I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 672 What! What did you say? Zhang Shengta

Chapter 672 What! What did you say? Zhang Shenghe***

Zhang Sheng's desk is always so simple.

No bookshelves, no arty decorations.

Rumor has it that there used to be some books on law on the desk.

But when Ha Wenliang walked in, he found that the rumors were not accurate.

In the huge office, apart from some messy files, there were only a few computers and a big tea table.

When Ha Wenliang entered Zhang Sheng's office, another rumor came to mind.

Another rumor is about Zhang Sheng’s tea.

No matter how old a leader is when he comes to Zhang Sheng's office, the tea he serves will always be filled with foam. Even if there is some good tea occasionally, it will always come from various units.

Among them, the Ministry of Commerce is the hardest hit area, followed closely by the culture department...

Often after the leaders finished chatting with Zhang Sheng about business matters, Zhang Sheng would shamelessly walk away with a batch of tea leaves under the gaze of the leaders.

"Haha, Director Ha, you're already here, why are you bringing gifts..."

When the two parties took their seats, Ha Wenliang felt Zhang Sheng's increasingly hearty laughter. Before Ha Wenliang could react, he "enthusiastically" "took" the tea leaves from Ha Wenliang.

Then, with a more enthusiastic smile, he invited Ha Wenliang to the tea table not far away.

"boss Zhang……"

"Here, try this batch of West Lake Longjing..."

"boss Zhang……"

"Drink tea first, and then talk about other things..."


Ha Wenliang found that Zhang Sheng was very young, but he carried an aura that was stronger than any leader. It was as if when you sat on the chair, your next words, deeds, and movements were inexplicably suppressed. Come down.

Ha Wenliang drank tea.

The rumors were not accurate. Zhang Sheng did not make crushed tea for him, but helped him make the extremely authentic West Lake Longjing.

Somehow, Ha Wen felt a sense of being valued in his conscience, and when he drank tea, he felt the aroma of tea overflowing.

The two were not familiar with each other, but Ha Wenliang could not feel any sense of unfamiliarity with Zhang Sheng. Zhang Sheng was very good at talking, from the customs and customs of various countries to art, and from art to life and health.

As they chatted, Ha Wenliang found that his inherent thinking was subtly carried away by Zhang Sheng's rhythm. He even didn't know what he should say for a while, and between the lines, he found that he was unconsciously thinking. , and revealed a lot of information to Zhang Sheng!

Oh shit!

This person is really disrespecting his talents by not interrogating the prisoner!

"Mr. Zhang, okay, let's stop drinking. This time, let's get straight to the point!" He quickly stopped as he thought that if he continued to chat, his background would be exposed.

"Haha, you said..."

"Mr. Zhang, in addition to inviting everyone from your company to participate in the 2012 Year of the Dragon Spring Festival Gala, I also want to talk to you about the planning of the Spring Festival Gala... I learned from Zhou Chu of the Ministry of Culture that you are interested in this year's Spring Festival Gala. The Spring Festival Gala is very thoughtful..."

"It's not about ideas, it's just nonsense..."

"Mr. Zhang, to tell you the truth, the reputation of the Spring Festival Gala in recent years has not been very good. This year, although I am not in danger, I am still working hard. I want to make this year's Spring Festival Gala more exciting and let young people participate more..."

Ha Wenliang talked a lot.

Zhang Sheng nodded with a smile, but said nothing. He just kept passing tea to Ha Wenliang.

"Mr. Zhang, I don't know if you..."

"Director Ha, have you given me all the advertisements for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Hey, the advertising bidding system hasn't come down yet, but judging from the official response from CCTV, I heard that you plan to spend 600 million to get advertising space, so it should be no problem..."

"In this way, Director Ha, there is no need to invite bids for CCTV advertisements this year. How much advertising fees do you expect to charge? I will pay 10% more than your expected advertising fees. I will cover them all. What do you think?"

"Ah?" Ha Wenliang was stunned for a moment and then looked embarrassed: "We have to discuss this with the leaders in the station..."

"Then you call the leader in the station..."


"Yeah, fight now."

"Mr. Zhang, I'm here to talk to you about the overall planning and promotion of this year's Spring Festival Gala..."

"Director Ha, I am also talking to you about the planning and promotion of the Spring Festival Gala. If this matter is not resolved, it will not be easy for us to talk about it..."


Ha Wenliang had a sad face.

Then he nodded: "Then give me some time."


Zhang Sheng watched Ha Wenliang walk out of the office with a smile.

After a while, Ha Wenliang walked in slightly embarrassed: "Mr. Zhang, I have consulted with the leaders. The budget for the Spring Festival Gala advertising station this time is 700 million. Moreover, there has never been a way for one person to take over the entire Spring Festival Gala advertising before. It's a bit embarrassing... More importantly, the advertising placement in this year's 2011 Spring Festival Gala has caused dissatisfaction among the audience... We will systematically screen the advertising for the Spring Festival Gala..."

