After the last ray of sunset sets in the sky.

The earth gradually became dark.

[Bird's Nest Decoration] Doorway.

A [Hongwei Fengxing] taxi parked quietly at the entrance of [Bird's Nest Decoration].

"The Spring Festival Gala in recent years has gradually lost its pyrotechnic atmosphere. Director Ha, if you want to be down-to-earth, then you have to go deep into the grassroots and get involved..."

"The Spring Festival Gala is not a Spring Festival Gala for gentlemen, it should be a Spring Festival Gala for the masses..."


Ha Wenliang opened [WeChat].

When he saw 312 yuan, he painfully clicked to pay.

After seeing that the payment was successful, Ha Wenliang felt his heart bleed.

Zhang Sheng, who was next to him, pushed up his glasses, said hello to the driver, and looked at Ha Wenliang seriously.

Ha Wenliang took a deep breath: "Why do I think this is your company's Spring Festival Gala, Mr. Zhang? Mr. Zhang, can you make the taxi cheaper?"

"You do your job!"

"What mission?"

"You haven't downloaded our [Qiangsheng Online Mall] APP, have you? Download the APP and you will get a 20-yuan free coupon. Have you downloaded [Temple Escape] on your phone? If you downloaded [Temple Escape], you will get a 5-yuan free coupon. …Have you ever shopped online during the [Chinese Products Day]? Enter the shopping barcode and you can get a 10 yuan free coupon. You can get people to subscribe to [Didi Di Taxi] and use [Didi Di Taxi]. There are also red envelopes to receive..."


Ha Wenliang was completely silent after listening.

This is not a mission, this is just a bundled sale!

He pushed open the car door.

He even felt that he would suffocate if he stayed in this small space any longer.


When I opened the door, intending to take a breath, what I encountered was not fresh air.


Countless media came from all directions!

He looked bitter and lowered his voice.

"Mr. Zhang, these media are you..."

"I don't know...I didn't notify the media..."

Zhang Sheng looked innocent, and then stared seriously at Chen Maorong, the newly appointed vice president of [Bird's Nest Decoration].

"Mr. Chen! Didn't I tell you? We need to keep a low profile, keep a low profile. How can you..."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang, I don't know how these reporters received the news. I'm quite innocent..."


He looked at Zhang Sheng and then at the frightened Vice President of [Bird's Nest Decoration].

Ha Wenliang's facial muscles twitched slightly.

You guys are here to act like you, right?

But when countless reporters swarmed around Ha Wenliang, Ha Wenliang suppressed his bitter emotions and forced a smile on his face.


Ha Wenliang has encountered countless messy things in his directing career.

He thinks that his determination, although it will not cause the mountain to collapse without changing his appearance, is still stronger than many people.

Spring Festival Gala!

That was the most glorious moment in his directing career and one of the greatest honors in his life.

He started preparations in July this year, from visiting the older generation crosstalk actors and sketch actors at the Spring Festival Gala to studying the new generation idol stars one by one...

He did everything he could, and he even imagined more than once how wonderful the Spring Festival Gala he directed would be, how famous it would be, and how it would shock the world.


He never thought that one day he would come to Zhang Sheng's [Bird's Nest Decoration], and he never thought that one day he would sit in the office and look at an honest mason who even had some stage fright. He was extremely well-educated. , naturally it is impossible to use any foul language.


"Director Ha, what do you think of Liu Chungen's image?"


Ha Wenliang tried very hard to keep his expression calm, but deep down in his heart he already wanted to scold all eighteen generations of Zhang Sheng's ancestors.

He followed Zhang Sheng from Yanjing to Jincheng, paid the fare, and then, what the hell, did he come here to find a mason?

What to do?

What on earth are you going to do!

Are you going to send Masons to the Spring Festival Gala?

"Oh, it's okay, Mr. Liu, I saw you singing live on [Jitu Video] some time ago, right?"

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and looked at Liu Chungen with a smile.

Liu Chungen was a little nervous, feeling that his brain was already in a daze. He opened his mouth: "Yes, yes, it's Mr. Zhang, I...I...sing whatever you want, no, it's not against the law, right?"

Liu Chungen stammered as he spoke, a large amount of sweat flowed down his forehead, and he felt a buzzing in his ears.

"It's not illegal, of course it's not illegal. Mr. Liu, I won't hide it anymore. I'll tell you directly. As the deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala, I think your voice is good... I want to try it, can you Attending the Spring Festival Gala..."



There was silence in the office.

Ha Wenliang's mouth instantly choked while drinking tea.

He coughed desperately, and then stared at Zhang Sheng. At this moment, he seemed to swallow Zhang Sheng whole: "Mr. Zhang, tell me, you should, are you kidding me?"


Zhang Sheng did not respond to Ha Wenliang, but looked at Liu Chungen with an increasingly serious expression.

