I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 687 I am willing to fight with you!

Early morning on January 3rd.

The long-lost sunshine shrouded the land.

However, the cold and chilling winter is still accompanied by waves of cold wind attacking everyone's cheeks.

The cold seeped into the bone marrow, like a knife cutting through him.

The local promoters of "Dungeon" are basically a group of young people.

The leader of Ditui is the oldest, about thirty years old.

At this moment, they and the [WeChat] local promoters were sitting at the conference table at the [WeChat] business department headquarters.

They received a task yesterday, which was to promote QR code payment in [WeChat].

And today is their second day entering the market!

Everyone in the conference room had excitement on their faces!

They fight in the market, but the rewards are equally generous...

The company holds morning and afternoon meetings, which last about half an hour. At each morning meeting, a special lecturer will come up to the stage, assign tasks to them, and then give them some blood.

In addition to summarizing and submitting tasks, every party also distributes bonuses. That is the most exciting moment for all local promoters...

They lined up, and then, under the statistics of managers, they received bonuses one after another...

The most exciting thing is the bonus!


Today's morning meeting was a little strange.

The leaders who had been on stage to give blood were now sitting quietly in the front row with pens and paper.

Some young people carrying cameras appeared next to them. People who were close to [NC Entertainment] recognized those young people at a glance. They seemed to be personnel from the [NC Film and Television] department.

At the end, some sharp-eyed people seemed to see a familiar director, watching them silently in the crowd.

In the large conference room, the discussion gradually became louder.

But it didn't last long, and the scene suddenly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards...

The conference room door opens.

A young man wearing glasses and work clothes walked slowly over from a distance.

After seeing this young man, everyone present widened their eyes.

That is……

boss Zhang!

boss Zhang!

Under waves of shock, they saw Zhang Sheng walking up to the podium step by step, and took a deep breath when they sat down.

Why did Mr. Zhang come here?

Could it be that you are giving them lessons?

When they thought of this, everyone was so excited!

A class taught by Mr. Zhang is well over a million levels outside!

Many entrepreneurs even dream of asking Zhang Sheng to teach them a lesson, but they never get it.


"good morning everyone……"

"I would like to borrow a few minutes of your time today to say something..."

"Today, it's very cold outside, the temperature is around minus 5 degrees to 10 degrees..."

"There were not many pedestrians on the street. When I walked over, even though I was wearing a coat, I still felt cold!"

“It’s very hard to go out to promote and advertise today...

"But, everyone here, I know that you have experienced this kind of hardship countless times!"

"Whether it's the heat of summer or the cold of winter, you are always on the front line..."

"I can see all of this!"

"Here, please let me bow to you all with the greatest respect and thank you for your hard work on our [WeChat], our "Dungeon" and various brands..."

"You are my biggest supporter and the most solid foundation in our entire system!"


They saw Zhang Sheng suddenly bowing to them.

Then, very seriously, he scanned everyone one by one.

At the same time, Zhang Sheng's sincere emotions infected everyone.

Everyone just felt a feeling of being valued, surging in their hearts.

In fact, when they joined Zhang Sheng's system, they were always valued.

From bonuses, from benefits, from all aspects of benefits...

"Everyone should know that the promotion of [QR code] is not an easy task..."

"They are a new product. It takes a long, long process for new products to be recognized and accepted by people..."

"During this period, we will encounter all kinds of cold looks, doubts, and of course, ridicule..."

"However, I attach great importance to the promotion of [QR codes] because I think it is something that can change the entire China, from the social system to the payment system..."

"So, I want to take the lead and set an example. From today until New Year's Eve, January 22, I will follow you and take the lead in promoting our [QR code]..."


When Zhang Sheng suddenly said these words, everyone at the scene widened their eyes.

They stared at Zhang Sheng in disbelief.




Various expressions appeared in front of everyone.

Zhang Sheng, on the other hand, didn't say much, but put on the same hat as them and waved his hand.



Under a pair of eyes, they saw Zhang Sheng walking out of the conference room.


There are still 19 days until the Spring Festival Gala.

The platoon's program has almost been filmed.

Now is the rehearsal and final review of various programs.

"What is Zhang Sheng doing?"

In the Spring Festival Gala conference room.

Ha Wenliang felt uncomfortable looking at the large number of programs and the empty assistant director position among them.

