I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 691 6.86 million A lesson worth a million


From bright to dark.

In the center of the stage, the plasterer who had slapped himself repeatedly was holding his guitar and playing notes in front of everyone's attention.

Ha Wenliang looked at Liu Chungen. His expression changed from impatient at first, to stunned, and then he gradually stood up from the chair.

He felt the hysterical sound coming straight from Liu Chungen's mouth to his ears.

He stared at the old-fashioned, outdated man who never looked like he could keep up with the times.

He was in a trance. For a moment, he seemed to see a roaring beast in the wilderness, roaring in the distance.

What does that sound like?

It was a cry that came from deep within, almost tearing apart, and it made one's scalp numb for a while.

From beginning to end, it is intertwined with the restrained past, as if an ordinary person is confused and struggling, and finally pierces the light.

The song is over.

Liu Chungen looked around blankly, and the refreshing feeling made him very happy.

Depression, self-blame, unwillingness...

Countless emotions were completely vented at this moment.

After a brief moment of excitement, there was a moment of confusion.

He looked around.

But see the distance.

A young man wearing glasses smiled and nodded to himself. .

"Zhang, Mr. Zhang..."

The moment he looked at this man, Liu Chungen felt like he was waking up from a dream. Looking back, he couldn't believe that the high-pitched person on the stage was him.

"It's okay, but the mood can be sublimated a little more..." He saw Zhang Sheng's expression of approval, but then replied.

"How to sublimate..." Liu Chungen walked from the center of the stage to the audience and looked at Zhang Sheng nervously.

Zhang Sheng did not answer directly, but asked: "Do you think your current condition is as good as it can be?"

Liu Chun wanted to answer at all, but then the words came to his lips and he swallowed them. He felt the feeling of the moment he came on stage. After letting that feeling linger in his body for a long time, he shook his head.


That wasn't his best.

If he goes on stage again, he can sing better.

"Then what is your best state?" Zhang Sheng asked again.


"Don't answer me, answer yourself!"

Zhang Sheng patted Liu Chungen on the shoulder, and then looked at the sketch performance on the other side: "Go back to bed, don't practice."

"Mr. Zhang, but..."

"take a break."


Zhang Sheng's voice was very calm, and the smile on Zhang Sheng's face disappeared.

After Liu Chungen heard this, he nodded immediately.

Immediately afterwards, he followed Ha Wenliang and others next to him and said hello, and then walked out of the recording room.

Ha Wenliang looked at Liu Chungen's leaving figure with complicated eyes.

The sketch rehearsal not far away has begun.

Ha Wenliang originally wanted to suppress the desire for knowledge and curiosity deep in his heart.

But looking at Liu Chungen on the stage, holding his guitar, he seemed to be completely transformed.

In his opinion, for a person, especially an adult in his forties, everything is determined.

Even if it is a change, it requires years of accumulation, and then finally, at a certain moment, transformation occurs.


The surprise I felt when I first met at the decoration company has now turned into shock...

What happened to Liu Chungen one after another made Ha Wenliang feel unbelievable. He even suspected that Zhang Sheng had given Liu Chungen some medicine...

When the strong curiosity lingered in Ha Wenliang's heart and gradually became stronger, he could no longer suppress the desire to discover.

He coughed lightly: "Mr. Zhang, may I ask, what did you talk to him during that hour?"

"Talked about some dreams with him." Zhang Sheng looked at the sketch in the distance and said calmly.

"Dream?" He felt a little disappointed when he saw Zhang Sheng's understatement.

The lights on the stage flickered, reflecting Zhang Sheng's increasingly calm face: "Yes, it's a dream."

"Is there nothing else?" Ha Wenliang was a little unwilling to give up. He even had the idea of ​​running to check the surveillance, but then he thought that there was no surveillance in the office.

"there is none left."

Zhang Sheng seemed to be very strict and did not reveal anything more.

"Mr. Zhang, when will you talk to me about your dreams..."


He looked into the distance again, the skit performed by the decoration worker named Li Fugui...

He took a deep breath: "Mr. Zhang, don't tell me that you and Mr. Li Fugui also talked about dreams..."



From the founding of [Taozhu.com] in 2004 to the present, Ma Yunhua has always felt that she is the one at the front of the queue.

He is a pioneer and a navigator.

However, since the beginning of this year, Ma Yunhua has been infected by indescribable anxiety. He seemed to have changed from a pioneer to a pursuer overnight.

On January 19th, Hangzhou was gray and covered with light snow.

At this time in the past, Ma Yunhua would sit in his base camp, drinking tea, chatting about elegant past events, listening to ditties, or rafting on the West Lake, playing Tai Chi, and calmly watching the people coming and going on the river.


