I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 689 QR code payment on buses

January 5th.

The snow is gradually melting.

But the day is getting colder and colder. The small ditches beside the streets and under the eaves...

Layers of thin ice are lingering.

He Yuan had frostbite on his hands.

It hurts during the day and itches at night. My hands are swollen like pig's trotters, but I dare not scratch them hard for fear of scratching them and turning them into a ball.

The weather at minus 6 degrees is very cold.

Especially at 6 o'clock in the morning, if you step outside the house, you will freeze to death.

On a normal day, He Yuan would probably be lying on a chair in an Internet cafe that smelled of tar and feet, sleeping with the air conditioner blowing on.

After sleeping until 10 o'clock, I went to the bar to renew my bill, ate some bread and continued playing games.


"We have to race against time!"

"The time our opponents have left for us is running out!"

"Maybe half a month, maybe a week, maybe tomorrow..."

"Mr. Zhang once said: As entrepreneurs, we have nothing but diligence! We can only run, run hard, run hard, run like crazy, so that we can stay a little ahead in the market!"

"Of course, we are not alone on the road. Mr. Zhang is also on the road, running with us!"


The sky outside the window is still dark, and the howling north wind still penetrates into the bone marrow with chill and chill.

He Yuan was sitting in the large conference room of [WeChat Business Department], listening to the superiors frantically pumping blood.

He felt that the hot blood in his chest was swelling to the point of almost exploding!

In a burst of brainwashing slogans.

The morning meeting came to an end, and everyone, like soldiers, put on their clothes and hats and rushed outside the house.

Hotels, shopping malls, restaurants, bathrooms, breakfast restaurants...

As far as the naked eye can see, these people are pushing forward like crazy.

He Yuan was also among this group of people, with an almost stiff smile on his face, and went door-to-door selling with a QR code...

It’s really hard for new things to be accepted by others…

In the past four days, He Yuan had been rejected countless times.

However, repeated rejections did not defeat him, but made his smile become brighter and brighter.

But in the darkness, a camera focused on him.


"I originally thought that Mr. Zhang was just putting on a show, but I didn't expect that he was actually running around every day like other salesmen..."

"I was at Wanda Mall, and I saw Mr. Zhang today. Mr. Zhang was talking about QR code cooperation..."

"I also saw Mr. Zhang at New Youth Park in the morning..."

"Really? I saw Mr. Zhang on the edge of our community. At 8 o'clock this morning, there was a terrible noise at the entrance of the community, like a concert. I was very angry at the time and prepared to complain to the property management, but when I left After I got to the community, I discovered that Mr. Zhang was teaching QR codes to the vegetable sellers in our community..."

"Mr. Zhang is very approachable. When we took a photo with him, he didn't refuse. Not only did he not refuse, but he also smiled and guided us very kindly to download [WeChat]..."


in this world.

People are always vigilant and in awe of new things.

Especially this new thing is related to your money and your payment system.

However, when a celebrity personally comes to market this new thing, then this kind of promotion will speed up a lot.

[Jitu Video] Live broadcast starts at 6 o'clock almost every day...

The protagonist of the live broadcast is Zhang Sheng.

At first, everyone thought it was a show.

Zhang Sheng, who is worth more than 10 billion, is like a low-level salesman, running business every day. How is this possible?

Only showmanship can truly explain what Zhang Sheng did.


From January 2nd to January 10th.

From 6 am to 6 pm...

Zhang Sheng appears in the live broadcast every day, and what he does when he appears in the live broadcast is very simple.

Every day I personally lead the team to run business door to door.

Sometimes it's an Internet cafe, sometimes it's a community, sometimes it's a certain shopping mall, sometimes it's a certain restaurant...

In the live video, he was very patient. He was not annoyed when he encountered old men and women asking repeated questions several times, but explained them seriously again and again.

Sometimes when he is scolded, "Don't you just want to earn some handling fees from me? The world is as black as crows," Zhang Sheng also responds cheerfully.

He had three meals a day and never shied away from the camera. He devoured the boxed lunch in one mouthful. After eating, he continued to hold a task exchange meeting with the leadership team of [WeChat] in front of the live broadcast room.

After the meeting, continue to enter the market and continue to promote!

The number of users watching online in the live broadcast room is skyrocketing...

From the initial 100,000 to 500,000, and then from 500,000 to 1 million...

By January 10, the live broadcast room even exceeded the historical record of 2 million.

Seeing Zhang Sheng running business every day, many netizens in the live broadcast room began to gradually be brainwashed by [QR code payment], and then began to spontaneously or inadvertently follow their family and colleagues to popularize science [ QR code], in just 10 days, the national QR code payment and bank binding system have added nearly 8 million new users, and it has become the third largest user in China after [Zhilibao] and [WeChat]. A payment system!

And after the 10th day...

