I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 714 The alliance’s new company!


An extremely complex high-tech industry.

As capital, as speculators in commerce, as fruit pickers...

If he hadn't lost his mind or gone crazy, it would have been impossible for Li Zongyao to truly step into this ranks.

That's a bottomless pit.

Don’t look at the outcome of last year’s [Group Buying War] where multiple capitals ended up burning nearly 10 billion yuan.

But when it comes to really getting involved in the chip industry, these tens of billions are simply a waste.

Literally put in the fire.

This track...

Li Zongyao fell into more long-term thinking.

If it was the first day he met Zhang Sheng, then he would think Zhang Sheng was joking.

If he had known Zhang Sheng a year ago, he would have thought Zhang Sheng was crazy...



He had to think about the possibility of Zhang Sheng entering this industry.

But will Zhang Sheng really invest in this industry, or is he tossing around a concept called [chip]?

"Mr. Li, if Zhang Sheng really steps into this industry and forms an industrial chain, should we follow or not?"

On the phone, Li Zongyao heard this sentence.

"We can't really start from the most basic framework and slowly lay it out like Zhang Sheng...the risk is too great."

Li Zongyao is not Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng has absolute say over his own capital. Even if he goes crazy one day and throws his money on the street, no one will stop him.

Although the investment of [Hongtian Capital] has penetrated into all aspects of China, the real big capital is monitored by Japan. For investments exceeding 1 billion, Li Zongyao has no personal say and has to be approved and decided at every level.

For example, the [sharing economy] capital that was approved in January has only been approved in a real sense now.


"We don't lay the foundation, but we can invest and acquire shares in related industries in China. When the industry is listed or reaches a high level, our original capital will increase... Zhang Sheng throws out the concept, he lays the foundation, and we only need to sit back and enjoy the achievements. Just continue to speculate and throw money... However, you must always keep an eye on the [chip] market and China's new energy-related industries, and Zhang Sheng's people. It's not just us, there are tens of millions of capital in China that we don't even know. , are all watching Zhang Sheng’s next move..."

"I know!"

"By the way, when entering the [chip] field, we must be quick, you know? When more capital enters the market, we will have no advantage..."

"I know!"


[Why didn’t America sell you the S5 processor before? When you complained, did you ever think about yourself or reflect on yourself? 】

[Why [Taomi Phone] can get the S5 processor, why can’t you? 】

[Have you ever thought that your [Apple] copied someone else’s iPhone, which was so bad, and was boycotted? 】


[Zhang Shengfa’s [site letter] seems to be a warning, but in fact, it is to erase the results of China’s globalization in recent years, and to reverse the course of history. He is a sinner of history! 】


That [internal letter] once caused huge heat and controversy.

Some people think that Zhang Sheng has a vigilant mentality, while others think that Zhang Sheng has a persecution mentality.

Since China joined the WTO, countless Chinese people have enjoyed the benefits of globalization and exchange of goods. And China, as the world's largest processing plant, has naturally benefited a lot. At this moment, Zhang Sheng, at this moment, When he sent out the so-called [in-site letter], he looked like he was going to take over everything. Many experts thought that Zhang Sheng was trying to deny [globalization].

Similar remarks once became a hot search topic.

Of course, the hot search was quickly suppressed by various news about Jos's death.

On the afternoon of February 2nd.

The weather in Yanjing City gradually turned cloudy.

The meeting between Zhang Sheng, Lin Guodong, Jin Fusheng and Zeng Qiang was very secret.

Nothing was ever disclosed at the time, and there was no news on the Internet.


This meeting was spread to various capitals in China through various channels.

【Jiahu Technology】.

[Taozhu.com] will soon be listed in the United States.

The date is set for February 8th.

But the haze that the [payment system] was giving Zhang Sheng constant defeats lingered in Ma Yunhua's heart.

Since the Spring Festival, Ma Yunhua has paid nearly 1.5 billion yuan in subsidies for Zhang Sheng's so-called year-end bonus and bonus.

The 1.5 billion subsidy did not yield satisfactory results to Ma Yunhua. Instead, the credit on the Internet went to Zhang Sheng...

"Are you sure that Zhang Sheng mentioned [chip] nearly 50 times in that meeting and will officially confirm the research and development direction with [Yaohua Technology]?"

"We are insiders at [Apple], and there is nothing wrong... This time, they not only mentioned [chips] 50 times, but also said [new energy vehicles] 60 times. Not only that, [Dening Times] and [Bosch Technology] , [Biweili Automobile] jointly invested in the establishment of a company called [Delixheng], and each of the three parties sent a representative to serve as CEO rotation. At the meeting, the future focus of the company [Delixheng] was also pointed out, and The business targets are the new energy vehicle field, mobile phone field, and photovoltaic field. In addition, the first industry of [Delixheng] has also been determined, which is shared power bank..."

