I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 740 You are the protagonist!

In 2009, Zhang Sheng came to the Ministry of Commerce.


At that time, he was very small.

When he walked in, no one paid attention to this young man in his early twenties.

His range of activities is also extremely limited...

There is only Xu Linlin's office.

The time is also very short. Basically, you hand in the information and leave quickly.

3 years later...

Zhang Sheng pushed the door open and opened the largest conference room in Huaxia Business Department.

"Mr. Zhang, welcome!"

When Zhang Sheng pushed the door open, he saw an old man coming over to greet him. He shook hands with him and smiled very kindly, without any leadership airs.

Zhang Sheng was familiar with everyone else in the Ministry of Commerce, but he was a little unfamiliar with this old man. He only knew that the old man's surname was Gu, and his name was Gu Rongzhen. He was a department-level leader and was usually very mysterious.

But the elderly will participate in some major international events of the Ministry of Commerce.


Cicadas chirped outside the window.

Li Bin, Chen Mengting, Xu Guangbiao, and Nie Xiaoping walked into the conference room along with the heads of the three companies [Tianhe Photovoltaic], [Yingli], and [Suzhou Deshang].

When several leaders appeared on the news broadcast with smiles on their faces, they came over and shook hands with them all...

The nervousness, excitement, uneasiness, and confusion in the hearts of Li Bin and others completely flooded into their hearts at this moment.

All of this is like a dream.

Half a month ago...

Zhang Sheng once had a serious chat with him and told him that no matter how pessimistic the business situation of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] must spend some money to join the [photovoltaic] enterprise.

Regarding Zhang Sheng's words, Li Bin naturally agreed without saying anything, but also asked...

"[Jiahu Technology] has been attacking us now. If we don't have any liquidity, we're afraid..."

"We are about to stand in a higher dimension!"


That day, Li Bin didn't know what Zhang Sheng meant.

I thought that what my teacher was telling me was from the perspective of thinking, so that I could have a higher level of thinking and consider issues from the perspective of a hero's [sacrifice].


At this moment, when the big leader patted his shoulder, Li Bin trembled all over and even wanted to cry for a while!

Oh shit!

As a former small network administrator, when had he ever been treated like this?

Even in his dreams, he wouldn't dare to do this!

turn out to be……

The so-called higher dimensions are not just ideological dimensions, but also social dimensions!

He represents one of the investors of [Tianhe Photovoltaics]. When he sat in the chair, he still felt unreal.

They are so small that it would have been impossible for them to sit in such a grand conference room of the Ministry of Commerce...

He looked at one leader after another, and then looked at the distance. The person in charge of CCTV News was walking into the conference room with a camera.



I want to be on [News Network]!

The moment this thought appeared, Li Bin's heart trembled violently, his mind went blank, and his skull was buzzing...

How could he be pushed so high!

When that vague and unreal feeling kept vibrating in Li Bin's mind, Li Bin looked up at Gu Rongzhen and Zhang Sheng, who seemed to be pushing each other because of the seats.

"Xiao Zhang, this is your home court today, you should take the main seat..."

"Mr. Gu, I, I am so virtuous and capable. I don't dare to sit in such a position. I just came here to report on my work. I..."

"Today's meeting is not a work report, but a meeting led by the Ministry of Commerce to discuss China's photovoltaic enterprises and the future of new energy with you private entrepreneurs. We hope to hear your opinions... We are listening, and I am also Just a spectator, a server..." Gu Rongzhen didn't have any airs of leadership, just like an old man with a smile and an easy-going expression. At this moment, he was determined to let Zhang Shengzhu take the lead.

Zhang Sheng repeatedly shied away, but finally couldn't shirk anymore, and finally took the main seat to speak.

"Mr. Gu, this..."

Zhang Sheng looked embarrassed.

"The stage today is left to you. You can say whatever you want without any consideration..."


Zhang Sheng looked down, looking at each person's eyes, and after looking at Gu Rongzhen's encouraging eyes, he nodded silently and finally sat down.


Silently, he took out a speech from his arms.

Chen Mengting, Li Bin, Xu Guangbiao and others were shocked after seeing Zhang Sheng's speech.

In their minds, this should be the first time Zhang Sheng picked up a speech.

In any meeting in the past, Zhang Sheng was completely unscripted and did not need any assistance at all.