After saying this, Ha Wenliang took a deep breath: "Mr. Zhang, I want this year's Spring Festival Gala to be high-quality. I want to downplay the advertising aspect as much as possible. It's best not to include it in the sketch..."

"Director Ha, are you ready for your sketch?"

"I have made some preparations, but there is still about two months of preparation period, so you can wait slowly!"

"Director Ha...have you found the stage layout and decoration team for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"Not yet, these also need bidding, we need to look at the qualifications...and..."

"My second request is that I own [Bird's Nest Decoration], which has taken on many projects at home and abroad. Now, it is operating well and all qualifications meet the requirements..."

"Mr. Zhang, you..." Ha Wenliang's expression became increasingly bitter: "We will definitely consider your [Bird's Nest Decoration], and the leaders will also review it, and you are also the best choice... But today we are here to talk to you. When you talk about the planning of the Spring Festival Gala, can we not get sidetracked?"

"Director Ha, I have never gone off track. From stage layout to decoration planning, from advertising to publicity, these are all planning plans..."

"But...well, Mr. Zhang, you can discuss the conditions first, and then I will apply with the leaders."

"In this year's Spring Festival Gala, let our takeaway guys and courier guys also show their faces... The Spring Festival Gala is about having fun with the people. The current situation of the people at the bottom cannot be ignored..."

"I understand, is there anything else?"

"By the way, our front-line decoration workers cannot be missing. After all, they do the hardest and most tiring work..."

"Okay, is there any more?"


The wry smile on Ha Wenliang's face has gradually become stiff.

He just nodded dully.

"Also, you want to organize a New Year greeting for the Spring Festival Gala. Some of my companies will participate in the New Year greeting event. Of course, you will have unexpected benefits. Of course, I can't tell you what these benefits are until you nod your head and sign the agreement. What is..."

"Wait, let me take notes..."


Just after Zhang Sheng was chatting with Ha Wenliang, and Ha Wenliang was remembering what Zhang Sheng said.

There was a knock on the door in the office.

Immediately afterwards, Ha Wenliang saw Ah K open the door.

"Mr. Zhang...ha, Director Ha..."

"Don't just stand there, sit down!"

Ah K was much more silent than before. After briefly greeting the two of them, he sat beside them stupidly.

After Ah K sat down, Zhang Sheng asked about Ah K's current situation.

Ah K's mouth was bitter and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Do you still want to be the king of music?"


After a brief silence in the office, Ah K became more and more confused when faced with the answer, but after a long time, he nodded.

However, he became bitter: "The king needs to pile up one work after another, my original ability, and me..."

Zhang Sheng stood up, took out a copy of lyrics from the locked drawer next to him and handed it to Ah K.

"Give you a gift."


When Ah K first took over the lyrics, he was stunned at first, and then his eyes widened.

"Director Ha, can Ah K attend the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

"Yes, Mr. Ah K is also one of the people we invited..."

"Then can he sing this song at the Spring Festival Gala?"


Ha Wenliang was speechless for a moment, but he still took a look at the lyrics handed over by Zhang Sheng.

He saw that the title of the song was "Chasing Dreams"...

As a director, Ha Wenliang's artistic aesthetic is naturally not bad. When he saw this song, he looked at Zhang Sheng in shock.

"This is you……"

"Director Ha, I still have many works, including some works similar to sketches for the Spring Festival Gala. I am very happy that you can come here today and talk to me about planning in person. I have always been generous to my friends..."

"I can see other..."

"Of course all your works can be viewed, but we are still back to those old problems. First, I hope to cover all advertisements. Second, I hope you can agree to all my previous suggestions... If any leader treats me If you are not satisfied with your suggestions, please tell me that I can personally talk to those leaders about my dreams... I have been working hard since I started my business in 2009, and my red heart is shining. I believe that the leaders listened to me. After dreaming, I will agree!”

"Mr. Zhang, it's possible. If, otherwise, you go to CCTV with me in person... there are many things that are difficult to talk about over the phone, and if you ask me to relay them, I might..."


"Now you..."

"I'm free, let's go!"

"Then take my car..."

"Director Ha, please park your car here first and let's take a taxi. Taking a taxi is so convenient..."




In the early morning of November 14th.

Ma Yunhua is discussing with the team the early launch of [Yu Li Bao] and the listing of [Taozhu.com] in the United States.

But halfway through the conversation...

He received a message.

His eyes widened.

"Zhang Sheng wants to spend 750 million to cover all the advertising for this year's Spring Festival Gala? What is this guy going to do? Isn't this guy earning advertising fees? How can he pay back the advertising fees for the Spring Festival Gala? Is he out of his mind?"


"Zhang Sheng's [Bird's Nest Decoration] has been confirmed to be one of the stage decoration companies for the Spring Festival Gala?"

"What? Say it again..."

"Zhang Sheng became one of the assistant directors in the directing team of the 2012 Spring Festival Gala. Has he joined the planning team of the Spring Festival Gala? No, does he have a director's certificate? He...?"

"Can cats and dogs now become directors?"


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