I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 717 Zhang Sheng takes the postgraduate entrance examination?

The beginning of the millennium.

Someone once asked this question.

What is the gap between us and the United States?

Why are all high-tech talents from overseas? Even if there are some in China, they quickly change their nationality.

After this sentence, there were countless replies.

Some people once said that it was the isolation of the country in the late Qing Dynasty that blocked China for hundreds of years and set the times back. To catch up to this point is already remarkable.

Some people once said that it is the problem of the education system. The Chinese education system is always pushing people forward, with boring formulas, headaches and exhausting studies. If we learn from the West, there will not be so many problems...

Some people once said that [in terms of finance], China's finance is too conservative and does not use capital to settle in. Only with more capital settling in can the economy develop faster.

There are all kinds of answers, all combined into one sentence.

That is, the moon in foreign countries is rounder, everything in foreign countries is desirable and the best, and foreign systems, including everything, are the best.

Zhang Sheng has also seen similar problems.

When he saw it once, Zhang Sheng felt that what they said made sense.

But the moment he actually rolled around in the mall and finally fell into the dark world, Zhang Sheng realized something.

In the 21st century, talent is the most important!

Especially in the original world, after experiencing a series of things such as Huami [Chip] and [Technical Blockade], Zhang Sheng deeply realized that there are really no shortcuts to some things.

However, at that time, Zhang Sheng had no thoughts. He controlled a dark land, and everyone in that land was greedy and swimming in the ocean of money. He enjoyed intrigues and the cruelest side of human nature. The excitement, already immersed in it...

When he came to this world and stood under the sun, Zhang Sheng suddenly felt that living under the sun was actually quite good.

Although some swords and swords are no longer visible, and some abilities have lost their use, at least they can stand in a higher dimension and become a trend-setter in the upcoming historical trend.


Since the founding of China, China has gradually developed from a country with relatively few talents to a country with the largest human resources.

By the end of 2010, the total number of talents in China reached an astonishing 130 million.

However, at the same time, China ranks first in the world in the loss rate of talents in the field of science and engineering who are staying abroad.

In 2011, a data showed that the cumulative number of people studying abroad in mainland China reached 2.64 million, and only 1.09 million people returned from studying abroad.

Huaqing University.

Zhang Sheng got off the [Hongwei Fengxing] car.

Although he wore a mask in a low-key manner, he had two security personnel with him.

Zhang Sheng felt that he had done some "immoral things". Although everyone was polite on the surface, no one could guarantee that behind his back, a madman with a knife suddenly came out and stabbed himself in the stomach...

After explaining their purpose of coming and entering [Huaqing University], these security personnel moved slightly away from Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng covered his mask slightly, and while walking at [Huaqing University], he looked at the students in the distance...

He pushed up his glasses and the smile on his face became even wider.

He walked into the laboratory building.

When he walked into the office, he saw that Shen Yi had been waiting in the office for a long time.

"Zhang Sheng, come here, let me introduce you, this is Teacher Wang..."

"Hello, Teacher Wang."

Wang Ling is a teacher at the School of Integrated Circuits at Huaqing University, and was a classmate of Shen Yi.

He is short and fat, and his face is always smiling. He looks like a slit, and he looks a bit like Maitreya Buddha.

When he saw Zhang Sheng, his smile became even brighter, and he shook hands with Zhang Sheng tightly: "Mr. Zhang, over the years, I heard from Teacher Shen that you start a business and study at the same time. You are all very good, which is really rare. I often tell your story to my students. Many of my students regard you as their idol. If we hadn’t deliberately kept a low profile today and blocked the news, otherwise, we would have This office is going to suffer a lot!"

"Teacher Wang, these are all ridiculous praises. If you continue to praise me, I will go to heaven."

"Haha, Mr. Zhang, you are in the sky now..."


Zhang Sheng's arrival made Wang Ling very happy.

The first time he took out the good tea that he couldn't bear to eat, he made a pot for Zhang Sheng.

When Shen Yi saw this scene, he kept shaking his head and laughed and scolded Wang Ling for being snobbish in front of Zhang Sheng.

He had been sitting here for almost half a day and had nothing but a cup of tea. Zhang Sheng, however, went to get the tea before his butt was even warm from sitting.

After laughing and scolding, he said jokingly: "This world is indeed a world where rich people are the boss."

Zhang Sheng did not speak, but took the tea with a smile on his face.

It can be seen that Wang Ling and Shen Yi have a very good relationship.

