I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 737 Valuation: 3.2 billion!

The afternoon sun shines into the office through the window.

Zhang Sheng put his hands behind his back and looked silently at the bustling crowd below.

His cell phone kept ringing.

However, he didn't answer a single call.

"Mr. Zhang, since we announced the refund of the deposit until now, our deposit has not decreased, but has increased to 830 million..."

"Our internal employees are also very excited. Some people started to raise money spontaneously and raised nearly 200 million. On my way here, all departments, not just our [Hive Sharing], other department leaders called me. , they are very eager to spend money and tide over the difficulties with us..."

"Mr. Zhang, if you can nod, we can still fight this battle. Under our system, from the most basic level to the highest level, everyone has strong cohesion and passionate sentiment. They all hope that we can continue to move forward. …”

"Mr. Zhang, you are definitely not alone now. As long as you give the order, we will follow you forward!"

"Even if there is a cliff ahead, we are not afraid!"


Walked from the door to Zhang Sheng's office.

There is about a hundred meters of road.

Along the way...

Nie Xiaoping kept hearing some internal employees telling him in the firmest voices that they hoped he could persuade Mr. Zhang and let them accompany Mr. Zhang through the difficulties.

Nie Xiaoping was deeply moved by the heart-warming words. At the same time, it felt more like he had entered a group that was prosperous and prosperous.

The moment he walked into the office, Nie Xiaoping didn't know if he was infected by the Internet or everyone in the company. Nie Xiaoping even had the idea in his mind that he would use all his assets to fight Zhang Sheng again. .

in the sun.

He looked at Zhang Sheng's back with an excited and excited expression.


When Zhang Sheng turned his head, all he saw was a calm expression.

However, there was a sense of complexity in this calmness, but the complexity was quickly replaced by reason.

"Mr. Nie, when [Hive Sharing] was born... I told you that I wanted to play a capital game... The end of this game is just for money!"

"But, Mr. Zhang, how much do you want, as long as you are willing to nod, I believe that whether it is me, our company, our system, or even the netizens who support you..." Before Nie Xiaoping could finish his words, the phone call came. It rang, and he answered the phone. After answering the phone, he perked up, and then told Zhang Sheng in an even more excited voice: "Mr. Zhang, and those brand owners, I just received the call, those brands Businessmen all hope to fight with us. [Mengxiang Instant Noodles] is willing to give out nearly half a year's profits, Mr. Meng from [Oubang Integrated Ceiling] is willing to give out 100 million, and Zhou Haopeng from [Suzhou Tesco] is willing to give out 100 million yuan. In general, he is also willing to spend 100 million. In addition, there are [Yongtong Wire] and [Senchao Clothing]. These partners who are fighting with us are willing to tide over the difficulties with us..."


"Mr. Zhang, as long as you nod your head, 2 billion brand funds can be transferred to our account at any time!"


"Mr. Zhang, you are not only an entrepreneur, but also a spirit and a symbol. You represent millions of domestic products and millions of ordinary people who want to be promoted... They I hope to see you alive, and even more hope to see you live well..."


When Nie Xiaoping said these words, his eyes were hot.

At this moment, he hoped to see Zhang Sheng moved and nodded.

But, unfortunately, Zhang Sheng's expression remained calm: "I won't ask for any of this money..."


"I want to win this capital war. I have many ways, but it is definitely not based on sympathy, empathy, and the so-called spiritual pillar..."


"Sympathy and empathy are the sharpest sword, and even more so a sickle. We can rely on this sickle to harvest funds that we can't imagine. However, if we don't really reach a desperate situation, I won't Someone who might have wielded this sword..."


Nie Xiaoping looked at Zhang Sheng's back.

His throat was sore and he wanted to say something, but he finally lowered his head. After a long time, he sighed: "Mr. Zhang, do you really want to sell it to capital?"

"Sell, but it won't be so easy..."



In the evening of June 16th.

[Hive Sharing] The deposit on the account is already close to 900 million.

On the Internet…

Many netizens have stood up and spoken out for [Hive Sharing]. Teams of all sizes and countless brands have stood up and supported [Hive Sharing].

Among them are the young master Wang Jiancong of [Wanda Group], Shen Kangnian, the CEO of [Yongtong Group], and countless domestic brands posted their support on Weibo...

In addition to them, many Internet celebrities, video bloggers, and celebrities in [Jitu Video] have stood up and publicly stated that as long as Mr. Zhang is willing to nod, they are willing to donate...

