I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 659 Our Double 11!

【Mengxiang Instant Noodles】.

An instant noodle brand that has been around so long that many people thought it had gone bankrupt.

Many years ago, [Mengxiang] was a grain processing factory. The leaders wanted it to have a bright future, so they named it [Mengxiang], which means like an elephant, it thrives and allows everyone to have a dream.

In 1989, [Mengxiang] started formal operations with only a simple production line. At the beginning, the factory had only 100 employees and had been losing money.

Later, in 1996, a young man named Yao Yuan took over [Mengxiang], carried out drastic reforms, and confirmed that instant noodles would be the leading direction. Only then did [Mengxiang] gradually improve.

Four years later, at the turn of the millennium, [Mengxiang Instant Noodles] not only turned a profit, but its annual sales reached an astonishing 600 million, reaching its peak in one fell swoop!


His efforts were not recognized, and an internal restructuring pushed Yao Yuan out of the management.

Afterwards, what seemed to be a long-planned internal battle caused Yao Yuan's power in [Mengxiang] to gradually decline.

He did not make a fuss or get angry, but silently resigned from [Mengxiang]. After resigning, he had only one request, that is, he could not be acquired by foreign capital, otherwise, he would not resign!

After the millennium, because China's mainstream brands are attracting investment, some overseas institutions and capital took advantage of this to focus on some of China's local industries, use funds to make large-scale acquisitions.

Many of them appear to be domestic brands, but behind the scenes, they are already Japanese.

Yao Yuan foresaw this, so he took it as a request and finally [Meng Xiang] agreed.

After that, instant noodles began to gradually become popular, but since Yao Yuan resigned, [Mengxiang] seemed to have fallen into a more intense internal power struggle due to some instigation and other reasons.

With the gradual rise of [Tongkang Instant Noodles] and [Laoshifu Instant Noodles] and cooperation with Japanese capital, the once popular [Mengxiang Instant Noodles] were gradually squeezed out of the market center...

The internal power struggle is becoming more and more intense. Some people suggest that [Meng Xiang] should cooperate with the Japanese capital. Some people disagree, saying that this is Yao Yuan's last advice...

Since 2005, Mengxiang Instant Noodles has become increasingly fragmented. Every meeting involves quarrels and struggles for power, and internal managers once went to court.

Wait until 2008, when one of the parties finally wins and has the right to speak...

[Mengxiang Instant Noodles] has been completely squeezed out of the market and has become a second-tier brand!

The shelves of major supermarkets have been completely squeezed by Japanese products such as [Tongkang Instant Noodles] and [Laoshifu Instant Noodles], and it is difficult to see [Mangxiang Instant Noodles]...

In 2009, brands such as "Tongkang Instant Noodles" and "Laoshifu Instant Noodles" issued industry announcements, saying that each had occupied half of the instant noodle market, while the market share of "Mengxiang Instant Noodles" had dropped from 20 to 10. Five, dropped from fifteen to seven...

By the beginning of 2011, the market share of Mengxiang Instant Noodles was once again compressed, leaving only 5% of the market share!

This former market leader has already faded away at this moment and is no longer known to anyone. In many years, [Mengxiang] will disappear into history and become an insignificant speck of dust.

As for markets, supermarkets across the country, rows of shelves have long been occupied by [Tongkang Instant Noodles] and [Old Chef Fast Food], and you can no longer find any [Mengxiang] figures.

At this juncture, Japanese capital once again discussed the acquisition with the management of Mengxiang Instant Noodles.

[Mengxiang] The internal management has been in chaos for a long time, and they all want to raise the white flag and surrender...

However, they were all suppressed by the older generation.

When [Meng Xiang] was in danger of life and death, the older generation finally thought of Yao Yuan and invited Yao Yuan after his training.

Yao Yuan is back!

But, as soon as you open your mouth, it’s 10 million!

Moreover, this ten million is not the cost of producing and developing new products, but...


Ten million!

For other big brands, it’s just sprinkles.

However, for Mengxiang, whose market share has been squeezed to the extreme, this is almost a life-and-death fund.

Naturally, countless people internally opposed and even cursed me over the past six months.

Many [Mengxiang] management looked at Yao Yuan with hatred. When Yao Yuan left the [Mengxiang] factory more than once, he found that his car tires were deflated.

However, he has always been under tremendous pressure, holding 10 million, and running to [NC Entertainment] almost every day!

"Although Mr. Zhang is young, I believe that he is always a person with feelings. If we want to cooperate with him, we must integrate into his system..."

"I never agree with Japanese capital!"

"How terrible is it when all brands are controlled by Japanese capital? Our ancestors built the Great Wall with blood and sweat, but we have easily overthrown it..."

"I don't agree anyway!"

