【1.5 billion! [Biweili Auto] invites Zhang Sheng as chief exterior designer! 】

[1.5 billion, a capital farce, or a clarion call for industry change? 】

[Biweili Automobile] will usher in new opportunities, Jin Fusheng: This is our third revolution at [Biweili Automobile]! 】

[[Dening Times], [Biweili Technology], and [Bosch Technology] jointly established [Delisheng Technology]! The electronics industry will usher in an unprecedented shock! 】

[1.5 billion, why did Zhang Sheng get 1.5 billion from Jin Fusheng? 】


2012, early morning on February 3rd.

The moment countless netizens turned on their computers, a pop-up news popped up almost unanimously on all major portal websites.

Clicking on the pop-up news, they saw that [Biweili] spent 1.5 billion to hire Zhang Sheng as the chief appearance designer...

The first time they saw this news, they were confused and thought it was fake news.

But after confirmation, this confused emotion gradually became a bit magical!

They have only heard of major car companies, which are now frantically poaching famous foreign car designers, such as [BMW], [Mercedes-Benz], and [Porsche]. No matter how bad it is, the designs should be from major domestic manufacturers. However, they actually dug up Zhang Sheng?

1.5 billion!

This is 1.5 billion!

If you exchange it for cash, you can kill someone directly.

[1.5 billion] and [car appearance], [chief designer]...

It's hard to connect these words.

What is this [Biwei Automobile] going to do?

If you really want to find your own path from the direction of self-research, there is no need to act like this, right?

Shock, exclamation, disbelief, doubt...

Countless complex emotions are lingering in the hearts of netizens at this moment.

Of course, some reasonable customers realize that this is just marketing!

A marketing campaign in which [Biweili Automobile] and Zhang Sheng joined forces to build momentum for their new company.

Countless well-known experts and scholars emerged at this moment, analyzing this series of news in detail on their personal media.

Claiming that [Biweili Automobile] could not really spend 1.5 billion to hire Zhang Sheng!

1.5 billion is a gimmick.

This is another crazy and eye-catching traffic feast...


No matter how many experts and scholars reveal the marketing behind this incident on the Internet, the waves of discussion about 1.5 billion on the Internet are like crazy [Weibo], [Q Dog], [WeChat] When all social software is maxed out, the popularity will last forever.

Friday, February 3rd at 9:30.

Stocks open.

Some investors boarded the stock trading software as usual.

But the moment they logged into the software, they were so shocked that they stared at the stock price of [Biweili Automobile]!

They wiped their eyes!

On June 30, 2010, [Biweili Automobile] was listed on the A-share market. The issue price was 18 yuan, the opening price on the first day was 22 yuan, and the funds raised were 1.422 billion yuan.

In 2011, China's stock market encountered an unprecedented bear market in the first half of the year. Coupled with various suppressions by European and American countries on various industries in China, the stock price of [Biweili Automobile] also suffered an unprecedented impact, once falling to 21 yuan...

At the end of 2011, [Biweili Motors] recovered slightly and rose to 25 yuan. Just when everyone thought that the market had stabilized and was about to hit a higher place, the market was turbulent again in 2012, and it was more brutal than the same period in 2011. , [Biweili Automobile] even dropped from 21 yuan to a historical low of 17.5 yuan!

As the stock price of "Biweili Automobile" plummeted, all kinds of public opinions broke out at that moment.

The new cars released in 2011 have outdated and imitated looks, and have no appeal to young people. Some models are also taxi-style, making the brand value increasingly low-end.

One factor after another caused the stock price of "Biweili Automobile" to drop so chillingly.


Just at 9:45 on February 3rd.

[Biweili Automobile]'s stock suddenly soared!

In just a few minutes, countless institutions rushed into the stock market like crazy and bought shares of "Biweili Auto"!

At 10:10 sharp, the stock price of 17.5 yuan had risen to 19.25, which was completely above the limit.


10:30 am.

When Fatty Wang finished promoting the project and was about to have a meeting with others, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The moment he received the call, with everyone at a loss, Fatty Wang said a few words briefly and then hurriedly left the conference room.

Waiting for the moment when you run to the rental house in Hangzhou...

He’s on the stock software!

Immediately afterwards...

He's staring at the market!

"[Biweili Auto] has gone up!"

“It’s not just [Biwei Auto] that has gone up!”

“All new energy stocks are soaring!”


His hands were shaking so much that he put all his savings, the previous 150,000 yuan, plus the 100,000 yuan he earned from part-time work during this period, into the stock market and bought a new energy stock!

After purchasing...

He looked at that [Dening Era] with excitement!

