I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 682 The largest capital fraud in history (Third update! Big update for Guo Jiuxing!)

It snowed in Yanjing City on December 21st.

The Yanshihua playground was completely white.

After fading away from the glitz of his business days, Zhang Sheng silently closed the book "Hydrogen and Fuel Cells—Emerging Technologies and Their Applications."

This year is the first semester of his junior year, and the courses have become relatively difficult and extremely professional. When Zhang Sheng read these books, he gradually became a little struggling.

I want to use more than a month to make up for what others have done for a semester or so, and thoroughly understand all the content.

Even with a brain like Zhang Sheng's, it is indeed a bit difficult.

"Zhang Sheng, I don't quite understand. You've obviously been so successful, why are you still reading these books?"

Dormitory 302 gradually became empty.

Jiang Kailong has been immersed in the mobile phone film industry, has earned millions of RMB, and has completely dropped out of school.

Qi Haifeng has been busy traveling between Brazil and China in the past few years. He has also stopped studying. Whether he has a diploma or not is irrelevant to him.

Shu Shu and Lu Bin's live broadcast and online store were very successful. As they made more and more money, their traffic increased, and they also went through the formalities of suspending their studies.

All the people who took off because of Zhang Sheng have left Yan Petrochemical, but the core figure Zhang Sheng, in addition to enjoying some preferential treatment from [Yan Petrochemical], will complete relevant professional courses every semester.

Moreover, he was very good at studying. Facing such an academic opponent, Lin Cheng felt very painful and desperate.

"Maybe it's obsessive-compulsive disorder, but in doing things, you have to have a beginning and an end. Now that you have stepped into the gate of the college and opened the book, you must at least get your diploma..."

Facing Lin Cheng's confusion and doubts, Zhang Sheng showed a smile on his face.

"Lin Cheng, I don't understand these things very well. Please help me make up for it."

"Zhang Sheng, is there something you don't understand?"

"Am I omnipotent and omniscient, and I am not God..."


Lin Cheng was shocked at first, then excited, and then couldn't restrain his inner excitement, and helped Zhang Sheng start to explain some contents in the book.

Three years of college.

He has experienced betrayal, bullying, and deception, and he has also stood on the highest podium, holding a scholarship in excitement.


I have never felt such a sense of accomplishment as I do today.

Sometimes time passes very slowly, and sometimes time passes very quickly.

When he saw Zhang Sheng looking thoughtful or suddenly enlightened, Lin Cheng felt extremely satisfied deep in his heart.

He looked at the time, it was already noon, and he had to go to [Bosch Technology] to work part-time.

Now, while studying, he began to study various technologies for lead-acid batteries with his seniors.

Zhang Sheng also stood up and followed Lin Cheng back to the [Bosch Technology] lounge to lie down, digesting what he had learned in the past half day.

After lying down for a few minutes, Zhang Sheng saw Hu Guozhu from [Didi Taxi] running over in a hurry!


"Mr. Zhang, have you seen the news about [Yu Libao]?"

"What happened?"

“[Xuntu Taxi] and [Yu Libao] join forces to start a price war!”

"Price war?"

"Yes, [Xuntu Taxi], a newly emerging taxi app, has publicly announced since yesterday that their [Xuntu Taxi] will send out red envelopes three times a day, and the red envelopes are getting bigger day by day! They will subsidize the driver's one-time payment The labor fee is ten yuan!”



The snow outside the window is getting heavier and heavier.

When Zhang Sheng saw Hu Guozhu's expression getting more and more excited, he just motioned for Hu Guozhu to sit down and chat slowly.

Hu Guozhu sat down, and then handed Zhang Sheng an iPad.

On the IPad, Zhang Sheng saw Liu Hong from [Xuntu Taxi Taxi] and held a press conference.

"We have prepared 1 billion US dollars. From now on, we [Xuntu Taxi] will cooperate with [Yu Libao] to subsidize passengers and drivers each by 10 yuan! A red envelope of at least 10 yuan a day!"

"Peer? Friendly businessman? We will always get one yuan more subsidy than our peers! If he has 10 yuan, we will have 11, if he has 11, we will have 12. We only have one task next, and that is to use 1 billion yuan in the shortest possible time. All the US dollars are burned!"

“If the driver uses a [Morishita Nissan] brand car to run Didi, then we will additionally subsidize the car purchase service and support three-year installment payment with [Zhilibao]!”



In the iPad video, Liu Hong is aggressive and ambitious, and she does not hide her ambition at all!

“As soon as the smoke of the [Thousand Regiments War] at the beginning of this year died down, the [Tax-hailing War] at the end of the year was ignited. Our analysts and I have analyzed that this [Tax-hailing War] is very likely to be worse than the [Thousands of Taxi Wars] that started last year. The team battle] is even crazier. The Liu family and Liu Hong personally take action, with countless capital behind them. This time, they want to play a big game..."

Hu Guozhu took a deep breath and stared at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng remained calm and just handed him the iPad.

At this moment, Zhang Sheng's knock on the door rang again.

"Come in!"

Zhang Sheng saw Zhang Xing, whom he had not seen for a long time, running over in a dusty state.