"First of all, I am very grateful to the leaders of the business department..."

"Since 2009, when I started my business, the leaders of each unit have given me all kinds of support, allowing me, a poor boy, to reach my current position step by step..."

"I am grateful for this. At the same time, I am always thinking about what we can do and what we should do in this turbulent era and the rise of great powers..."

"In the past, I was very small and could only live alone. I am wandering in this era. Many people on the Internet are saying that the period from 2009 to early 2012 was the rise of my era..."

"Many people are talking about how successful I am and how awesome I am..."

"But, those are just clever little things. Even now, I still feel that those little clever things can't be put on the stage..."

"I understand very clearly that in this world, there is never any personal era, there are always only individuals in the era..."

"Without the infrastructure laid by our country, without the succession of our ancestors, and without sacrifices time and time again, how could we sit in front of the computer and talk about the Internet era?"


The first wave of applause came so quickly.

Gu Rongzhen nodded and took the lead in applauding, looking more and more appreciative of this young man.

Over the years, he has seen countless famous entrepreneurs give lectures and speeches on various occasions. Some entrepreneurs even raised their tails to the sky, saying that they could not find their opponents with a telescope.

While they were proudly showing off how much tax revenue they had created, they also forgot how they got there step by step.

CCTV's camera focused on Zhang Sheng's face for the first time, and the photographers took pictures of every detail very carefully.

That slightly immature face looked particularly resolute and righteous at this moment, and every word he spoke was full of excitement and inspiration.

"Precisely because I know why I am successful, in the past three years, whether it is e-commerce, games, or other industries, I have strictly abided by our Chinese laws and regulations..."

"I don't need anyone to provide it. I take the initiative to hand over all the data and taxes of my companies to the relevant departments for review every other week, for fear that I will make any omissions..."

"Ahem, ahem, I actually have a little ambition. I want to set a new rule for this era and be a benchmark for young people in this era..."

When Zhang Sheng said this, he put down his speech and felt a little embarrassed.

The leaders in the audience laughed loudly.

But Gu Rongzhen did not smile. Instead, he nodded seriously. The appreciation in his eyes became more intense.

Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and smiled for a moment. He no longer went to get his speech, but looked at the CEOs of photovoltaic companies sitting not far away.

"Being poor cares themselves, being wealthy cares the world……"

"This is the philosophy I have always held, and it is also what my parents told me since I was a child..."

"When I heard that China's photovoltaic industry had been hit hard by Europe and the United States, the first thing I thought about was, what can I do..."

“Five years ago, I saw in the news that Mr. Wei Zhendong of our [Suzhou Deshang] went to the United States to go public with China’s hopes. This was a big step for China’s photovoltaic field and the new energy field. ...Since that time, I have always regarded Mr. Wei Zhendong and all the seniors in the new energy field as my goals..."

"It is you who have taken a step forward in the international field, and it is you who have illuminated a path for China's new energy field. On this road, you are always the heroes..."

When the leaders of [Tianhe Photovoltaics], [Yingli], and [Suzhou Deshang] heard this scene, they were immediately moved. Wei Zhendong burst into tears silently, wiping them with napkins.

"But, leaders and seniors, let me say one more thing here, we will win!"

"No matter how strict the blockade is on us overseas, no matter how hard we are suppressed, no matter how dark and cold the environment we stand in..."

"As long as we don't give up, we will be the final winners!"

"The darkness before dawn is always cold, but we are about to see the dawn..."

"These days, I have been paying attention to the current situation of photovoltaic companies, and I have been thinking about how we are going to break the situation..."

"After I thought about it for a long time..."

"I thought of the following immature suggestions and proposals..."


When Zhang Sheng said this, he glanced at Gu Rongzhen next to him.

He saw that Gu Rongzhen's eyes were even more encouraging.

Not far away, I also saw some staff from the business department taking out paper and pens.

He remembered what Xu Linlin said to him.

[You can say whatever you want without any scruples. Today, you are the protagonist! 】

After a brief silence, after thinking about thousands of possibilities in my mind...

There is also the so-called hidden clumsiness, the so-called humility, and some considerations of complex human nature in officialdom...

Thoughts emerged one by one.

Zhang Sheng finally pushed up his glasses and his eyes became extra determined!

He finally chose not to keep anything anymore.

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