I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 670 Big victory!

In the office.

Li Bin hasn't slept a wink for nearly three days.

The bloodshot eyeballs have been filled with all kinds of data that are increasing crazily.

The office of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is not small, but at this moment, it is still crowded with people.

[Jitu Video] Zhou Wen is here. At this moment, she is sitting in the corner. Her [Jitu Video] is a traffic portal at this moment, and [Strong Victory Online Mall] is the future strategy. One of the business directions, they are strategic allies, and they are both prosperous...

Li Dongqiang from [Jingsheng Logistics] was sitting next to Li Bin. He was staring at [Qiangsheng Online Mall] as if he were looking at a child.

That year, he followed the team to pull up [Qiangsheng Online Mall] step by step, and then left the child. Unexpectedly, not only did the child not die, but he got better and better, and he became more and more satisfied. Proud, and he came back with another child named [Jingsheng Logistics]. The more powerful [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is, the more and more the child named [Jingsheng Logistics] will grow. smoothly……

Chen Geng, the boss of [Fat Xiaoan], is also here. He owns shares in [Honeycomb Jisong]. At the same time, as a witness, he cannot miss this Double 11 event that will be engraved in the history of e-commerce in the future... …

Zhang Xing from [Group Buying] and Li Yanhong from [Jimi Takeaway] are also here!

Starting from [Hundred Regiments War], they used to be the protagonists, but now they are gradually reduced to supporting roles, but without the constraints of capital, they have survived.

During this period, they have cooperated with each other and are ready to go forward. They are constantly cooperating with various tasks of [Jingsheng Logistics]. Everything seems to be a team.

Of course, there is also Chen Mengting from [Bosch Technology]...

Liu Changyu of [WeChat] is nervous and excited. Their payment system, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is the biggest link. This link is getting stronger and stronger, and their payment is getting stronger and stronger, which means that in the future [ The popularity of WeChat will be faster...

Hu Guoze from Didi Taxi also came to join in the fun...

Start with 500 million!

This group of people stayed in this office.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] Every time sales increase by 100 million, everyone in the office will scream out the data!

When it exceeded 800 million, the enthusiasm in the entire office was still high, but there were no longer many numbers shouted out!

Time is ticking...

By 11:10, the sales of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] had exceeded 1.3 billion!

It’s even crazier than last month’s Double 10 event!

"Today, the number of stores that have successfully settled in has exceeded 895!"

“Now, we have increased from 2,598 stores a few days ago to 3,493 stores!”

"We have gone from one-tenth of the total merchants in [Taozhu.com] history to two-tenths..."

"It's five thousand homes away, just in these few days!"

“[Taozhu.com] took 7 years to reach more than 25,000 merchants!”

"And we were established less than three years ago..."

"This is a beautiful turnaround!"


The [WeChat] phone number between the data department and Li Bin's office is always connected to China Unicom, and almost every few minutes, the other party excitedly reports data.

There is exciting news that stimulates everyone's nerves.

Just at this time……

The office door opened.

Everyone sitting on the chairs stood up almost at the same time...

They saw Zhang Sheng walking in.

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang……"


Zhang Sheng motioned for everyone to sit down, Li Bin hurriedly gave up his seat, and Zhang Sheng sat down on the chair without ceremony.

Compared with everyone's excitement, Zhang Sheng's expression after seeing the data was always calm.

Li Bin looked at Zhang Sheng's expression. He sometimes wondered what kind of event could make Zhang Sheng's calm expression more excited, excited, or even slightly emotionally touched.

But Li Bin didn't think too much about this, but continued to look at the data in the computer and the reports that appeared from time to time in the [WeChat] group.

The wind outside the window continued to blow.

Everyone couldn't help but glance at the clock on the wall. They had never wished that the clock on the wall would beat slower than at this moment!


Time is ticking, and it won’t wait for anyone!

The clock struck midnight.

They watched the sales of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] exceed 1.5 billion, and then settled on the 1.53 billion figure, and stopped moving.


A long silence!

Every one of them was once a nobody, a loser, or someone who was oppressed by capital and was unwilling to become a puppet of capital. Their eyes were fixed on the data of 1.53 billion.

There is trance, excitement, excitement, and shock...

Immediately afterwards...

The roar of cheers suddenly sounded in the office.

Countless hot emotions, at this moment, were ignited like flames and could no longer be suppressed...

Zhang Sheng was suddenly lifted up off guard, his calm expression suddenly changed, and then he frowned: "Calm down!"

However, Zhang Sheng, whose every word used to make countless people listen carefully, was drowned in waves of tears at this moment.