As the days get shorter and shorter, Ha Wenliang becomes more and more anxious.

However, Zhang Sheng behaves like a normal person. He has not been to CCTV once since December. During meetings, his seat is always empty.

Ha Wenliang wanted to scold Zhang Sheng for being irresponsible.

However, when he thought of Zhao Degang and others, Ha Wenliang suppressed the depression in his heart.

"Mr. Zhang is... running business!"



When Ha Wenliang heard this, his eyes widened.

Then, he saw the hot search on the Internet, and he almost felt numb!

Zhang Sheng was wearing work clothes, and he and his local promotion staff ran over to promote some [WeChat] QR code!

What the hell!

There are only 19 days left for the Spring Festival Gala!

The MVs for both songs are not ready yet!

Not to mention the MV, Ha Wenliang didn't even see the materials handed in. Every time he talked to Zhang Sheng about the Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Sheng said that his materials were already being prepared.

But what exactly do you need to prepare?

Noon on January 3rd.

The meeting of the Spring Festival Gala project team is over.

Ha Wenliang took a deep breath and took out his mobile phone. The call was quickly connected: "Mr. Zhang, we are preparing for the Spring Festival Gala. When are you free, come over..."

"Director Ha, we are also preparing for the Spring Festival Gala!"

"You are running around pushing your QR code, saying that you are preparing for the Spring Festival Gala? Mr. Zhang, you are now being searched all over the Internet, you...can we not treat me as a fool? Can you first Leave the material to me, our director and director team are waiting for the material now, and there are also some projects that I want to talk to you about..."

"Director Ha, I'm just preparing the materials. Don't worry, I'll hand them over to you in ten days at the latest!"

"Ten days! This day lily is going to be cold!"



In the biting cold wind.

Li Zhonghe led his team and followed behind the "ground push army" led by Zhang Sheng.

In three years, Li Zhonghe has matured a lot.

From Yan Shihua, an ordinary photography club president, he became a director.

He has filmed documentaries such as "A Day in the Life of Zhang Sheng" and "Graduation Years" that have attracted much attention on the Internet.

At the same time, a film about the law was also made.

However, it is a pity that because of the sensitive subject matter and the somewhat ironic flavor of the film, it is being reviewed by the superiors at this moment. It has been reviewed for half a year. It is estimated that it will take a long time before it is released.

Looking at Bi Feiyu who has gone global, I also look at the rise of young directors one after another, and I also look at the rise of Chen Mengting, looking at the statement, looking at the rise of Xu Bowen and others...

And he, among the first group of people who followed Zhang Sheng, was the worst off.

Apart from those documentaries, he has no other works.

I even took over 10 million yuan to make a movie from the company, but at this moment, there is no hope, and it is estimated that it will disappear and completely cause the company to lose money...

Later, he tried hard and made some documentaries, but the response on the Internet was mediocre, and he did not create any benefits for the company. He seemed to be a useless person, being raised by the company like this...

Such a blow made him discouraged...

This made him depressed for a long time, and he even wanted to resign!

However, in November, when he had written his resignation letter, he received a call from Zhang Sheng.

[Director Li, I have an important project and I hope you can help me. I hope you can join the material recording team for this year’s Spring Festival Gala].

Zhang Sheng simply said one sentence.

But his eyes widened.

on the street……

The wind is getting stronger.

But Li Zhonghe asked someone to set up a camera and use a candid camera angle to directly take pictures of the local promoters walking into each store one by one.

He focused on a young man.

"Hello, I am a local promoter of [WeChat]. My name is Hong Liang. May I ask, do we use [WeChat] now?"


"Yes, that's [WeChat]. Have we ever used [WeChat] to pay? Brother, I'm not here to discuss other matters with you this time. I just want to ask about the code collection and payment methods in [WeChat]. Scan the QR code to pay..."


Under the lens.

He saw a smiling young man walking into a restaurant.

The lens zooms out...

After waiting for a long time, he saw the young man walking out with a disappointed look on his face, and then walked into another store!

The cold wind blew against the young man's cheek, and the young man's cheek turned red from the cold...

Then, I saw the young man walking out again. He seemed to have been scolded and looked a little aggrieved. However, he still lowered his head and packed his bag, smiled, and walked into another store again...

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