I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 661 Domestic Product Day!

a year ago.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] In addition to the large and small branches across the country, it finally has its own office headquarters.

The office building is not high, still five floors.

The second, third and fourth floors are used for various work and operational arrangements of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

The highest floor is Zhang Sheng's office and rest area, which is relatively private.

In addition to the elevator and the most basic corridor, the first floor is a large conference room.

At this moment.

Zhou Haopeng was sitting in the conference room, looking at the long queues not far away.

Half an hour ago, when Zhang Sheng turned around, a dense crowd of crazy brand owners rushed in, looking so excited that they seemed to be grabbing the last ticket.

The security guards worked very hard to maintain order, but at this moment, the crazy crowd made the security guards collapse. They could only hold a loudspeaker, pull their throats, and keep shouting to maintain order.

The staff of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] were in a hurry, constantly registering a series of information, and then classifying these brands!

"Where to pay?"

"I'm here with the money!"

"Where can I pay?"

“I want to sponsor Mr. Zhang’s Double 11 event!”

"You asked me to register for WeChat, and I did too. Do you have any payment channels?"



"I sponsor 10 million, which is not much, but it is the greatest sincerity of our brand!"

"I sponsor fifteen million!"

"I sponsor 20 million!"

"I have already paid 10 million yuan to you [Qiangsheng Online Mall] in advance. This is the receipt. I have always been a loyal user and loyal collaborator of your [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. I have been rejected by you more than 20 times. Now, starting from May, I will come here every day!”

"Mr. Zhang, I have been to your [NC Entertainment] and we have also been to [Shengteng Technology]. I just want to cooperate with you and join your system alliance!"


Among the dense crowd, some people waved [WeChat] on their mobile phones and shouted, some held bank cards, and some even held payment receipts high, for fear that the staff would not see them.

Countless excited voices made Zhou Haopeng's eardrums hurt. Only by closing the door of the conference room slightly did he feel better.

Zhou Haopeng was shocked but also felt it was natural.

From 2009 to present.

From the original [Southern California International Film Awards] to the current [CCTV News] and [News Network].

Every step Zhang Sheng makes benefits his collaborators, and as Zhang Sheng's business territory becomes more and more stable, those collaborators benefit more and more...

Countless brands are squeezing each other, dreaming of being squeezed into Zhang Sheng's cooperation territory, waiting for Zhang Sheng, the leader, to take the next step.

An even crazier word suddenly appeared in Zhou Haopeng's mind.

[MLM] or [brainwashing]!

Although these two words are a bit strange and do not seem to apply to the current situation, according to Zhou Haopeng's understanding, many brands cannot afford 10 million at all, but in order to seize this fleeting opportunity, they mortgaged various Real estate, finally raised 10 million, and last week, [Hua Xia Bank]’s new loan amount exceeded 3 billion...

Not counting the brands that can’t get in from outside!

Just counting the brands that flocked to the first floor, there are hundreds of them!

These hundreds of brand owners all came with at least 10 million yuan. They seemed to have been completely brainwashed and were so excited that they lost all reason. They just wanted to put the money into Zhang Sheng's pocket as soon as possible.

Zhang Sheng, if you are willing, then, billions of yuan, that is, simply nod and move your fingers!

He looked at the brand owners who were already sitting in the conference room, looking around, nervous and expecting. Some of them were still whispering, saying that they had prepared 50 million or even 100 million to follow Zhang Sheng. A Double 11...

Zhou Haopeng swallowed.

Maybe this is brainwashing.

This brainwashing is extremely clever, and it has been planned continuously since 2009!

Success, these two words are so exciting!

The exciting business wars and the brands that have emerged following Zhang Sheng are just natural words that don’t need to be more exciting!

Success you can see and touch!

Even more shocking!

Moreover, even if you realize that this is a game, you will not be upset. Instead, you will follow Zhang Sheng and rush forward even more crazily!

There is never a shortage of gamblers in this world!

Just when Zhou Haopeng was a little excited...

His cell phone started ringing.

He walked to a relatively quiet place nearby and answered the phone.

The call came from [Chuangdu TV], and the person in charge of [Chuangdu TV] ordered them to draw a clear line with Zhang Sheng’s Double 11, otherwise, they would no longer cooperate with [Suzhou Tesco].

Just after hanging up the phone at [Chuangdu TV], [Songsen Air Conditioning] also called. They seemed to have said hello in advance, using [threatening] and [angry] tones, ordering [Suzhou Tesco] to suspend Double 11 cooperation...

Zhou Haopeng answered the phone one by one, and his excitement became slightly silent.

[Suzhou Electrical Appliances] is not an electrical appliances factory, but a Chinese electrical appliances retail service provider. Over the years, they have been relying on cooperation with many big-name electrical appliances, and then they gradually rose to the level where they compete with [Hangmei Electrical Appliances] today. !