[Group Buying] Since completely cooperating with Zhang Sheng, Zhang Xing has been developing steadily for nearly half a year.

"Mr. Zhang, [Tengji Technology]'s [Lainiao Takeaway] has received nearly 250 million US dollars in investment, and now they have openly declared war on us!"

"From Magic City, from Yangcheng, from Hangcheng, [Lainiao Takeaway] has gone completely crazy. Starting yesterday, they [Lainiao Takeaway] suddenly launched an attack. The subsidies are scary. It costs 1 yuan to eat a hamburger, and 10 yuan Money for a big meal not only subsidizes users, but also subsidizes merchants. The number of active users of our [Group Buying] and [Mitu Takeout] dropped by more than half in an instant. At the same time, [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] also encountered problems in many regions. Blitz, the opponent is focused on us..."


Zhang Xing handed pieces of data to Zhang Sheng. He was not in a hurry, but at this moment, he felt a huge pressure from capital.

He wanted to fight this battle, but he knew that he had to discuss it carefully with Zhang Sheng on how to fight and where to fight.

Before Zhang Sheng could finish reading the data, he heard another knock on the door.


Xu Zhenghua from Hua Xia Bank came over.

He glanced at Hu Guozhu and Zhang Xing calmly, and finally looked at Zhang Sheng. After Zhang Sheng nodded, Xu Zhenghua looked at Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang, Lao Ma's [Yu Li Bao] is coming in a big way and has more than 2 million users. Zheng Huateng's [WeChat Financial Management] has also been launched. The era of [Internet Financial Management] has arrived and is huge. Our system needs to be implemented early." Start, otherwise when the market is completely occupied, we will... [WeChat] already has 120 million users, and your [WeChat] currently has more than 30 million users, and the gap is still very big..."

Xu Zhenghua handed over a piece of data.

Zhang Sheng lowered his head and looked at the data. After reading it, he nodded slightly.

But no words...

At this moment, Zhang Sheng's phone also rang.

The call was from Nie Xiaoping from [Hongwei Electric Vehicle].

[Wuling Automobile] just released a new energy electric vehicle and a family car. The price is more affordable than [Hongwei MINI], and the quality includes all parameters, which is better than [Hongwei] in all aspects. They Although they are working hard to innovate in technology, they still cannot catch up with traditional car companies...

Just hung up the phone from Nie Xiaoping...

Zhang Sheng saw Chen Mengting push open the door again.

Chen Mengting looked at the people in the room with serious eyes.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"The prices of [Weineng] and [Liwei] batteries were suddenly greatly reduced yesterday... The profit was very low. We had the ability to compete with them on price. We have a complete system, but Teacher Tang made a mistake. We must be allowed to invest more money in his research laboratory, and the one-time payment is in the amount of 100 million. I personally can't make a choice, Mr. Zhang, I can only find you..."


Hu Guozhu looked at Zhang Xing, Xu Zhenghua, and Chen Mengting.

Not only [taxi-hailing], but also food delivery, batteries, finance...

At this moment, Hu Guozhu realized that there was a joint war of capital coming from all directions. At this moment, they were all aimed at Zhang Sheng.

Everyone knows that at this time, if Zhang Sheng takes a step back or gives up his share, then they will face a steady stream of fiercer attacks.

But if you don’t give in and rush into this capital game...


No matter how much money Zhang Sheng had, he couldn't resist this bottomless pit of strangulation from the abyss.

No one knows how long Zhang Sheng can last!

A storm is coming...

And Zhang Sheng at the center of the storm...

Not only was he not angry because of this, but he remained calm and even smiled.

"I understand all the things you are talking about, but there is no need to worry. If they are willing to burn money, let them burn money."

"Then let's..."

"Let's just let them win once."


"We're not in a hurry!"

"But the market..."

"The market in a big city is a market with core competition. The competition there is fierce. It doesn't matter if we give it to them appropriately... When the enemy is at its peak, we must avoid it..."

"Then aren't we doomed?" When Zhang Xing heard this, his eyes suddenly widened.

"What's the end of it? My year-end bonus hasn't even been paid yet..."

"Mr. Zhang, your year-end bonus..."

"This year's year-end bonuses will be distributed during the Spring Festival Gala. This December, everyone should not be so nervous. You should eat and sleep when you should. I thought it was some big deal that the sky is falling. If they want to fight, they will fight. At most, we should follow suit appropriately. Follow up, fight a dozen, let them spend more money, we have a complete system, no matter how they hit us, we will benefit, wait, um... I suddenly have a good idea... Let these capitals send us some money..." A strange smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Zhang Sheng's mouth, and then he pushed up his glasses.



"Mr. Zhang, what did you say? Shared bicycles?"


"How to operate it specifically? What if all their capital comes to follow..."

"Wait, let them follow? Try to make this cake as big as possible, go crazy, we are at the highest point..."

"This...just in case..."

"Let them draw some blood for us? And then we beat them?"


In the early morning of December 22nd.

Just when Nie Xiaoping was worried, he suddenly received a call from Zhang Sheng.

(Third update, a big update for Guo Jiuxing!)

(Please give me a monthly ticket, I’m in a hurry~ My chrysanthemum has been stabbed)

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