I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 733 Life and death!

First half of 2012.

Chinese consumers are still immersed in the illusion of God’s surprise...

In fact, the surprise gradually became a bit incredible.

The first is travel. Most buses across the country cost 1.5 yuan per trip. However, when you take out your mobile phone and book a taxi online, after receiving the red envelope and completing the task, it is even cheaper than taking the bus!

More and more students no longer take the bus when they go to school in the morning. Instead, they use their mobile phones to hail a taxi in advance as soon as they leave home. The cheapest one is even 90 cents, and you can get a taxi.

In half a year, after [Didi Di Taxi], [Tuxing KuaiDi] and [Xuntu KuaiDi] have emerged in the market. The three brands are frantically competing for users. At the craziest time, even if you take a taxi once, the other There was no fight between the two companies, but there were three cars of different brands parked downstairs in the community, and each one was cheaper than the last.

During the competition, consumers were immersed in the state of being greeted with greetings, handed water and towels, and were extremely respected as if they were uncles.

With 1 yuan, you can buy the ultimate service that is far more than 1 yuan!

This is a moment that countless people could not even dream of a few years ago...

[The takeaway industry] once again ushered in crazy price cuts!

In February of this year, consumers were still immersed in the state of eating chicken drumsticks for one yuan and eating takeout for ten yuan. They felt that this was probably the peak of this era.

But by March, as brands such as [Lainiao Takeaway], [Soudu Takeaway], and [Anydoor] received investment and rushed into the battlefield like crazy, the entire market was close to crazy.

The staff in the office building were surprised to find that the takeaway that usually costs only 1 yuan has now been reduced in price!

Someone posted a bill on the social platform: [Fine and Bone, Coke, Fried Chicken Nuggets, Rice Chicken Wings] four offline items that originally cost 31 yuan.

After a series of operations such as a 16 yuan discount for purchases over 28 yuan, a 1.6 yuan reduction in express delivery fees, and a 10 yuan red envelope, users only need to pay 50 cents to buy these things.

Do you think this is already the lowest price in the takeaway industry?


You have too little imagination!

In mid-April, [Lainiao Takeout] even launched an amazing [Overlord Meal] event!

As long as you become a member, you only need to pay 0.01 yuan for the first meal, and you can have a meal of egg fried rice with an original price of almost 10 yuan, and it also comes with a bottle of drink!

The crazy subsidies in the food delivery industry have not made the riders’ treatment worse, but have doubled the rider’s treatment!

A year ago, [Honeycomb Extreme Free] riders earned more than 10,000 yuan a month, which shocked the entire industry!

A year later, food delivery companies such as [Lainiao Food Delivery], [Soudu Food Delivery], and [Any Door] went crazy to subsidize merchants, riders, and users. The news broke that a food delivery rider could earn 30,000 yuan a month!

Since the 2008 financial crisis, life has been very difficult for everyone.

But in the first half of 2012, more and more young people entered the [takeaway] business, and with exclamations of surprise, their incomes increased dramatically!

This huge change in the Internet and offline industries has naturally attracted the attention of countless economic experts.

Someone once did a simple preliminary investigation!

As a result, it can be concluded that in the past six months, the food delivery industry alone has burned nearly 10 billion yuan!

Among them, Ma Yunhua, headed by [Jiahu Technology], burns the most money. His [Anydoor] takeaways burn at least 10 million in one day!

As for the business competition in the [taxi-hailing] industry, although it has not yet reached the scale of tens of billions, it is upwards of five billion...

Other than that…

In the [sharing] industry, big capitals such as [Jiahu Technology] and [Tengji Technology] have entered the market one after another. In major first-tier cities across the country, you can see different brands of shared battery scooters and bicycles almost every ten meters.

The competition is even more fierce. As long as you open [WeChat] or [Wechat] or [Qgou] and other social apps, you can ride away at any time as long as you pay a deposit of 99 yuan!

Each industry, with the opening of the 4G era, is almost like a blowout.

Someone specially compiled the data...

In this Internet melee, the amount of money burned in one day is measured in hundreds of millions...

Moreover, no one knows how long this money-burning war will last...

However, what many people can predict is that this battle will become fierce as soon as it starts, and everyone will be bloody. If no party truly surrenders or falls, no one will give up!


“In the past four months, Zhang Sheng’s [Didi Di Taxi] has been running out of funds. However, it is still a tough nut to crack. He relies on [WeChat], has a huge number of users, and the traffic is still huge. , we will not be able to take advantage in terms of quantity for a while, but in terms of capital and various subsidies, our monthly growth base is gradually achieving overtake, and in September, we will establish a victory..."

"Although [Honeycomb Ultimate] is capable of fighting, it is only capable of fighting. Their advantages are constantly being swallowed up. Our analysis team predicts that by July, our [Any Gate] and [Laimen] will [Niao Waimai] can occupy the market advantage, and [Tengji Technology]'s [Are you hungry? Takeaway] is also catching up. The group of people at the real poker table are most likely our [Jiahu] and their [Tengji] Technology]..."

