I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 668 Zhang Shengwo

Chapter 668 Zhang wins over me***

year 2011.

In this era, there are many passionate people who support national brands.

However, maybe they are afraid of after-sales service, or they are worried about brand technology, quality and other issues.

There are also many people who are uneasy about local brands.

When a number of big brands began to cut prices, countless second- and third-tier brands ended up returning to their old ways.


"We promise 6 years of free warranty. There is absolutely no problem with the configuration and quality of our [Shenchuan Computer], and it is no worse than [Lianzhong Computer]..."


"We can make an appointment and take you to visit our after-sales team. Our after-sales team is very complete and our technologies in all aspects are very mature..."


"If you have any problems, you can come to me at any time and I will receive you personally. If there are no human-made problems within 3 years, the computer will be replaced for free. If there is any problem within 6 years, parts will be replaced for free! No fees will be charged during this period!"


early morning.

[Shenchuan Computer] Headquarters.

Wang Haijun looked at the sales of [Shenchuan Computer].

From early morning to seven o'clock yesterday morning, [Shenchuan Computer] sold a total of 2,000 computers.

However, by 7:30 today, nearly half of the more than 2,000 computers had been returned.

Wang Haijun's emotions were like a roller coaster, falling from a high place in an instant.

In the office, he personally promised users the various after-sales services of his [Shenchuan Computer], and constantly introduced his team, including their sincerity.

Even try your best to retain customers.


Customers still choose to cancel orders.

[Paipai Mall] launched a big promotion for [domestic products], and [Lianzhong Computer] took the lead in cutting prices, and even sold more than 2,000 units early this morning!

[Taozhu.com]’s [Lianzhong Computer] is also going crazy with various price cuts, and even sold an astonishing figure of nearly 5,000 units...

[Shenchuan Computer] compared with [Lianzhong Computer]...

If they are all covered with domestic leather, and the price is only about 500 yuan more expensive, then how should you choose?

Sales volume, reputation, after-sales service, team, history...

No matter which point it is, [Shenchuan Computer] is at an absolute disadvantage!

If you are a user, then you might also...

At this moment, Wang Haijun sighed slightly, but he adjusted his mood.

Continue to open the customer service interface of [Qiangsheng Online Mall], personally lead the team and continue chatting with customers with the greatest enthusiasm...

At this moment, he received a call.

A phone call from Zhang Sheng.

"Hello? Mr. Zhang..."

"Mr. Wang, have you sold the computers in Hangzhou?"


"Go and investigate the users to see if there are any orders from Hangzhou. If so, are there any orders close to the [Taozhu.com] area..."

"Mr. Zhang, what do you want to do?"


Li Bin stayed up all night.

He saw the sales volume of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] surge from 200 million to 400 million.


Their staff received countless refund orders.

During this night, Li Bin saw that the sales of [Lianzhong Computer] broke the record. On the Double 11 Domestic Product Festival alone, the online shipments reached an astonishing number of more than 10,000 units.

He saw that [Paipai Mall] also held a large price reduction event for domestic products. The screen was filled with all kinds of domestic products. Even Li Bin couldn't tell which ones were authentic domestic products.

He also saw that [Taozhu.com] also opened a new page this morning, and the new page also contained [domestic products].

However, when he carefully investigated some brands, he found that those brands were [domestic products], but they were [domestic products] with capital invested.

This night, [domestic products] seemed to have become a big cake, and then this big cake was mixed with all kinds of messy things. For a time, Li Bin couldn't tell which ones were real and which ones were fake, let alone that. A group of consumers…

He asked the anchor team to start teaching users in the live broadcast room what is a genuine domestic product, but...

[They are our authentic brands! 】

[[Lianzhong Computer] Isn’t it a domestic product? 】

[Harbin Beer] The largest shareholder is still Chinese. Isn’t it a domestic product? 】

[We can’t say that those who follow Zhang Sheng are all domestic products, and those who follow Lao Ma and Mr. Zheng are not domestic products, right? 】

[What should we consumers do? We just want to buy the most cost-effective products. You can't let us spend money on things we don't need, right? 】

[[Mengxiang Instant Noodles] is really delicious. Does anyone feel the same way? [Tongkang Instant Noodles] is still delicious. [Tongkang Instant Noodles] is at best a joint venture. The brand is still our local brand. It can also be called a domestic product, right? 】

[You don’t want to be morally kidnapped. If domestic products are really good, can we not support them? 】

[We have supported them before, but the more we support them, the more disappointed they become. Some brands don’t know how to make progress. They blame us for not buying them and their sales are poor. Don’t you want to find out the reasons from yourself? 】


Li Bin saw that the live broadcast was full of various comments.

Some of these comments are from trolls, and some are from users who have been misled by trolls.

