I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 732 Tragedy and Rise! (Third update)

The stormy weather of June.

Knocking on the door of summer.

The hot eve of summer is accompanied by bursts of lightning and thunder.

Following closely behind the United States, the European Union officially announced an anti-dumping investigation into China's photovoltaic modules and key components such as silicon wafers. The scope of products involved exceeds the previous "double anti-dumping case" in the United States, and the amount involved exceeds 20 billion U.S. dollars. It is the largest EU investigation to date. The largest trade lawsuit launched by M against China...

[Yingli], [Suzhou Deshang], [Tianhe Photovoltaic] and other Chinese photovoltaic companies have officially formed an alliance. Since the ruling against Lao America, Chinese photovoltaic companies have once again responded actively and officially issued a joint statement, hoping that the European side can We have carefully considered this anti-dumping investigation and expressed our willingness to cooperate with a more sincere and serious attitude.

The sincere intention has never moved Europe and the United States. Instead, Europe and the United States have impacted the entire Chinese photovoltaic market with stormy remarks, and publicly stated: [China is guilty], [We will carry out justice to the end]... …

Although the case has not yet been officially finalized like the United States, waves of public opinion attacks are impacting China's photovoltaic industry.

It has almost put China's photovoltaic industry into a situation of life and death!

On this battlefield without gunpowder...

The first generation of photovoltaic companies died in the 2008 financial crisis.

The second generation of photovoltaic companies finally saw hope after the financial crisis, but once again encountered an unprecedented thunder blow.

A report was officially released. The report lists the reasons for bankruptcy applications of countless overseas photovoltaic industries. Due to the impact of the financial crisis, countless overseas photovoltaic companies have filed for bankruptcy not because of short selling in financial attributes, but because of China's Photovoltaic companies are maliciously dumping, making it difficult for them to survive and eventually going bankrupt...

The reasons for bankruptcy have once again pushed China's photovoltaic industry to the forefront...

At the same time as public opinion exploded, several photovoltaic companies that had just emerged in China collapsed again...


June 8th.

Department of Commerce.

Xu Linlin walked into the conference hall with heavy emotions.

This is a department-level meeting of the General Office of the Ministry of Commerce.

Yuan Gang, director of the Ministry of Commerce, is just an ordinary participant here. She is one of the exceptions...

June 7th.

The Ministry of Commerce urgently summoned Chinese photovoltaic companies such as [Yingli], [Suzhou Deshang], [Tianhe Photovoltaic] and [Aster] to Beijing to discuss countermeasures.

From mid-May to early June, several companies traveled to Europe and the United States, constantly explaining their positions in an attempt to prove their innocence and maintain cooperation to continue a win-win situation.

But all they got in exchange was public opinion and endless controversy. After returning to China, what awaited them was an even more cruel business squeeze. Stocks related to China Photovoltaic New Energy had fallen to a desperate level!

China's photovoltaic industry has completely stood on the cliff. It is only one step away from falling off the cliff. Its life is completely hanging by a thread!

The collapse of an industry affects not only the industry, but also the future of China, and the layout of nearly decades...

"Our Ministry of Commerce has carefully read the "Emergency Report on the Anti-dumping Investigation of China's Photovoltaic Products by EUROPE that will severely damage my country's industry" that you have provided. The leaders have expressed that they attach great importance to it and have specially invited you to come over today to discuss it. Countermeasures..."

"We have always been supportive of the photovoltaic industry and our attitude towards new energy, and it is the most important piece of the puzzle for our future in China..."

"This is a war without smoke!"

"However, this road has never been smooth..."

"The United States wants to impose a technological blockade on us, and Europe wants to impose an industrial blockade on us. The surrounding countries are also eyeing us, and they are all thinking of replacing us after we fall..."

"The situation has reached a critical point, even on the verge of life and death!"

"Everyone! From now on, we have to give up our illusions..."


Xu Linlin heard the old man above say this series of words in a very serious voice.

Xu Linlin listened silently.

She has been in the Ministry of Commerce for many years, but she has never heard leaders say things like "life or death" like today.

She lowered her head.

She saw a set of data.

From January to June this year, more than half of China's photovoltaic industry has collapsed.

As the company with the best momentum in the photovoltaic industry, [Suzhou Suntech] has suffered a loss of nearly US$656 million in the past year, and all profitability indicators have deteriorated significantly...

In 2012, this deterioration continued. Relevant people have analyzed that this year's losses will exceed 1 billion. It is no longer difficult to maintain the power of [Suzhou Suntech] alone.

Many large photovoltaic companies listed in the United States are already facing delisting.

As for other companies...

Nearly 80% of China's polysilicon companies have been forced to suspend production, and 80% of polysilicon company workers are on the job. China's export market share in the United States is only 20%, while in Europe it is as high as 70%...

Each data, like heavy raindrops, hit Xu Linlin's heart hard.

The atmosphere of the meeting at the Ministry of Commerce became increasingly depressing. Everyone felt that a dark cloud was hanging over their hearts, making them breathless.