Liu Chungen was stunned.

I just felt like I was dreaming.

My mind went blank, and then the buzzing in my ears became stronger and stronger.

"Zhang, Zhang, Zhang...I...chun..."

He no longer knew what he was talking about. He stammered for a long time, but could not say a complete sentence.

"Don't be nervous...just treat us as the most ordinary viewers in the live broadcast room. Mr. Liu, show your singing voice to Director Ha..."


After Liu Chungen heard Zhang Sheng's words, he did not respond. Instead, he glanced at Ha Wenliang with the same dull eyes in a daze, and then looked out the window blankly.

The office fell into silence again, as if you could hear a pin drop.

After a long time: "Here, here, here?"

"Treat us as the most ordinary viewers in the live broadcast room..."


Ha Wenliang looked at Liu Chungen's stupid and old-fashioned look.

At this moment, his heart seemed to be stabbed hard by a knife!

He felt that his imagination was very lacking. He really couldn't imagine how a bricklayer like Liu Chungen could stand on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala. Wouldn't this be a problem for the people of the country during the Chinese New Year?

He saw Liu Chungen twisting his tongue for a long time, and then finally started singing with a blushing face.

The song she sang was "Running" by Ah K, but it was such a disaster that it made Ha Wenliang go crazy.

After singing, Liu Chungen lowered his head.

"Mr. Zhang, I think..."

"Director Ha, Mr. Liu is a little nervous..."

Before Ha Wenliang could speak, he was interrupted by Zhang Sheng.

This suffocating feeling made Ha Wenliang extremely uncomfortable, and...

Ha Wenliang looked at the location in the office.

If, according to the order of directing the Spring Festival Gala, he should be the director of the Spring Festival Gala and should sit in the main seat, why the hell does it seem like he has become Zhang Sheng's deputy now.

"I, I, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I...can't...I'm sorry, Mr. Zhang..."

Liu Chungen kept apologizing.

Zhang Sheng smiled gently: "It's okay...just adjust your state, it's okay. In this way, Director Ha, you wait here for a while, I'll go out for a while..."

Ha Wenliang watched Zhang Sheng stand up, and then led Liu Chungen out of the office.

Ha Wenliang nodded dullly. After the door of the office was closed by Zhang Sheng, Ha Wenliang felt more and more aggrieved the more he thought about it. Finally he couldn't help but walked to the window, took out his mobile phone, and called the leader of CCTV.

"Boss, you also know that I don't usually make snitches, but what do you think is going on? Mr. Zhang took me to his decoration company, and then asked me to pick someone from the decoration company for the Spring Festival Gala. Man... He just stuffed his company's people into the Spring Festival Gala, and that's not the way to go through the back door. I can't imagine what will happen to this year's Spring Festival Gala if you follow what he said..."


"I know Mr. Zhang is a big benefactor, but do you know who he brought me here to find? If it was the vice president of their company, or even the department manager, I would recognize it, but who is that? That is As a mason, I definitely don’t mean to look down on masons, but..."


"Is this what Zhou Chu means, or what the superiors mean? Yes, I am indeed the director, and I have the right to make decisions, but..."


After Ha Wenliang finished the phone call, he looked out the window.

The sky outside the window was gloomy, and he felt that his heart was in a mess, a little crazy, but there was nothing he could do.

On the 12th, he took Zhang Sheng to meet with the leaders in the station.

He didn't know what they were talking about specifically, but when Zhang Sheng walked out of the office, Zhang Sheng became the deputy director and planner of the Spring Festival Gala...


That was the beginning of his nightmare.

Crowding during the Spring Festival Gala is the most taboo thing.

Many directors don't even have the right to recruit people, but Zhang Sheng, I don't know what kind of brainwashing he gave to the leaders in the station...

Oh shit!

An assistant director has more power than himself, the chief director!

The green light is given from above, who the hell are you trying to reason with?

We might as well let him be the chief director. Why am I messing around here? I keep posting fares!

When he thought of this, he immediately made another call to the station.

"Zhang Sheng's taxi fare should be reimbursed for me by the station, right? I can't pay hundreds of yuan every day, right?"


After making the phone call and confirming the attitude of the leader in the station, Ha Wenliang felt a little better.

After staying in the office for about half an hour, when Ha Wenliang became completely irritable, the door to the office finally opened.

He saw Zhang Sheng walking over with Liu Chungen.

When Zhang Sheng sat on the chair, he saw that Liu Chungen, a mason, seemed to be in a strange state.

He couldn't describe this kind of weirdness. He just felt that Liu Chungen seemed to have changed. His eyes were clearly looking towards him, but it seemed as if he was looking at the air.

Then, he walked step by step to the middle of the office.

Then with a voice full of emotion, he sang a song!

Ha Wenliang was stunned!

Afterwards, I felt like I had goosebumps!

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