I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 669 The horn of counterattack!

The noisy media.

Like a fly, there was a constant buzzing in Ma Yunhua's ears.

The anger made Ma Yunhua's heart seem to be filled with flames, burning fiercely.

"Domestic products, we must support them!"

“It’s not easy to make domestic products these years!”

“We [Taozhu.com] have a lot of domestic products, and they are also compatible with more high-quality products from home and abroad, all of which are on sale!”



When facing the interview, a smile appeared on his face, but the folds on his face became more and more distorted.

He asked people to collect the boxes of [garbage].

Then, I walked into the headquarters of [Taozhu.com] with a smile...

The moment he walked into [Taozhu.com], when the noise of countless reporters was no longer in his ears, his smile disappeared instantly...

Then, he walked coldly towards the office.


[Tick-tock], [Tick-tock], [Tick-tock].

The clock on the wall is ticking by.

[Taozhu.com] Office.

Depressed, suffocating, even mixed with a sense of coldness.

Liu Hong lowered her head and browsed news one after another, her expression getting increasingly ugly.

That is……

Ma Yunhua supports domestic products, shopping online for [Apple mobile phone], [Shenchuan Computer], [Mengxiang instant noodles] and other related news.

Behind the news, there were countless praises, almost praising Ma Yunhua to the heavens, and she once became a model of contemporary saints...

Subsequently, overwhelming news of praise came in like a tidal wave, and even many bloggers on the Internet began to stand up and set the pace.

Among them, there is a big business V named [Nangong Nan] with nearly 5 million fans. He published an article titled [Lao Ma’s Feelings! ]'s complimentary blog post.

This blog post was very popular, and it immediately made the popularity even higher. Then, in a series of praising news such as [Ma Yunhua supports domestic products], [Ma Yunhua ignores past grudges], [Ma Yunhua and Zhang Sheng reconcile], one after another about The history of domestic products is forwarded and shared by more and more bloggers...

Even Zhang Sheng’s [Jitu Video] is actually promoting Ma Yunhua’s support for the [Double 11 Domestic Product Festival]. At the same time, some bloggers with many fans even “revealed” that Ma Yunhua this time from [ Qiangsheng Online Mall] purchase list!

Among them, the familiar [iPhone], [Shenchuan Computer], and [Mengxiang Instant Noodles] are naturally included. In addition, there are a series of messy products...

But another internet celebrity blogger broke the news about another different list, which included some home appliances...

Under these bloggers, exciting comments appeared one after another. Ma Yunhua's celebrity effect seemed to have become a boost to Zhang Sheng's [Domestic Products Festival] at this moment!

Liu Hong felt as if her heart had been stabbed hard by a knife.


That is, a flattery!

That is, stepping on Ma Yunhua's shoulders to promote you, pushing you to the most glorious position, and in this glorious public opinion field, you can only stand in the sun!

So cruel!



this moment!

She couldn't help but look at Ma Yunhua, but she saw Ma Yunhua sitting by the window with her eyes closed and concentrating, without any intention of speaking.

He saw Li Zongyao sitting not far away with an ugly face, smoking alone in the corner.

Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] was pacing back and forth.

I also saw the new person in charge of [Taozhu.com] staring at a series of data from [Taozhu.com], [Qiangsheng Online Mall], and [Paipai Mall] with a pale face, with a frightened expression visible to the naked eye.

Liu Hong's throat trembled slightly, and the words she just spoke suddenly disappeared into the air.

The water-like pressure in the air seemed to be getting heavier and heavier!

She silently looked at the sales of [Shenchuan Computer] in [Qiangsheng Online Mall]...

He saw that the sales of [Shenchuan Computer] started to increase again.

From one thousand units after the return, it gradually increased to two thousand units, and then, at a brutal speed, it rushed to more than three thousand units...

Just over an hour.


A little sunlight came in through the window.

A phone call suddenly pierced the quiet room.

Ma Yunhua opened her eyes and answered the phone calmly.

"Yes! Yes, we should support it. This is what every Chinese person should support and do!"

"Yes, we will be more obvious!"


After answering, Ma Yunhua put the phone down heavily.

He glanced at everyone one by one, his face was terrifyingly gloomy, and it felt like he had swallowed a fly in his throat!

"This is a call from the leader of the Ministry of Commerce!"

"It's a call from the big boss!"

It was a commendation call from the Ministry of Commerce. The leader expressed high praise for his cooperation with [Friendly Businessman] this time and praised its high-level structure.

Of course, at the same time, I also made some comments...

After saying this, his face became even more ugly. He came to his work computer and saw that the number of visits to [Taozhu.com] on the computer had soared to about 110 million, and he also saw [Qiang Sheng]. Online mall] nearly 37 million visits...