And when big names such as [Chuangdu TV], [Songsen Air Conditioner], and [Jinhong Refrigerator] all told him in such a serious tone, he inevitably felt a sudden pressure.

If all these big names leave, then they will be at an absolute disadvantage in future competition!

Although Chinese officials have a relatively conservative attitude towards future investments!

But from the millennium to the present, you suddenly look back!

You will find that China’s basic necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation, and even the core of many suspected brands, have long been controlled by foreign capital.

When these foreign investors were alerted and the capitalists behind them realized that Zhang Sheng was taking some domestic brands and using his personal influence to launch a general attack on them...

They will definitely apply pressure!

When thinking about this level, Zhou Haopeng felt out of breath.

this moment……

Although he still thought about fighting and taking a step forward in the cage of foreign investment, he had to make a cautious call to Zhang Yuanqiao.

The call was quickly connected. Zhang Yuanqiao seemed to be negotiating with the board of directors. Through the phone, Zhou Haopeng could hear waves of curses.

Zhou Haopeng knows very well that when those big names unanimously put pressure on the board of directors not to participate in Double 11 activities, the people on the board of directors will definitely be excited!

And with Zhang Yuanqiao's consistent character...

"Mr. Zhang, we..."

"Are you at Zhang Sheng's place now?"

"Yes! I received many calls from my partners. They threatened that if we participate in this Double 11, they will terminate all our cooperation. By then, we..."

"I want to hear your opinion. Do you want to give up on compromise, or..."

"What is the opinion of the board of directors? And the attitude of the shareholders..."

"I just want your opinion!"


Zhou Haopeng looked out the window.

He lit a cigarette and smoked it slowly.

it's getting dark.

Outside the window, the lights are still flashing, and countless brands are still rushing forward.

The weather in November started to get very cold.

Zhang Yuanqiao on the other end of the phone did not hang up, but followed him for plenty of time to think deeply.

After a long wait...

Zhou Haopeng pinched his eyes, and his eyes gradually became cold.

"Mr. Zhang, my personal suggestion is that I want to fight again! Our [Suzhou Electric] has actually reached the end of its scale. It is precisely because of the end that we are thinking about online transformation. Online transformation will inevitably encounter problems. As for [Taozhu.com], this shocking predator, if Zhang Sheng falls, then [Taozhu.com] will monopolize the entire Internet channel in China, and even [Tengji Technology] will not be able to defeat it... If that is the case, no matter Is it us or other companies that want to transform online, we have to bow to [Taozhu.com], and the final outcome will be a bitter defeat. No matter what, I want to fight with Zhang Sheng in this battle!"


On the other end of the phone.

Zhang Yuanqiao did not respond after hearing this, but just sighed first.

Just when Zhou Haopeng's eyes were getting colder, he finally spoke: "I will tell the directors and shareholders to shut up. Ask Zhang Sheng how much money he needs for this battle! We have just transitioned to online. Although we don't have enough funds, we have recently There are also some financial problems, but as long as you decide to fight, we will not back down!"

"boss Zhang……"

Zhou Haopeng was a little shocked when he saw Zhang Yuanqiao's sudden change of attitude.

Is this the same Zhang Yuanqiao who prevented him from cooperating with Zhang Sheng and even fought with him?

"Okay, those bastards on the board of directors are going to quarrel again, and I have to quarrel with them! If you have anything to do, contact me in time. Just like when you first started a business, you go outside and rush, and I will sit in the rear!"


Zhou Haopeng nodded.

He took a deep breath.

Open the window not far away and let the cold wind blow in.

this moment!

He clenched his fists.

A piece of articles keeps popping up in my mind.

That sentence……

It was an article Zhang Sheng read out when he was taking the broadcasting exam!

It's called "Haiyan"!

His cell phone was still ringing. Needless to say, it must be one of the big-name electrical appliance dealers calling to threaten him.

He answered the phone one by one.


"What did you say?"

"What I mean is, if you want to cut off cooperation, then cut off cooperation! There are so many domestic electrical appliance brands. If we don't sell your appliances, we will sell other appliances. We will starve to death!"

"You...Mr. Zhou, let me tell you, we are about to encircle and suppress other second-tier brands!"

"Then encircle and suppress! I will open as many windows as you close. We [Suzhou Electric] will always stand on the side of our own people. As long as we do not fall, we will insist on standing!"

"Okay, okay! Okay, you have bones, don't kneel down and beg me when the time comes!"


He hung up the phone.

Then he turned his phone to silent and walked out of the window.

this moment!

He strode out, as if his whole body was full of strength.

Let the storm come more violently!

When we walked into the conference room, except for the podium, the conference room was already packed with people!

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