I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 653: Dispersed in a hurry

The distant sea breeze blew on Chen Kai's face.

A ray of sunset on the horizon finally disappeared into the sea, dyeing it a shimmering blood red.

The feeling of warmth is much better than the withering of everything over there in China.

November 6th.

This is the last day of commercial screening of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

Tomorrow early morning will also be the last screening of "The Legend of Tang Cat".

After the last screening, it was the closing ceremony of the [Southern California International Film Awards] and the opening day of the awards.

"The copyright for the R movie has been negotiated successfully. The R movie studio is very optimistic about this movie and has rated it very highly. They say it may be the most anticipated Chinese film in the history of R movie..."

"[Southern California Film Exchange] has many film producers who want the rights to our films. We are one of the most anticipated films in this year's competition that has not yet entered the competition."

The assistant's voice rang on the phone.

After hearing this voice, Chen Kai suddenly felt in a trance.

He took out a cigarette from his pocket and stood on the balcony, staring at the hazy sea in the distance in a daze.

The memory seems to return to that early summer many years ago.

That year, "Xiang Chu" appeared on the stage of the [Cannes International Film Festival].

This is the first time a Chinese film has been shortlisted and won this top award.

Waves of applause and cheers came from all directions. On that day when he was standing at the [Cannes International Film Festival] for the highest award, as a screenwriter and assistant director, how high-spirited was he?

After that incident, Mr. Wu Guanli stopped making movies.

And his father also died of illness...

When the older generation gradually came to an end, Chen Kai once thought that his own era had arrived!

He boasts that he is full of talent, boasts that he controls the voice of China's new era movies, and boasts that he has been sharpening his sword for many years, and that his sword can finally be unsheathed without being shadowed by his predecessors.


"Assassination of Qin" failed both at the box office and in word of mouth.

The smug "Tianji" was scolded to the point of being confused...

"The Great Man's Feast" is still criticized, and it still fails to make any splash at the box office...

All the above-mentioned movies have been sold out in China, and there is no news about them overseas.

The blow after blow made the anger deep in his heart stronger and stronger, making him feel even more lonely, even as paranoid as a ghost.

He wants to win once!

Then, he came again with "The Legend of Tang Cat"!

He put more effort into this "Tang Mao Zhuan" than any other movie, from the script to the actors, from the scene matching to the final scenery, from the Hollywood special effects to the day and night sculptures.

The purpose is to create a blissful feast that will shock countless people!

[Commercial Screening] The effect is very good!

Although some people still scolded him for not being able to tell a story after watching the movie, it is undeniable that countless audiences who walked into the cinema were shocked by the "Feast of Bliss" he created!

The Japanese copyright has already been sold before it has officially premiered in China, and R's partner company is extremely satisfied!


The era that we have been waiting for for many years has finally officially arrived at the moment when "The Legend of Tang Cat" is screened.

After smoking a cigarette.

It's getting late in the distance.

Chen Kai looked at the bustling and noisy sea of ​​​​people below, as well as the sleepless exhibition hall in the distance.

"We want to wrap up the last screening tomorrow morning well..."

After Chen Kai made detailed arrangements for tomorrow with his assistant on the phone, he returned to the room and prepared to take a nap.

But then, the phone rang.

This time the call actually came from the organizer, and Chen Kai answered the call immediately.

At first, there was a smile on his face, but then the smile turned into shock and disbelief, and finally his face gradually turned a little green.

"What did you say? You want to refund our money for the last screening tomorrow?"

"Why should we refund the money? Didn't we agree? I also wanted to discuss it with you and add one more screening, but why..."

"What? Are you going to withdraw from our [Southern California International Film Awards] award ceremony location? Why withdraw? This is not crazy!"

"What! Li Qingming, the president of the [Chinese Film Association], said that he wants to take our group of Chinese directors away from the [Southern California International Film Awards]?"



Chen Kai's eyes widened suddenly, and finally he stared at the dead cell phone.

The next moment, he put on some clothes and hurried out of the hotel. As soon as he walked out of the hotel, he saw an assistant coming over with documents.

"Director Chen, this is the schedule for tomorrow's activities. We..."

"What a fart arrangement!"



When Li Qingming left Zhang Sheng's office, his face was as dark as water.

Ever since he became the president of the [Chinese Directors Association], no one had ever spoken to him so rudely.

"I mean well. I hope more directors and more films will participate in this award ceremony to make the [Southern California International Film Awards] more lively!"

"We are all Chinese filmmakers, and we have never had any selfish intentions. I have never thought about getting anything through the [Southern California International Film Awards]... I just want more and better Chinese films. Movies can be on the international stage and bring glory to China..."

"But he uses the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman..."

"If, I mean, if all the directors from China leave, then in the international arena, what does this award mean?"


In the bedroom.

Li Qingming reacted to the boss's reaction in an aggravated manner.

After the superiors heard this, they simply said a few words of comfort, saying that they would pay attention to the matter and follow up.

After making the call, Li Qingming was still upset.

At this moment, there were knocks on the door in the hotel.

Chinese directors walked in one after another.

"President Li!"

"President Li..."

"President Li..."


He saw directors walking in one after another.

