I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 693 Year-end Award (Third update, a big update for Guo Jiuxing!)

January 22nd.

Lunar New Year's eve.

The city of Yanjing was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and bursts of joy and laughter were everywhere.

He Yuan did not go home to celebrate the New Year...

Not only He Yuan, but also the entire "WeChat" local promotion team did not go home for the New Year.

At this moment, they are still walking through the streets and alleys, selling [QR codes] everywhere.

I do not know why……

The promotion of [QR code] is getting smoother and smoother.

He Yuan vaguely remembered that in early January, all he saw were wary, questioning, and scammer-like expressions, but recently, all he encountered were smiling faces.

"Boss, I am a member of [WeChat] QR code local promotion. My name is He Yuan. This is us..."

“We are using [WeChat] QR code!”

"Ah, are you using it?"

"Yes, we downloaded it yesterday. Thank you for your hard work, young man. Come on, it's too cold outside. Come in and have a cup of hot milk..."

"Ah? No, no need..."

"Take it, you're welcome!"


He Yuan, who had always been looked down upon in the past, had never felt unrealistic like now.

From morning to noon, in every store he walked through, everyone greeted him with a smile and actively listened to his explanation of the [QR code].

Of course, I have met some wary people, but I can no longer see the cold looks.

At noon, as usual, he was sitting in the stronghold of their [WeChat Promotion] group, preparing to have lunch while chatting with the group members about the next plan, when he saw a group of people walking in.

"Mr. He, hello, hello...do you still know me? My name is Qian Sheng..."


At first hearing the word "Mr. He", He Yuan was a little confused. He thought he was calling someone else and didn't pay attention.

However, when the group of people sat next to him and stared at him excitedly, he was startled. After his emotions calmed down, he realized that the person leading them seemed to be an acquaintance from the Internet cafe.

"Hello you……"

"Mr. He, we are all here to join you now..."

"Don't call me Mr. He, Mr. He, how embarrassing...I am just a team leader, who am I the boss..."

"Mr. He, that's different. I heard that you have taken Mr. Zhang's class, right?"

"It does not make sense……"

He Yuan looked at Qian Sheng, who was carefree, and suddenly became even more confused.

"Don't hide it from me... Anyway, Mr. He, I know that your [WeChat] local promotion group is still recruiting people. We brought a dozen brothers here. We are all poor now and we all want to do something... "

“Pushing is very hard...”

"This world laughs at the poor but not at the prostitutes. We are not afraid of death even if our lives are cut short. Why should we be afraid of hard work!"

"You guys are really capable? It's such a cold weather, we get up at 6 o'clock and have to run business..."


"Then I'll make a call to the leader. However, you can't come here like this. You have to give me a simple resume first. Although we do [local referrals], we are a formal company and have regulations on many things. ...By the way, you also need to prepare a Hua Xia Bank card. It doesn't matter if you don't have Hua Xia Bank, but you have to prepare a [WeChat] account..."

"Okay, let's go write now..."


These people came very suddenly, and He Yuan was not prepared for the sudden arrival.

He was indeed preparing to close the line, but with so many coming in all at once, he had to report it to the leader above him.

He asked other members of the team to chat with these people about the entry rules, ran to the bathroom, opened [WeChat] and prepared to make a video call with the leader above.


When he opened [WeChat], he found that [WeChat] needed to be upgraded. It seemed that the version had been upgraded again.

The QR code was just upgraded at the beginning of January, and now it needs to be upgraded again...

What to upgrade now?

He connected to the wireless network in [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] and started upgrading [WeChat] to the new version 6.13.

In 2012, 4G commercial networks already existed, but they currently only cover a few big cities. The signals in big cities are not very strong, and everyone generally stays at 3.5G.

Chen Geng of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant] is different from other shop owners. He directly spent a lot of money to buy a receiver from the UK and connected to the latest 4G network...

Five or six minutes later...

The new version [WeChat] has been upgraded.

He Yuan looked at [WeChat] and found that at some point in [WeChat], a [WeChat Red Envelope] function appeared...

After taking a look, He Yuan didn't pay attention, but made a [WeChat voice] call to his superior.

The leader who used to answer the phone very quickly in the past was very slow to answer the phone this time. After nearly five or six calls, the call was finally connected.

The leader's voice was very noisy. When He Yuan told the leader about the situation, the leader was speechless: "You can take care of it. I have more job seekers. However, it is a little difficult to get hired today... No, you Tell them to come back after the New Year..."

"Ever since Mr. Zhang's [million-dollar] class became a hot topic, it seems like every one of these brats has seen a way to get rich. Our human resources department was completely overcrowded today!"

