I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 667: Suppress monopoly!

The wind in the early morning is getting colder and colder.

Zhou Haopeng stayed alone in the office.

His eyeballs were bloodshot, staring closely at the constantly beating traffic of [Suzhou Tesco].

The entire [Suzhou Tesco] headquarters is brightly lit, and you can vaguely hear the ringing of the customer service department and commerce department phones next door.

He reached for the cigarette case, only to find that there was no cigarette in it.

There are cigarette butts all over the ground...

He opened the window and let in the cold air.

The mobile phone [Chinese Products Festival WeChat Group] kept ringing with messages.

Zhou Haopeng didn't look, but let the cold wind blow on his cheek.

After the initial excitement, it was replaced by waves of unspeakable and unexplainable anxiety.

Since the establishment of [Suzhou Electrical Appliances], from a small store to nearly a thousand offline stores across the country, Zhou Haopeng has followed Zhang Yuanqiao through countless battles, large and small.

He was originally made into steel.


When he truly stood in the leadership position, he still felt the pressure from all directions and the uncertainty of the future.

The door opened.

The secretary walked in with high heels and an ugly face.

"The price of [Jinhong Refrigerator] has been reduced! It has been reduced to a price that is irresistible to users, and it has launched a 4-year free warranty service!"


"[Chuangdu TV] has also reduced its prices! [Paipai Mall] and [Taozhu.com] have also reduced their prices..."


The news brought by the secretary was naturally not good news.

Zhou Haopeng glanced briefly.

Then, he nodded expressionlessly: "Have you talked to our cooperative brand?"

"After talking, they jointly launched a 6-year free warranty service. The price of the new [Xingyang Refrigerator] has dropped to almost the same price as the old refrigerator... Coupled with Mr. Zhang's various red envelope subsidies, it is already the maximum. The price is good, but compared with [Jinhong Refrigerator], the sales volume is still a little worse..."

"Don't mess up. You've worked hard tonight!"

"It's okay, I will continue to keep an eye on it. By the way, our current sales..."

"You don't need to report your sales to me now. We'll talk about it tomorrow..."



The office door was closed.

Zhou Haopeng sat on a chair and silently opened [Taozhu.com].

After experiencing the crazy harvest of the Double 10 Shopping Festival, although the popularity of [Taozhu.com] has dropped a bit, the traffic is getting more and more crazy!

When the price of a well-known first-tier electrical appliance brand is only a few hundred yuan different from the price of a domestic second-tier or third-tier appliance, what will users choose?

Will you choose the first-tier brands for security, or those second- and third-tier brands?

Zhou Haopeng suddenly asked himself, but found that he had no confidence in his heart...

In recent years, the penetration of overseas capital brands into China has reached an almost pervasive level, even penetrating into every aspect of countless people's lives.

The subtle implantation concept has made consumers unable to resist this sudden price reduction.

At this moment, he suddenly wanted to find someone to have a good chat with...

Talk about dreams, talk about current situation, talk about future, talk about science, talk about geography...

In short, we can talk about anything, as long as it can relieve the dull and depressing emotions in our hearts a little bit...

Finally, he took out his cell phone and made a call to Zhang Sheng.

However, the call was not connected.

Zhang Sheng shut down his phone.


Three o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Sheng woke up from his sleep.

He stretched.

He started sleeping at 10 o'clock. When he slept until about 12 o'clock, he saw some data and then made a cordial greeting call to Lao Ma.

After greeting him and confirming that the courier boy had handed over the [Apple] mobile phone to Lao Ma Company, he continued to sleep in the warm quilt.

Zhang Sheng opened the curtains and looked at the sky in the distance.

A light rain fell in the distance.

Unable to sleep, he put on his clothes and walked downstairs.

Downstairs is the office area of ​​[Qiangsheng Online Mall].

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"

"Hello, Mr. Zhang!"


As Zhang Sheng walked along, he saw staff members suddenly standing up to greet him.

Zhang Sheng nodded to them one by one.

Then, he knocked on the door of Li Bin's office.

The office is quiet.

Li Bin stared at the computer screen intently.

Through the screen, Zhang Sheng saw Li Bin personally taking part in the battle, directing all aspects of the collaborative work of various units in the WeChat group.

"How much data is there?"

"It has exceeded 200 million, but the growth has begun to slow down... On the one hand, it is because of the early morning, and on the other hand, both [Taozhu.com] and [Paipai Mall] are now reducing prices across the board. We The recognition of domestic brands in the market itself is at a disadvantage. Our only advantage is price, but now the other party is forcing us on price, and we are under great pressure... If we lower the price, customers will not buy it."

Li Bin's face no longer had the excitement and smile of the 20 million sales in the previous 10 minutes. Even the sales of more than 200 million in three hours did not make Li Bin more excited.

There was only a strong sense of anxiety on his face, and the reluctance coming from deep within!

The deeper he looked into the market, the more desperate he felt.

In recent years, the brand effect of foreign brands has been very powerful!

What about domestic brands?

