I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 715 Unstoppable! (Third update, supplement)

outside the window.

The sun sets.

In the conference room.

Jin Fusheng held the pen and signed the [Delixheng] company's cooperation plan.

Since [WeChat] officially overtook [WeChat], Jin Fusheng has become acutely aware of the traffic dividends of the Internet, and he has become more aware of the difficulties encountered by [Biwei Automobile].

The biggest dilemma is that relying on reference will eventually only become a substitute for [Processing]. Any automobile company can replace [Biweili Automobile].

Therefore, if they want to upgrade the industrial chain, at least in terms of appearance, they must start to take the road of independent research and development.

In 2011, they established an independent research and development [core group] to prepare to launch their own car brand [Biweili] in the true sense.

The problem derived from the predicament is the problem of marketing channels. Any newly designed product is not self-admiring, but must be oriented to users...

[Biweili] Taking the road of self-research at the beginning, it is like crossing the river by feeling for the stones. It is very likely that you will enter the water with all your efforts, and there will be no splash in the end...

And working with Zhang Sheng...

It perfectly solves these two problems.

The first is the appearance patent...

According to Jin Fusheng’s understanding, the exterior designer of the Hongwei MINI is no one else but Zhang Sheng himself.

He also learned that in addition to [Hongwei MINI] and [Hongwei Fengxing], there are a series of other automobile exterior design patents...

These design patents have already been registered. If you truly cooperate with Zhang Sheng, you can minimize or even use these patents for free.

The astonishing sales volume of [Hongwei MINI] has proven Zhang Sheng’s design market!

Next, there is the sales market...

After this year’s Spring Festival Gala, Jin Fusheng was keenly aware of the importance of the brand value of [Zhang Sheng] and its amazing marketing methods!

Cooperating with Zhang Sheng can make up for some of Jin Fusheng's shortcomings. Of course, Zhang Sheng also has his own shortcomings. He is growing very fast, but this kind of growth may seem like a behemoth, but it is the core technology in the true sense. , but extremely weak...

Like a light and fluttering cloud, only by cooperating with companies with strong core technologies like them can Zhang Sheng go further in the future!


After Jin Fusheng signed, he handed the pen to Zeng Qiang, his former and future competitor.

Zeng Qiang nodded.

He also signed his name on the cooperation column.

At the [4th World Environmental Protection Conference], Zhang Sheng went to their [Dening Times] exhibition hall. This young man did not belittle his competitors in any way. Instead, he introduced and praised them in front of all the media. The [Dening Era].

Of course, the strong rise of [Bosch Technology] and [Hongwei MINI] made him vaguely worried, as there seemed to be a second [Biwei Auto] trend.

Of course, you said that it is impossible for Zeng Qiang to engage in vicious competition in the true sense. The first is that the superiors are watching, and the second is that Zeng Qiang himself intends to expand the cake. Zhang Sheng’s [Hongwei Automobile] can become his own in the future. The carrier of the [battery industry] is both a competitor and an object of cooperation...

In addition, Zhang Sheng also has a huge traffic team, which is also a big help to Zeng Qiang.


Another point.

Foreign [battery brands] are coming in force and are penetrating various domestic industries in many aspects, which has made them [Dening Times] also feel some pressure...

At this time, if they continue to fight on their own, or even fall into cruel internal fighting, then both [Biweili] and them [Dening Era] can only watch the market once again follow a series of foreign companies that were destroyed by foreign countries. Capital is firmly in control.

By the time……

They are not immune and will eventually become prisoners.

After many considerations, Zeng Qiangcai chose to come and cooperate with Zhang Sheng to jointly make the future [new energy cake] even bigger. Only when the market truly belongs to their people can they truly survive.

After Zeng Qiang signed his name, he handed the pen to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng took a look and then signed his name.


The sun sets.

The orange-red sunset dyed half of the sky red, reflecting the entire land.

Zeng Qiang took the contract and left [Apple Technology] through the back door in a very low-key manner under the leadership of Chen Mengting.

Lin Guodong and Ma Hongbo were still talking about the new round of cooperation in the conference room, and Nie Xiaoping was also listening in the conference room.

Jin Fusheng, who was supposed to leave, did not leave at this moment, but still stayed in the reception room of [Apple Technology].

During this period, he answered a phone call. After answering the phone, he thought for a moment and then came to Zhang Sheng.

"boss Zhang……"

"Mr. Jin, you said..."

