I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 738 We will win (big update for Guo Jiuxing)

"Mr. Zhang, after listening to your pessimistic speech, I was deeply moved, but at the same time I am ashamed. As a businessman, I cannot have such a noble spirit like you, Mr. Zhang!"

"However, we [Hongtian Capital] are willing to support your scientific research dream. I am very optimistic about [Hive Sharing]'s future business model. I hope that we can abandon our previous grievances and consider this matter with the most rational attitude." …”



June 17th.

The cicadas chirping outside the house became louder and louder.

Li Zongyao walked into the office, and when he saw Zhang Sheng, he had a smile on his face.

After briefly shaking hands with Zhang Sheng, he told Zhang Sheng the purpose of his visit this time.

[Hive Sharing] is a project that the leaders behind [Hongtian Capital] attach great importance to.

Since watching the video, those leaders have been calling Li Zongyao constantly, almost giving death orders on the phone that they must be taken down.

In the office.

Zhang Sheng listened silently to the chirping of cicadas. Seeing Li Zongyao's smile, he did not answer, but slowly made a cup of tea for Li Zongyao.

When Li Zongyao finished drinking the tea, he briefly took a look at the quality of the tea, and then frowned: "Are you picking up leaves from the ground?"

Zhang Sheng laughed: "It's not leaves, it's tea chips..."

Li Zongyao's expression gradually became more exciting. After a long time, he sighed: "Mr. Zhang is indeed well-deserved..."

"Mr. Li, how much do you plan to pay?" After Zhang Sheng heard this, he did not talk to Li Zongyao about anything else, but asked lightly.

"Mr. Zhang, are you going to sell all [Honeycomb Sharing]? Are you going to sell all the shared bicycles and shared electric scooters?"


"Mr. Zhang, what's your estimated price?"

"4 billion!"


"Mr. Zhang, your market value is only 3.2 billion. You are asking for such a high price..." When he heard this, Li Zongyao's eyes widened and he almost spit out his tea.

"Mr. Li, we all know very well that when I sell [Honeycomb Sharing], I want to sell it at a high point. Everyone knows whether it is worth the price..." Zhang Shengpi replied with a smile.

"The most I can offer is 3.3 billion!" Li Zongyao stared at Zhang Sheng.

When Zhang Sheng heard this, his smile gradually disappeared: "Mr. Li, let's go, let's not waste time..."

"Zhang Sheng, you..."

"Mr. Li, have you seen my phone ringing constantly? From this morning to now, there have been at least thousands of calls... I happened to receive your call, so I came to talk to you... "

Zhang Sheng pointed to the mobile phone next to him and sneered.

"Zhang Sheng, I hope you think carefully. [Hive Sharing] is at a high level now, so it is worth this price. Wait for tomorrow, wait for the day after tomorrow... I can tell you clearly that 3.3 billion is definitely the highest price... "


Zhang Sheng didn't say anything, he just took back Li Zongyao's tea cup and put it on the disinfection cup to disinfect it.

In front of Li Zongyao, he received another phone call.


"Mr. Deng?"

"Let's talk?"

"Okay, if you're free, you're free now."

After answering the phone, Li Zongyao wanted to say more, but he heard a knock on the door. Then, the security guard walked in with a cold face: "Mr. Li, please..."

Li Zongyao's face was uncertain, and he wanted to say something else, but after seeing Zhang Sheng's cold expression, he finally turned around and left the office.

The moment he leaves the office...

He saw a dark crowd outside the window.

Among them, there are many familiar faces.

Capital is a bunch of beasts fighting each other.

Hungry, greedy, savage, crazy.

The moment when these beasts looked up and saw a large piece of fresh, plump meat falling from the sky...

They no longer care whether the piece of meat is poisonous or not, and they don't care whether they will be trampled on or bitten by their companions when they fight for the piece of meat...

All they knew was to open their big mouths and bite this piece of fat hard, swallowing this piece of meat first.

There is no doubt that [Hive Sharing] with more than 9.5 million registered users is an extremely plump piece of fresh meat...

[Tengji Technology], [Jiahu Technology], [Hongtian Capital], [Hongsen Capital]...

