I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 692 Chapter 6,870,000 Zhang Sheng’s Class!

2012 Spring Festival Gala.

The popularity is higher than any previous Spring Festival Gala.

From the first Spring Festival Gala held in 1979 to 2011 last year.

For more than 30 years, the Spring Festival Gala has always been a palace for celebrities, entertainers, veteran artists, and returnees.

It has appeared the epitome of various little people...

However, they are all countless little characters being played.

It is undeniable that their performances were wonderful, some moved them to tears, some they laughed so hard, or they were close to life, getting closer and closer...

It is more like a layer of elegance wrapped in the hustle and bustle of the neighborhood. Amidst bursts of festive greetings and blessings, one New Year's [Special Program] is ushered in one after another.


This year's Spring Festival Gala, for the first time, invited real little people.

You can find information about Liu Chungen on [Soudu Encyclopedia].

It was January, and the encyclopedia information had just appeared, and in the information, Liu Chungen's resume was very simple.

The employees at [Bird's Nest Decoration] are, well, not even managers at the manager level, just a simple bricklayer.

We can also find another worker named Li Fugui...

The only photo of him is a dirty photo of him knocking on the wall at a construction site.

If Liu Chungen can still see the user space and fans in the [Jitu Live] live broadcast room, then Li Fugui only has one photo.

On the Internet, there are more and more revelations about the two of them, and they are becoming more and more true...

Users from Jincheng and even their relatives and friends were very shocked...

They were shocked at how these two people were suddenly selected to attend the Spring Festival Gala. Even when they saw the news, they thought it was false news!

A migrant worker, suddenly one day, would appear in a palace like the Spring Festival Gala, and even partner with a big shot like Huang Hongsheng. Isn't this nonsense?

All netizens who saw these news couldn't help but be shocked.

Shocked in this world...

It's becoming more and more magical.

However, precisely because of the magic, more and more people are paying attention. As more and more people pay attention, more news about the Spring Festival Gala is revealed.


"I was carrying a camera..."

"If I hadn't witnessed it live, I would even think it was a magic show..."

"I use magic to describe it, but it still seems inappropriate, but let me put it another way, have you ever heard of stories about soul exchange or possession?"

“An ordinary person who had low self-esteem to the extreme and was in such frequent situations that the performance was more like the scene of a car accident. After a short one-hour mysterious baptism, he took the stage again, and then sang shocking music... …”

"But before that, that person had not received any professional education at all..."

"I don't know how to describe my emotions at this moment, but...as one of the few witnesses at the scene, I couldn't wake up from the shock for a long time..."

"Only with unscientific explanations can I feel better."


"Now that I think about it, it seems that this is not the first time that a similar miracle happened under Mr. Zhang..."

"I thought of Ah K and the director Bi Feiyu who is now standing in the international film industry..."


The night of January 20th.

On the Internet, an anonymous and suspected CCTV staff member revealed a piece of gossip about the Spring Festival Gala in a post forum.

The anonymous staff member seemed to be very eager to talk, but due to his identity, he could not post pictures and could only post some text content.

However, through the text, netizens can still feel the shock of the staff member at the scene.

In the post, he told about Liu Chungen’s rehearsal scene, how terrible the rehearsal scene was at the beginning, and even made the director team decide to replace him...

Almost everyone, even the anonymous staff member, felt that Liu Chungen was hopeless. However, at the moment when he decided to replace him, he saw Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng saw Liu Chungen being slapped in the corner, and then calmly brought Liu Chungen into the office.

There was no surveillance in the office, and there was a soundproof layer outside, so during this period, no one knew what Liu Chungen said or did in the office.

However, Liu Chungen came out an hour later, which shocked all the staff present.

Moreover, in every subsequent rehearsal, Liu Chungen seemed to have awakened from some kind of cheat, getting more ruthless every time, and even made many people present sing until their eyes were red.

It was as if the two meridians of Ren and Du were opened at once and enlightened!


Is it really possible for a mason to sing this song?

This Spring Festival Gala staff member has very strong text rendering skills.

Every detail of Zhang Sheng entering and exiting the office is clearly described. During this period, all kinds of mystery are revealed, and the plot has ups and downs. Even invisibly, the air seems to be injected with some mysterious power. The descriptions are all pulled up, and the atmosphere is exaggerated, which is very similar to the "Approaching Science" in the past.

However, at the moment when the secret is about to be revealed, the plot comes to an abrupt end!

that moment!

The curiosity of netizens was severely aroused.

The post's popularity quickly exceeded 10,000, then 100,000, then 1 million...

At the same time, it was reposted crazily through various channels, and more and more stories about Zhang Sheng were spread to miraculous proportions.

