I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 684 Sharing Economy

"On December 1, after Zhang Sheng invited Zhao Degang and other sketch seniors, he returned to Yanshihua."

"From December 1st to December 20th, Zhang Sheng's activity area was always within the scope of Yanshi Chemical. During this period, the four major banks in China approached Zhang Sheng, suspected of chatting about the financial system on [WeChat], but I don't know what the result was..."

"From December 20th to December 31st, Zhang Sheng was still at Yanshihua and had a meeting with Nie Xiaoping, Hu Guozhu, Zhang Xing and other entrepreneurial teams..."

“As of December, the sales of [Hongwei MINI] nationwide have exceeded 300,000 units, with actual delivery of 100,000 units… [Hongwei Fengxing] has domestic orders of 210,000 units, with actual delivery of 100,000 units…Excluding initial lawsuit compensation , Zhang Sheng has already earned more than 150 million yuan from the subsequent appearance patent fees alone...the share profit is about 560 million yuan..."

"[Honeycomb Jisong] has more than 20 million registered users. In 2011, excluding subsidy costs, the annual profit was close to 250 million, and the actual profit was 120 million..."

"[Bosch Technology] has jumped to the third largest battery supplier in the country. In 2011, the number of electric bicycles in China's electric bicycle market has reached nearly 150 million, and the output in 2011 was more than 14 million. Among them, [Hongwei Electric Bicycle] has jumped to the third largest battery supplier in the country. , the total profit from batteries and electric bicycles was 1.05 billion, and the actual profit sharing was given to Zhang Sheng about 450 million..."



Early morning.

【Jiahu Technology】.

One data report after another appeared on Ma Yunhua's conference table.

When Ma Yunhua looked at Zhang Sheng's income in 2011, even he couldn't help but feel a little shocked.

Putting aside a series of expenditure data, Zhang Sheng actually received an astonishing 4.2 billion yuan.

4.2 billion yuan is still nothing in the capital circle!

However, that was cash at Zhang Sheng’s personal disposal, and it was all tax-deducted money!

Moreover, e-commerce industries such as Zhang Sheng's and even [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] have still achieved profits of hundreds of millions of yuan after going through a series of subsidy wars!

What makes Ma Yunhua even more envious is...

The online game "Dungeon" owned by Zhang Sheng can actually compete with [Tengji Technology]'s "Gunfight of Glory" in terms of game sales!

After seeing the profit amount of each industry, Ma Yunhua felt a kind of pressure somehow.

In addition to pressure, I also felt an unknown and uneasy emotion.

This emotion has been there since December 1st, since "Yu Li Bao".

From the beginning of December to now, he has been waiting for Zhang Sheng's move almost every day!

According to the information he received, Zhang Sheng had already signed an agreement with the four major banks in China, and the financial management software had already been prepared...

Because he knew this news, in order to seize the market faster, Ma Yunhua did not hesitate to use [Yu Libao] to raise money to do it. The highest interest rate was as high as 6.8!

The purpose is to seize the opportunity in advance and severely squeeze Zhang Sheng's space to the extreme.


Until [Tengji Technology]'s financial management software came out early, Zhang Sheng's financial management software has not yet appeared.

You said Zhang Sheng is scared or Zhang Sheng is afraid?

There is a bank standing behind Zhang Sheng, and with Zhang Sheng's usual urination, can he be afraid? Can he bear it?

Moreover, with Zhang Sheng now having a lot of food and grass, and being at the right time and place in all aspects, it is impossible for him to give up this huge payment market with [financial management] as a gimmick at a critical moment!

Giving up the payment market means giving up the unit market, giving up the unit market, then all his previous efforts will be in vain...

But unfortunately...


It's just too quiet.

Not only is there no movement in the financial market, but even the original food delivery, taxi-hailing, e-commerce and other fields are eerily quiet!

year 2011.

Just spent it peacefully.

I originally thought it was a battlefield full of smoke, but...

But it was as if he punched out and hit the cotton hard.

Zhang Sheng, who was once extremely stubborn, never accepted the move.

【What on earth is he doing! 】

【What on earth is he going to do! 】

There was ice and snow outside the window.

In the conference room.

Ma Yunhua, Li Zongyao, Liu Hong and others were sitting in the conference room, staring at the data.

Almost everyone has these questions in their mind.

At the end of the conference room, in the slides.

Every step of Zhang Sheng’s cooperative brand companies in the past 12 months is clearly written on the slides.

"There may be some action in the battery car market..."

"Zhang Sheng and Nie Xiaoping from [Hongwei Battery Car] chatted for a long time, so what exactly does he want to do?"


Analysts analyze it all.

Many possibilities were also analyzed.

They seemed to be about to catch a point, but unfortunately, that point was missed perfectly.

At 6 o'clock in the morning...

There was a knock on the door in the conference room.

The data about Zhang Sheng has been updated again.

