The venue was still noisy.

But the number of people is gradually decreasing.

At the far exit, everyone stepped on the stars under their feet and walked towards the door.

Holding bags of pastry gifts in hand.

Those are some of the simplest and most common pastries in China. If we want to say the difference, they are just slightly more delicious.

Marshal Zheng holds the trophy in his hand, and the "Autumn of Seventeen" team has already gone ahead of him.

But he was still sitting on the chair, looking confusedly at the figures in the distance.

He saw Liu Zhenhua, the director of "Flying", being surrounded by a large group of reporters as soon as he walked out. When being interviewed by reporters, he waved the trophy excitedly.

That is a fifth-generation director who is as famous as Chen Kai, Gao Yuan and others, and has a respected position in the Chinese director circle.

"This is the first time a Chinese-themed film has won an international film award!"

Amidst the noise, Marshal Zheng vaguely heard these words.

When I first heard about it, I thought it was ironic. International film awards are not organized by the Chinese themselves. How about international...

But at this moment...

He saw the internationally renowned filmmaker Avery Tashi walking out of the venue surrounded by a group of filmmakers.

Chen Kai and Gao Yuan, the director of last year's hit movie "Thunder", are following him...

Avery Tashi seemed to be very excited, without the attitude of an international filmmaker at all, and kept shaking hands with the directors one by one.

He also saw McCaskey, the director of "Avatar", chatting with Christopher Norey, the director of "Dreamland" while looking at Hanfu.

He even saw Wu Guanli slowly walking out from the backstage, and finally, he looked back at the stage...

Russian director Mikhalkov and his "Miracle of Life" team took a bag of pastries at the instruction of his assistant, smiled brightly, and took a bite in public.

Scott, a Hollywood prop master who was unknown a year ago, became known to many people because of this award. He already has his own prop team and is leading his team to plan the next step.

Marshal Zheng looked at each figure.

Among them are internationally renowned film stars, up-and-coming actors from China, seniors from the fifth generation of directors, and new directors who are participating in this award for the first time and are confused...

At this moment, these people stood up, one by one, stepping on the little stars under their feet, like touches of color in a riot of colors, and walked toward the crowd in the distance with laughter, joy, or excitement.

Marshal Zheng lowered his head and looked at his trophy again.

The many emotions of criticism, disdain, sarcasm, and ridicule strangely turned into a complex one at this moment.

He looked into the distance again.

For a moment, he suddenly felt as if he was in a movie palace that was about to be established.

The sky at the door in the distance is dotted with stars.

The surging crowds, one after another, seemed to turn into a surging sea.

The awards hall suddenly became quiet.

Marshal Zheng watched Zhang Sheng walk out of the huge screen in the distance, and stopped when he passed by him.

"Director Zheng, haven't you left yet?"

"Leaving now."

"Oh, thank you for participating in the [3rd Southern California International Film Awards]. Your presence adds glory to this award!"


Marshal Zheng stood up uncontrollably. After seeing Zhang Sheng's sincere and grateful eyes, his heart trembled uncontrollably. Then, he immediately shook hands with Zhang Sheng.

"Shall we go out together?"

"I'll wait a little longer..." Marshal Zheng's face was no longer as cold as before, but he was a little embarrassed and just shook his head.


Zhang Sheng nodded and did not force himself, but continued to walk outside.

Marshal Zheng looked at Zhang Sheng's back and lowered his head again.

Gradually, he seemed to be hidden in the darkness in the huge scene.

And far away.

The moment Zhang Sheng walked out of the darkness, countless flashlights fell on him.

It was a bit dazzling at one time.

Immediately afterwards, crazy media came from all directions.

There were congratulations, praises, excitement, and even more scrambling.

The first thing everyone said was to ask him how he felt at this moment.

The security personnel worked hard to block the media, but they could not be blocked. The passage was packed to the brim.

He was wearing a cloak that swayed in the wind. Facing the roaring crowds, he was unhurried, but his temperament became more and more earthly. He answered everyone's questions one by one with the most sincere appearance.

More than half an hour later, when he got into the car, the noise subsided a little.

The car is a [CCTV] interview car, but it is a [Hongwei Fengxing] tram.

A reporter wearing glasses looked at Zhang Sheng excitedly.

"Mr. Zhang Sheng, can we briefly conduct an exclusive interview with you?"



“Why did you want to do this award?”

"We used to just dream, because our group, just some little people, have never been on any award stage..."


"We are not taken seriously, and no one has ever known us. Before that, many of us were a group of frustrated and losers, including Director Bi, Director Ke Zhanyi and Ke, just like I once did at the [Cannes International Film Festival] What was said at the award ceremony, when no one in the world paid attention to us, we did not give up on ourselves. We always felt that we could still be saved, and we always felt that there was still a chance, so we ridiculously built it for ourselves. When I set up an awards stage, I once thought that it didn’t matter if no one attended. We participated by ourselves, and no one recognized us. We recognized us ourselves... No one saw our movies, so we paid for them ourselves and broadcast them for free..."