He was thrown up, and then he was caught firmly, and then he was thrown up again, so high that he could almost see the ceiling, and then he was caught firmly again.

Immediately afterwards...

Based on the office.

I don’t know who yelled “Wow” first!

Immediately afterwards, the entire [Qiangsheng Online Mall] office building burst into cheers...

Taking the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] office building as a unit, it radiates to [Jitu Video], [Honeycomb Jisong], [Jingsheng Logistics]...


This is a moment of silence.

However, at this moment, in the western area of ​​the [Mitsuo] Industrial Park, cheers came like a tide!



When the final sales of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] were fixed at 1.5 billion...

The silent air lingered in Ma Yunhua's heart. The light illuminated Ma Yunhua's face. At this moment, Ma Yunhua's face looked extremely ugly.

"Mr. Ma, our sales have exceeded 4.5 billion, a new high. You know, our Double 10 event is only 4 billion. Now..."

An abrupt, yet timid voice broke the silence.

Chen Jun, the new person in charge of [Taozhu.com], his throat trembled slightly. The moment he said these words, he felt a chill coming over him. Finally, he lowered his head.

Liu Hong exhaled. At this moment, she didn’t know what to say. As far as [Taozhu.com] was concerned, [Taozhu.com] seemed to have won. 4.5 billion compared to 1.5 billion was still a huge advantage. For them As for [Lianzhong Computer], this time, they also took advantage of the trend of [domestic products] and sold an astonishing sales volume, and they seemed to have won.


This time, not only [Lianzhong Computer] sold impressive sales, the second-tier brand [Shenchuan Computer] actually also sold the same amount as the first-tier brand!

[They won't last, just this once! 】

Liu Hong thought so deep in her heart, but then she thought of another question.

That is, [Qiangsheng Online Mall], which was the first to shout the slogan [Domestic Products Festival], regardless of its reputation, reputation, sales, and future status in the e-commerce circle...

From this moment on, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] can no longer be suppressed, and no matter what, it cannot die!

What made Liu Hong feel even more frightened was that!

This time [Domestic Products Festival], she saw the linkage and synergy of Zhang Sheng's industries, and this linkage and synergy have become a whole. Every link and every field is unbreakable, and in the future , these industries will go even crazier, stabbing those who control the voice of capital severely!

A powerful opponent is growing up under her nose!

While they were being chased, they never knew when they started...

In some areas, they have become chasers.

For example, [live broadcast field], [taxi-hailing field], for example...

"Mr. Ma, I'll go back for a while. I'll talk to my father... The next layout may have to be completely changed!"

The more Liu Hong speculated about the future, the worse her heart became. She finally looked at Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua nodded.

Then, Liu Hong left Ma Yunhua's office.

"Old Ma... I don't know what to say. It's a bit embarrassing to say congratulations to you at this time, but... the advantages are still huge. We will still support you when it is launched overseas early next year!"


Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] also stood up.

With a complicated expression on his face, he looked at Ma Yunhua for a long time and finally left the office.

"Mr. Ma, don't be disappointed. The traffic of [Taozhu.com] has also broken the record. I personally suggest that [Yu Libao] under [Zhilibao] should be taken out in advance. We can't wait for next year. [Taozhu.com] will go to the United States. Going public is very important to us!" Matsushita Furukawa of [Silver Red Capital] looked at Ma Yunhua who had been silent for a long time, and did not say much else, but spoke sincerely to comfort Ma Yunhua.

After finishing speaking, Matsushita Furukawa and his team left the office...

One after another, everyone left.

1 o'clock in the morning.

Ma Yunhua saw that [Paipai Mall] also released a set of data.

The sales of [Paipai Mall] exceeded 2.7 billion, and a big banner was posted on the official website...

Watch this scene.

Ma Yunhua said nothing.

Ma Yunhua stayed in the huge office and sat quietly.

The wind outside the window blew his cheeks...

He closed his eyes.

Zhang Sheng, this troublemaker, completely disrupted his future plans, and he...

At this moment, it seems that I have returned to 2004, the moment when [Taozhu.com] was founded.

When all the forces are pressing on one point, and none of them suppress that person, instead of suppressing him, they actually make him go higher, then it means that in addition to the size and the support of historical background and big names, They no longer have any advantage.

This is a big defeat for [Taozhu.com]!

Next, he can only advance some plans and start calculating everything again!


Somehow, Ma Yunhua always feels that in her next plan, Zhang Sheng has laid a big hole in advance and is waiting for him...

(I will continue to update 2 chapters today and work hard to write down the next stage tomorrow. Let me make a detailed outline... I hope I can write more excitingly...)

(Continue to ask for votes)

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