"The girl from the human resources department hit the keyboard so hard that it hurts her hands. There are too many documents... It's New Year's Eve. Let's take a look at each other..."


After He Yuan answered the phone, he was a little confused.

After a long time, he finally nodded.

When he walked out of [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant], he found that [Fat Xiaoan Restaurant], which was already crowded, was now packed with people.

Some of them are guests, while the other part are job seekers who have appeared from nowhere. Some are even discussing employment with those on their team.

What's happening here?

After He Yuan saw this situation, he was a little speechless, but he still walked over.

"I'm sorry, I've told the boss, but there are too many people suddenly showing up today looking for jobs. It's the New Year's Eve, and everyone knows that many girls in the company have gone back to celebrate the New Year, so the information cannot be recorded. We need to No, are you coming next year?"

"Ah? Mr. He, isn't your relationship good too?"

"No, it's not my relationship. Today is a special situation. Really, there are too many people coming at once... We can't rush it... Can you come back after the New Year?"

"But we want to do it now... We have great expectations for [WeChat], [Shengteng Technology], and becoming a part of Zhang Corporation... We all hope to build this big family …”


He Yuan didn't know what Qian Sheng and his gang were so crazy about.

He talked hard and finally persuaded these people to leave.

Not long after I was persuaded to leave...

He felt [WeChat] shake.

He took out [WeChat] and found that the [WeChat red envelope] was shaking slightly.

He took out the red envelope, and then...

Look at the numbers above.

One zero, two zeros, three zeros, four zeros...


When He Yuan saw four zeros after five, his eyes widened!

fifty thousand!

That money...

It was sent by the leader.

He immediately called the leader.

But he found that the leader seemed to be very excited: "Bonuses have been given, bonuses have been given... This is the bonus given to us by Mr. Zhang. Mr. Zhang personally told you to get your share... You are a fucking pie in the sky. You! Why are you so lucky? There are so many people, why did Zhang Sheng notice you?"

The leader seemed too shocked on the phone and his voice became a little incoherent.

He Yuan only felt his ears buzzing.

For a moment, the excitement was beyond words.

Just as he walked out, he found that almost everyone in his group had taken out their mobile phones.





"Damn it, I gave you an 8,000 bonus!"

"I've only been employed for a month!"

"Damn it, I have more than you, I have 10,000, bastard, I have 10,000..."


"Damn it! Why didn't I?"

"You upgraded [WeChat], hurry up and upgrade [WeChat], Mr. Zhang will get a year-end bonus!"

"Hey, [WeChat] has been updated this time. Not only has it been updated with [WeChat Red Envelope], there is also a new one called [Little Treasury]. What is this?"


Excited voices came and went...

After He Yuan heard the harsh sound, he lowered his head and glanced at [WeChat] again, only to find that there was an extra [Little Treasury] in the [WeChat] interface from who knows when.

Before he could see what the [small vault] was, He Yuan heard footsteps at the door again.

"Mr. He, Mr. He..."

He looked up and saw Qian Sheng's face was red, and he once again rushed in with a group of people, panting, as if he was afraid of missing something.

"Qian Sheng, what are you..."

"It's okay if we don't join the job. We'll hang out with you first. It doesn't matter if we don't get paid! We can do whatever you ask us to do. Not to mention the current weather, even if it's more than ten degrees below zero, I'm not afraid..."



He Yuan stared blankly at Qian Sheng, who was somewhat crazy. He didn't know why this guy was so crazy.

Just when these people were talking about it...

Someone suddenly stood up.

"Look! Mr. Zhang posted an internal video on [WeChat]!"

"Mr. Zhang spoke to us!"


The noisy voice suddenly became quiet at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, He Yuan turned on his mobile phone.


He saw Zhang Sheng appear in the video.

However, it seems to be Zhang Sheng’s apology video.

"First of all, I would like to say sorry to our new or old colleagues..."

"I may not be able to attend our annual meeting..."

"Because, there are still more than four hours left, and the Spring Festival Gala is about to begin. Although I don't understand art, I have to stand backstage at the Spring Festival Gala and do something..."

"I can still remember all the hard work you have put in for our company over the past year. Thank you all!"


"I am a very vulgar person and I don't know how to say sensational words. So please forgive me for being vulgar. I can only express my gratitude with money."

"I will give out the year-end bonus twice this year!"

"The first time, as everyone can see, is this time..."

"The second time, I call it, red envelope rain..."


(The third update is a big update for Guo Jiuxing, and I still owe 16 updates!)

(Please give me a monthly ticket!)

(Please vote for me! I will try my best to update more tomorrow!)

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