I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 686 Change the entire payment system in China!

On the afternoon of January 1st.

The sky is a little gray.

Fatty Wang's eyes were blood red as he stared at the news.

The news reports on December 31, 2011, the last stock trading day.

The Shanghai Composite Index closed at 2199.42 points, up 25.86 points, or 1.19%; the Shenzhen Composite Index closed at 8918.82 points, up 137.50 points, or 1.57%...

In 2011, the Chinese stock market "ended" in the red.

There was a hint of bitterness in his throat.

In the news, countless stock investors were laughing and celebrating the harvest, as if the stock market was in a booming state.

But in reality, Fatty Wang seemed to have had all his strength drained from his body. He was breathing heavily and staring at the stock market, which was red yesterday and green today.


A few cents more.


It’s going to drop to the limit!

His phone kept ringing.

He answered the phone.

"Old Wang, it's time to start a new life. Push QR codes. We have just formed a local push team and you are the only one left. For every order that is closed, you will be given a piece of money... The maximum income per day can be over a thousand yuan!"


On the phone.

Fatty Wang said that he was not feeling well, so he reluctantly responded with a few words, and then hung up the phone, but his eyes were fixed on the computer screen, as if his soul had been taken away.

When you lose hundreds of thousands in one fell swoop, it will take at least a year of hard work to make it back...

Then, you will also enjoy the fact that you can earn thousands of dollars without doing anything for a day...

The jumping numbers rise and fall one by one, like wealth codes...

The gambler's mentality is completely aroused, and he just wants to try again, even if it is the last time. He always feels that after losing hundreds of thousands, he will make more money sooner or later...

When you are immersed in this state, will you still be interested in work that is done step by step and even depends on people's faces?


QR codes can be traced back to the 1990s.

In the 1990s, with the rapid development of computer technology and network technology, QR codes, as an advanced automatic identification technology, began to be researched and applied in our country.

After the millennium, some Chinese research teams also pondered the application of QR codes, and also tried it on a small scale, but in the end due to the popularization of technology and various reasons, it was abandoned.

However, no one could have imagined that in 2012, QR codes would suddenly appear in everyone’s field of vision!

"Actually, in 2006, I just... saw the QR code!"

"However, everyone is like a headless fly, not knowing what this thing can be used for..."

"At that time, smartphones were not yet popular, and scanning codes had high requirements on mobile phone pixels, processors and other related components..."



[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng and everyone in the [WeChat] business department are having a meeting.

During the meeting, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not dare to breathe. Even now, he is still in shock deep in his heart.

He stared at the screen in front of him.

A technician from the digital department of [Tengji Technology] stood on the demonstration stage and opened the section of [WeChat] for scanning the QR code to add friends.

He saw a QR code, and then, with just a "beep" sound, a friend's avatar appeared on the phone interface.

At the moment when he was easily added as a friend, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt as if he had been punched hard deep in his heart, with waves of cold sweat dripping down his back.

In the conference room.

Silence, deathly silence, haunted everyone.

Everyone's face looked ugly, as if they had seen an earthquake that was about to tremble throughout China.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's throat trembled, and then he stared at the technician with a dry and hoarse throat: "Is this the ecological aspect of the social field..."

“It’s not only the ecological level of the social field, but also the huge changes in the payment field and even the APP field!”

Although the technician knew that the atmosphere in the meeting was particularly strange, he still took a deep breath and added this sentence.

Zhang Xiaoqiang's face turned even uglier!

Zhang Sheng walked in front of him again...

When adding friends becomes more and more convenient, when payment becomes more and more convenient, then...

Their [WeChat] advantage in the social field will face major challenges again!

In the conference room, everyone looked at each other.

After a long time, Zheng Huateng looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang: "Can we do this?"

"We can do it!"

"how long it takes?"

"The principle is not difficult. In essence, it is to embed an information link into the QR code. When the user scans it, it is equivalent to clicking on the information link, and then going to the relevant interface..." Zhang Xiaoqiang replied.

"Let me ask you, how long does it take for us to make the QR code?"

"Because there is no preparation in advance, we are starting this now, and it may take half a month to prepare..."

Zheng Huateng didn't speak after reading it, but his face became colder and colder. He stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not dare to look at Zheng Huateng.

"In half a month, the number of [WeChat] users will reach 50 million. What do you think we should do?" Zheng Huateng finally said.

"Mr. Zheng, let's do it as soon as possible..."

"In one week, at least one week, I want to see the QR code application!"

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't dare to refute or look at Zheng Huateng, he just nodded.

When the meeting dispersed, Zheng Huateng did not leave.

He stared at the words [Sharing Economy] on the table.


Night gradually fell.

The weather is getting colder.

