I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 657 Our Movie Award! (Down)

There was a wave of applause, one after another.

Countless audiences stared at the graceful young ladies and gentlemen on the stage.

Overseas filmmakers watched each figure, under the lights, accompanied by the simple guzheng music, showing waves of elegant artistic conception.

The award-giving guests took to the stage one by one.

Or a long gown, or a robe, or a Hanfu made in the Song Dynasty, or a Hanfu made in the Tang Dynasty...

They were dazzled, but felt their own beauty.

Many people were surprised!

In their perception, Chinese people appear in front of everyone more often in Tang suits...

Even Tang suit and Chinese people are almost bound and have formed a kind of inertial thinking.


At this moment, while they were amazed, they were also suddenly filled with emotion.

It turns out that traditional Chinese costumes are not just as simple as Tang suits, they can even be so beautiful.

The exclamation of praise was harsh to Marshal Zheng.

He looked at his teacher, who was also dressed in official uniform, and smiled as he awarded awards to each movie.

He watched as the [Best Supporting Actor Award] was awarded to Deng Hairong of "Guanyin"...

Looking at that country bumpkin Deng Hairong, who looked like he had never seen the world, he couldn't help but feel ashamed...

He even felt that this film award was even more embarrassing.

This is not the movie award he imagined. Real movie awards should not be like this!

He didn't feel the nobility of this film award at all.

He finally couldn't sit still anymore, stood up, and was about to leave.

But, at this moment...

"Congratulations to Mr. Zheng Shaoshuai, the director of "Autumn of Seventeen", for winning the Best Screenplay Award!"


As the spotlight flashed around him, his eyes widened, then he looked at the stage in disbelief.

On the stage, he watched the world-famous movie. Avery Tashi was dressed like an envoy from the Western Regions, holding a brocade book and slowly opening it.

He saw his new movie "The Autumn of Seventeen" actually freeze on the big screen. At the same time, he also saw his own photo, which was placed here without knowing when.

He was a little confused.

In his memory, when he participated in the [Southern California International Film Awards], he actually resisted, but in order to make his teacher look good, he reluctantly signed up, and then reluctantly got the nomination.

I had a very unpleasant quarrel with Zhang Sheng before, and even suggested that the Chinese film and television company had banned Zhang Sheng. Although it was unsuccessful, someone finally came forward to reconcile...

Based on his understanding of Zhang Sheng, this kind of person is narrow-minded and will retaliate for his anger. It is impossible for him to win an award!

It is even very possible that he will embarrass himself a little bit in the moment of public attention by relying on his status as the organizer...

This person Zhang Sheng...

What can't be done?


He actually won an award!

On the stage, Zhang Sheng smiled, showing no sense of disapproval at all.

A very strange idea suddenly came to his mind. What if, under the spotlight, he sneered, then made a disdainful gesture towards the stage, and then turned around and refused to accept the award.

Will it turn the entire [Southern California International Film Awards] into a joke?

Marshal Zheng took a deep breath. This idea was so tempting. He could even feel the wonderful expression on Zhang Sheng's face.


However, his body refused to obey and walked slowly towards the distant stage. Then, when he stepped on the stage, he actually felt waves of excitement.

Especially the warm applause, and the golden statuette placed in front of him, while below, groups of people were sitting. He even saw people from the crews of Hollywood blockbusters such as "Dreamland" and "Avatar" sitting down. here……

He couldn't control his hand and took the statuette. Then, his nose felt sore for no reason.

Especially when he saw Avery Tashi hugging him, and not far away backstage, McCaskey, the director of "Avatar", also wearing Hanfu, was nodding to him.

Maybe, in the past, this broken award was just a pheasant award, but now, maybe, it is really a regular, fairly good film award?

Oh shit!

Marshal Zheng found that his eye circles were red unconsciously, and then he spoke of his speech. It was in English at first, but then it became Chinese for some reason...

Even while talking, there were some bumps and bruises, and I even felt embarrassed for a while...

When he walked off the stage and sat on the chair, his heart was still beating.


The awards are still going on.

Not far away, Karina, a designer from France, gradually became hotter in her eyes.

She looked at the sets of clothes on the stage...

She felt a unique "mystery" that belonged to the East, and she could feel the historical traces of each dynasty from the unique and exquisite clothing.

She looked down at the delicious food.

As a market designer, she has always been elegant and ladylike, but after she took a bite of the food on the table, she couldn't help but take several more ungraceful bites with her chopsticks.

