce, so why are you focusing on me again?”

"Brother Zhou, what you said is right. I have also contributed to the Ministry of Commerce. You see, if we, small and medium-sized enterprises, do not get support from the Ministry of Commerce, we..."

"Okay, okay!" Zhou Songtao continued to interrupt Zhang Sheng angrily: "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

"Brother Zhou, I heard that the Spring Festival Gala..."

"I'm in charge of the Spring Festival Gala, but it won't work if you ask me to plug people in. The director of this year's Spring Festival Gala has been decided, and the radio and television side will be responsible for the main projects..." Before Zhang Sheng could finish speaking, Zhou Songtao immediately looked serious.

"Brother Zhou, I'm just giving my opinion. Now everyone on the Internet is reacting that one Spring Festival Gala is worse than the next..."

"The chief director of this year's Spring Festival Gala is Ha Wenliang, a fifth-generation director. If you have any opinions or ideas, you can call him. He still appreciates you..." Zhou Songtao naturally cannot admit that one Spring Festival Gala is not as good as the other. At this moment, his expression was still serious.

In a sense, this Spring Festival Gala does have something to do with him.

"Oh, I'll see Director Ha later..."


"By the way, Brother Zhou... our Spring Festival Gala sponsorship is not that much this year, right?"

"The Spring Festival Gala advertisement is for bidding. I can't reveal much to you about the details. This thing is a bit sensitive. What do you want to do?" Zhou Songtao frowned.

At this moment, he was keenly aware that Zhang Sheng was rambling on and on, as if he was trying to make something big happen.

"Brother Zhou, to tell you the truth, I had no money before, but now I have money, and I want to sponsor the Spring Festival Gala!" Zhang Sheng finally stopped rambling, and his smile gradually stiffened and turned into More and more serious.

When Zhou Songtao heard this sentence, his frowning expression instantly became serious.

He did not speak, but stared at Zhang Sheng: "Where did you see the news about the financial difficulties of this year's Spring Festival Gala..."

"Brother Zhou, I didn't see it anywhere, I just thought, I think..."


Zhou Songtao fell silent.

The Spring Festival Gala in the past few years was a bit low-key, and it was indeed criticized a lot by netizens.

But this year, when Ha Wenliang directed the Spring Festival Gala and made a large budget for the Spring Festival Gala, the relevant units were confused.

Not to mention other things, as far as the budget for the 2012 Spring Festival Gala is concerned, the LED display screen of more than 8,000 square meters plus the machines on the stage is estimated to cost 130 to 150 million yuan...

Moreover, this is only part of the Spring Festival Gala performance, not counting the cost of other equipment.

The budget has doubled from last year. Although the subsequent advertising expenses can make up for it, after the 2008 financial crisis and the global recession, the Spring Festival Gala advertising expenses are not as crazy as imagined.

In 2010, the advertising fee for the Spring Festival Gala was 300 million.

In 2011, advertising fees for the Spring Festival Gala increased to 400 million.

However, for the upcoming 2012 Spring Festival Gala, the current bidding for advertising fees is only about 350 million...

Compared with the 2012 Spring Festival Gala budget, this advertising fee is somewhat insufficient.

Zhou Songtao also heard the news recently. The Spring Festival Gala program team asked Ha Wenliang to reduce the budget a little bit, but Ha Wenliang is a tough nut and said that the budget cannot be reduced, and he will not direct it if it is reduced...

"How much do you plan to sponsor?"

"Can I take all the advertising spots?" When Zhang Sheng heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

"The total advertising space budget is at least 500 million... At least what I heard in the station is that it is 500 million..."

"I can afford 500 million... 500 million is 500 million. I have seen the works of director Ha Wenliang. In fact, I have admired older generation artists like Ha Wenliang a long time ago. I am willing to sponsor Director Ha for the Spring Festival Gala, and realize all Director Ha’s ideas for the Spring Festival Gala!”


Zhou Songtao looked at Zhang Sheng.

At this moment, he was a little confused about Zhang Sheng's true intention.

This year’s Spring Festival Gala, for some unknown reason, advertising sponsorship was indeed somewhat unpopular.

But it is unrealistic to ask Zhang Sheng to sponsor all the Spring Festival Gala.

"This matter needs to be considered again, and the details need to be negotiated with the organizational department. However, it is impossible to do everything. We still have to look at the bids..."

"Yeah, I know."

While the two were chatting, Zhang Sheng's cell phone rang.

Zhang Sheng looked at the phone and frowned slightly.

This is an unknown number from my own private mobile phone number.

He answered the phone subconsciously.

But I found out that the call was from Li Qingming, the president of the Chinese Directors Association.

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