I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 673 You can’t be so shameless!

"tell me!"

"This is not true!"

"It must not be true. It must be someone with the same name as Zhang Sheng. It must be..."


"Are you kidding? Zhang Sheng doesn't even have a director's certificate. The relevant departments have just issued regulations a few years ago. The director's certificate is one of the certificates that practitioners in the film and television industry must hold. The CCTV Spring Festival Gala is the most formal Spring Festival Gala. Damn, you don’t have a certificate..."

"Damn it, this guy Zhang Sheng can pass the professional-level [broadcasting host certificate]. Isn't it normal to take a director's certificate? Damn it, do you know that since Zhang Sheng passed the professional-level [broadcasting and hosting certificate], he has to pass the professional-level [broadcasting and hosting certificate]." How difficult is it to host the certificate? Damn it! Zhang Sheng’s "Haiyan" has become a model!"

"Zhang Sheng, a layman, might make a mess during the Spring Festival Gala..."



November 14th.

The hustle and bustle of the [Chinese Products Festival] still has its aftertaste.

Countless netizens and brands are still immersed in this feast of domestic products.


No one could have imagined it.

A piece of news announced by [CCTV Official] suddenly became a hot search topic!

[2012 Spring Festival Gala work has been confirmed].

【2012 Director Team Announced】

[2012 director team announced]


The moment I saw this hot search...

Countless filmmakers' pupils shrank, and even netizens' eyes widened.

Being a layman...

Well, a person who has no directing experience before, has not had any directing works, and even has no professional background, suddenly becomes a director...

Moreover, he is the assistant director of such a big stage as [Spring Festival Gala]!

What kind of international joke is this?

The shock level is no less than that of an illiterate person who has never been to elementary school and suddenly transformed into a university teacher!

In those bursts of comments...


There is something incredible.

There is shock...

There are doubts...

At the same time, there are also bitter and deep hatreds from the candidates who were harmed by "Haiyan" and suffered repeated defeats!

When Zhang Sheng's performance of "Haiyan" shocked everyone...

This year’s [National Broadcast Host Professional Qualification Examination]’s pass rate for Level 7 professional-level projects was cut in half…

All candidates are specifically required to take the exam at Zhang Sheng's level.


3 years ago.

No one could have imagined that [Hongyuan Decoration], which had been reviled by countless people and sucked up the hard-earned money of migrant workers, would one day stand up again.

What’s even more unexpected is that this decoration company that was buried in the abyss went from [Yanshi Institute of Chemistry] to [Southern California International Film Awards], starting from a teaching building, to the stage in Brazil, going abroad step by step, and going from debt to It worked hard until it became profitable, and eventually became one of the best decoration groups in the entire [Jincheng]!

And all this...

Liu Chungen is both a witness and a participant.

He will never forget it in his life. That year, countless media and countless migrant workers surrounded [Hongyuan Decoration].

Some people stood on the fifth-floor balcony and yelled in despair, while others cried and angrily accused everyone in front of the camera.

He was also among this group of people and could not control his emotions. He picked up a sledgehammer and smashed the door of [Hongyuan Decoration] to pieces.

He has worked for [Hongyuan Decoration] for three years, and except for the first few months, [Hongyuan Decoration] has been in arrears with his hard-earned money...

Time and time again, he gave up for various reasons until he ran away directly in the end, including his daughter's schooling, his wife's complaints, the ridicule of the neighbors,

Everything seemed to be the last straw that broke his body!

In the most desperate moment...

A young man who was suffering the same fate as him suddenly stood in front of countless people, shouldering all this with his not-so-large shoulders!

Even though, none of this has anything to do with him.

In these 3 years...

Not only did he climb out of the abyss, he also brought countless people with him to climb up from the abyss!

"You should stop singing and just work hard on cementing. You are over 40, you are so ugly, and you still imitate others as a host, aren't you irritated?"


"Is it a lot for you to listen to your music with more than a thousand fans? You should be more pragmatic and spend time with your daughter. Her daughter will take the college entrance examination soon..."


"Look at Ding Changgui next door. Now he has gone from laying tiles to the project manager of [Bird's Nest Decoration], with a salary of more than 200,000 yuan a year!"


"What about you? You are still a bricklayer, why are you not making progress at all?"

3 years.

Many things have changed.

[Bird's Nest Decoration] Some of the front-line masters who worked together became regional project managers, some followed to Brazil and became the heads of the Brazilian project team, and some became builders and re-signed a contract with [Bird's Nest Decoration] contract.

Liu Chungen is still a bricklayer. Although his salary is higher, he has received his arrears and made some money, it seems that there is no change from three years ago.

His wife often complained that he was not motivated...

Everyone else has become the manager of the construction site, but he is lucky. After finishing his work, he goes home and does live broadcasts at home...

After more than half a year of live broadcasting, the number of fans increased by more than a thousand, but there was no improvement at all.

