I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 688 The rules I set! (Third update, a big update for Guo Jiuxing!)

"Hello, is the boss here?"

"What's up?"

"Hello, I am a staff member of the [WeChat] project team. I would like to ask, do you use [WeChat]?"

"Ah, I don't use [WeChat], I use [WeChat]..."

"Oh, please [WeChat] to find out..."


He Yuan, the most despised internet bad guy and all-night guru at Yubo Internet Cafe, didn't know that at this moment, he was being filmed by the camera.

However, it doesn't matter even if he knows, he doesn't care about anything except money now.

This November.

His father was seriously ill and he was addicted to games. He accidentally received a call from his mother. His originally irritable mood suddenly stopped after hearing his mother's timid voice on the phone.

His mother told him that the family no longer had any money to provide him with Internet access, and his father had no money for medical treatment...

He couldn't believe it, and then went to his hometown. At first, he thought that his mother was deceiving him as an excuse and didn't want to raise him anymore.

However, when he saw his dead father lying at home, his heart suddenly felt so fierce that he was stabbed hard by a needle.

His mother told him that his father could have been saved a few months earlier before it spread, but because the family had no money and was afraid of delaying himself, his father hid it from everyone, and then, until it worsened...

After hearing that sentence, he had never been so eager for money as at that moment!

After taking care of the funeral, he returned to Yanjing in a daze and defected to Fatty Wang.

Then, I learned that Fatty Wang had joined the underground promotion army of "Dungeon"...

Then, he also joined the ground push army.

The story of the prodigal son turning back for money is gradually being played out on him...

It was the first time that he made money through his own efforts, the first time he sent money to his mother, the first time he was recognized, and the first time he felt like a human being.


He Yuan sat at the entrance of the store on the street, chewing bread.

This time, [WeChat] QR code promotion is more difficult than the game "Dungeon".

He went to one store after another, but after the store owners heard about scanning the QR code with their mobile phones to pay, they all refused. No matter which way they used to explain, these people refused.

Everyone is wary of the unknown, and [scan QR code to pay] is such a convenient thing, especially binding a bank card...

Who knows if this thing will reveal your identity or take away your money all at once?

It's the end of the year, and online scams are everywhere, especially in big cities like Yanjing. This sense of vigilance is normal.

Failures again and again make people feel a little discouraged...


The camera records He Yuan's disappointment.

It also records He Yuan sighing and looking confused after eating the bread.

It also records the figure of him standing up, comforting himself, and then continuing to walk towards the next store with the QR code.

Li Zhonghe stood in the distance, watching He Yuan who stumbled but never gave up...

Somehow, I felt a little more emotional in my heart.

He suddenly thought of Zhang Sheng's story four years ago when he was running a business...

Li Zhonghe took out his mobile phone and then made a call to other film crews.

The other camera crews quickly responded to him with videos.

In the video, there are lonely, frustrated, and aggrieved figures...


"Wow! Mr. Zhang, are you here to sell QR codes in person? With your status, you..."

"Hey, what's my identity... I'm just like everyone else, selling QR codes..."

"Is it live broadcast online?"

"Yes, we are live broadcasting...Boss, can you use [WeChat]?"

"Ah, this... I use!"

“Have you heard of [WeChat] payment?”

"I've heard of it, I've heard of it..."


Internet era.

Traffic and popularity complement each other, and live broadcast has become the trend of the new era!

Zheng Huateng opened [Jitu Video] again under the complicated look of grievance and resentment from Zhong Qian, the owner of [YK Live Broadcast].

In the video...

They looked at Zhang Sheng, really wearing work clothes and a hat, knocking on store doors one after another under the watch of millions of people.

As someone who had appeared on "Xinwen Lianbo" and often appeared in headlines, Zhang Sheng was naturally recognized by many shop owners. After seeing Zhang Sheng, the shop owners' eyes were very excited, as if they were seeing a celebrity.

Zheng Huateng saw Zhang Sheng walking into a restaurant. The owner of the restaurant was a fat man. The fat man was very excited when he saw Zhang Sheng.

When he learned that Zhang Sheng was here to promote, the boss was immediately flattered and quickly took out his mobile phone.

In the live broadcast interface, Zheng Huateng saw the [WeChat] on his boss’s phone.

"Oops, I don't know when this [WeChat] was downloaded. It might be a bundled download... Eh? I remember our [WeChat] was downloaded. Son, have you deleted my [WeChat]?"