On the 17th, countless analysis teams from China and large and small capitals from home and abroad once again conducted a comprehensive and thorough analysis of the [Sharing Economy].

Almost all teams have come to the conclusion that in the future, this will be a market that far exceeds tens of billions in size, and it can be used as a disguised form of financing through deposits, and ultimately one of the best capital levers for spreading outward.

Moreover, there are more than 9.5 million registered users!

what does that mean?

This means that whoever can have these customers can firmly occupy a foothold in the [shared field].

Li Zongyao took a deep breath and wanted to go into Zhang Sheng's office to chat with Zhang Sheng again...


In Zhang Sheng's office, someone from the [Tengji Technology] department had already walked in.

Li Zongyao suddenly became anxious.

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

It was Ma Yunhua who called...


[Suzhou Deshang].


For Wei Zhendong, it was the most painful month.

He went to Europe three times, but failed three times...

The final efforts did not win the European side's understanding. Instead, they got a new resolution.

[Based on the complaint of the European Photovoltaic Glass Association, an anti-dumping investigation was launched against photovoltaic glass originating in China. The photovoltaic glass involved is soda lime flat glass with an iron content of less than 300ppm and a solar transmittance of more than 88%...]

Wei Zhendong smiled bitterly when he saw this piece of news.

If you want to incriminate someone, why bother?

However, even though he was full of grievances in his heart, he had nowhere to express it and could only wait silently for the judgment of the market.

"We actively cooperate, but we must also give up all illusions..."

"The European market is completely cold..."

"As of June 21, more than 80% of polysilicon companies in China have been forced to suspend production, and 80% of workers in polysilicon companies are on standby. Our factories are also idle..."

"Although I have temporarily stabilized them, there is no market anymore, and bankruptcy will only happen sooner or later..."


[Deshang]'s old friend Zhou Zhengnan sat opposite him. His tone was very calm, but his voice was solemn. When he finished speaking, Zhou Zhengnan lowered his head and sighed.

After Wei Zhendong listened, he looked out the window.

Outside the window, the sun is getting hotter and hotter, so hot that it makes people upset.

From the millennium to the present, they [Suzhou Deshang] have experienced ups and downs, even surviving the financial crisis.

Could it be that this time, are they really going to fall at this moment?

He asked this question in his mind.

However, this question remains unanswered.

In the office, there was only silent silence and the annoying chirping of cicadas.

After Zhou Zhengnan looked at Wei Zhendong's appearance, he knew that today's chat between the two would not yield a specific solution.

He stood up and left the office silently.

Wei Zhendong sat in the office for about ten minutes.

For more than ten minutes, he did nothing but stared at some objects in the office in a daze.

More than ten minutes later, the phone rang, and he heard a message on the phone.

[Manulife New Energy has received a warning from Nasdaq because its stock price has been below $1 for a row]

When he heard the news, Wei Zhendong did not feel gloating because his former competitor was like this. After all, their [Deshang] stock was about to fall by 1 dollar...

"We are going the wrong way..."

Looking back at the scenes over the years, when he thought of the three words polysilicon, he suddenly murmured to himself.

Even extremely upset.

Before 2008, it was a year of brutal growth for Chinese photovoltaic companies...

Countless companies saw the trend of photovoltaics and rushed into this industry one after another, and blindly followed the trend of the polysilicon industry...

In those years, they did make a lot of money, and they were indeed prosperous for a long time. At their peak, each company even made it to the Nasdaq, overlooking the global photovoltaic industry.

The huge victory has inflated the ambitions of countless people, and they have gradually lost themselves in the wave of globalization.


They overlooked one thing.

China's photovoltaic industry lacks manufacturing technology in the upstream and power plant technology in the downstream. Their advantages are more concentrated in photovoltaic construction to earn some labor costs...

From 2002 to 2003, polysilicon was US$28/kg, to 2008, polysilicon was US$400/kg, and by 2012 this year, the price of polysilicon plummeted to US$40...

As upstream, they have no technology and no pricing power. Countless practitioners who have flocked to the polysilicon field can only watch as Europe and the United States block their lifeblood and control prices wantonly...