"Later, we met Avery Tashi. Later, this award gradually attracted people's attention. After seeing more and more people, I began to think about whether our award would have a chance to stand out. Internationally, whether it is a touch of dust or a touch of color, it is ultimately a window, a window that belongs to all of us Chinese filmmakers, no, it should be another window for global filmmakers that is exclusive to movies..."


November 8th.

early morning.

When a ray of sunshine rises from the east and shines on this land of China.

The [Morning News] of various Chinese channels temporarily inserted an interview from Brazil.

Zhang Sheng's figure appeared on the news channel again.

When Zhang Sheng was being interviewed, his eyes became more and more sincere. Then, as he spoke, his eyes became red, and then he wiped his tears.

The reporter who was interviewing was originally full of excitement, but when he heard Zhang Sheng recalling the past in his voice, every word revealed the humble and optimistic moments that once belonged only to little people.

She couldn't help but be infected. Although she still had the most basic professionalism and her interview voice was not affected, through the camera, everyone could see that she was holding back tears of excitement.

"The hard work of these young people finally saw the light of day!"

"Mr. Zhang said it so easily in the interview, but you can imagine how much effort they put into creating the award stage when they were not favored by others..."

"I was fortunate enough to attend the first Film Awards. At that time, it was really low. No one thought highly of this Film Award. Really, everyone thought it was a Pheasant Award. I also accidentally attended the Film Awards when I was traveling. , I complained at the beginning that it was rubbish, but now..."

"We in China finally have our own international film awards. It is a sense of pride. Really, I am really proud..."

"I can't imagine how much effort Mr. Zhang put into this award at that time, really!"


Zhou Haopeng of [Suzhou Tesco] can't sleep all night at this moment.

While watching the news, he looked at the Internet where countless filmmakers had sent out messages.

He didn't watch many movies, but after watching the video and the comments on the Internet, he couldn't help but feel a little sour in his breath.

It's a feeling of empathy.

There is pride, excitement, a little emotion, and a little regret.

Unfortunately, it was too late for him to meet Zhang Sheng, and it was too late to integrate into Zhang Sheng's system.

This interview is not too long.

After the interview, [Morning News] briefly introduced the film award, and inevitably included some brand advertisements.

He saw the brand of [Hongwei New Energy] cars in the news flashing through the camera. Some of the commercial cars at this [Southern California International Film Awards] were mainly [Hongwei Fengxing].

He saw Zhang Sheng’s own brands such as [Bosch Technology], [Jitu Live], and [Mitu Takeaway].

Of course, there are also domestic brands such as [Senchao Clothing], [Elegant Shampoo], [Mengxiang Instant Noodles], and [Vitality 19].

He saw that these brands that had been on board in the early years were now appearing on the [morning news], and even on the [news network] in the evening.

Zhou Haopeng took a deep breath!

This is great branding!

If they [Suzhou Electric] had cooperated with Zhang Sheng earlier and won the [Southern California International Film Awards] advertising space, then...

Just when he was regretting it, the phone rang.

The call was from Zhang Yuanqiao, the boss of [Suzhou Electrical Appliances].

Zhang Yuanqiao was very excited and excited. He seemed to be drunk. He was a little slurred on the phone. He seemed to know something inside. At this moment, it seemed that Zhou Haopeng and Zhang Sheng had been walking around a lot recently and wanted to go find Zhang Sheng. Let’s talk more…

Today's [Suzhou Yigou] is very successful online. Although it is not as good as [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and even worse than [], compared to [Hangmei Mall] in [Hangmei Electric] 】The traffic is almost twice that of the other party!

The success of the online transformation made Zhang Yuanqiao reap the benefits and became even more excited.

After finishing the phone call with Zhang Yuanqiao, Zhou Haopeng was just thinking of finding an excuse. When he was chatting with Zhang Sheng again, his cell phone rang again.

When he saw the number, he was stunned!

That was Zhang Sheng’s phone number.

He answered the phone immediately.


"Mr. Zhou!"

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations!"

"Haha, no congratulations. I'm going back to China soon. I want to talk to you about something in advance..."

"What's up?"

"On November 11th, we [Qiangsheng Online Mall] are planning the entire Double 11 event and want you [Suzhou Electrical Appliances] to get some blood. Do you have any..."

"Come out, come out, come out as much as you want!" Before Zhang Sheng could finish speaking, Zhou Haopeng immediately interrupted.

"This time it will be a little more ruthless than the Double 10 event. Of course, we will also have certain subsidies... It doesn't matter if you don't participate. We are planning to have a bigger one at the next Spring Festival Gala..."

"Participate, participate, we all participate!"

"You can discuss this with Mr. Zhang Yuanqiao..."

"No more negotiation, I can make the decision, let's participate!"


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