I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 662 Smoke filled the air


【Jiahu Technology】.

It was late at night outside the window, but the city of Hangzhou was still brightly lit.

"Do they [Suzhou Tesco] really plan to go all the way to the dark side!"

After listening to his subordinate's work report, Ma Yunhua looked calm, showing no emotion or anger, and just said calmly.


The subordinate nodded.

Since five o'clock in the afternoon, they have been paying attention to websites such as [Suzhou Tesco] and [Paipai Mall].

[Paipai Mall] is an emerging mall owned by Zheng Huateng. Although it merged with [Hangmei Mall], it is still not a concern.


[Suzhou Tesco]!

In the Double 10 battle, [Suzhou.com] successfully completed its online transformation and became the big winner!

It is very large, with nearly a thousand stores across the country. If it really wants to fully support Zhang Sheng’s Double 11, it will definitely increase the cost of the war for [Taozhu.com]!

[Suzhou Tesco] is not a pure industrial company, at most it is a huge offline marketing system. What it needs is money!

The foundation is those first-line brands that are well-known in China and are almost deeply rooted in the hearts of ordinary people!

Therefore, the capital behind Li Zongyao, Pang Lei and others immediately put pressure on [Suzhou Tesco], using its foundation as a threat!

This move is almost the Achilles heel of [Suzhou Tesco]. A sharp stab will directly put [Suzhou Tesco] in danger of life and death...

However, Ma Yunhua never thought that [Suzhou.com] would risk complete collapse and completely ignore the pressure from these big names!

When did Zhang Yuanqiao's bones become so hard?

"Without the support of those big brands, what will he sell? Is he really selling those second-tier domestic brands?"


"Okay, then let him die!"

After a brief silence, Ma Yunhua's eyes were still cold, as if he was standing on a high place, overlooking all the living beings below, and said this sentence lightly.

"Among the domestic brands, there are also first-line brands such as [Gray Air Conditioner]... Behind [Gray Air Conditioner] is Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital]..."

"Has Pang Lei talked to [Gray Air Conditioner]?"

"We talked, but..."

"But what?"

"Deng Haizhu of [Gray Air Conditioning] insists on supporting [Suzhou.com], claiming that this time, even if the King of Heaven comes, she will not break her cooperation with [Suzhou.com]! However, despite her firm stance , but she did not support Zhang Sheng’s Double 11 in public...but [Meiling Air Conditioner] did..."

"[Meiling Air Conditioner]?" Ma Yunhua nodded and asked another question: "He Kangjian, an old man, is also very tough. Not only did he reject our Double 11 cooperation, he also announced that he was on the side of [Suzhou Tesco]. We have even sent people over to discuss cooperation with Zhang Sheng’s [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. This is the public news just now..."

When Ma Yunhua heard this, she frowned slightly.

Then he saw the video on the Internet.

The video shows what He Kangjian of Meiling Air Conditioning said to the reporter with a serious face during an interview.

“We [Meiling Air Conditioning] are willing to support [Suzhou Technology] and Mr. Zhang’s Double 11 event. At the same time, we have brought enough funds to go north. Now, our person in charge should go to Mr. Zhang’s side. , we don’t know exactly how Double 11 will be conducted and what kind of discounts there will be. We will have to negotiate with Mr. Zhang to find out..."


When Ma Yunhua saw this scene, her expression did not change, she just nodded and asked her subordinate to take it back.

After his subordinate left, Ma Yunhua's eyes instantly turned cold!


At seven o'clock in the evening.

A car parked in the [Western District of Mitu Economic Development Zone].

The West District, at this moment, can be called Zhang Sheng's industrial park.

[Bosch Technology], [Hongwei Technology], [Shengteng Technology], [Mitu Games], [NC Entertainment]...

Looking around, rows of office building entrances are all owned by Zhang Sheng at this moment!

He Maowei from [Meiling Air Conditioning] squeezed through the crowd and walked into the gate of [Qiangsheng Online Mall].

When he walked into the conference room, he saw Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang, I am He Maowei from [Meiling Air Conditioning]!"

"Mr. He, hello!"

"I have brought a lot of food and grass. How should we fight this battle? Whether it is a blitzkrieg or a protracted war, you have the final say!"


After shaking hands with Zhang Sheng tightly, and waiting for Zhang Sheng to walk towards the rostrum not far away, He Maowei saw many acquaintances standing up.

He rushed over.

These brands are not big, they are all small and medium-sized domestic brands.

And there are various types. He even saw the bosses of several Chinese [MSG] brands...

He shook hands with them one by one, and finally sat next to Zhou Haopeng of Suzhou Tesco.

Zhou Haopeng was very excited: "Mr. He, I didn't expect you to come! I didn't expect that we would actually unite the front!"

