I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 741 The building is about to collapse! (Third update, greatly updated for Guo Jiuxing)

"The photovoltaic industry is a high-tech industry integrating optics, semiconductors, chemicals, and machinery. The industrial chain has a high technical content..."

"Why are we in trouble?"

"First: We have no core technology and can only be led by others!"

"So, the raw material for photovoltaics, polysilicon, they can raise the price if they want to, and they can lower the price if they want to lower it..."

"Dear leaders, I know that some of my words may have an impact on the [big wave of globalization] currently in full swing, but I still want to say something..."

"The wave of global cooperation is still the mainstream. Exchange of needs, complementation and win-win are still the main themes of business..."

"However, we are not the rule makers, but we will still be beaten if we fall behind!"

"We are very serious and sincere about opening up the market overseas and seeking various cooperation. We have lowered our attitude to the lowest point..."

"In exchange, what is it?"

"It's the control of capital, the chokehold of various high-end industries, and their attitude of supplying us if they want to supply us, and threatening us if they want to threaten..."

"The photovoltaic industry is like this. I believe in the future intelligent system field, the future high-end chip manufacturing industry, the future lithography machine, and the future high-performance battery industry..."

"For each of these items, we may be severely or even fatally struck one day or even at a certain moment in the future!"


In the conference room.

Zhang Sheng, who was sitting in the main seat, was no longer as humble, smiling, and even a little flattered as before.

He seemed to be a different person, his eyes gradually became deeper and his expression gradually became serious. When he said this, he looked at every leader present seriously.

After seeing that there was no disapproval on every leader's face, he looked at Gu Rongzhen next to him.

"Dear leaders, Mr. Gu, I am by no means an alarmist. Our [Semiconductor Laboratory] was established so that in the near future, when the West uses various excuses to block our necks, we can stand up and be able to stand up at critical moments. , to protect yourself, or even fight back!"

Zhang Sheng took a deep breath, and his voice became firmer: "However, during my postgraduate entrance examination, I met some people and some things. These things made me feel a lot, and I became more aware of my own My personal power is limited, so I hope Mr. Gu and the leaders of the Ministry of Commerce can help me open up connections..."

"I hope to launch various research and development cooperation with well-known domestic universities such as [Huaqing University], [Yenjing University], [Southern University of Science and Technology], [Modu University of Science and Technology]..."

"I can fund it! I can even let these colleges take the lead in any work, and I will be a blood transducer!"

"[Hive Sharing] is my determination for this industry, not only [Hive Sharing], but also my e-commerce, my well-operated [Hive Sharing], and all my entertainment businesses!"

"Although I am not rich now, I can use all my career over the years to pave the way for our scientific research!"

"If necessary, I will be ready at any time and make all my preparations!"


The sonorous and powerful voice surrounded the entire conference room.

The leaders looked up at Zhang Sheng almost immediately. Not far away, Xu Linlin's eyes gradually turned red from what Zhang Sheng said.

Chinese netizens felt it was a pity that [Hive Sharing] was suddenly sold, and Shen Yi felt even more uncomfortable. He even told Xu Linlin at one point that he wanted to spend money to save [Hive Sharing].

However, no one could dissuade Zhang Sheng from his decision. Shen Yi tried to dissuade him many times, but in the end, he could only watch the newly booming [Hive Sharing] become the wedding dress of capital!

In the conference room...

When Gu Rongzhen heard this, his heart was extremely complicated.

He has been paying attention to Zhang Sheng, and naturally knows that Zhang Sheng sold [Hive Sharing] in one fell swoop, regardless of everyone's opposition, and then, amidst the controversy, resolutely took the money and was on the verge of bankruptcy. [Suzhou Deshang] pulled himself up from the edge of the cliff.

It is even more clear that Zhang Sheng, a young man, was besieged by capital and had little money on hand, but he still invested a small amount of money in [Tianhe Photovoltaic] and [Yingli].

Although, that is a drop in the bucket, but...

These young people are probably ready for a last-ditch fight. At worst, they are ready to sell all these properties like [Beehive Sharing]!

Thinking of this, his throat trembled slightly, and he glanced at these young people who were immature, but all showed determination. Finally, he looked at Zhang Sheng: "Xiao Zhang, we are here at the [Semiconductor Laboratory] , vote in person... Everyone, I personally will spare no effort to support Mr. Zhang. If necessary, I will personally come forward and talk to the leadership of major universities. Everyone, what are your thoughts?"

Gu Rongzhen looked around at everyone.

At this moment, several leaders all raised their hands to vote.

After seeing everyone vote, Gu Rongzhen looked back at Zhang Sheng again: "Xiao Zhang, whatever you want to do, you can do it without any scruples. As for the funding issue, we will hold a meeting immediately after this appeal meeting is over. Provide corresponding financial subsidies and support..."

