I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 690 The Eve of the Spring Festival Gala

7 o'clock in the morning on January 11th.

[Zhilibao] QR code finally passed the review and became the second fast payment software in China.

At 9:30 on the same day, [WeChat] payment obtained the QR code promotion license and became the third fast payment software in China.

When Ma Yunhua heard the news, his face was as dark as water.

Zhang Sheng's [Jitu Live Broadcast] is still playing on the computer.

During this period, whenever he has free time, he will watch Zhang Sheng's live broadcast. It's not that he likes watching live broadcasts or that he wants to be voyeuristic, but that he wants to know what Zhang Sheng is doing at all times!

Obviously, the traffic era has been clearly played by Zhang Sheng!

Ma Yunhua never dreamed that Zhang Sheng actually braved the wind and snow to personally follow the [local promotion team] to run the business. This run lasted 10 days. Moreover, looking at this situation, Zhang Sheng meant to continue the live broadcast... …

Zhang Sheng's personal appearance has a significant effect!

10 days.

Discussions about [WeChat Pay] are spreading on the Internet at a crazy speed. Just click on a hot search or some social news, and you will see the words [WeChat Pay].

The word [Zhang Sheng] has almost become a hot search term on the Internet. As long as Zhang Sheng is present, the surrounding traffic will be blocked. Some netizens have even come from afar to fly in to have a "chance encounter" with Zhang Sheng. ","group photo"……

The huge traffic is not only reflected in the live broadcast room with 3 million viewers, but also in various data of [WeChat Pay].

On January 2nd, nearly thousands of merchants who cooperated with Zhang Sheng, or indirectly expected to cooperate with Zhang Sheng, immediately volunteered to use [WeChat Pay].

On January 3, [Didi Di Taxi] was officially labeled with the words [WeChat Pay], and tens of thousands of taxis across the country began to change their appearance.

On January 5, nearly 10,000 merchants from all walks of life were using [WeChat Pay]...

January 11th.

[WeChat] has more than 40 million registered users nationwide, making it the third largest social chat tool in the country after Qgou and [WeChat].

At the same time, according to a piece of information, the number of bank cards bound to [WeChat] has exceeded 7 million. Starting from January 6, the number has increased by 400,000 to 400,000 almost every day...

See this piece of data.

Ma Yunhua had to admit that a strong opponent was born in front of Ma Yunhua at this moment.

Ma Yunhua has a full sense of crisis!

As a result, when the [Zhilibao] QR code payment system was launched, Ma Yunhua immediately found Ni Xingjun, and on the same day, he began to recruit all the former local promotion teams and began to promote through various channels...

At 9 o'clock in the evening.

When the [Zhilibao] team was dispatched and began to promote vigorously, a piece of news made Ma Yunhua feel a sense of pressure.

He immediately contacted the boss of [Transportation Group] in [Hangcheng].

When he confirmed that the other party was free, he put on his clothes and walked out of [Jiahu Technology].

On the table...

A document loomed under the light.

[[WeChat Pay] has officially reached cooperation with [Yanjing Public Transport Group]! 】


The footsteps of the Spring Festival Gala are getting closer and closer.

Anxiety, fatigue, restlessness, anticipation...

A variety of emotions lingered in Haven's conscience.

Ha Wenliang has been suffering from insomnia for nearly more than a month.

January 15th.

It is the first comprehensive rehearsal time of the Spring Festival Gala.

The rehearsal was a failure, the scene was in a mess, various situations occurred frequently, and the host said the wrong words and the wrong time several times.

Ha Wenliang could not imagine that if such a Spring Festival Gala appeared in the eyes of people across the country, no one knew how this year's Spring Festival Gala would be ridiculed.

January 16th was the second rehearsal.

The second rehearsal was still a huge failure.

Ha Wenliang even wanted to take off his shoes and throw them hard at Liu Chungen's face...

He told the stage leader more than once that it would be a disaster to put a bricklayer who had never received any training or even stage experience on stage.

And the facts proved that he was indeed right. The bricklayer named Liu Chungen not only went out of tune several times on the stage, but his performance was a complete mess.

Even if the Spring Festival Gala has recorded the sound in advance and you can just pose, your various stiff poses make Ha Wenliang almost furious.

Not only that, the skit performance was even a disaster. Zhang Sheng found a wall-breaking guy to act in the skit. This guy was very stunned. He had to teach every word he said when working with the seniors. Ha Wenliang himself even stepped out to provide guidance. How many times have I known this, but the effect is still not that interesting...

That kind of people!

What made Ha Wenliang grit his teeth even more was that Zhang Sheng left a lot of mess behind, while he was doing some live broadcast!

Oh, God!

You are the deputy director of the Spring Festival Gala, and you are also a member of the Spring Festival Gala. The Spring Festival Gala is about to start. Is it really appropriate for you to go live and promote your [QR code]?

Ha Wenliang only hated that he was not a big leader. If he were a big leader, he would have shot Zhang Sheng immediately!

How can there be such a dishonest person?