With a smile on his face, he greeted the directors one by one to take their seats. He looked at the directors' faces with different expressions, some were excited, some were angry, some were smiling, some were asking questions...

Li Qingming's expression gradually became extremely serious: "You all know?"

These directors did not respond, and director Chen Kai, who came in later, had a gloomy look.

Li Qingming said quietly: "I have been in this position for many years. I have always supported the younger generations and always paid attention to the development of the film industry... But maybe it is because I am old, or maybe... my original intention is to More movies will be promoted internationally, so that everyone’s copyrights can be sold more easily. I even talked with Zhang Sheng about [commercial screening]. I hope that our own Film Awards in China should be selfless and not mixed with any interests. But, I never thought that one day, I would be threatened by a young man with no hair on his head... Ha..."

10 million for a movie screening!

Li Qingming has heard countless complaints from directors in the Directors Guild.

Li Qingming looked at each director, his expression became gentler and gentler. He had been laying the groundwork diligently over the years.

Then, prepare to wait until the preparation is completed, and then...

[Southern California International Film Awards] At this moment, it is no longer the Pheasant Awards it once was.

The ones above are watching!

There are many directors from China participating in the exhibition, and there are even more directors from the fifth generation participating.

This is a force. If united, it is a force that cannot be underestimated. He controls this force, which is equivalent to controlling the right to speak!

Before the award ceremony was about to begin, if this group of people could follow him and make trouble together, even if Zhang Sheng did not compromise, the superiors would consider the overall situation and force Zhang Sheng to compromise.

Then, he went on the stage of the [Southern California International Film Awards], and then...

"Zhang Sheng is just a capital, and capital only cares about money!"

"Ten million, huh..."


He said and sneered.


But I found that the atmosphere in the entire room, except for a few young directors who had their nominations rejected and the core directors in their own factions, was becoming increasingly weird.

Li Qingming also realized this, and then he took a deep breath: "We must unite so that we can have a greater voice. The voice of the [Southern California International Film Awards] must be firmly controlled. It’s in our hands!”

"Today, I will discuss with you. If you are willing to listen to me, then we can write a joint letter to the superiors!"

"There are so many of us, we have made such great contributions to the Chinese film industry, we..."


After he finished speaking, the atmosphere in the entire scene was still weird.

There was applause, but the applause was very small.

He was a little confused.

Just when he was about to talk about his plan again, he saw Gao Yuan, the director of "Thunder", frowning: "President Li, we need to consider the overall situation and the right to speak. We can talk about it later, but Now, we have to keep doing this movie awards ceremony!”

"If you miss this opportunity, should you wait for the next one, the next one..."

Gao Yuan's words made Li Qingming unbelievable, but before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Chen Kai next to him: "It's too ugly to make trouble at this time. President Li, I hope you go and have a good chat with Zhang Sheng. There are some things If you can't say it, I'll go and tell you... We all know very well about Zhang Sheng. This person is a lunatic in the business circle. He is willing to do anything despicable. I just received news from Zhang Sheng. He My seat and my screening have been reserved..."

While Chen Kai was talking, the phone rang. Then, Chen Kai's face turned terrifyingly gloomy: "This madman has already withdrawn all the 20 million for tomorrow's screening into my account!"

"President Li, Zhang Sheng is a man who has been witnessed by everyone. He always lifts the table. I heard that before he became popular, he dared to slam the table in the relevant departments... At most, he will not do anything and go back to his business field. , but we are different, we shoulder the facade of Chinese movies, and we absolutely cannot do this at this time... If we do this, what will the superiors think of us? This is the Film Awards that the superiors are watching!"


"Yes, President Li, let's not stand on the opposite side of the overall situation! We should endure it, but we still have to endure it..."


"In this case, Chairman Li, let's go out together to find Zhang Sheng. If that doesn't work, let's ask Zhou Songtao, the leader of the relevant department, to be here? Let's ask him to come forward and suppress this matter first, so that he can stop being so Make a fuss, otherwise everyone will look bad...and Mr. Wu is the judge, and we all ran away. Wouldn’t Mr. Wu’s face be even worse? You should think twice about this matter!"


"President Li, either you feel aggrieved and find Zhang Sheng in person..."


There were a lot of chatter in the room.

When one person's decision will harm the interests of many people, then even if he is in a high position, he will still be besieged!

Li Qingming's face turned red, and the anger was already evident on his face: "Why, at this time, you are not united, but you still say these things? The right to speak, the right to speak, this time, you bowed to capital, we will have no right to speak tomorrow Yes, why do you..."

"Forget it!" Just when Li Qingming said this, he saw Chen Kai standing up: "I will go talk to Mr. Zhang myself! You continue to wait for your right to speak!"

After saying this, he walked out of the room and closed the door heavily.


Gao Yuan also stood up, frowned, opened the door, and left.

After the two great directors Gao Yuan and Chen Kai left, other directors began to have different expressions.


"I have something to do, I'm leaving first!"

"President Chen, my stomach feels uncomfortable. I need to go to the toilet first..."

"President Chen, the joint letter is a little later. I definitely support it, but I am just a small director... This time I spent 20 million to buy two premieres. I... don't know what to do. How can I support you..."


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