I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 685 The sinkhole dug by Zhang Sheng! (Third update, a big update for Guo Jiuxing!)

“What is the sharing economy?”

"Simply put, there are a lot of idle resources in our society!"

“What are idle resources?”

"Some resources are originally used by individuals or organizations themselves, but when they are not in use or occupied, they are idle resources..."

"For example, a batch of battery cars owned by our [Honeycomb Jisong]..."

"I know very well that many of our friends who join [Beehive Jisong] are very poor!"

"Sorry, I like to tell the truth. Being poor is not a shameful thing. When I first went to college, I was still in debt... Because I climbed up from the bottom step by step, so I know better how to start a business without any money. The hard times..."

"So, I often tell other people in my team that we have money now, but we must not be complacent. The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. We should give back to the society and stand as a lucky person. , helping more people to succeed..."

"Is there a threshold for the food delivery industry? No, no academic qualifications are required. You can deliver directly after training as long as you are familiar with the location. But do you think there is absolutely no threshold? There must be, and that is our battery car..."

“Our battery scooters need to be provided by our knight friends themselves, but I see that many of my friends who are as poor as me before, or even in debt, cannot afford to buy a battery scooter at all..."

"A penny is too much for a hero. The cheapest electric car on the market costs thousands of yuan... You can't buy a battery car just to deliver food, right?"

“So, in order to encourage more people to join us in the food delivery industry such as [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] and [Group Buying], [Jimi Takeout], etc., we can work harder on our own and earn our first pot of gold faster. …”

"A year ago, I borrowed a batch of battery scooters from Mr. Nie. At first, we put them in the Yanjing area, about 10 kilometers away. Riders in our cooperative brands such as [Honeycomb Jishuang] use battery scooters. Totally free!”


[Tengji Technology].

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zheng Huateng were also watching the live broadcast.

Zhong Qian, the boss of [YK Live Broadcast] next to him, felt a little sad when he saw the words [Jitu Live Broadcast].

Obviously their [YK Live Broadcast] is a company owned by Mr. Zheng, but damn, the number of times Mr. Zheng watches [YK Live Broadcast] is not even half as much as [Jitu Video].

But despite the sourness in his heart, Zhong Qian did not speak.

Although Zheng Huateng's expression was very calm, he could feel a breathless and depressed feeling from Zheng Huateng.

Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was in charge of [WeChat] next to him, had an increasingly serious expression.

"This guy Zhang Sheng seems to be..."

He couldn't help but blurt out.

But after seeing Zheng Huateng's cold expression, Zhang Xiaoqiang immediately shut up!

He continued to watch the live broadcast, but a sense of urgency emerged in his heart.


"Later, our [Honeycomb Ji Delivery] grew bigger and bigger and became the No. 1 food delivery industry in China..."

"We practitioners have also grown from the initial dozens to hundreds, tens of thousands, or even millions..."

"I have borrowed more and more battery cars from Mr. Nie, and their coverage is getting wider and wider across the country..."

“But one thing I discovered is that everyone seems to be making money, and then there are more and more electric vehicles idle on the roadside. Then, although we have people all over the country who are dedicated to Maintenance, but the cost is getting higher and higher. In the past year, we spent a lot of money on these battery cars..."

"I admit that I was selfish at the beginning. I only hoped that the friends who joined my team would get better and better, and that it would become more and more convenient outside of work."

"But now, I realize that I was wrong, and I feel ashamed because I am occupying social public resources and causing a lot of waste of resources..."

"It wasn't until I saw the loss bill that Mr. Nie sent me that I woke up from a dream..."

"This December, besides studying, I have been thinking about what I should do..."

"It wasn't until now that I suddenly realized that I should share. Instead of piling up those things, wasting them, and losing money, I might as well just let them go and provide more convenience to the people. At the same time, I also It can make up for some losses..."

"This is a software I commissioned from Mr. Xu of our [Shengteng Technology]. This software is called [Hive Sharing]!"

"You don't need to download this software, and there is no so-called APP. It is in our [WeChat] mini program..."


【Jiahu Technology】.

Ma Yunhua saw Zhang Sheng take out [WeChat], and then click on the [Hive Sharing] applet in [WeChat].

He stared at the [mini program] and then saw that there was a software called [Hive Sharing] in the mini program. The interface of this software was very simple, including [rental] and [car return].

Of course, he also saw the words [Deposit]!

His expression changed drastically!

In the conference room.