"Mr. Ma, Nie Xiaoping made a call to dealers all over the country just now at 2.30 in the morning. Moreover, they seem to be recruiting troops and seem to want to temporarily put battery cars in every area... Taking the Magic City area as the example Unit, about 2 kilometers away, park a car...not only put in battery cars, but also put in bicycles..."

"[Shengteng Technology] seems to be working overtime internally to research a brand new APP software..."


An informant lurking in Zhang Sheng's corporate unit provided a more important clue!

After seeing these clues, Ma Yunhua frowned slightly.

At this moment, all the doubts formed a gradually clear answer, and this answer made Ma Yunhua more and more anxious.

"Zhang Sheng may have found the next outlet. He avoided the edge under our pressure, and then, like before, he wanted to suddenly take advantage of the market while we were focusing on other points!"

Ma Yunhua did not speak.

However, Liu Hong stood up suddenly.

Li Zongyao's expression was gloomy and somewhat uncertain.

Matsushita Furukawa of Japan's [Silver Red Capital] can naturally understand Chinese. When he heard this sentence, he nodded: "But, what is his next trend?"

"In fact, when Zhang Sheng's food delivery industry just started, he put it into service with battery carts. They basically served his food delivery industry... But at that time, they were basically based in Shanghai, Yanjing, and Shanghai. Mainly in cities and other places, as long as you are a delivery person of [Honeycomb Jifu] and Zhang Sheng's system, you can use the dedicated verification code directly... However, although these are bonus points for [Honeycomb Jifu], but Basically, they are building infrastructure with money, and none of us are willing to do that. Wait, if it is true as the survey said, then..." Not far away, Pang Lei from [Hongsen Capital] suddenly froze. , and then his face changed slightly!

"Mr. Pang...you, don't hesitate, say..." After Liu Hong saw Pang Lei's expression, she suddenly became anxious.

"What if, let me tell you, one day, Zhang Sheng makes all of these battery vehicles open source and frees them up, not just for the delivery people of [Honeycomb Ji Delivery], then what will happen?" Pang Lei said suddenly.


There was a sudden silence in the entire conference room.

Deep down in their hearts, everyone felt as if they had been severely hammered, and their expressions changed drastically!

"Mr. Pang, you said, in fact, it was Zhang Shengbu's game from the time [Honeycomb Jishuang] laid out battery cars. Then, when these lines gradually matured, Zhang Sheng began to open source money in another way..." Liu Hongmeng What a surprise!

All the people here are smart people.

When the lines gradually became clear, everyone realized that Zhang Sheng had unknowingly taken the lead in a new field!


Just when everyone has different thoughts.

The conference room door opened again.

"Zhang Sheng held a live media conference!"

[Jiahu Technology] The person in charge of the marketing department walked in in a hurry.

Immediately afterwards...

The person in charge of the marketing department accessed the data and saw a joint live broadcast between [Jitu Video] and [Humi Live].

Click to start the live broadcast.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Zhang Sheng wearing a pair of glasses and looking polite, standing in front of the media.

"Many people ask me where I have been this December..."

"Many people have also asked me that this December, a software called [Xuntu Taxi Taxi] came out of the blue, with an astonishing subsidy of US$1 billion to seize the "hearts" of our [Didi Di Taxi Taxi] users..."

"Then, they asked me when our [Didi Didi Taxi] would also provide subsidies. The users were almost robbed by [Xuntu Taxi]..."

“We have actually been distributing subsidies. In the past few years, as the leader of China’s taxi-hailing industry, we [Didi Taxi] have provided nearly 200 million yuan in subsidies through various channels. It can be said that , we [Didi Taxi] do not make money..."

"In fact, everyone knows that I don't have anything else now, but I do have money. I can actually fight this subsidy war for a long time..."

"However, I have been thinking about how to create more comfortable and civilian travel for consumers. I think taking a taxi alone is still not enough..."



"We often encounter a situation in several big cities such as Yanjing, Hangzhou, Magic City, and Yangcheng..."

"what's the situation?"

"A traffic jam, even if it's only 2 kilometers, takes a taxi or drives, especially during peak hours, and it only lasts a few minutes on weekdays, but you'll have to be stuck in a traffic jam for at least 2 hours, or even more!"

"Especially in winter, on a snowy day like this... two hours of traffic jam and some traffic accidents are really debilitating..."

"What can you do with 2 hours?"

"If you are like me and willing to study, you can read many pages of books. If you are interested in entertainment, you can watch a good movie... You can even do nothing, just lie at home, blow on the air conditioner, and watch dramas... "

"Everything is better than being in a crowded car, being honked, and being tortured by endless irritating sounds, right?"


"I have been thinking about how to solve this problem, until a few days ago, I suddenly realized something!"

"That's...the sharing economy!"

"What is sharing?"


In the conference room.

Everyone saw Zhang Sheng suddenly smiled.

Liu Hong looked at this smile, and somehow she seemed to see a bloody mouth!

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