The small bridges and flowing water in the Suzhou gardens, and the elegance of the guzheng seem to wash your ears with elegant music...

Food, scenery, beauties...

And the ever-changing text on the screen.

Horizontally and vertically, ever-changing...

At this moment, she suddenly realized that China's five thousand years of culture may be an endless stream of spiritual wealth, rather than a simple slogan in a book.

Perhaps, they should stand on the international stage, be known to more people, and be appreciated by more people.

She thought about [clothing design] that had troubled her for a lot of time.

Western clothing design has made her tired, and no matter how much she designs, she cannot separate it from a specific framework and have her own design advantages.

If some Eastern culture is added, what will happen to this design?


It should not be a concept designed by a small group of people!

Art should add history, add humanities, and add pieces of stories from history.

Art should be more of a kind of beauty. There is so much beauty in the West, but in the East, art is full of [mystery], full of [sense of history], full of [sense of story]...

The market is still very blank!

When this idea appeared in Karina's mind, she became excited instantly.

She took out the small notebook she carried with her to record her creative ideas...

The waves of noisy voices did not affect her outpouring of creativity. She recorded her thoughts over and over again...

Time passed little by little.

All the creative ideas that came out were finally recorded in the notebook.

When she raised her head again, she saw the director of "Avatar", McCaskey, slowly appearing in a long coat amid a burst of screams and cheers.

There didn't seem to be any sense of incompatibility when the Chinese coat was put on McCaskey. The traditional python-shaped pattern on the chest actually made McCaskey look unusually brave and handsome.

Seeing this scene, Karina became excited.

She took out her mobile phone and captured the scene immediately...


When the [Best Picture Award] was awarded to the Chinese theme film "Flying"...

The third [Southern California International Film Awards] has gradually come to an end.

5:30 am on November 8th, China time.

The east gradually shows a little fish belly white.


The sky gradually brightened, and a meter of light broke through the darkness and gradually lingered in the gray sky.

Not long after, the light gradually became brighter.

[Jitu Video].

The number of people pouring in at this moment is getting bigger and bigger. At this point, the peak of a movie awards live broadcast has exceeded one million.

In front of the studio of "The Truman".

Bi Feiyu didn't rest after a busy night.

Instead, he followed the staff and watched the live broadcast of the [Southern California International Film Awards].

In past film festivals, after the awards were awarded, the producers who knew they had no prizes ran away.

But at this moment, not many people left.

Even Shaoshuai Zheng, who had deep conflicts with Bi Feiyu and Zhang Sheng before, is sitting on a chair at this moment, applauding and nodding from time to time...

When the final melody sounded, Zhang Sheng stood on the stage again.

Facing all the audience, he waved his sleeves and bowed very elegantly. Then, he continued his farewell movements and watched the curtain on the stage slowly close.

The lights gradually dimmed.

Gradually extinguished.

Through the camera, everyone saw that on the road under the venue, little lights lit up, like starlight, guiding everyone to go back.

Seeing this scene, Bi Feiyu shed tears uncontrollably for some reason.

Excitement fills my body!

"This is our own film award!"


he muttered.

But then, he gathered his emotions and looked at the movie set in the distance.

At this moment, the influence of Chinese films in the world is still only a few...

The only ones that are really good are those kung fu movies...

And there are almost no movies that are truly blockbusters!

There’s a long way to go!

The greater the global influence of the films we make, the more authoritative our film awards will be!

One day, our awards will catch up with the three major European film festivals and the Oscars!

He closed his eyes.

There is a sense of pride, but also a sense of responsibility.

not far away……

The light in the east is getting brighter and brighter.

He opened his eyes, and somehow he felt a little heavy on his body.



“Our brand may be featured on CCTV news!”

"No, maybe it's not CCTV News, maybe it's Xinwen Network!"

"Oh my god, I'm so cruel!"

"Maybe it's just a shot, it won't be very clear!"

"Oh my god, that's a news broadcast, oh my god!"


This night.

For many people, it is destined to be sleepless.

Some people are watching movie awards...

Some people realized that Zhang Sheng seemed to have done something terrible again!


Advertisers who participated in the [Southern California International Film Awards] saw an interview video...

Their pupils shrank!

(I am so tired today!)

(I’ve been writing for a day, and I’ve only written two updates. I can’t write any more...but, I still have no shame in asking for votes!)

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