Some people even claim that Zhang Sheng knows a [tantric] potential-opening technique that can allow an ordinary person to develop his potential to the limit, and then become a genius in one fell swoop...


What’s nonsense is that many people still believe this kind of story!

Why don't you believe it?

Xu Bowen, Chen Mengting, Ah K, Bi Feiyu...

Ordinary people who were once unknown suddenly took off and even went international after coming into contact with Zhang Sheng...

One or two, maybe it's luck, but so many in a row...

There are too many stories about the rise of little people around Zhang Sheng.

Why don't you believe it?

Early morning on January 21st.

Countless media, as well as bloggers from [Jitu Video] and even [YK Live Broadcast], all flocked to CCTV.

They stayed there for a long time...

Finally met Liu Chungen!

When asked what [tantric] techniques were involved, Liu Chungen firmly denied it.

After being pressed until he had no other choice, Liu Chungen finally revealed helplessly: "Mr. Zhang, you taught me a lesson..."

After revealing this sentence, Liu Chungen finally walked into [CCTV] under the protection of security personnel to start the final rehearsal.

a lesson!

What kind of class was that?

The media were confused for a while.

Immediately afterwards, they saw Ah K walking in, and then they swarmed around him.

Ah K had a headache being surrounded by reporters, but he finally had no choice but to be asked a lot of questions. When asked about Zhang Sheng, Ah K's expression finally turned serious: "The so-called rebirth, in fact, is just a moment of change. Things are not as magical as you describe... However, as a wandering singer who was once unknown and no one knew about his death under the overpass, I once chatted with Mr. Zhang for half an hour when I was at the most bottleneck in my creation. Half an hour later, I wrote "In the Rain"... Chatting with Mr. Zhang is sometimes more like chatting with an elder. I don't know what reinvention is, but if I really want to describe it, I might I feel that those half an hour was the beginning of my transformation..."



January 21st.

There is only the last day left before the Spring Festival Gala.

No one could have imagined that [A Lesson Worth a Million] would become a hot search topic along with the popularity of the 2012 Spring Festival Gala.

As Liu Chungen and Ah K started...

More and more people are coming forward to express their opinions.

at first……

Those who were interviewed were Zhang Sheng’s partners.

Meng Shushurong of [Oubang Integrated Ceiling] gave a rare interview: "Three years ago, a fire almost destroyed me. When I was most desperate, I had a chat with Mr. Zhang. I don’t know the specific content. It’s convenient to disclose, but what I can reveal is that the hour I had a deep chat with Mr. Zhang was the most valuable hour in my life. To this day, when I recall that hour, I still benefit a lot... …”

Chen Mengting from [Bosch Technology] accepted the interview in confusion. When asked about Zhang Sheng, Chen Mengting thought seriously for a moment: "I am not surprised by Liu Chungen's so-called rebirth. Mr. Zhang has a magical power in him. , he can always guide you when you are most confused... If I use something to describe it, then he is like a beacon, more like a guiding light..."

When Li Bin from [Qiang Sheng Online Mall] learned about the interview, he immediately became excited: "A lesson worth a million? If it's a million, I think it's an insult to Mr. Zhang... You know, like me, from An ordinary network administrator with no academic qualifications and no hope, until now...do you know how much I have learned standing next to Mr. Zhang?"

Later, gradually, Zhang Sheng's partners changed into people who had nothing to do with Zhang Sheng.

Some people showed off their company's revenue of nearly RMB 10 million a year. The owner of a food company said: "I am not qualified to meet Mr. Zhang, but at the gate of [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College], I asked a student In the name of my work, I was lucky enough to chat with Mr. Zhang for 10 minutes. Those ten minutes were the most valuable 10 minutes in my life. You guys know how much I envied those students at [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] Can you guys hear Mr. Zhang’s class?”

[Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] Xu Shangwu also appeared in the media: "Last September...we [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] were honored to invite Mr. Zhang to our [Ningqian County Vocational and Technical College] I took a class, and that class made five of us teachers quit their jobs within the system and start their own businesses... However, those teachers who started their own businesses did not disappoint Mr. Zhang's class. From September last year to Now, in just over three months, we teachers all say that they have made money..."

When Xu Shangwu talked about the teacher's resignation, he was a little sad and a little complicated, but when he talked about the teacher's entrepreneurial experience, he was also a little more proud.

January 21st…

On the Internet, more and more people began to talk about Zhang Sheng’s class.

Some excited netizens even posted some [Zhang Sheng’s Quotations] and their entrepreneurial experiences...


They started their own business after listening to [Zhang Sheng’s Quotations], and then, when they were most desperate and confused, they persisted...



Bowl after bowl of chicken soup...

Raging on the Internet...

And Zhang Sheng himself...

Then he stared at his bank account and fell into deep thought.

It's time to send...

Year-end bonus.

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