Picture after picture appeared in Wei Zhendong's mind.

Wei Zhendong let out a long sigh.

If we had chosen to invest funds directly in the research and development of monocrystalline silicon, could we have turned things around?

However, there is no regret medicine in this world, and it is already too late.

Wei Zhendong walked out of the office and walked to the company's business department...

Everywhere in the business department was filled with an apocalyptic atmosphere. All the management looked ugly and sighed constantly.

"Where to go? Mr. Wei?"

"go home."


Wei Zhendong walked out of the company and got into the car.

Looking at the scenery on both sides, Wei Zhendong's eyes were a little dazed. He looked at the familiar industrial park and the familiar industries. When he thought that in the near future, all of this would be reduced to nothingness, he couldn't help but feel sad. .

Just at this time……

His phone kept ringing.

The call was from the bank. No surprise, the bank was here to collect debts.

Their [Suntech] account actually has no money and is on the verge of being seized and sold off.

After answering the phone, Wei Zhendong closed his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, he kept calling familiar friends. Former entrepreneur friends either refused to answer the phone at this moment, or told him in a pessimistic tone that he should file for bankruptcy as soon as possible...

As for money...

There are billions of big holes, and they are bottomless pits...

At this critical moment, who would fill in unless they are a fool?

"The latest news from this station is that [Hive Sharing] was officially acquired by [Tianhong Capital], [Jiahu Technology], and [Hongsen Capital] at a price of 4.58 billion..."

"This acquisition sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and countless netizens said they could not accept it..."

"The following are netizens' comments on this matter..."


"As a fan of Mr. Zhang Sheng, it is difficult for me to accept such behavior. It is obviously a booming Internet company, and there are tens of millions of netizens on the Internet to support it, and close to thousands of cooperative units. They have publicly supported and supported it, but still, We cannot undo Mr. Zhang Sheng’s decision..."


"I know Mr. Zhang Sheng wants to invest all his money in scientific research, but I still can't accept it. Mr. Zhang Sheng suddenly announced the news of being acquired..."


“I don’t think I can blame Mr. Zhang for this matter. In the past four months, as consumers, we have enjoyed the purest illusion of God. However, as an entrepreneur, Zhang Sheng has been besieged by almost all capital and is difficult to defeat with both fists. Si Shou, I think Mr. Zhang’s behavior this time is extremely rational..."


A piece of news was playing on the car radio.

When Wei Zhendong heard the news, he felt complicated in his heart.

Before he could speak, he saw the driver say: "Hey, it's difficult to do anything these days... Mr. Wei, I don't mean to press for wages. Mr. Wei, as you know, the current situation is special. We have to wait for three months." No wages have been paid, why don’t you... first..."

The driver sighed and asked tentatively.

Wei Zhendong closed his eyes in silence.

However, the emotions are getting heavier and heavier.

He naturally knows how crazy China's capital is...

Zhang Sheng this time...

Probably too...

Smart move, right?

At this moment, his cell phone rang.

The phone number is unfamiliar.

He hesitated for a moment, then answered the phone.

"Mr. Wei?"

"Hello, who are you?"

"Mr. Wei, I am Zhang Sheng..."

"boss Zhang?"

"Mr. Wei, I'm in your company..."



More than ten minutes later, Wei Zhendong saw Zhang Sheng in the reception room.

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Wei, I know it's difficult for you now, but I said I will tide over the difficulties with you. I have 4 billion in cash on hand. Maybe I can solve your urgent need..."

"Mr. Zhang, you..."

"Saving land and losing people seems like a big victory, but it turns out to be a big defeat. Saving people and losing people, looks like a big defeat, but turns out to be a victory..."


"Our top priority now is to survive first, and we will talk about the future matters later. 4 billion may not be enough. We will find a solution together in the future..."


Wei Zhendong saw Zhang Sheng's sincere eyes.

that moment……

Wei Zhendong has mixed feelings.

Zhang Sheng looked out the window calmly: "Mr. Wei, I have confidence in you, we will win!"

(The third update is a big update for Guo Jiuxing, and there are 8 additional chapters)

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