Liu Hong, Li Zongyao, Pang Lei and others also widened their eyes.

They were keenly aware that a vent was drawn out bit by bit on Zhang Sheng's fingertips, and then...

"We only need to pay a deposit of 100 yuan, and we can use all the means of transportation in [Hive Sharing]. There are bicycles, fully charged battery cars, and we are equipped with helmets. At the same time, we expect to use the previous 10 kilometers area The distance between points has been shortened to 7 kilometers... The current pilot projects are still in big cities such as Yangcheng, Shanghai, and Yanjing where traffic jams are common!"

"They are our best choice when we are stuck in traffic!"

“The entire travel industry cannot have just one voice, and I always feel that our users need more choices.”


When everyone heard Zhang Sheng say these words.

Ma Yunhua was slightly shocked in her heart!

At this moment, he realized that it turned out that the so-called sharing economy was already laying the groundwork when [Honeycomb Jisong] started.

At first, Ma Yunhua and several others were laughing at him, saying that Zhang Sheng was completely wasting money by making these things.

The fastest way for capital is to take shortcuts and build infrastructure, something only fools or fools can do.

A bullet from a year ago hit Ma Yunhua hard between the eyebrows at this moment, making Ma Yunhua realize that he was the fool.

After throwing out such a thing that shocked everyone, Zhang Sheng did not turn off the live broadcast, but continued it.

“Everyone has also seen that there is a rental agreement in [Hive Sharing], right?”

"What does this thing mean?"

"I call on everyone to take out the idle bicycles or battery cars at home and rent them to those who need cars more... Well, if you trust us, we can do it for you, and we will act as a middleman and charge you A small commission, of course, the daily rent and income, you can see it in the newly opened [Little Treasury] in [WeChat]..."


Ma Yunhua saw another program in [WeChat].

[WeChat Little Treasury].

He was keenly aware that this was Zhang Sheng's small program to test the financial industry.

"It's not over yet. This time, our [WeChat] also ushered in the 6.12 system update. This time the updated system includes not only the small software I mentioned, but also a new QR code... …”

“The traditional era of searching for users or entering user accounts to add friends is over!”

"We must keep pace with the times!"

"As long as we scan the QR code, we can add friends. At the same time, as long as we scan the QR code, we can make payments. Of course, we currently only support our cooperative brands..."


Ma Yunhua's pupils shrank sharply!

The moment he saw the QR code, he suddenly stood up from his position.

this moment……

He's a bit out of his mind!

Brand-new things kept bombarding his ears, one after another.


"All supervisors above the manager level should come over for a meeting immediately!"



"Also, this update has several more features!"

"The main thing is fast payment! First, we save the tedious text message verification and only need to verify when the bank card is bound!"

"Second: Our payment password has been changed to 6 digits. It is no longer the same verification as before, this verification, that verification!"

"Third: The money in [WeChat] payment is connected with the [small treasury] in [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to open up the bilateral payment system..."

“Fourth: Not only [Qiansheng Online Mall], but also [Jitu Video], [Honeycomb Jisong], [Didi Di Taxi] and other taxi-hailing software... We have launched a one-click code scanning and confirmation payment system! "


[Tengji Technology].

When he saw the live broadcast reaching this point, Zheng Huateng's expression changed drastically.

"This, this... my God, Zhang Sheng, why did he take out so many things at once, and, and, these things are all... we, we just imagined..."

"No, it's going to be bad!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer cares about being in Zheng Huateng's office, he has completely lost his composure!

In December, in order to promote the payment system faster, he has been thinking about how to optimize the payment of [WeChat] and add friends mode.

He and his team thought about it for more than half a month, and finally came up with some ideas, but this was a vague concept!


No one would have thought...

This time, Zhang Sheng actually shoved a complete payment system right in front of their eyes!

Zheng Huateng stared at the QR code!

He felt that Zhang Sheng was ahead of their team again!

Zheng Huateng then stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang closely: "You ask the leaders of the [WeChat] business department and key positions to come over for a meeting!"



"Mr. Ma, this is definitely another bigger outlet!"

"Sharing economy, we must do it!"


2012, January 1, 1 pm.

The moment when the analyst excitedly handed the data to Ma Yunhua...

A big bleeding hole carefully prepared by Zhang Sheng is placed in front of the eyes of all Chinese capital circles.

(The third update is a big update for Guo Jiuxing, and I still owe 17 updates...)

(Please give me a monthly ticket!)

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