After drinking a few cups of tea, Zhang Sheng finally revealed his purpose.

"Teacher Wang, I want to cooperate with our [Huaqing University] on research and development... I know that [Huaqing University] has made great achievements in the chip field, and we [Apple Technology] have also encountered some problems at this moment. Crisis, we plan to invest huge amounts of money in independent research and development..."


When Wang Ling heard these words, his smile gradually disappeared, and then he became serious: "The starting point and idea are very good, but Zhang Sheng, the investment in the chip is a big hole. In serious cases, it may cause All your subsequent industry and efforts will be in vain, and, more importantly... your efforts may not always be rewarded. You should think twice about scientific research..."

"Teacher Wang, you should know who I am. There is no turning back when I shoot my bow... This time, I plan to fight with my last resort..."


When Zhang Sheng said these words, there was a brief silence in the office.

Shen Yi looked out the window. Facing his own student, he felt admiration, emotion, complexity, and a little worry.

However, there was nothing he could do. He could only do his best to pave the way for this student.

"Zhang Sheng...have you really thought about it?" Wang Ling looked at Zhang Sheng seriously again, and this time he asked in an unprecedented tone.

"Well, I've thought about it." Zhang Sheng nodded.

"Okay..." Wang Ling was silent for a moment and then nodded: "As for Professor Yang, I have gone over to talk to him about Professor Yang's temper. Let me tell you briefly, this is an idealization. A paranoid genius, there is only one thing in his life: scientific research, scientific research, scientific research!"

Wang Ling paused and continued: "Professor Yang is not easy to get along with. He is also in a state of resistance to cooperation with some external institutions or companies. There are many companies in China and overseas. They all negotiated with Professor Yang on the basis of high salary or status, but without exception, they all failed... However, Professor Yang is very capable, and the students he brought out are all in their respective fields..."

When he said this, Wang Ling suddenly fell silent.

Zhang Sheng looked at Wang Ling's complicated expression and asked tentatively, "Isn't there a serious brain drain in recent years?"

"It is undeniable that it is very serious. Although the country's investment in scientific research is increasing year by year, compared with the capital in Western countries, it is still not comparable... Zhang Sheng, I believe that when you come here, you will also have a lot of money." I have learned that more than half of the students we send abroad choose to work overseas. Some of them came back shortly after they took the initiative, but could not resist the temptation and went back." Wang Ling sighed: "This is not the current situation of our Huaqing, but the entire situation. The current situation of the country..."

"Is it really a problem in the West, or is it that our circle itself has some unfair practices, such as academic fraud, plagiarism, qualifications and qualifications, etc."

"..." Wang Ling frowned when he heard this, but did not deny it.

"Teacher Wang, I know that my power alone cannot change the status quo, but I can make the environment a little better... I hope that I can become an umbrella that protects me from the wind and rain. Maybe the umbrella is not that big, but there are many people under it. It can’t accommodate that many people, but at least I can help some people support it..." After Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he paused slightly: "I also have some like-minded partners. Maybe in the future, they will also follow I am the same, being an umbrella...someone has to do some things, right?"

"..." Wang Ling was inevitably moved after hearing this.

After a while, he stood up: "Mr. Zhang, let me take you to meet Professor Yang."

"Okay, thank you, Teacher Wang!"



Professor Yang’s full name is Yang Shoucheng.

Since 2007, he has served as a professor at the Institute of Microelectronics/Department of Micro-Nano Electronics/School of Integrated Circuits, Huaqing University, and a doctoral supervisor at the [School of Information Science and Technology, Huaqing University].

When he heard that Zhang Sheng was visiting, the expression on his face was impatient.

these years……

Capital, enterprises, overseas companies, etc. invited him to work part-time or work through various channels and names.

Some calls even came to his wife, which made him unbearable for a while.

"Teacher Wang, I told you, I won't see you..."

"Mr. Zhang is different..."

"I don't know about Mr. Zhang or Mr. Li. I only know that we are wasting our lives..."

"Professor Yang, how about 20 minutes, 20 minutes? If Mr. Zhang doesn't reach some consensus with you in 20 minutes, we won't talk about these things anymore..."

"You know what 20 minutes can say to me?"

"10 minutes!"

"Teacher Wong!"


He answered the phone, growing impatient.

Just as he was about to hang up the phone, he saw a young man's voice coming from the phone.

"Professor Yang, how about giving me a minute!"

"Thirty seconds!"

"Okay, thirty seconds, thirty seconds!"

"Professor Yang, I want to apply for your graduate degree!"


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