“In recent years, overseas capital has become more and more aggressive in acquiring our domestic brands. From instant noodles to MSG now... We [Meiling Air Conditioner] have also been coerced by various capitals, covertly or covertly, and even... Many of our parts have to rely on overseas brands..."

"I can't imagine what kind of place China will be in five, ten, or even twenty years..."

"I thought of South Korea, Japan, and the industries in Europe more than once..."

"My father and I both realized that we can't go on like this!"


After He Maowei shook hands with Zhou Haopeng briefly, the expression on He Maowei's face was very serious, even a little scared.

Zhou Haopeng nodded. At this moment, he was convinced.

The conference room is getting crowded.

Even though many people gave up their seats, there was still a group of people crowded at the entrance of the corridor, unable to get in.

Obviously, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] or Zhang Sheng made a wrong prediction about this meeting.

This inevitably gives the entire space an indescribable sense of suffocation.

Simply, Zhang Sheng let the conference room doors no longer close, but opened them all.

Wait until 7:30.

As the lights on the podium turned on slightly...

The noise and noise slowly subsided.

Immediately afterwards, everyone watched Zhang Sheng's figure walking towards the podium step by step!

When Zhang Sheng walked to the brightest place and simply adjusted the microphone, the scene fell completely silent.

Zhang Sheng was not in a hurry to speak, but looked at everyone.


"According to a simple calculation by our analysis team, this time Zhang Sheng can raise at least more than 2 billion to participate in this event!"

"If he could be more shameless, the amount of funds raised would be unimaginable..."

"Based on our analysis team's analysis of Zhang Sheng, this person may be really shameless enough to cause trouble!"


[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng's mood has been very depressed recently.

It has been almost more than a week since I went to play golf.

The number of users of [WeChat] has increased very slowly.

After breaking through 90 million, it has not yet broken through 100 million.

However, the number of [WeChat] accounts of rival companies is rising crazily, and has exceeded 25 million...

Looking at the skyrocketing data, Zheng Huateng was not only shocked, but also felt a sense of instinctive fear!

do not know why……

He always felt that Zhang Sheng had been holding back some big move!

[CCTV News] and [Xinwen Lianbo]'s advertising strategy may seem crazy, but it still seems to be Zhang Sheng's foreshadowing!

In fact, he was right. The beginning of the third [Southern California International Film Awards] was a pure foreshadowing!

He is preparing for Double 11!

In the office.

[WeChat] Zhang Xiaoqiang, the head of the business department, is here.

The person in charge of [Paipai Mall], Dong Jinming, and the former chairman of [Hangmei Electric], and now one of the directors of [Paipai Mall] Huang Guangrong are also here...

They are watching Zhang Sheng’s Double 11 live broadcast on [Jitu Video]!

[Tengji Technology] The frontline analysis team gave Zheng Huateng a set of data.

There are more than 400 brands surrounding [Qiangsheng Online Mall] alone...

These more than 400 people were almost brainwashed by Zhang Sheng, and they were frantically trying to give Zhang Sheng money!

Even if he is a battle-hardened leader like Zheng Huateng, when he encounters a brainwashing monster like Zhang Sheng, he has to lament that Zhang Sheng is so disgusting!

If the two sides are not opponents, but allies...

In fact…

It was Zhang Sheng who suddenly betrayed him. He never said what he wanted to do. At most, he could only borrow some things from him...

Zheng Huateng suppressed his emotions.

Looking at the data, I couldn't help but feel my heart twitch.

My mood started to feel wrong again!

Oh shit!

This person is so ruthless in making money!

2 billion was made in one fell swoop. This Double 11 event hasn’t even started yet, and you’re already making a lot of money!

And people like Ma Yunhua from [Taozhu.com] still have to throw money into it, and the merchants are not happy...

This is not how you cut leeks!

After a moment of mixed emotions, Zheng Huateng heard Zhang Sheng suddenly speak during the live broadcast!

"I had no money before!"

"So, I am shameless and will accept some sponsorships, and then we will serve all our brand friends..."

"Today, when I see so many offline and countless online supporters supporting us, I know that our service over the years has not been in vain..."

“We are conscientious and our hard work has been recognized!”

"I am honored and grateful to everyone who has supported me so much along the way, allowing me to stand on this podium again and lead a Double 11 event!"

"Before arranging the event, let me say one thing first!"

"Friends in the finance department, you may have to work overtime today to return the money sent to us by the brand owners... Of course, don't forget to pay the tax..."

"Everyone, this time, in order to give feedback to you brand owners who support me, this time, I will serve you for free, and I will not charge a penny!"

"Because, now I am not short of money!"


When he heard this sentence, Zheng Huateng was a little stunned.

What kind of plane is this guy doing?

Just when Zheng Huateng was stunned...

He saw Zhang Sheng take out a piece of running water.

Then, his pupils shrank sharply!

Oh shit!

This flow of water...

This is [Dungeon]’s revenue for the past ten months...

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