In February, we wrote 240,000 words.

There are 29 days in February, with an average of about 8,000 words of updates.

Compared with many tentacle monsters, I definitely can't compare, but compared with myself, this February is my most diligent month.

More diligent than putting it on the shelves.

February is also the first time since our book was launched that it has entered the top 10 in cities and the top 50 in the overall list!

The increase in my grades is really gratifying. Although it is not as good as becoming famous, it is really another peak in my career.

The scores are rising, so there is motivation to update!

I am very happy and thank you all for your support.

For now, the plot of this book is still following the outline...

The original plan was to finish the book with 2 million words, but now it has reached 2.17 million words, but there is still a lot of plot to write.

It definitely can’t be a mess, and it can’t be a failure. If the writing is really a little uncomfortable, I will slow down and continue to think about the outline...

Again, I hope you can give me more opinions...

My main character is to listen to advice and not be assertive...

The heroine is very embarrassed...

Some people want to watch it, but some people don't like to watch it. It's so hard for me to get off...

In fact, I deleted a lot of the heroine's scenes. Here's another question for everyone's suggestions...


For the sake of my hard work, please count your votes for me!

There are only 6 hours until next month.

In February, please let me stay in the top 10 cities!

In March, if nothing unexpected happens, I will continue to update more and pay off more debts!

Asking for a monthly ticket!

Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!

Let's rush again!

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