"Whether you call me a big gamble or call me crazy, the only thing that can save [Meng Xiang] now is a strong dose of medicine!"

"And that powerful medicine is Zhang Sheng!"

"I must win Zhang Sheng!"

"Zhang Sheng's capital is very clean. Although I have never interacted with Zhang Sheng, we are on the same page!"


In the face of doubts, he always gritted his teeth!

November 8th.

For Yao Yuan, it was the most exciting day.


He saw the fleeting advertisement for "Meng Xiang" on the "Morning News".

The [Mengxiang] instant noodles, which cannot be sold and are basically completely blocked offline, are gradually increasing in sales online at the [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

In just one day, more than 10,000 packages were sold...

After nearly three months of waiting, he finally saw the light of day. He sat in front of the computer and let out a long sigh of relief.

In the evening, he turned on the [News Network].

He stared at the news about each leader, and in the last half of the time, he saw the news about the [Southern California International Film Awards]!

In the [News Broadcast], he saw Zhang Sheng’s interview and the grand scene at the scene. Finally, he saw advertisements for domestic brands appearing in the camera!

[Senchao Clothing], [Elegant Shampoo], [Mengxiang Instant Noodles], [Vitality 19]...

When he saw [Mengxiang Instant Noodles], he stood up excitedly.

They appear for a very short time, one brand, one second, some less than one second, just to exaggerate the grand occasion of the [Southern California International Film Awards]!


"Ten million! Well spent!"

Yao Yuan finished watching [News Network], but there was a knock on the door in the office.

Immediately afterwards, the old leader hurried in, panting and holding his waist, standing next to Yao Yuan!

He shouted excitedly to Yao Yuan!

Yao Yuan nodded, but did not speak: "This ten million is definitely worth it, old leader, ten million is just a stepping stone. We have now officially integrated into Zhang Sheng's business system! I signed the contract with Zhang Sheng , it’s not just a business contract, but a strategic cooperation contract!”

"Strategic cooperation?"



There is a conversation going on here, and over there in [Qiangsheng Online Mall], the sound of placing an order comes from the sales interface of [Mengxiang Instant Noodles].

Yao Yuan and the old leader turned their heads immediately.

Then, they saw that the sales of [Mengxiang Instant Noodles] in [Qiangsheng Online Mall] were soaring at an incredible speed!

The two of them have been staring at the data...

From eight o'clock until six o'clock the next morning.

They saw the sales figures increase from 10,000 during the day to 12,000, 15,000, 17,000...

Finally, by six o'clock the next day, the sales volume hit 30,000 packs!

The old leader stared at the data excitedly.

Yao Yuan also watched excitedly.

That data is still increasing rapidly, and the proportion of the increase is getting larger and larger, and it is getting crazier and crazier!

Selling 30,000 packages per day is not the end, but a starting point!

"We survived!"

"Xiao Yao, this powerful medicine will do the trick!"

When the old leader saw [Qiangsheng Online Mall], he put [Mengxiang Instant Noodles] on the [Instant Noodle Recommendation] list.

[Mengxiang Instant Noodles] is the only recommended domestic instant noodle brand in [Qiangsheng Online Mall]!

Just at this time……

Yao Yuan's cell phone rang.

"boss Zhang!"

When he answered the phone, Yao Yuan was very excited!

"Mr. Yao, are you free?"

"I'm free, I'm free, you tell me!"

"On November 11th, I will hold a Double 11 event. Please bring your [Mangxiang Instant Noodles] to participate."

"Double 11?"

"Yes, come to my company today if you are free. Let's discuss it. This time I have invited other domestic brands. I plan to do a special [recommendation] event during the Double 11 event!"

"Okay! We will give part of the profits to sponsor this event..."

"I don't need your sponsorship. It's just an advertising space. But how to operate it? Come over and talk in detail."





At this moment, Ma Yunhua devoted herself wholeheartedly to the [Yu Li Bao] in [Zhi Li Bao].

[Yu Li Bao] has not yet been launched, but there are many voices supporting it on the Internet. According to simple calculations, after [Yu Li Bao] is launched, there will be hundreds of millions or even more users participating.

This is exciting for Ma Yunhua!

This means that with [Taozhu.com] as the foundation, he has gradually connected the entire financial system.


Just when Ma Yunhua was thinking about how to leverage big levers in the future.

He received a resignation letter from Zhang Li, the former vice president of [Taozhu.com].

Zhang Li resigned.

After he saw the letter, he didn't care.


Then, his phone rang.

The call was from Zhang Li.

"Mr. Ma, Zhang Sheng's side is about to hold a Double 11 event. [Taozhu.com] now has no other advantages except its size advantage!"


"Mr. Ma, this is the last phone call I will make to you after I leave my job. I want to remind you that this Double 11 event may be the beginning of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]'s overtaking in a corner..."


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