"Shared power bank?"


[Jiahu Technology] In the conference room, Ma Yunhua listened carefully as Ni Xingjun brought the latest news about Zhang Sheng.

This news made Ma Yunhua feel a strong sense of vigilance deep in her heart.

"What exactly?"


Ni Xingjun hesitated for a moment, then looked at Ma Yunhua.

"Mr. Ma, we probably don't have a monitoring system here."

"No..." Ma Yunhua frowned deeply after looking at Ni Xingjun's expression.

"Then..." Ni Xingjun took out his iPhone and clicked on an unnamed software.

The moment I open this software...

There were bursts of strange, ear-piercing hissing sounds.

After Ni Xingjun adjusted for a moment, the sizzling sound finally became a little clearer.

Immediately afterwards...

“What is [shared power bank]?”

"This is a brand new business form derived from the [Sharing Economy]..."

"Mr. Jin, Mr. Zeng, I believe you should have some understanding of the [Sharing Economy]. I won't go into details about the specific situation. I will go into detail about the profit direction of our so-called [Shared Power Bank]..."



“The first profit point is that users need to pay a certain fee when using shared power banks. This part of the fee constitutes one of the main incomes of shared power banks. For example, the average daily rental income of each desktop shared power bank device It may be between 8 and 30 yuan, up to 100 yuan/day... The first project of our new company [Delixheng] is to promote [Shared Power Bank], Mr. Jin, Mr. Zeng, and me, The three of us are responsible for jointly developing [power bank]. Well, to put it bluntly, research and development is just a small object..."


"Currently, the total number of registered users of our [WeChat] has exceeded 170 million, while the [WeChat] of our friends has only 160 million. I will not say that I have completely defeated the [Tengji Technology] social system, nor will I It would be said that we have completely defeated Mr. Ma’s [payment system], but the nearly 60 million users’ bank card binding data and the nearly 70 million daily active users have made us officially a leader in the social field of the Internet. A new pole, in the future, as long as we don’t make mistakes, we will always be far ahead..."


[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng is also monitoring.


But somehow, the more he listened, the harsher it became. It made Zheng Huateng feel as if he had been slapped hard, and his face was slightly hot and slightly red.

He even felt that Zhang Sheng deliberately asked them to monitor him.

However, in what followed, both Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zheng Huateng fell into a strong sense of crisis.

An unprecedented business system is launching an attack clarion call, which has made them more and more passive.

"Such a large number of users gives us a huge traffic advantage in various capital circles and brand circles. Of course... Everyone, I am not bragging. At present, the brands that want to cooperate with me have already started from Yanjing. From east to west, my company receives close to thousands of calls every day, well, maybe more. About 70% of the calls are from major brands..."


"With so many brands, I am not exaggerating to say that if you really eat them, they will cost more than tens of billions. With so many cooperating brands, we have reached the second profit point of our [shared power bank], which is [shared charging] Bao] equipment can provide partners, such as brand merchants that I can’t digest, with more display advertising space. These ads are usually billed by the hour, and the charging standard is usually around 2-5 yuan/hour. Don’t look at these small amounts, but When accumulated, this amount of money is still huge..."


“In addition to this, we have another way to make money. [Shared power bank] can be a concept, and with this concept, we can invite more service providers and agents to cooperate and share the rent... For example, we can use Yan [Wanda Mall] in Beijing is the first cooperation plan... I talked about this cooperation with Mr. Wang Jiancong some time ago, and he was very interested and kept asking when it would start..."


“In addition to [Shared Power Banks], we [Hongwei Technology] can also cooperate with you on [Shared Electric Bicycles]…”


"I know that we [Biweili] and [Dening Times] have a competitive relationship, but there is competition in this world, and there is also cooperation... I, Zhang Sheng, am willing to be a middleman. Together, we can make this piece of cake well and make it bigger. , use the most vulgar business cooperation model to share the cake together, and use this to nourish our next new energy field..."


Monitoring still continues.

But at this moment, Zheng Huateng felt a solemn sense of crisis.

The rise of [WeChat]...

Already unstoppable.

The rise of [WeChat] is not scary...

What’s really scary is that [WeChat] is different from any previous challenger.

Those challengers in the past had a single project and did not even maximize traffic in a real sense.

And behind [WeChat]...

But it is a bundle of industries. These industries can protect [WeChat]'s Internet traffic. At the same time, they can also complement each other and ultimately achieve fission!

this moment……

Zheng Huateng didn't dare to deduce it any further.

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