I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 652 You are nothing!

"Mr. Zhang, are you in Brazil?"

"Yes, President Li."

"Haha, let me recommend a director to you..."


"Where are you? I'll bring him over to see you now..."

"In a separate office of the [Southern California International Film Festival] Organizing Committee."


In the office.

After Zhang Sheng answered the phone, he felt surprised.

He didn't know Li Qingming, the president of the [Chinese Directors Association], and he had no business dealings with him before.

Zhang Sheng had a vague feeling that it was not a good thing when the other party suddenly announced a visit.

Zhou Songtao silently sorted out some documents Zhang Sheng brought over: "Then let's do this for today."

"Okay, Brother Zhou..."

Just as Zhou Songtao stood up, his phone rang.

Zhou Songtao frowned and answered the phone.

He found that the call was also from Li Qingming, at this moment.


"Director Zhou...oh, no, it's Zhou Chu...haha, look at me, I'm used to it..."

"President Li, what are you..."

"Zhou Chu, I just made an appointment with Zhang Sheng. I hope you can come with me and talk to Zhang Sheng about our [Southern California International Film Awards]. There are many high-quality movies in China, but none of them were shortlisted. Before Zhang Sheng didn’t even say hello to me about this award, so I inevitably missed some movies... Today I sorted out some of our high-quality Chinese films in 2011, in order to make our Chinese film awards more exciting and exciting. Diversity, I hope to bring all these movies to the stage..."

"President Li, strictly speaking, I don't care about these things... some things, it would be better for you to talk to Zhang Sheng alone..."

"How can you ignore it, Zhou Chu? Strictly speaking, we are all collaborative art units. We all have one goal, and we all want to make film art better..."


The other party chattered a lot.

Zhou Songtao frowned more and more as he listened.

After simply declining, he hung up the phone.

When looking at Zhang Sheng again, Zhou Songtao looked at Zhang Sheng seriously: "Zhang Sheng..."

"Brother Zhou, you said..."

"President Li is in deep water. No matter what he talks to you about, I hope you can stick to your true intentions. You represent not only the organizer of the Film Awards, but also another brand new force... …”

"Brother Zhou, your words are enough for me!"

When Zhang Sheng heard this, he nodded instantly, and then he became acutely aware of something.

Then, he sent Zhou Songtao out of the office.


President of the Chinese Directors Association.

Although it is just an association, although it is a fictitious position, it still enjoys certain state treatment. In the film field, it also has the right to formulate and submit rules to the leaders.

The office door opened.

Zhang Sheng saw a fat man in his forties walking in cheerfully.

Behind the fat man was a young man about thirty years old. When the young man came in, he greeted Zhang Sheng with a smile on his face.

The fat man is Li Qingming, the president of the China Directors Association.

Zhang Sheng warmly invited the two of them to sit down, then took out some tea foam from the drawer and made tea for them.

"This is Director Dong, Director Dong Chao..."


When Zhang Sheng heard Li Qingming introduce Dong Chao, he was slightly startled, but his smile remained unchanged on the surface: "Director Dong, sit down..."

After several people sat down one after another, Li Qingming kept praising the third [Southern California International Film Awards] for how successful and meaningful it was.

Zhang Sheng said a few words modestly, and while pouring tea for the two of them, he smiled brightly, as if he was really praised to the sky.

"This is the first Chinese award in the world... As the leader of the Chinese Directors Association, I feel extremely honored, haha!"

Li Qingming's laughter is hearty and contagious.

Zhang Sheng remained humble, smiling hypocritically, as if he was beaming with praise.

"Okay, okay, don't be humble, brother Zhang, here, I am very grateful for your contribution to Chinese movies!"

After Li Qingming's hearty laughter, he gradually became serious.

He stood up and shook hands with Zhang Sheng solemnly.

After shaking hands and sitting down, he looked at Zhang Sheng: "Brother Zhang, here, I sincerely invite you to join our [Chinese Directors Association] family and bring glory to our Chinese films!"

"President Li, I don't seem to be qualified... Strictly speaking, I am not a director, at most I am a producer..."

"Haha, you are definitely qualified for your contribution. Brother Zhang, don't shirk it... I just talked about you with Director Zhou, and Director Zhou also praised you more than anything, praising you for being young and promising. …”


After the two of them laughed hypocritically, Li Qingming finally said the reason for his visit: "I took a look at the [Southern California International Film Awards] film screening in the past few days, and I have an immature suggestion. I don't know what Zhang said. Are you interested in listening?"

"You say……"

"The shortlisted films in the [Southern California International Film Awards] are only part of the Chinese film industry. Several films with real artistic content have not yet been shortlisted..."

"Huh? For example..."

"Haha, for example, "Red Corn" by director Dong next to me! I have watched this movie, and its artistic content is very high... The quality of the films shortlisted for the three major European film festivals is also the most valuable among the reality-themed films this year. The movie "Red Corn" and Mr. Zhang are very close to each other!" Li Qingming smiled brightly.

