I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 683 Goodbye 2011

December 22nd.

The snow is getting heavier and heavier.

But the heating in the room is very comfortable.

Liu Hong took a sip of red wine, sat in front of the window sill, and quietly browsed the news about [Xuntu Taxi].

When an astonishing subsidy of US$1 billion appeared on the market, there was a sensation in the market!

Immediately afterwards, all major media reported a series of news about [Xuntu Taxi] almost at the same time.

Since the early morning, the APP interface of [Xuntu Taxi Taxi] has been overwhelmed by the influx of traffic!

In just one night, the number of registered members jumped from 10,000 to 100,000...

Looking at this data, Liu Hong had no other expression on her face. She just glanced at the total data of [Didi Di Taxi] again!

[Didi Di Taxi] The current number of users is close to 5.5 million...

In December 2011, the monthly coverage of smart taxi-hailing apps reached 10.124 million people, and the total number of monthly uses reached 51.2986 million times. Among them, [Didi Didi Taxi] led the market with 52.8% of the number of people covered, and ranked second in the market. The name is [Shunfeng Di Di], which covers 31.2% of the population. As for the next 16%, it is other taxi-hailing software...

Starting in September this year, Zhang Sheng relied on various taxi-hailing software and various traffic advantages to integrate other taxi-hailing software in a series of markets (these software are all produced by Zhang Sheng), and officially became The largest taxi-hailing app in China has been profitable for nearly three months...

[Shunfeng Kuaidi] has an innate advantage, but there are not as many traffic channels as Zhang Sheng, and there are not as many project channels. Although they resisted, they managed to hold on to the battle in the end.

As for their [Xuntu Taxi Taxi], it currently only accounts for about 1.2% of the market, and the market is calm.

In fact...

A few months ago, the [Xuntu Taxi Taxi] company was established.

However, at that time, after this software was launched on the market, it has been in a state of dormancy and preparation.

During this period, there was little market turmoil. The main thing was to sign a payment agreement with [Tengji Technology]’s Qgou, [WeChat], and [Jiahu Technology]’s [Zhilibao].

So far…

[Xuntu Taxi] is the only software on the market that has obtained financing agreements from [Jiahu Technology] and [Tengji Technology] at the same time.

They have also cooperated with the largest map software in China [Soudu Map] and incorporated it into the territory of [Xuntu Taxi].

At the same time, they also signed a car purchase subsidy agreement with [Wuling Automobile]. As long as car owners use the [Xuntu Taxi Hailing] software and purchase [Wuling Automobile], they will enjoy various preferential subsidies.

these days.

Liu Hong constantly shuttles between the Internet and various industrial brands to discuss cooperation.

Either for profit, for data, or for the future market, several big capitals that were divided in the past and suffered a bloody blow have all reached a consensus at this moment!

Let’s call a truce first, and unite together to kill Zhang Sheng’s cancer and drive him out of the Internet. After Zhang Sheng falls, we can then divide Zhang Sheng’s territory!

Nine o'clock in the morning.

The snow stopped outside.

In the conference room.

Liu Hong looked at several professional analysts sitting not far away: "Has Zhang Shengfang done anything about our subsidies?"

"We saw that core figures such as Zhang Xing and Hu Guozhu went to Yanshihua... But we couldn't find out what they talked about specifically, and Zhang Sheng's [Didi Taxi Taxi] always seemed to be very calm. Hu Guozhu, in addition to holding a meeting this morning, Apart from an indifferent press conference, Zhang Sheng never responded... [Didi Di Taxi] is actually giving out red envelopes, but they are not giving out as many red envelopes as we are, and they are basically aiming to stabilize users. host……"

"How is Zhang Sheng's financial situation?"

"According to our rough estimate, including the money from the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Sheng's current available cash on hand is well over 3 billion!"

"..." Liu Hong nodded after hearing this data.

She made a phone call to her father Liu Jiahui.

Liu Jiahui also thought deeply for a moment on the phone: "He is not a person who waits to be killed. Let's wait and see what moves he will make!"


"By the way, the more detailed the analysis data for Zhang Sheng must be, the better. In recent years, from the field of [Thousand Regiments War] to the field of [takeaway], when everyone is focusing on one point and exerting their efforts, almost wholeheartedly During the capital war, he will often secretly shift his focus to another area and secretly exert strength in another area. Remember...! As long as you keep an eye on him, you must keep an eye on the actions of any of his companies. Clearly, you cannot let go of any change, even the slightest change!"

"I see."

After talking to her father Liu Jiahui on the phone, Liu Hong did not dare to be careless. She explained some things about Zhang Sheng to her analysis team and intelligence agency very seriously.

"Keep a close eye on Zhang Sheng. Any disturbance, even if Zhang Sheng farts, must be reported in time!"


December 2011.