Even speaking of Zhang Sheng’s [Apple] alone, apart from the cost-effectiveness itself and Zhang Sheng’s own influence, how much appeal does this brand have?

The real high-end people, when they see [Apple], they will immediately feel that this is just a no-name mobile phone...

No matter how cheap its price is and how powerful its functions are, it cannot cover up the shortcomings of the brand effect.

Even when many digital experts on the Internet talk about Apple, they feel that it is an inferior assembly product without any core technology at all.

Domestic brands are also facing this dilemma at this moment.

They are cheap and cost-effective, but in the eyes of consumers, they represent rustic, backward, and insecure products.

"As long as one piece is sold, it is a step forward in the direction of success. As long as the product quality is good, and each customer is well served and maintained, the brand will slowly develop." Zhang Sheng patted Li Bin. shoulders.

Li Bin nodded, but Zhang Sheng's comfort did not make him feel better. He silently stared at the data on the computer screen for a long time, and finally asked a question he had always wanted to ask: "Teacher, do you have any questions?" Haven’t you considered...something?"

"whats the matter?"

"If we have exhausted all our energy and capabilities, but the sales this time [Domestic Products Festival] are still unsatisfactory, what should we do?"

"When you were a network administrator, did you ever think you could earn tens of millions a year?" Zhang Sheng laughed.

"Ah?" Li Bin looked at Zhang Sheng.

"We have climbed up step by step from the bottom. We have started from scratch. Losing everything is nothing more than returning to the starting point... No matter how high a person stands or how noble his position is, he must look back appropriately. one time……"

After Li Bin heard Zhang Sheng's words, his expression was in a trance. For a moment, his memory seemed to go back to that year when he was a network administrator in an Internet cafe.

Myself at that time...

Have you ever thought about earning tens of millions a year?

At that time, did I ever think that one day I would be able to stand so tall?

Now compared to that time, even if I fall again, I won’t fall any further.

"Furthermore, things have two sides..." Zhang Sheng walked to the computer and looked at the sales of 210 million: "Actually, if it is not satisfactory, it is still a good thing... By the way, 210 million Has the sales volume of 10,000 yuan been watered down?"

"No, I asked the brands not to fake orders!"

"Oh, is the sales of 200 million in 3 hours bad? There is no water injection, and it is the sales of purely domestic brands... Is this data bad?"

"But, that's the data at the beginning of the popularity. When the price cuts of those big brands start to really become popular tomorrow, I'm not sure how many users will cancel their orders to buy those big brands... By then... there will be a wave of withdrawals. Our two Sales of 100 million are very likely to shrink."

"Li Bin, don't think about anything else now, just look at the data with peace of mind..." Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes and stared at the big price reductions on the [Taozhu.com] interface: "Users canceled orders on a large scale. It’s actually a good thing for us…”




early morning.

It is still drizzling in Yanjing City.

Xu Linlin walked into the Ministry of Commerce.

Zhou Guoan, Director of the Ministry of Commerce, although he has not retired yet, he is temporarily recuperating due to illness.

A new, younger director named Yuan Gang has arrived.

The arrival of the new director made Xu Linlin busy in all aspects of work. She often worked overtime until late at night because of a file.

I had to arrive early the next day and continue to hold various meetings.

The three tips for a new official to take office are applicable everywhere.

"Is there another meeting today?"


After seeing the notice, Xu Linlin nodded, and then walked into the conference room of the Ministry of Commerce with her notebook.

"Secretary Xu, this way..."

As Xu Linlin sat down, the meeting began quickly.

At the meeting, Yuan Gang talked about economy, development, and the future, and planned a series of events for 2012. He looked high-spirited and ambitious.

Xu Linlin's ears felt calloused.

After the meeting, when she was about to leave, Xu Linlin was called to the office by Yuan Gang.

"Secretary Xu, sit down... By the way, I came to you today because I wanted to talk to you about Zhang Sheng... Zhang Sheng's [Domestic Products Festival] is a bit interesting, what do you think?"

"Director Yuan, what you mean is..."

“Have you ever heard of financial colonialism as a term?”

"never heard of that……"

"Secretary Xu, I believe you also understand that our current commercial department is probably divided into two groups. One group is still actively cooperating with overseas countries and using advanced overseas technologies to promote people's livelihood and economic progress, thereby seeking better benefits for the people. , which will further stimulate the growth of local enterprises in China... And the other group is you young people..."

"Director Yuan, we have always adhered to the leadership's arrangements and policy instructions. We have never doubted the leadership's arrangements..."

"The leadership policy from above is naturally correct. We must resolutely safeguard and implement it unswervingly. Of course, we must also make a balanced reconciliation between foreign investment and local enterprises. We introduce foreign investment in the hope that local enterprises can have a There should be a role model for the direction, instead of allowing local enterprises to become colonial paradises for foreign capital, and thus become new financial colonies...The expansion of capital is disorderly, and the power of capital is also terrifying and cannibalistic..."


After Yuan Gang finished speaking, he turned the computer screen to Xu Linlin.


Xu Linlin saw a piece of news...

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] Large-scale chargeback news...

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