There are three general outcomes of the meeting. The first is that China’s commercial department will actively communicate with the European Union, the second is that China’s photovoltaic companies will actively respond to the investigation, and the third is that the country will increase support for future industrial upgrading. , and the strategic contraction is still to increase the domestic demand market...

These plans are undoubtedly the best solutions.

However, these plans all take time...

They have been racing against time, but how many companies can survive to the end?

Saving land and losing people is a big defeat!

Save people's lost land, slowly plan for it, and leave green mountains without worrying about having no firewood. This is the way forward in the true sense.

This is the question that everyone is thinking about.

When she walked out of the office, Xu Linlin had complicated eyes, looking at the figures leaving one by one. She had never felt so heavy and pessimistic as she did now.

[What will happen if we lose this battle? 】

Such a thought suddenly appeared in her mind. This thought was so terrifying that it immediately sent shivers down her spine.

Immediately afterwards...

Pictures that should not have appeared appeared in her mind.

"Secretary Xu..."

"Ting Chen..."

"Let's talk..."


Just when Xu Linlin was deducing the future and becoming more and more pessimistic, she heard a voice.

Then, she looked up and saw an old man looking at her happily.

She was shocked, and then followed the old man into the office.


The afternoon sun shines into the office.

Chen Guozhong was sitting in his office, flipping through Xu Linlin's project list and work notes from 2009 to 2012.

Xu Linlin stood aside, not daring to breathe.

as if……

On trial.

"[Introduction to New Energy], [Future Trend of Photovoltaic Energy], [Future Challenges of Photovoltaic], [Western Development]..."

Chen Guozhong read the names of each report sentence by sentence.

After hearing these reports, Xu Linlin's eyes were complicated.

These reports were written by Zhang Sheng for himself every once in a while since 2009.

Xu Linlin was also submitting reports, but after submitting these reports, she did not receive any feedback for a long time.

Xu Linlin didn't take it too seriously. In 2009, the China-US cooperation officially entered a honeymoon period. Although there were some dissatisfaction in the past 10 years, it has always maintained a highly cooperative and friendly attitude.

Therefore, what Zhang Sheng wrote is a warning to Xu Linlin...

However, three years later, looking back on what Zhang Sheng wrote, Xu Linlin had to admit that Zhang Sheng at that time was extremely prescient.

"In 10 years, Mr. Zhou Guoan recommended a young man to me. Since then, I have been paying attention to this kid named Zhang Sheng. I am paying attention to the leader above who is also paying attention to this kid... But , I also have to admit my dereliction of duty. We did not read these documents well and truly..." Under the sun, Xu Guozhong had a bit of regret on his face: "Now that I think about it, this young man has a lot of ideas. More alert…”

"Chen Ting, you..."

"This time I come to talk to you. Firstly, I want to thank you for discovering such a rare talent for our business department. Secondly, I want to talk to this young man..." Chen Guozhong looked at him sincerely. Xu Linlin: "What is this young man doing now?"

When Xu Linlin heard this sentence, her heart was shocked: "He is taking the postgraduate entrance examination..."

"Postgraduate entrance examination?"


Chen Guozhong was stunned when he heard this sentence.

Later, I saw Xu Linlin giving Chen Guozhong all the information about Zhang Sheng in the drawer.

After Chen Guozhong saw this information, he was slightly stunned.

These are Zhang Sheng’s scores in every subject since he entered college...

I graduated from college one year early in four years, and got a scholarship from Yanshihua in almost every semester...

Other than that…

In March of this year, I officially bid farewell to the business circle and joined the postgraduate entrance examination army...

And spent huge sums of money to establish the [Semiconductor Laboratory]...

When Chen Guozhong saw this, he was suddenly shocked!

"Chen Ting, Zhang Sheng wants to shine for the rise of a great country in this era..."

"Okay, okay, okay!"

When he heard Xu Linlin's words, Chen Guozhong praised her three times in a row, and his appreciation was palpable.

Just at this time……

Xu Linlin received a call.


It happened to be Zhang Sheng who called.

Chen Guozhong motioned to Xu Linlin to answer the phone.

"Master's wife, I passed the exam!"


"Mother, you asked me what my plans are after I pass the exam. I can tell you now. I want to contribute to the light and rise of China's photovoltaic industry at the darkest moment. Since Europe and the United States are interested in our polysilicon cards, Neck, then, we develop our own monocrystalline silicon..."


"Mother, I know you want to persuade me, and I also know that all the capital is besieging me now, but I have to go this way. Even if all my industries in four years collapse, even if I know the future It’s a bottomless pit, and I have to go down it! No matter how poor I am, I can only beg for food! I was originally a poor boy who was heavily in debt, and I walked step by step to where I am now... a person who has nothing to begin with, let alone be afraid of losing it again! "


"Master, please stop trying to persuade me. I know this road is difficult to walk, and I also know that the power of an individual is too small in the face of the times, but I will always give it a try! Okay, I'll hang up now!"

(Nothing to say, just making up for yesterday)

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