Zhang Sheng in [Jitu Video] gradually no longer visited ordinary merchants, but took some staff and began to visit companies one after another...

The first company is [Yanjing Public Transport Group].


"Mr. Wang, Mr. Zhang is here to see you. This time he is bringing a live broadcast. Do you want to..."

"Mr. Zhang? Which Mr. Zhang?"

"Zhang Sheng!"

"Eh? It's Zhang Sheng..."

The chairman of [Yanjing Public Transport Group] is named Wang Chunhua.

Born in 1965, he is 47 years old this year.

At this moment, Wang Chunhua was in the office, staring at a piece of data silently, frowning slightly, feeling a headache.

Throughout 2011...

[Yanjing Public Transport Group] collected nearly 5 tons of "counterfeit currency", causing annual losses of about 1 million yuan...

When he saw those so-called [counterfeit coins], Wang Chunhua felt like he had brain congestion instantly.

It is simply a show of wonders, not only game coins, iron coins and even hawthorn slices, but also "Huaxia Children's Bank", "Huaxia Toy Bank", "Huaxia Land Bank"...

In fact, this phenomenon is not limited to [Yanjing Bus Group], but is common to all bus groups in China.

Public transportation companies that have been troubled by counterfeit currency for more than ten years have tried to spend a lot of money to build counterfeit currency detectors. Wang Chunhua even tried it himself and called on users in the media more than once not to use counterfeit currency to pretend to be RMB. For one dollar, There's no need for this...

However, little success was achieved. I received a mess of counterfeit money every day, and even had to dispatch a truck to take it away!

Wang Chunhua suppressed this data and then tidied his clothes. Wang Chunhua was still a little surprised when Zhang Sheng suddenly came to visit him.

In his mind, he and Zhang Sheng have no intersection...

However, despite his surprise, he opened the door enthusiastically and saw the young man wearing glasses sitting in the living room.

"boss Zhang!"

"Hello, Mr. Wang!"

"Mr. Zhang, what are you..." Wang Chunhua was a little confused looking at Zhang Sheng.

"Haha, Mr. Wang, I came to talk to you about cooperation. I was doing a live broadcast recently to promote our [QR code] payment... I have been running business for ten days, and now I suddenly thought of our [bus]... ...Mr. Wang, is it convenient for you? If it is convenient for live broadcast, we will continue to turn on the camera. If not, we will chat privately..."

"Convenience is convenient, right..."

After looking at Zhang Sheng's enthusiastic smile, Wang Chunhua nodded despite being a little uncomfortable.

"Mr. Wang, I checked some information before. There are a lot of counterfeit coins in our [bus] coin box, right?"

"Yes..." Wang Chunhua nodded, then smiled bitterly: "We are also worried about this problem, Mr. Zhang, there should be a lot of people in your live broadcast room..."

"Yesterday it was two million, today...well, today there are 2.8 million, the number is getting bigger..."

"That's good, Mr. Zhang, please help us appeal to netizens and let them help spread the word. Don't use counterfeit money to replace 1 yuan... Our bus operating costs are very high. In fact, it doesn't It doesn't make money, even though it's a state-owned enterprise, but don't do it like this, it's very difficult for us..." Wang Chunhua had no airs at all, and began to complain continuously in front of the camera.

"Mr. Wang, I came here today for two purposes. The first purpose is to talk to you about [QR code promotion] in [Yanjing Public Transport Group]. I hope [Yanjing Public Transport Group] can serve as our [QR code] Trial point, first popularize QR code, the second purpose is to use our QR code for payment, thereby alleviating or even solving most of the counterfeit currency problems..."

"Oh? QR code payment, what kind of payment method is it?"

Wang Chunhua was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became serious.

He took Zhang Sheng into the conference room and asked his secretary to make Zhang Sheng a cup of tea.

"This is our QR code. Its biggest feature is that it is fast - it relies on the [WeChat applet] to generate it, and it only takes 4 seconds to complete the ride payment. Of course, it can also solve the pain point of counterfeit currency... ...Of course, it can also solve the embarrassing situation of always failing to make a bet when we throw coins..."


As soon as he sat down, Zhang Sheng took a sip of tea, and then looked at Wang Chunhua with a smile.

Wang Chunhua took the [WeChat Pay] information and briefly fell into deep thought.

After a long time, he looked up: "Is the live broadcast still going on?"

"Well, it's still going on. Mr. Wang, if it's inconvenient, you can turn off the live broadcast temporarily, or I can take everyone out..."

"In this case, I will talk to the leaders first, Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang, please wait here..."


"By the way, this safety factor issue..."

"Mr. Wang, you don't have to worry about the safety factor. In May last year, our QR code was already ready. We spent nearly 7 months communicating and negotiating with relevant departments, and got China's first [QR Code Security Protocol Certificate]… This is our official certificate!”


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