But he is working.

The exchange with [Hangcheng Public Transport Group] has reached the second phase.

The boss of [Hangcheng Public Transport Group], who I had always respected, was not having a smooth chat at this moment.

He said that Zhang Sheng had contacted them on [WeChat] and offered such and such conditions.

He said that he has always been on Lao Ma's side. Lao Ma is the pride of Hangzhou. He drives the development of the city's GDP with one person's power and is the pride of China. He will soon take [Taozhu.com] to overseas expeditions. , became famous overseas, but Zhang Sheng’s conditions were extremely difficult to refuse. He said that for each order, he would give the bus group how much money...

He said that he had also met Zheng Huateng, and the conditions offered by Zheng Huateng were also quite good...

Ma Yunhua felt as if a fire was burning deep in her heart.

But his expression was full of smiles.

He knew that [Hangcheng Public Transport Group] saw that he and Zhang Sheng were competing in the payment market, so it raised the price.

After a negotiation that was so long that Ma Yunhua even left the meeting angrily, the QR code payment system with [Hangcheng Transportation Group] was finally implemented.

But the other party disagreed whether they wanted to pay Zhang Sheng's [WeChat] or Zheng Huateng's [WeChat] to exclude future cooperation. They just said that if they wanted to enter Hangzhou, the price they would pay would be more than [payment]. Libao] To be bigger...

Ma Yunhua knew what he wanted to do.

He wants to win all three parties!

If it were the past, Ma Yunhua would have slapped the table.


Ma Yunhua knew that she, Zhang Sheng, and Zheng Huateng were competing for the market now, and they were racing against time. There was no need to waste time on these things.

January 20th.

Ma Yunhua returned to her base camp in Hangzhou.

I saw Ni Xingjun coming over with a piece of data.

"Mr. Ma... our [Yu Li Bao] users have exceeded 7 million from 4 million on December 31!"

"The amount of deposits per capita exceeds 10,000!"

“After 10 days of comprehensive promotion, our [QR code] has become the second largest payment software in Hangzhou!”


The number of users of [Yulibao] soared, which made Ma Yunhua's slightly depressed mood rise a little. However, the moment she heard that [Zhilibao] QR code had become the second largest payment software in Hangzhou, Ma Yunhua only felt a smile on her face. He felt a little hot, as if he had been slapped in the face invisibly.

"Why the second largest?"

"Zhang Sheng's [WeChat] was nearly 10 days earlier than ours. Moreover, Zhang Sheng personally went on the live broadcast and popularized it. He was the first person to eat crabs... However, I believe that as long as we are given another month, we will Can you change from a pursuer to..."

"Why the pursuer?" Ma Yunhua stared at Ni Xingjun expressionlessly.

Ni Xingjun glanced at Ma Yunhua, finally swallowed all the words he wanted to say, and finally lowered his head.

"Mr. Ni, we have always been creators and leaders. We have always had many ideas. However, have you noticed that over the years, we have begun to lose our sensitivity to the market?"


"Ask yourself, are we blindly arrogant and complacent, thinking that we are the ones standing on top of the world?"


"The world's richest man, Rosso Gass, once said that we are always only 18 months away from bankruptcy..."


"Mr. Ni, have you ever thought about why I have to go there in person this time to negotiate with the [Bus Group] in Hangzhou? In the past, you or even your secretary could just go over and talk about these business matters. Why, this time, I have to go there in person?" Will you go there in person?"


"We [Jiahu Technology] have reached the edge of life and death. Our competitors are staring at us eagerly. If we don't find a way to break through, we will only die!"


"Have you ever thought about why we are not as good as a young man in his 20s who is even in college?"


"From now on, give up your arrogance and complacency and face this opponent squarely!"

In the office.

Ma Yunhua rarely sat on a chair, with a serious expression on her face. She used the words "life and death" to describe their "Jiahu Technology".

Ni Xingjun looked at Ma Yunhua...

At this moment, it seems that Ma Yunhua is no longer the upstart Internet player that he was back then.

"Mr. Ni, how long will it take for you to win back the market?"

"5 days!"

"Five days is still too long! Three days!"


Ni Xingjun nodded and walked out of the office.

After Ni Xingjun left, Ma Yunhua picked up Zhang Sheng's information and everything about Zhang Sheng during this period, even the smallest things.

He watched it over and over again.

Finally, I saw the Spring Festival Gala.


His pupils shrank sharply, and he suddenly realized that he had missed the most important part!


This year's "Spring Festival Gala" is Zhang Sheng's real counterattack against them, and it is the most important part!

He watched the news.

The hot news search is [A lesson worth a million! 】

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