In the face of his wife's complaints, he remained silent. After seeing his silence, his wife was finally disappointed and continued to scold him for being unmotivated.

Liu Chungen is not the kind of person who is very social, and besides being a pretty good bricklayer, he feels that he has no management skills.

He closed the door.

I picked up the headphones, opened [Jitu Video], and started live streaming again.

The content of the live broadcast is very simple, just singing.

Sometimes I sing old songs, sometimes I sing pop songs...

He didn't think about how much money he would make through live streaming, and he never thought about how far he would go. He only knew that when he sang, he would be very happy, as if the fatigue of the day had disappeared.

On the evening of November 14th.

He finished singing Ah K's "Running". He was in good condition and sang at the top of his lungs...

After singing, the mother-in-law rushed over angrily with a rolling pin and cursed him, saying that he had affected her daughter's review.

He was very embarrassed and said a few words to the few fans to log off...

The live broadcast was then turned off.

After being scolded by his mother-in-law, Liu Chungen smoked a cigarette in a muffled voice. Seeing his daughter studying hard, he felt ashamed for a moment, and then he excused himself as having something to do at the company and walked in the direction of [Bird's Nest Decoration].

"Hey, big singer, why are you free today?"

"Big singer, I was watching your live broadcast just now. My mother-in-law's rolling pin didn't kill you!"

"Hey, you came to the company to use the computer again? I'll help you turn on the computer..."

"Big singer, you are not in the right state today..."


After returning to the company, colleagues from the project team came out and laughed when they saw Liu Chungen.

Young people and others all gathered around him to make fun of him.

Liu Chungen laughed in front of him, also showing an awkward smile. He had long been used to it, and there was no malicious intention in these people's teasing, they just simply thought he was interesting...

Project manager Ding Changgui also came out and looked at Liu Changchun: "Hey, Brother Liu, was your sister-in-law kicked out again with a rolling pin? Come on, come on... sit down... Oops, I heard that there is a sketch about wall-breaking people in the next county. Meng, you two, why don’t you put on a show at our [Bird’s Nest Decoration] annual party this year..."

"That's not possible, Mr. Liu..."

Liu Chungen sat on the chair and blushed for a moment when he saw Ding Changgui's teasing.

Just at this time……

[Bird's Nest Decoration] Suddenly a phone rang.

Ding Changgui answered the phone with a smile, but then his expression gradually stiffened, and then he stared at Liu Chungen in disbelief!

"Old Liu, what a fool!"



"I said, Mr. Zhang, can we...can we stop taking a taxi!"

"This trip costs several hundred!"

"I drive, can I drive?"

"You can't always ask me to take a taxi, and... Mr. Zhang, you are worth several billion now, you can't make me pay the fare every time you take a taxi..."

"Besides, Mr. Zhang... I am just a poor director. I am really different from directors like Chen Kai. I only have this small salary and this small subsidy. You can't take advantage of me... "

"Mr. Zhang! Are you listening?"


Jincheng is very close to Yanjing.

It's only a few hours drive.

When Ha Wenliang first met Zhang Sheng, he had a deep respect for Zhang Sheng and did not dare to put on any airs.


After being in contact with Zhang Sheng for a period of time, he increasingly realized that something was not quite right.

He felt like he saw the ugliest face of capitalists!

These two days!

Every time he follows Zhang Sheng, he always takes a taxi!

Moreover, this guy will always find ways to spend his [WeChat] pocket money!

Who the hell has a car at home but doesn't want to drive it, so he takes a taxi from Yanjing to Jincheng?

Damn it!

A round trip costs a few hundred yuan!

"Director Ha, I'm listening. However, Director Ha, as the middle class, we must pay proper attention to people's livelihood. Otherwise, what is the difference between us and those people who don't eat minced meat?"

"Mr. Zhang, it's okay for you to be a good person, but you can't forcefully kidnap me morally like this..."

"Director Ha, you are also a 40-year-old senior, can't the structure be a little bigger?"

"Mr. Zhang, you... If I were to be more ambitious, I would beg for food!"

"Director Ha, I am helping you. Do you think I want to be the deputy director of this Spring Festival Gala? Do you think I am doing it for myself? I am not doing this for our Spring Festival Gala, but also for you to have a glorious and praised future..."


This person Zhang Sheng...

Ha Wenliang no longer knew how to describe it.

This guy always talks in one way, and more importantly, he always stands on the moral high ground and bills himself as a saint.

"Mr. Zhang, don't tell me that you asked me to spend money to ride on your company's taxi app and in the car provided by your company. Then, you took me to your decoration company to find actors and singers... you said this All for me?"

Looking at the huge [Bird's Nest Decoration] building in the distance.

Ha Wenliang took a deep breath and felt that his mentality was a little broken.

He looked at Zhang Sheng who continued to be sanctimonious!

This person can't...

Damn it!

At least it shouldn't be so shameless!

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