Liu Hong followed her data team and held a meeting all afternoon.

"In the name of [sharing economy], he collects deposits and collects money. Then, the deposits he gets can be invested again..."

"If he completes this track, he will have another blood supply channel, and then he will have a financial advantage in the subsequent travel battle..."

"How big is this market? More than a billion? More than 10 billion! Even over 10 billion!"


Liu Hong listened to several capital friends and analyzed Zhang Sheng's plan inside and out, starting from the [Sharing Economy].

A brand new big net is coming from all directions, covering everyone present!

When Liu Hong thought that she had figured out all the key points, Liu Hong couldn't help but feel scared. At the same time, she was also glad that she had spent a lot of manpower and material resources to observe Zhang Sheng's every move in an all-round way. Move!

She looked at the words [Sharing Economy].

His eyes gradually became hot, and at the same time, a series of senses of urgency arose!

This track!

They must step in!

After confirming something, she immediately called her father to discuss the matter.

"Investors in the United States are also paying attention to these things..."



After hearing these words, Liu Hong was shocked.

Immediately, she received a call from Lao Mei.

The call came from [MOSA] Capital, an old American company. The other person seemed very excited and was particularly interested in the so-called [Sharing Economy].

After finishing the phone call, Liu Hong's expression became more and more excited.

This is not only a piece of "deposit" capital cake, but also another new track after [taxi-hailing software] to control China's travel and change countless habits in China!

This track has a low threshold, but covers a wide area, and is even more detailed than [taxi-hailing software].


On this track, the capital entering may be crazier and more numerous than in the previous Thousand Regiment Wars!

She finally called Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua nodded on the phone.


"We must do it immediately. Before Zhang Sheng harvests the first batch of users, we must do it!"

"How long does it take to prepare? Twenty days? It's too long! Try to shorten it to less than ten days, otherwise our market advantage will be completely destroyed!"



January 2nd.

The snow in Yanjing City is gradually dispersing, but the chill in the air is getting colder.

Ma Yunhua stayed up all night, discussing [Sharing Economy] and [QR Code] with Rben's [Yinhong], [Hongsen], [Hongtian] and other cooperative capitals.

Everyone came to the same conclusion.

This is a brand new cake!

There are two brand new payment tracks, which are very likely to change the future ecological pattern of China!

After coming to the conclusion, Ma Yunhua immediately called Ni Xingjun to discuss adding QR codes to [Zhilibao].

Ni Xingjun nodded and said it would take a week at the earliest.

A week’s time…

"How far can Zhang Sheng promote QR codes in one week?"

"Now it's a payment war. Our opponent is not only Zhang Sheng, but also Zheng Huateng..."


Ni Xingjun hesitated for a moment, then looked at Ma Yunhua: "Mr. Ma, there is something I don't know whether to say or not..."

"you say……"

"QR code payment, in my opinion, still has certain security risks..."

"What safety hazard?"

"If someone implants a Trojan horse in the QR code through the payment system, some systems will enter your operating APP and steal all your data. Then..."

"Wait, say it again..." Ma Yunhua suddenly realized something and immediately looked at Ni Xingjun.

"This is a new form and it is very convenient, but we have to consider safety for users..." Ni Xingjun added.

Just at this time……

Ma Yunhua stopped Ni Xingjun abruptly: "Go and study the QR code right now, now, quickly! Don't say anything else!"


After Ni Xingjun left, Ma Yunhua looked at the QR code and squinted his eyes. Not long after, he picked up his mobile phone and made a call to the relevant department.

On the phone, he explained all the harms of QR codes in relevant departments. After describing a series of harms, Ma Yunhua proposed to temporarily seal the QR code issue and then submit it to the senior leaders for review.

After a long time...

Ma Yunhua heard the other party nod.

"Mr. Ma, do you know when Zhang Sheng submitted his QR code to the relevant departments for review?"


"In May 2011, when [WeChat] first came out, Zhang Sheng handed us the QR code for review. We reviewed it for nearly half a year and held meetings for half a year... After confirming, Zhang Sheng would approve this A payment qualification certificate. We treat Zhang Sheng like this, and we cannot treat you differently. If you want to involve QR codes, I hope you can submit the information to us in advance. We can get it within one month at the earliest. I’ll give you a payment qualification certificate…”


When Ma Yunhua heard this, her pupils shrank instantly!

He instantly realized that Zhang Sheng was already in front, digging a hole and waiting for him.

One month!

One month!

There’s no telling what Zhang Sheng’s payment system will develop into...

Just when he was shocked...

He heard a knock on the door.

Immediately afterwards, the person in charge of the marketing department hurried in.

"Mr. Ma, Zhang Sheng has made another big move!"


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