I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 734: Retreat to advance!

First half of 2012.

In the smokeless battlefield of the Internet, the level of fighting is so intense that blood is everywhere!

In the field of [Sharing Industry], countless capitals are like wild beasts, losing all their sanity and rushing madly into this track.

Although Zhang Sheng's [Honeycomb Sharing] occupies an innate advantage and has countless traffic, its foundation is weak and it has not formed a mass base like [Honeycomb Extreme Delivery].

Under the impact of countless capitals, although it still has a competitive advantage, it is gradually unsustainable.

Nie Xiaoping started with Hongwei Battery Car and followed Zhang Sheng all the way to where he is now. In the past three years, he has been on a journey upwards.


I have never been as exhausted as I have been this year.

They were almost strangled from all sides, and no matter how hard he tried, he could not stop the constant wave.

The most fatal point is that the three major industries including [Hongwei MINI], [Hongwei Fengxing] and [Hongwei Battery Car] are also facing repeated attacks from capital.

More professional car companies have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain in the first half of 2012...

It was very difficult for him to resist, and he no longer had any spare money to invest in the [sharing industry].


He thought of the [deposits] of those users in the [sharing industry].

It has been half a year since the [sharing industry] emerged.

Half a year...

Their [sharing industry] has nearly 10 million users, with a deposit of 730 million!


"Mr. Zhang, I really don't want to say depressing words, but in the past three months, our [Hive Sharing] base growth has been slower and slower..."


"Capitalists are investing money like crazy. They use various methods to conquer cities and territories, almost pushing our scope of activities to the limit..."


"A lot of capital actually snowballs with deposits, throws it into the battlefield, and continues to roll, pushing the leverage to the extreme. The underlying logic of capital is this... In fact, the so-called Internet is a financial circle. We must respect financial rules and Capital rules…”


"If we don't take measures, we will be destroyed... I propose that we take out the 730 million deposit as a reserve, and also increase the leverage. The 730 million steel poles can be doubled, at least It allows us to compete with those capitals to the next stage!"


[Huaqing University] In the dormitory.

Zhang Sheng made tea for Nie Xiaoping.

Nie Xiaoping drank it all in one gulp, regardless of whether it was hot or cold. After drinking, he kept talking about his theory.

When [Honeycomb Sharing] was first established, Zhang Sheng set a rule that none of the deposits in [Honeycomb Sharing] could be touched. Even if they were to be moved, Zhang Sheng had to agree.

At first, Nie Xiaoping agreed unconditionally with Zhang Sheng. After all, Zhang Sheng was like a god after winning battles again and again. But as the capital market suddenly went crazy, Nie Xiaoping was forced into a corner and finally had no choice.

"We still can't touch the deposit..."

After Zhang Sheng heard Nie Xiaoping's voice, he shook his head and made a cup of tea for Nie Xiaoping again.

"But now everyone is using deposits to do larger leveraged businesses. Why did Ma Yunhua do [Yu Libao]? He just uses the capital on hand to gamble in the market. Mr. Zhang, we are in the capital besieged by Ma Yunhua and others. , there is [Yu Libao]’s capital, which is a continuous channel for blood transfusion. As long as the leverage becomes larger and larger, they will always have a capital advantage. Moreover, after they completely knock us out of the capital circle, they will be able to Let [Hive Sharing] and other industries be profitable and regain blood. This will perfectly make up for the previous capital blood transfusion, which is equivalent to nothing happening. Mr. Zhang, we actually have the capital to fight them!" Zhang Sheng's words made Nie Xiaoping became even more anxious. He almost stood up, his voice was extremely urgent, and his face was as red as a monkey's butt.

"Finance is a knife. If used well, it will kill countless enemies. But if used incorrectly, it will be a knife that wipes our necks..." Zhang Sheng waved his hand and motioned for Nie Xiaoping to sit down.

Nie Xiaoping finally sat down with his chest heaving, but he still refused: "Mr. Zhang, but everyone is doing it. Even if the country wants to stop it, it can't stop it..."

"Mr. Nie, I know what you are thinking, but I hope you remember that capital is the last and most desperate means to jump over the wall. If you can't use this method, don't use it... Moreover, for our future industry, we are For those in the real industry, the role of the Internet is traffic and blood transfusion... You can play, but don't go deep..." Zhang Sheng shook his head.

Nie Xiaoping was silent for a long time, then took another sip of the tea made by Zhang Sheng. After finishing the drink, he felt a little sad: "This won't work, and that won't work either. Are we waiting to die?"

"If I talk about setting up [Hive Sharing], I have never thought about letting [Hive Sharing] survive at this stage. I only think of it as a blood transfusion kit. What do you think?" Zhang Sheng said slowly and leisurely.