After a long time, he looked at the newly appointed [Taozhu.com] management staff: "Make a banner for the Chinese Products Festival!"


The man looked stunned, but then he realized what he was doing and nodded quickly.

Then, as if running for his life, he escaped from this office that seemed to be able to swallow people.

"Old Ma, what's going on?" Li Zongyao put out his cigarette butt and stared at Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua did not respond.

Then his face gradually turned ugly.

"Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted……"

"What we want has never been win-win cooperation. This time, [Taozhu.com] even if its sales exceed 5 billion or 10 billion, as long as Zhang Sheng is still alive, we will lose!"

"Lao Ma, this time, I am not representing your personal interests, but a collective!"


After he left these words, he turned and left the office without looking at Ma Yunhua's even more ugly expression.

Immediately afterwards, the phone in Ma Yunhua's office and Ma Yunhua's personal mobile phone began to ring continuously.

Those were angry phone calls from brand owners...

Ma Yunhua answered the calls one by one, but her expression became increasingly cold.

At this moment, he seemed to be standing at a crossroads in life.

He saw two paths.

Those allies who had led him and whose strength he had borrowed were constantly scolding him, almost putting him on the pillar of shame...

This wave is undoubtedly a betrayal!

But Huaxia, the big leader of the business department, was praising him and praising him as a role model for Internet companies...

His [Taozhu.com] has not yet been listed in the United States, and countless shady capital is weighing on him like bombs at this moment.

He must be watched by the leaders of China, like a cage, locking him in this area.

Go forward!

Or maybe in the future...

He has no choice!

But at this moment, he could only endure and wait!

Waiting for next year, waiting for spring, waiting for flowers to bloom, waiting for all the procedures and materials to be ready, and then, the trapped dragon will no longer be hindered from ascending to heaven!


The darkest night.

As long as you survive and are not frozen to death, you will finally see the daybreak!

It was a series of blockades imprisoned on the body.

And at this moment, the blockade was completely loosened!

[Suzhou Tesco] Zhou Haopeng saw groups of data.

The number of visits to their [Suzhou Tesco] has officially exceeded 8 million, and is heading towards tens of millions.

Countless cancellation messages from domestic home appliances are constantly decreasing, and the number of orders is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He saw various words "domestic products" on the Internet, which were on the hot searches of various commercial channels, and they had not faded away for a long time...

In this [domestic products] movement initiated by Zhang Sheng, in the desperate situation and darkness, little stars appeared, and then, the stars became brighter and brighter!

At seven o'clock in the evening.

[Suzhou.com] Sales volume has increased to 1.2 billion!

At nine o'clock in the evening, this data soared to 1.5 billion, but it still has not stopped, and is frantically refreshing one new data after another!

Vaguely, he seemed to hear the sound of a horn in the distance, which was being blown continuously!

He called Zhang Sheng immediately!

However, Zhang Sheng's phone was not connected. It was not turned off, but the line was always busy.

He called several times in succession, but the line was still busy.

At this moment, he wanted to rush to Yanjing...

He bet once and put all his wealth on it, and then he won the bet!

At ten o'clock in the evening, there are only two hours left before the end of the [Domestic Products Festival]. The data of [Suzhou Tesco] has soared to 1.8 billion, breaking through 2 billion. It is no longer a dream!

He asked his assistant to continuously post every data report on Weibo!

Every data report is like a journey, pushing the once domestic brand to higher and higher ceilings!

At this moment, on Weibo, Deng Haizhu of [Gray Air Conditioning] also posted their sales volume on this day. On this day, they sold nearly 200 million in sales at [Suzhou Tesco]. In the [Chinese Products Festival] event operated by its official store and through its official channels, it also sold nearly 500 million!

There is also the official sales volume of [Meiling Air Conditioner]. [Meiling Air Conditioner] sold a total of nearly 400 million orders!

The two major domestic air conditioners once even outsold [Samsung] and [Mitsubishi] in terms of sales...

This is a beautiful turnaround!

And in the food industry...

[Mengxiang Instant Noodles], which was once ignored by people, also posted their order numbers, starting from the early morning of November 11th to 11pm on November 11th!

They sold more than 20 million packages of instant noodles!

Compared with other brands such as [Tongkang Instant Noodles] and [Laoshifu Instant Noodles], which sold 70 million and 60 million packs respectively, they still have a certain distance...


This is the most difficult time for them to be suppressed, excluded, and blocked by capital. They raise their heads for the first time!

The horns are gradually being blown, and the wave of counterattack is surging!

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