Dong Chao next to him was also laughing, waving his hands humbly.

"Oh, why is this not a simple method?" Zhang Sheng asked with a smile.

"Haha, this is a movie invested by your director Xin Xiaoqi, Director Xin. The production unit of this film is also the work of Director Xin Xiaoqi. Director Xin didn't tell you about this, right?"

"I didn't say..."

"I'm just saying, this little girl is overthinking, and she doesn't understand the principle of promoting talents without avoiding relatives... Haha, in addition to these movies, I also have three movies here, all of which have been reviewed by me and are of very high quality. The movies are all the works of leading figures in the Five Dynasties of China... If you think it’s appropriate, Brother Zhang, you can promote it more..."

"Haha, I will! I will! After the awards are over, I will definitely promote it well!"

"I think we should be given a seat at the [Southern California International Film Awards]... What do you think?" When he heard Zhang Sheng's words, Li Qingming's eyes froze slightly, and then narrowed.

"Ah, well, tomorrow is the awards ceremony. This year's shortlisted films have all been arranged. This seat..."

"Hey, Brother Zhang, you are still posing with me. Wouldn't it be great if you could add more seats? Add more awards, such as the Jury Award, such as the Lifetime Achievement Award, such as... I think Dong Chao's "Red Corn" is a high-quality movie, so it wouldn't be too much to give it extra treatment..."

"President Li, I think..." Zhang Sheng's brows deepened.

"Mr. Zhang, as one of the initiators of the [Southern California International Film Awards], I can help you say a few words on stage. I can also attend as a special award guest and help you stand on more platforms..." Also Before Zhang Sheng could finish speaking, Li Qingming added another sentence.

Dong Chao next to him nodded excitedly and stared at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng was still smiling and claimed that he would think about it.

But deep down, he already knew Li Qingming's intention.

The first is to watch movies, and the second is to see the [Southern California International Film Awards] becoming more and more authoritative, and I started to want to come here to pick some fruits.

"Brother Zhang, you need to open up the situation. We are all familiar with the leaders of the China Film Association and the Ministry of Culture. If you want to make the [Southern California International Film Awards] a truly world-wide award, , the help of our group of people is indispensable... We old people are also willing to be your stepping stones and help you support the scene..."

"I will make suggestions to the organizer..."

"If you have any suggestions, you are the organizer, brother Zhang, so please don't make any nonsense..." After hearing that Zhang Sheng had been dealing with it, Li Qingming's expression suddenly darkened, and his smile disappeared immediately.

"I am the initiator and organizer, but I don't understand movies. When I was doing this movie award before, I promised Mr. Avery Tashi that this would be a utopia for movies, without any interference from outside forces, and only the most important things would be preserved. True artistic aesthetic..."

"How can we be an external force?" Li Qingming's expression suddenly turned cold.

"President Li, of course you are no longer an outside force...but the rules can no longer be changed."

"Zhang Sheng, do you have to be fake?" Li Qingming took a deep breath. He never thought that Zhang Sheng would be so disrespectful.

"President Li, this is not false, but this year's registration has ended..."

"Zhang Sheng, do you know how many good things I said to you about this film award in front of Zhou Chu? If I hadn't said good things to Zhou Chu, if Zhou Chu hadn't talked to the superiors about this award, if it hadn't been for us The old man behind you is helping you promote it. Your Film Awards may not be as popular as they are today... We can cancel this award with just one word!" Li Qingming stared at Zhang Sheng, with a hint of threat in his words.

Zhang Sheng stopped smiling and his face darkened.

"President Li, if you come here to talk about movies, we welcome you, but if you come here and want to use this to suppress me, you better not waste your breath. Although I am only 24 years old, I am not something you can suppress with just a few words. People who live there!”

"Okay, very good, Dong Chao, let's go! Today, we will notify all the directors in our "Directors Guild" to leave this so-called award... I see the directors are leaving, who will give this award to you!" When Li Qingming heard this, his face suddenly turned cold.

Dong Chao also had a gloomy look on his face, but he didn't say anything and just followed Li Qingming.

Zhang Sheng did not get up to see them off, but stared at the backs of the two of them.

"Many people in the world are watching this award, and there are also many leaders above. Chairman Li, I am looking forward to you taking this group of directors with you. I hope you will take it now. If you don't, I will look down on you! "


Li Qingming paused.

Just as he was about to leave, Zhang Sheng picked up the phone.


"Does Chairman Li Qingming have a place in our award? Okay, let's remove his place and replace it with someone else..."

"Yes, he won't participate. By the way, tonight, you talk to the director next to Chairman Li Qingming in advance, and you just say that Chairman Li won't let them sit here..."

"Call now!"

"President Li is afraid of disagreeing? Why don't you agree? He is in my office now, isn't he, President Li?"


After Zhang Sheng finished the call, he looked at Li Qingming's back with a smile.

Li Qingming's expression suddenly twisted...

(Two updates today, three updates tomorrow! I said so!)

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