Zheng Huateng watched the fat man call his son in the kitchen, but he didn't see his son responding. Then he showed an embarrassed expression in front of the camera and immediately deleted [WeChat]: "Oh, maybe [WeChat] and [WeChat] The two interfaces are so similar, I’ll tell you, Mr. Zheng often plagiarizes you..."

In the footage, the fat man said this after deleting [WeChat].

In the office.

When Zheng Huateng saw this scene, his face suddenly became ugly.

I immediately greeted Zhang Sheng's ancestors countless times...

Zhong Qian, the boss of [YK Live] next to him, didn't even dare to breathe.

Immediately afterwards, during the live broadcast, they saw Zhang Sheng carefully teaching his boss how to download [WeChat]. After downloading, Zhang Sheng took out a QR code template with a frame and pillars. The outer circle was green and it said With the words [WeChat Pay].

"Boss, this is our QR code payment system..."

"How to use this thing? When we do business, do we often have to prepare a lot of change? When we are looking for change, we will inevitably make mistakes or omissions. Even if we don't make mistakes or omissions, when the business is good We can’t find it even when it’s there, right?”

“Now, with our [WeChat Pay], we can scan the code with one click and let customers directly use the change in [WeChat] to scan it into our [WeChat Wallet], well, that is, [Little Treasury]... …”

"This can save us a lot of time..."



After the boss heard this, he didn't know whether it was because of the live broadcast or Zhang Sheng's [celebrity effect], but he nodded excitedly.

He even scratched his throat and rushed to his son who didn't know if he had one, and added: "Son, I just told you that our [WeChat] is much easier to use than [WeChat], you don't believe it... you You want me to download [WeChat], look at how advanced our [WeChat] is now..."

In the office.

Zheng Huateng immediately turned off the live broadcast.

His face turned green.

Then, he stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang, who had just walked in the door and looked a little disgraced: "Mr. Zhang, have you finished paying with the QR code?"

"Not yet..."

"Why haven't we done it yet? Our opponents have already attacked us, and we still don't have the goods on hand. You..."

"Mr. Zheng, I just talked with the relevant departments. QR code payment involves security. The relevant departments need a review period of one month at the earliest. We..."

"Where's Zhang Sheng?"

"Mr. Zheng, when it comes to Zhang Sheng, I'm very angry now. According to the latest news I received, when Zhang Sheng was doing QR code payment to the relevant departments for review last year, he handed over a suggestion, suggesting that the relevant departments should shorten the review period. Extended to half a year, he said he would set an example and set a benchmark for China's Internet financial security!"


When Zheng Huateng heard this, his expression suddenly changed.


I'm your fucking benchmark!


And similar plot.

It's happening next to Ma Yunhua.

Ma Yunhua also stared at the video of Zhang Sheng personally leading the team to run [Ground Push] in [Jitu Live Broadcast]!

Under the cold weather...

Zhang Sheng was so paralyzed that he really ran over to each house, and then...

Ma Yunhua stared at the camera. Those stores deleted [Zhilibao] and then downloaded [WeChat]...

"We still have to wait!"

"How long do you have to wait!"

"Wait another month?"

"After one month, Zhang Sheng will have swallowed up all our markets. Do we have to wait any longer?"


Ma Yunhua was really anxious here.

He started calling big leaders.

But the top leaders were vague, saying that the "QR code" payment was too big, and they needed to review it carefully and get signatures from multiple departments one by one!

Ma Yunhua became furious instantly!


He heard even more angry news from the big leader!

"QR Code Security"!

"Internet Payment Security Protocol"!

These drafts were all written by Zhang Sheng. In May last year, when the QR code first came out, they were submitted to the superiors.

The rules were fucking set by Zhang Sheng himself, and they were impossible to refute!

Moreover, what Zhang Sheng did even more brilliantly was that he handed over all the data of [WeChat] to the cyber security and other departments for review...

"Mr. Ma, after all, the payment system is suspected to be too large. In this way, just like Zhang Sheng, you will hand over all the data to us for review and sign the [Internet Payment Security Agreement]. We will confirm that it is correct. We will add an expedited channel. At the latest It will take 7 working days to help you review the QR code payment system... By the way, Mr. Ma and Mr. Zhang also handed over the data of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] to us. Is your [Taozhu.com] Also..."


When Ma Yunhua heard this, her face suddenly turned green!

His eyes were red and bloodshot in an instant. A wave of anger lingered in his heart, and he wanted to stab Zhang Sheng to death with a knife!

Will all payment systems be submitted to relevant departments for review?


Is that human being!

This is forcing people to a dead end!

(The third update, I still owe 17 updates!)

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