That was the beginning of China Capital’s craziness, and it was also the month when consumers had the most God-like illusion.

The subsidy war, which was even crazier than the previous Thousand Regiments War, suddenly kicked off in December with lightning speed.

At first, consumers really thought that capital was crazy and began to do charity. Some people were skeptical...

However, after some people experienced the madness of [Thousand Regiments War], they immediately realized that a new round of capital war had begun, and immediately prepared various procedures and prepared to harvest the wool!

Wake up in the morning and stay until noon but still don’t want to go out?

[Lai Niao Takeaway], which has been dormant in the market for a long time and is inseparable from [Honeycomb Ji Delivery], suddenly goes crazy and subsidizes consumers...

Clicking on [Lainiao Takeaway], you are shocked to find that the original amount of tens of yuan, after receiving the subsidy red envelope, is so crazy that it is unbelievable!

A hamburger for 1 yuan, a dinner for 12 yuan...

I ordered lunch doubtfully, and in disbelief I saw the delivery man delivering it, and after eating lunch, I walked out of the community...


There are advertisements for "Xuntu Taxi" everywhere around the community, as well as countless local promoters.

When I took out my mobile phone, whether it was [Q Dog], [WeChat] or [Zhilibao], an advertisement for [Xuntu Taxi Taxi] popped up at the same time.

You received the subsidy and looked at the red envelope from [Xuntu Taxi] in shock...

[Xuntu Taxi] It costs 5 yuan to travel. The further you travel, the more subsidies you get. It can be as low as 5 yuan, and you can travel around the city.

Cheaper than driving by yourself!

Some people even paid for these things directly with the interest from [Yu Li Bao] and exclaimed in shock.

"Oh my god, my day's interest can be used to eat, take a taxi, and when I got home, I opened [Yu Li Bao] and found that I still had a few dollars of remaining interest! This world is really magical!"


"No, the real magic is to be a driver. When you sign up for [Xuntu Taxi], you will get a red envelope of ten yuan. There is a subsidy for every order, not only the driver subsidy, but also the passenger subsidy. I made a large order today and invited When my friend was a passenger, I discovered that I actually earned nearly two hundred yuan! The money earned can be directly deposited into [Yu Li Bao] or [WeChat Financial Management] to make money..."


"This day has been so fulfilling! Thank you to Dad Ma! Thank you to Lao Zheng. Even if you shamelessly cheat my money in "Gun Battle Glory", I will not scold your whole family!"


"This wave of calculations will last forever!"


Public opinion ferments very quickly on the Internet.

On December 22, when Liu Hong announced a $1 billion subsidy, consumers from all over the world posted their one-day itineraries on their networks.

Immediately afterwards...

More and more people have seen the news, and more and more people have entered [Yu Li Bao] and [WeChat Financial Management].

December 31st.

Ma Yunhua from [Jiahu Technology] announced an exciting news.

[Yu Libao] has been online for just one month, and the number of users has exceeded an astonishing four million, creating a miracle in the history of monetary funds!

At the same time, [WeChat] also announced its year-end number of users.

Since [Tengji Technology] released [WeChat] in May, the number of registered users of [WeChat] has exceeded 130 million, and the number of new users every day is getting more and more crazy. Zhang Xiaoqiang even bluntly said that [WeChat] will not be able to use [WeChat] for up to 5 months. Chat] can exceed 200 million registered users, creating the second biggest miracle in the field of Internet social networking after [Q Dog]!

As the two giants of China’s Internet released a year-end data...

Liu Hong also immediately disclosed a data with [Xuntu Taxi Taxi], from the press conference held on December 21 to December 31.

In just 9 days, [Xuntu Taxi Taxi] has registered more than 900,000 users, making it one of the third largest travel apps in China...

When shocking data is released one after another.

Countless capital and consumers are staring at Zhang Sheng.

Whenever these capitals make big moves, Zhang Sheng's moves seem to be even bigger.

However, this time!

Zhang Sheng's side was unusually low-key.

No data has been released, and no measures have been taken. Even the [Year-End Award] project, which caused a sensation in China in 2010, has no news this year.

Some media kept asking a series of employees under Zhang Sheng, but the employees said they were at a loss. The leaders did not notify them of the annual meeting at all, and they did not even know when the annual meeting would be held!

There are even revelations...

Zhang Sheng did nothing during the entire December except staying at Yanshihua.


Whether it is Ma Yunhua, Liu Hong, Zheng Huateng, Li Zongyao and others.

Everyone felt a sense of uneasiness in their hearts.

Compared with a year ago, Zhang Sheng wanted money and people. How could he let them take away the entire market so easily?

Until January 1, 2012.

Countless people saw a message!

They saw Zhang Sheng go to [Hongwei Technology] and seemed to chat with Nie Xiaoping for a long time.

But what they were talking about, no one knew.

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