Daily limit!

[Dening Times] has completely reached the limit!

With just a few moves, he earned nearly 10,000 yuan!

Then, he looked at other new energy stocks!

[Kaier New Materials], [Huazhong Electric], [Tianxing Lithium Industry], [Ganfeng Lithium Industry]...

Almost all new energy companies or car companies have experienced sharp rises at this moment, and even the daily limit is no longer a minority!

He looked at the red plate greedily!

He saw institutions and familiar capitals rushing into the stock market almost at the same time...

At this moment, all his thoughts were spent on stocks. He wished he could borrow some money from here and there, and then go in and turn his 250,000 into 500,000, into 1 million...

He is immersed in the ocean of numbers and can no longer extricate himself!



[Financial Channel] immediately reported the news of the surge in new energy stocks.

Many experts and professors appeared on the screen, saying in a very excited tone that in the next week or even month, China's new energy sector and automobile sector will hit new highs again and again.

Asked why the stock is so high…

The professors all started from the perspective of policy. The first aspect is that the Chinese stock market has bottomed out and cannot go any lower. The second aspect is that the government attaches great importance to the new energy sector and has proposed various support strategies.

However, the capital investors and institutions who are staring at the stock market are already impatiently studying and pondering over the contents of Zhang Sheng’s meeting in the [Apple Technology] conference room on their respective conference tables. Next, which track will Zhang Sheng enter?

They heard [chip]!

They heard [new energy]!

They heard [car], and their analysis team, no matter which analyst they were, told them with excited eyes that if they are brave, then go for it!

There is never a shortage of entrepreneurs in this world.

There is never a shortage of gamblers in this world.

Capitalists continue to weave successful "myths" one after another, and constantly throw out new concepts one after another from the "myths".

Or books, or lectures, or movies, or TV...

These concepts have appeared in the ears of entrepreneurs through countless channels.

Then, like a tempting poisonous apple, it attracted entrepreneurs one after another. Entrepreneurs who aspired to become new [myths] bet all their wealth on a future...


The market is getting more and more prosperous, the concept is getting bigger and bigger, and it is becoming more and more expanded, turning into a bubble. As a sickle called [capital] cuts into the bubble, it finally explodes with a [boom]!

Most people have become cannon fodder, while a very small number of people relied on the data during the expansion to tell more attractive stories before the bubble exploded, so that more entrepreneurs bet on them, thus changing from retail investors to Banker...

In the dark forest where the weak and the strong prey, fragrant flowers bloom. Looking up, the mountain flowers are brilliant...

You only know that this flower is fragrant. As long as you pick one, you will soar into the sky.

But you never know, behind those fragrant flowers are pairs of blood-red and greedy eyes.

Even if you know, you will comfort yourself by telling yourself that maybe you are not the unlucky guy...

Stories like this are happening almost every day in the capital circle.

On the afternoon of February 3rd!

Those blood-red eyes, at this moment, turned away from the figures of the entrepreneurs and stared at the pieces of fat on the table not far away...

They stared greedily at the piece of fat, which glowed with golden light...

Countless voices behind them were all telling them that whoever could rush to bite the piece of meat, whoever could seize the upper hand, would be the master of the table.

In the next two days...

More news about capital appears in media news.

They saw that Pang Lei of [Hongsen Capital] spent nearly 500 million yuan to invest in [Yanqi Automobile]. Not long after, news came out that [Yanqi Automobile] acquired [Minjian Benz Automobile Co., Ltd.]. Officially Enter the new track.

They also saw that [Gillette Motors] had obtained a cooperation with a German automobile company called [Woba] and announced that they would jointly enter the new energy field and launch their first car in early 2013.

They also saw that former electric vehicle manufacturers [Yuaneng], [Green Horse], and [New Era] respectively officially announced plans to launch new electric four-wheel drive vehicles in the future...

At the same time, we also saw that [Taomi Mobile] took advantage of the popularity and announced in a high profile that it had established a laboratory and would officially launch [Taomi 5].


February 6th.

Zhang Sheng looked at the news and then at the red A-shares, with a faint smile on his lips.

Then, he took out his cell phone and made a call.

The call was answered quickly.

"Can you contact Professor Yang from Huaqing University?"


"I don't need long, and I won't delay Professor Yang's scientific research. You only need to give me ten minutes, which is almost enough..."


Zhang Sheng asked this question in a very humble voice.

The other party seemed a little surprised, but then answered Zhang Sheng's words.

After confirming, Zhang Sheng nodded.


I took another look at the book titled "Brain Drain Becomes a Scientific Research Problem!" "data of.

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