Moreover, this big leader is too indulgent to Zhang Sheng. Sure enough, the power of capital is really...


It was not until January 18, four days before the Spring Festival Gala, that Zhang Sheng came to the CCTV recording site.

"boss Zhang……"

"Director Ha, how are you preparing?"

When Ha Wenliang saw Zhang Sheng's smile, he felt a little pain in his liver, but it didn't show on his face after all: "It's the third rehearsal. The first two rehearsals were not successful..."

"which aspect?"

When Ha Wenliang saw Zhang Sheng's inquiry, he felt his heart tremble suddenly, and a wave of anger was about to well up in his heart, but he finally suppressed it: "Mr. Zhang, why don't you watch the video first."


Ha Wenliang brought Zhang Sheng to the information room.

Next, open the first and second rehearsal videos.

Zhang Sheng sat on the chair and stared at the video silently.

Ha Wenliang looked at Zhang Sheng's expression...

Zhang Sheng provided four programs.

Two sketches and two songs.


Except for Ah K's song and the sketches by Zhao Degang and others, the other programs were a complete mess.

Ha Wenliang looked at Zhang Sheng while watching the video with Zhang Sheng.

However, he saw that Zhang Sheng's expression was very calm. Even if the "Wall Knocking Master" in the sketch acted outrageously, Zhang Sheng still had a calm face.

It was as if he was an outsider.

After reading it, Zhang Sheng did not speak, but stood up and walked towards the studio hall.

In the studio, the third rehearsal begins!

The third rehearsal was smoother than the first two...

But when it was the turn of the program called Li Fugui and Liu Chungen, the two made frequent mistakes again. Every time they rehearsed, the mistakes were not even the same.

"It will start in 4 days...a program like this..."


"Mr. Zhang, the assistant directors and I are really under a lot of pressure..."


"However, there are ways to remedy it. Although the [Spring Festival Gala program] has been announced now, we also have replacement actors...and after talking with the teachers, they all think it is quite suitable, and they have also made public arrangements several times in private. , basically it went smoothly..."


"Mr. Zhang, I know they have talent, but talent requires time and practice over time. Nothing in this world can be achieved overnight. Moreover, the most important thing for a person to come to power is his mentality... With all due respect, I am very worried. On January 22, when the Spring Festival Gala officially begins, what will these two programs look like..."


Zhang Sheng could naturally hear countless resentments in Ha Wenliang's voice.

Zhang Sheng did not respond, but asked the substitutes to come over and perform a performance.

The substitute for singing was a young guy named Lu Yang. He was handsome and slender. When he sang, his voice was very long and he sang beautifully. But in his voice, Zhang Sheng heard that Deliberately showing off his skills...

The substitute for the sketch was one of Zhao Degang's apprentices named Qin He.

He played the role of a decorator alongside Lin Jianyong and Huang Hongsheng, and there was absolutely no problem with his acting and dialogue skills...

After reading it, Zhang Sheng remained silent.

"Mr. Zhang, I know you want to hold a meaningful Spring Festival Gala, but your meaning comes at a price... Our stage is an official stage, facing all of China and even our compatriots overseas. Mr. Zhang, I said if, I didn’t mean anything else, I said if something embarrassing happens in the Spring Festival Gala, then not only me, but also the entire CCTV directing team will be scolded..."


Zhang Sheng nodded after listening to Ha Wenliang's words.

"Director Ha, I'll go talk to them..."


When Ha Wenliang stood up and prepared to follow Zhang Sheng, he saw Zhang Sheng's body stagnated slightly: "Director Ha..."

"You said..."

"I'll go talk to them. Give me 2 hours. If there's still no change in 2 hours, we'll change people..."

"..." Ha Wenliang's face was stiff, but after a moment, he nodded.


Ha Wenliang saw Zhang Sheng walking towards the corner, Liu Chungen, who looked dazed and was so nervous that his whole body was shaking, but he blamed himself and kept slapping himself.

He saw Zhang Sheng paused briefly in front of Liu Chungen.

Later, Zhang Sheng took Liu Chungen into the office not far away.

Ha Wenliang kept looking at that office.

He saw Liu Chungen walking out with his head lowered, huddled in the corner alone, staring at the lyrics of the song, constantly in a daze.

At the same time, I also saw the rustic Li Fugui walking in behind Zhang Sheng with a pale face...

2 hours passed quickly...

He saw Li Fugui coming out, his face flushed and his head lowered.

He saw Zhang Sheng personally going to the offices of Lin Jianyong, Huang Hongsheng and other sketch masters, and invited them to come out.

Immediately afterwards...

The third rehearsal began.

But this rehearsal, Ha Wenliang was slightly stunned.

It seems that something is different.

(Today is a guaranteed update. The next plot is a bit difficult to write. In the third update, I wrote nearly 3,000 words of garbage... If it is published, it will be a disaster...)

(You cannot lower the quality in order to force an update. I thought about it and deleted it...)

(Please give me monthly votes, keep asking for monthly votes! I am completely shameless)

(The big plot is coming soon, I have to think about it and try my best to make everyone happy...)

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