“[Sharing Industry] Zhang Sheng, in addition to making a small amount of profit from [Shared Power Bank], both [Shared Bicycles] and [Shared Electric Vehicles] are offering money. Although their [Local Promotion Team] is crazy, it is powerful In the face of capital, it still doesn't help. Although we started late, we are about to take advantage... This may be Zhang Sheng's real defeat in 2012, and it is also his undefeated golden status that was officially broken. once!”


【Jiahu Technology】

Since the listing of [Taozhu.com], Ma Yunhua has been extremely rich in capital. At the same time, China's cooperative capital has also received a large amount of capital injection from overseas.

This amount of funds has expanded the entire [Jiahu Technology] system by more than one circle.

This Internet capital war started in March and lasted for three months in June this year.

Over the past three months, Ma Yunhua has been looking at data from all walks of life almost every day.

He watched with his own eyes all the industries in the [Jiahu Technology] system surge forward, and watched the industries in Zhang Sheng's system retreat steadily!

In order to completely kill Zhang Sheng and get rid of this cancer, they also targeted the second and third tier cities that they had ignored in the past. He wanted to completely destroy Zhang Sheng's strategy of "surrounding cities from rural areas". Not only did he spend a lot of money He was squandering subsidies from second- and third-tier cities and even made bold words, [From now on, Zhang Sheng will be completely wiped out, no one will be left alive, and those who are willing to surrender will come over, and those who are unwilling to surrender will be killed immediately]!

"very good!"

In the office.

Seeing the good news coming frequently, Ma Yunhua showed a faint smile.

In the past two years, he finally vomited out his anger at Zhang Sheng's repeated attacks. This feeling was both happy and somewhat empty.

During this time, the two families [Jiahu] and [Tengji], who were originally enemies of life and death, seemed to have joined hands together. It is not an exaggeration to use the idiom of sharing the same hatred to describe them!

Under the siege of food delivery, taxi hailing, sharing, e-commerce, social networking and other fields, their offensive has almost reached the point of being watertight!

In fact, he and their team had deduced it many times, but no matter how they deduced it, they could not deduce how Zhang Sheng would win, let alone how Zhang Sheng would win!

"What is Zhang Sheng doing during this time?"

"He spent 1.3 billion to invest in a semiconductor laboratory..."

"Did he really do research and development?"

"Although this is really weird, according to our investigation and feedback from other capitals, Zhang Sheng really went to engage in research and development... If these more than one billion funds had not been invested in the so-called [semiconductor] laboratory If so, those people in their system can survive for a while longer, but now, all of them have invested in it at once, and the liquidity in their system is already very tight!"

"Has your team analyzed this project [Semiconductor Laboratory]?"

"We have analyzed it, but Mr. Ma, you should be clear that a billion in scientific research is just a sprinkling of water. We, not only us, the capital we know in China, the top European and American analysts have all come to an end, and then, we got a very Not optimistic…”

"How pessimistic?"

"The probability of Zhang Sheng's true success is less than 0.001%... Zhang Sheng, who has always been at the forefront of the times, has stepped into a deep pit this time. At this moment, it is only a matter of time before he is destroyed. In response to those words, if you want to destroy it, you must make it crazy!"


When Ma Yunhua heard this, she should have smiled and felt relieved.


Ma Yunhua looked into the distance and found that she suddenly couldn't laugh.

There is a silent sense of loneliness and a sense of emotional complexity.

"I used to never understand Zhang Sheng, but now, I finally understand..."

"Mr. Ma, what do you know?"

"This is the ultimate idealist. Whether it's bonuses or various welfare improvements... this young man deserves to be respected..."

"Mr. Ma, at this time, we cannot be merciful..."

"When did I become soft-hearted? I respect this young man in my heart, but respect is precious. We must not relax in the strangulation that follows. While Zhang Shengzheng has invested money and is no longer able to return help, kill him in one fell swoop! While he is sick, Kill him! You should also tell other capitals that their capital investment in June must be even more ruthless!"



The heat of June.

It's coming gradually.

June 15th.

[Huaqing University] entrance.

With complex emotions on his face, Nie Xiaoping took out his cell phone and finally called Zhang Sheng.

"Mr. Zhang, the two major industries of [sharing bicycles] and [sharing electric scooters] have been completely surrounded by capital. We are about to be unable to hold on. Mr. Zhang, I shouldn't bother you, but I don't know what to do anymore." How should we go on the way down... In the few months since you left, we have reached the stage of life and death..."


After saying this, Nie Xiaoping looked into the distance.

He really wanted to say the words "life or death".


Finally he swallowed it.

About ten minutes later, he saw Zhang Sheng walking out.

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