"I just received a message that your place is not safe... There are at least three monitoring devices hidden in the conference room. At the same time, you [Apple Technology] have several seniors, who are most likely..."

Jin Fusheng whispered a few reminders in Zhang Sheng's ear.

When Zhang Sheng heard this, he was neither shocked nor frightened, nor did he show any uneasiness. Instead, he smiled.

"Sometimes, the presence of some people is necessary..."

"you mean……"

"Literally." Zhang Sheng still had a peaceful smile on his face: "Mr. Jin, you seem to have something to say to me?"

"I want to talk to you about the [Biweili] car. I want to hear some suggestions from you young people..."

"Mr. Jin, please..."


Zhang Sheng squinted his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Fusheng was taken to another office.

When entering the office, Jin Fusheng simply looked around.

"Mr. Jin, don't worry. I am the only one who has the key to this office. And when the office was being renovated, I deliberately told others about one thing, that is, absolute signal shielding..."

Jin Fusheng took out his mobile phone and found that there was no signal at all.

"What others want to hear is what I want others to hear..." After making a cup of tea for Jin Fusheng, Zhang Sheng continued: "Although we are in the game and we always want to make the cake bigger, But we need push from many aspects. Some of this push comes from our allies, but more often it comes from external forces..."

"Are you afraid of being replaced?" Jin Fusheng laughed.

"The road to the top is always difficult. The higher you go up, the more headwinds you encounter from under your feet and from all directions. If we are not competitive, we will be replaced sooner or later even if we are hiding. But if we are With confidence in our own technology and team, we can always go against the wind and become the final winner... The evil way is just a boost, but it cannot be a means to blindly reach the top. The real winner always wins with the kingly way..." Zhang Sheng's expression was very serious, as if he was talking to Jin Fusheng, and also to himself.

"Well, that's well said." Jin Fusheng nodded when he heard this sentence, his eyes showing unabashed appreciation. In the end, the appreciation turned into testing: "Mr. Zhang, actually I have a daughter who has admired you for a long time. , if you are free, otherwise, you..."

"Haha, Mr. Jin... let's talk about things." Zhang Sheng laughed and changed the topic.

"Haha, okay..." Jin Fusheng also laughed. After drinking a cup of West Lake Longjing tea, Jin Fusheng's expression gradually became serious: "You should know that we [Compare Power] are preparing to transform... …”


"We have invited some designers to design an appearance for our new products under [Biweili]. This is the information about our appearance. From your perspective...how do these designs look like?"

Jin Fusheng took out his mobile phone, opened the design drawing saved in the mobile phone and handed it to Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng took the mobile phone drawing and started reading it.

About ten minutes later, Zhang Sheng handed the phone back to Jin Fusheng.

"Like Masked Superman..."

When he heard this sentence, Jin Fusheng was stunned.

It seems that some people didn't understand: "Masked Superman?"



When Zhang Sheng said this in a very straightforward tone, Jin Fusheng fell silent.

After a long time, I asked again: "What about other series?"


Such a straightforward tone made Jin Fusheng slightly embarrassed.

"No redeeming qualities?"

"First, change the icon slightly. More young people will buy cars in the future. Why can the iPhone capture the hearts of young people? In addition to being an epoch-making product, there is also its amazing design... Mr. Jin, We are collaborators, and I need to tell you that if you want to start building your own brand in a real sense, the appearance of the product is very important..."


"Second, although it may hurt people, we definitely have to spend a lot of money on appearance design. In addition to local designers in China, designers from big Western brands, although they don't want to admit it, are not satisfied with the current social status quo. I mean, they do have a unique vision, and they can spend a lot of money to hire..."

"What if I want to hire you?" Jin Fusheng suddenly squinted his eyes and looked at Zhang Sheng: "I know you have some design drafts of your own, and I am quite interested in those design drafts..."

When Zhang Sheng heard this sentence, he also narrowed his eyes: "Mr. Jin, hiring me is not cheap..."

"How much?"



February 3rd.

Early morning.

Li Zongyao, who was in a meeting, heard shocking news.

He walked out of the conference room with his cell phone in hand.

"Zhang Sheng becomes the chief designer of [Biweili Automobile]?"


"1.5 billion? Are you kidding me? Is Jin Fusheng crazy?"


After making the call, as he was about to go to the conference room, his phone rang again.

After receiving it, his expression began to become solemn.

On the phone...

He was told.

Countless capitals in China are struggling!

Can't stop it!

(Third update, supplement...)

(Still shameless to ask for a monthly ticket)

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