I have to teach the world a lesson

Ah ah ah, take a day off today

Know how to write the subsequent plot

There’s an outline too!

However, my brain is muddled, and after sitting for a whole day, the things I hold in are just a piece of shit. I will definitely be scolded if I write it down...

I really don’t want to take leave.

When our book had more than 1 million words, the average order no longer increased. However, after reaching 2 million words, the average order continued to increase, and the follow-up orders were also very good. This month, the sales and monthly ticket rankings were even higher than before this book. record, the future is bright...

At this time, you have to rush forward in one breath, and you must not be discouraged.

I understand the truth!

But today, my brain suddenly shut down, and it was filled with shit...

I’m really speechless and uncomfortable...

Simply, take another leave!

Damn it, go get a massage and wash your feet. It must be that the cervical spine has affected the blood supply, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain!

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