"This..." Nie Xiaoping was startled, and then took a deep breath: "I don't quite understand..."

"Waging a war does not necessarily involve advancing repeatedly, nor does it necessarily involve fighting with bayonets and killing life and death. The truly brilliant method is to retreat in order to advance... To be honest, our [Hive Sharing] seems to be a high investment, but in fact it is The investment is only less than 100 million yuan... A lot of capital is rushing to invest. There is no doubt that the market value of our [Hive Sharing] has been raised. Our current market value is close to 2 billion... …But those are all capital bubbles. Mr. Nie, [Hive Sharing] is actually very difficult to achieve real profitability in China. At least at this stage, except for [Shared Power Bank], it is difficult for other industries to be profitable..." Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and showed a weird smile.

"..." This weird smile made Nie Xiaoping a little creepy.

It was as if a devil had already dug a sinkhole and was waiting for everyone to enter at this moment.

"Then...Mr. Zhang, tell me, what should we do?"

“Use [shared bicycle], [shared battery car] and other industries to make money from capital!”



June 16th.

Department of Commerce.

Outside the window, cicadas chirped, loud and even harsh at one point.

Yuan Gang, director of the Ministry of Commerce, is mentally and physically exhausted at this moment.

The collision and competition between Europe, the United States and China have become increasingly fierce.

The leaders of OUM's Ministry of Commerce visited China the day before yesterday. During the visit, the communication between the two parties was very harmonious, and both parties had an attitude of slowing down anti-dumping and other investigations [in the photovoltaic industry].

Just when everyone feels that this matter can be eased a little and give China's photovoltaic industry some room for development...

Yesterday, the situation took a turn for the worse in an instant.

Some Western leaders even jumped out on the spot, accusing Chinese photovoltaic companies of receiving government subsidies and demanding punitive import tariffs on their products.

Yuan Gang was so angry that his face was livid.

This group of people has one thing on the surface but another behind the scenes, and the sense of separation is extremely serious, as if they are schizophrenic due to being taken over by something, and they make one decision every day.


Despite the anger.

But as the weak side, China could only actively cooperate. As for the counterattack strategy, they were also meeting to discuss various decisions, but Yuan Gang knew very well that they were always stuck.

Including raw material polysilicon technology, including all aspects of the market, including core contracts...

These are all stuck in the hands of those people in the West...

At present, China's counterattack force is limited. At most, it makes them jump, but it does not allow them to feel the pain at all.

If there is no pain response, it is just scratching the itch...

"Secretary Xu, how is Mr. Zhang's [Semiconductor Laboratory] going?"

in the sun.

Yuan Gang rubbed his head and looked at Xu Linlin who walked in with a serious face. Yuan Gang finally showed a smile on his face.

The overseas market is cruel, with swords clashing every day and blood everywhere.

But precisely because of overseas pressure, the cohesion of China's photovoltaic companies has reached an all-time high, with unprecedented unity.

If we work together as one, we will eventually achieve a breakthrough.

A few days ago, the leader talked to Yuan Gang about Zhang Sheng and said in a very serious tone: [We need to support and communicate more with such young people. If the other party has any difficulties, as service providers, we must think Ways to solve it]...

"Mr. Zhang's [Semiconductor Laboratory] has finalized a research and development plan, and most of the funds have been invested in the technology research and development of [monocrystalline silicon], but... this road is difficult to follow..."

"Secretary Xu, please communicate with Mr. Zhang and express the attitude of our Ministry of Commerce. Be sure to listen to Mr. Zhang's appeal and tell him that he is not fighting alone. We are all his supporters. As her Master... um..." Yuan Gang was silent for a moment, as if he had made up his mind: "Tell him directly that our Ministry of Commerce will give him the green light!"

"Okay, I'll contact him now!"


Xu Linlin took out her mobile phone and made a call to Zhang Sheng.


Zhang Sheng's call was not answered.

This is the rare time when Zhang Sheng doesn’t answer Xu Linlin’s call...

Xu Linlin looked at her mobile phone and combined with the recent scenes of Zhang Sheng's Internet industry being besieged by capital...

Xu Linlin somehow had a bad premonition in her heart.

Just at this time……

Her phone rang.

But it was not Zhang Sheng who responded.

But her husband Shen Yi.

She answered the phone.


"What? Zhang Sheng was overwhelmed by capital?"


Xu Linlin's expression changed drastically.

When Yuan Gang heard this sentence, his expression also changed slightly.

After he heard Xu Linlin finish the phone call, he immediately looked at Xu Linlin seriously: "What's going on?"


Xu Linlin was silent for a moment.

Then I opened the newly loaded [Jitu Video] on my phone, and immediately saw a confession video of Zhang Sheng.

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