In addition, well-known veteran artists such as Zhao Degang, Lin Jianyong, Huang Hongsheng, etc. also came forward...

Voices from every field hope to support Zhang Sheng.

[Tengji Technology].

Zheng Huateng, Zhang Xiaoqiang and others stared closely at the news on the Internet.

"His move is to retreat in order to advance. He is using his influence to make money!"

"Including the deposit, Zhang Sheng can make at least another 3.5 billion Chaotian..."

"With this money..."

"This person is really scary. He didn't know when he started brainwashing all these people!"


Zhang Xiaoqiang murmured to himself, his voice a bit frightened.

Zheng Huateng looked calm, but there were waves of turmoil in his heart.

This man's influence was so terrifying that he had to consider whether he would win if this battle really went on.

Not only must we consider these things, but we must also consider the reaction from above.

Just now, he received a call from [a friend] at the Ministry of Commerce. The friend told him in an unprecedented tone that he should calm down for a while and not use capital to squeeze Zhang Sheng, otherwise...

Otherwise, although the friend didn't say anything later, Zheng Huateng could feel Zhang Sheng's weight above him.

After the friend finished speaking, he received a call from the secretary's father. The call from the secretary's father told him not to deliberately target Zhang Sheng recently, otherwise he would be liquidated!

Zhang Sheng stood up to establish the [Semiconductor Laboratory] in times of crisis and announced his entry into the scientific research industry. This in itself is an example and can boost morale. The higher-ups need people like this!

This wave...

He used retreat to advance and hit him so hard!

It not only allows the superiors to see his determination, but also harvests partners and netizens on the Internet. It also allows them to unite and make the capital side dare not make mistakes...

Zhang Sheng controls everyone's hearts to the fullest...

This battle!

They can't fight!

However, if we don’t fight, Zhang Sheng’s [Hive Sharing] will no longer be able to compete with us, and even Zhang Sheng’s [WeChat] and other industries will usher in a wave of growth...

If you can’t suppress it this time, it will be difficult to bet again in the future!



how to spell?

Can you win?

If you really win, what good fruits will you get?

Each possibility made Zheng Huateng sigh in his heart, and a bitter feeling surged from his throat to his lips.

Just at this time……

"What is Zhang Sheng doing? Why does he still choose to leave the [sharing] industry when he is trying to establish a victory?"

"I can't understand it anymore."

Zheng Huateng heard Zhang Xiaoqiang muttering to himself.

When Zheng Huateng heard this sentence, he turned on the computer.


"thanks for your support……"

"I will always keep everyone's support in my heart. I am very touched. Thank you again for stopping me when we insisted on going our own way..."

"But, I won't spend everyone's money."

"This is my perseverance!"

“Don’t put any more deposits into [Hive Sharing]. I hope to use my actual labor results or the convenience I can provide to everyone. I don’t want to rely on sympathy and empathy. This makes me A lot of pressure……"

"If you have spare money, please pay more attention to our scientific research team. They are dedicated in obscurity. They are working hard to create a better life for us so that we can live in this peaceful world. I can't say They are not living well, but they need more support..."


[Bird's Nest Semiconductor Laboratory].

When hearing this sentence, Wei Yang, Zhong Bai and others subconsciously raised their heads.

They watched silently in the video, the figure surrounded by crowds of people, as if surrounded by flowers...

A touching emotion lingered in their hearts and never dissipated for a long time.

It was an unprecedented feeling of being valued...

Then, they lowered their heads, looked at each machine, and then looked at the rays of light not far away.

They took a deep breath.

A scholar dies for a confidant!


It will work!


“What is the valuation of [Hive Sharing]?”

"It used to be 2.8 billion, but with the recent popularity on the Internet, various units saw the cohesion and gave an assessment of 3.2 billion..."

"We have to get 3.2 billion...I will personally lead the team to talk to Zhang Sheng..."

"Mr. Ma, it is very possible that Zhang Sheng will use [Hive Sharing] as a catalyst to make us capitals fight among themselves, and then he will leave midway and sit back and watch the fight between tigers and tigers..."


【Jiahu Technology】

Ma Yunhua looked at Zhang Sheng's abnormal operation, her eyes flickering.

Finally, he narrowed his eyes.

“Have you seen [Hive Sharing] approaching tens of millions of users?”


"[The sharing economy] is a big piece of cake. Zhang Sheng has left the competition circle, but it does not mean that we have no other competitors..."

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