Seeing these comments, Li Bin felt a burst of anger in his heart, but then this anger turned into a feeling of powerlessness.

He could not deny the validity of some of the comments.

However, in these seemingly correct comments from the user's own standpoint, he saw monopoly, suppression and blockade.

But there was nothing he could do!

All the things he should do have been done.

He has no options left.

He sat feebly on the chair for a long time.

Finally, he carefully took out a notebook from the drawer.

This book records the quotations that Zhang Sheng said inadvertently or accidentally during the past three years that inspired him.

Then, he finally saw a sentence.

[Sincerity is always the greatest nirvana]!

When he saw this sentence and thought of what Zhang Sheng had done before, Li Bin closed his eyes silently.

After about a few minutes, he opened his eyes, and then immediately opened various brand groups in [WeChat].

"Let's not make a mess!"

"We must serve our customers with the most sincere and attentive attitude!"





At this moment, the total number of visits to [Taozhu.com] has exceeded 100 million, and sales have reached 2.5 billion.

An amazing statistic!

However, there was silence in Ma Yunhua's office.

Countless capital is staring at the data of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [Suzhou Tesco] on the Internet.

They have the right to speak, and they have never used the most cruel price and public opinion methods to target the two websites like this.

They saw that Zhang Sheng’s so-called [domestic products] were being canceled on a large scale.

I also saw the sales of these brands, starting from the highest point, and then being cut in half...

However, even so, the sales of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] still exceeded 500 million, while the sales of [Suzhou Tesco] exceeded 700 million!

Among them, [Meiling Air Conditioner] and [Gray Air Conditioner] account for a certain important proportion of electrical products.

this moment……

A very serious problem faced them.

They have used every means they can think of.

But it still cannot contain the traffic and users of [Qiangsheng Online Mall]!

"So, he still has 500 million! How much water has been put into his data!"

In the office.

A voice rang out.

Ma Yunhua looked at the person who made the sound.

It was Liu Hong from [Lianzhong Computer]. At this moment, Liu Hong was staring at the data, her expression getting increasingly ugly.

The sales volume of 500 million and 2.5 billion is a full five times difference.

Liu Hong couldn't believe it. Finally, she called the staff from the data department and asked her in detail.


After careful investigation by their data department, these 500 million were after large-scale chargebacks, and there was no water injection data!

Moreover, the sales of 500 million include clothes, computers, instant noodles, drinks...

Except for computers and mobile phones, the rest are basically brands that cost tens or hundreds of yuan, and all of these brands are domestic brands that have had little sales in the market before...

Liu Hong's expression became increasingly ugly. Although she remained silent, she felt a sense of panic deep in her heart.

They used all the means of suppression at their disposal.

Channels from brands, public opinion, and even suppliers are also used.


Still didn't suppress them.


"Mr. Ma, you, you have express delivery!"


In the office, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards, Ma Yunhua stared at the secretary who knocked on the door: "Didn't you see that we are in a meeting?"

"The delivery is different this time!"

"Tell me! Why it's different!"

"It was Zhang Sheng who personally led the team to deliver it..."


When seeing this scene, Ma Yunhua's pupils shrank sharply, and then she stared at the secretary.

Then he hurried out of the office.

Damn this man!

Courageous enough!


“[Jingsheng Logistics] is short of manpower recently. When I’m free, I’ll stop by to deliver the goods!”


Ma Yunhua walked out of [Taozhu.com].

He didn't see Zhang Sheng at first, but saw countless media and reporters surrounding him downstairs.

He frowned and just walked down...

But Zhang Sheng’s eyes lit up!

"Hey, Mr. Ma, hello Mr. Ma, your express delivery, this is a new product that we [Shenchuan Computer] prepared for you. Didn't you buy an [Apple] mobile phone yesterday? You happen to be the 1,000th user, we are free I will give you a computer as a gift. Thank you for supporting domestic products! Thank you! By the way, there are also some of our [Mengxiang Instant Noodles], which are also given to you. By the way, there are also these things..."


Ma Yunhua stared.

Before he could react, he saw Zhang Sheng coming over and shook hands with him tightly.

Then, he brought over a large box of domestic gifts and placed them around Ma Yunhua.

"Zhang Sheng!"

"Okay! Mr. Ma, if you are busy, I will be busy too. The company next door to you has also placed an order with our [Qiangsheng Online Mall]... I wish you a happy [Domestic Products Day]!"


Ma Yunhua stared intently at the big box of [Shenchuan Computer] and the things that Zhang Shengqiang stuffed over her.

His face was ashen!

this moment……

He even wanted the security guard next to him to smash these things!


After seeing these countless media, he instantly realized one thing!

These things are all domestic products!

If he smashes it in front of all the media, then...

Zhang wins my ***!

(My state is so bad today, but I’ll keep updating!)

(Shameless to ask for votes!)

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