When Zhang Sheng heard these words, Zhang Sheng took a deep breath, but did not say anything. He just bowed seriously to Gu Rongzhen and the leaders one by one.

After a brief silence, Zhang Sheng glanced at the speech script again, and then raised his head.

"In the future, our [Bird's Nest Laboratory] will use semiconductors as the core of our strategy to conduct technology research and development..."

"In addition, dear leaders, during my postgraduate entrance examination, I have carefully understood the current situation of our Huaxia New Energy..."

"After the financial crisis in 2008, our Chinese industry began to shift to domestic demand. Since our photovoltaic industry's road to Europe and the United States has been cut off, we personally propose that we set our sights on our west..."

"The vast desert area and abundant solar energy resources in the west have natural advantages for developing photovoltaic power stations. However, solar energy is not as easy to transport as oil, gas and coal resources. Long-distance transportation costs are high and losses are large. However, the western industry is scarce and the energy demand is not large. This is one of the reasons why power stations in western China cannot be connected to the grid to generate electricity..."

Zhang Sheng took a deep breath, paused briefly, and took out documents one by one from the bag he carried with him.

After taking a look at Li Bin, Li Bin walked up very consciously and distributed the documents to everyone in the conference room very seriously.

Gu Rongzhen lowered his head and silently looked at the document, which read [New Energy Industry Hematopoiesis Strategy].

"In the past, the photovoltaic industry used subsidies to stimulate domestic demand and was a blood transfusion project. However, my plan is a blood-building strategy that breaks the shackles of the past and reshapes the entire industry logic!"

"All industries in China, including the photovoltaic industry, are transferred in a gradient form. The latest technologies are developed and applied in our economically developed east, and the entire industry is updated. The eliminated industries are then transferred to the west... And now, we want to reverse all this!”

"We use the latest technology and apply it directly to the west, and then gradually transmit it from the west to form a cycle..."



At the main table of the meeting, everyone was looking at [New Energy Industry Hematopoietic Strategy] and at the same time looking at Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng's speaking speed was getting faster and faster, but his thinking was not affected. Instead, he was extremely clear and explained the logic of the entire industry chain very seriously.

Time passes little by little...

When everyone turned their heads again, they all had the feeling that Zhang Sheng was in class.

The leaders subconsciously turned their heads and glanced at the technical engineers next to them. The technical engineers nodded, but then they also put forward their own opinions.

But after Zhang Sheng finished speaking, he calmly pushed up his glasses: "In this big plan, the core issue is the need for huge investment. At the same time, my western theory only exists in theory. In essence, I have The west is unfamiliar, so I hope to use the strength of our country... This is the biggest problem..."

Zhang Sheng looked at Gu Rongzhen again.

Gu Rongzhen nodded after listening: "We will convene relevant units to conduct a high-level meeting on your [new energy industry hematopoietic strategy]. You will also participate in the meeting to represent the leaders of the private photovoltaic industry and develop plans. Further study and discussion..."

Zhang Sheng nodded.

He was about to bow to Gu Rongzhen again, but was stopped by Gu Rongzhen.

He stood up and stared at Zhang Sheng seriously: "You don't need to bow to anyone. You are a pioneer and we are servers. How can there be any reason for pioneers to bow to servers!"

After hearing this sentence, Zhang Sheng was slightly shocked.

Then nodded.


“In addition to the domestic demand market, we need to explore emerging international solar markets in Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and South America...”

"The first stop I plan to make is [Brazil]!"

“Over the years, our industries have maintained a high degree of cooperation with Mr. Leo John of Rio [Brazil]. We are willing to be the vanguard to win over Brazilian industries. In November this year, the fourth [ The Southern California International Film Awards is about to start. At the same time, the venue for the [Underground] S1 Global Finals will also be the first stop in Brazil! Through this grand meeting, I hope to bring together all aspects of the industry , reintegrate..."



When hearing this sentence.

Xu Guangbiao raised his head suddenly.

Looking back and following Zhang Sheng step by step...

From the initial campus entrepreneurship to overseas entrepreneurship...

It's a movie award, but it's not just a movie award. It's a game, but it's not just a game...

Every step is like a chess move, every step is foreshadowing!

And at this moment, everything for everyone was officially connected in the hands of Mr. Zhang!

And, step by step, push the industry to the extreme!


This is a shocking marketing!

At the moment when he was frightened!

Zhang Sheng did not finish speaking.

"More than a hundred years ago, a few cannons could break down our city gates..."

"More than a hundred years later, from the cultural industry to the Internet industry, from the real economy to the high-tech field..."

"We have been invaded and dominated by overseas..."

"We are lagging behind and we are being beaten, but leaders please trust me and us young people!"

"This is a long war!"

"Seniors have fought and won war after war with their flesh and blood, so that we can sit here in peace and grow up without worries!"

"Now, we're grown up!"

"Please give us the burden!"

"Let's keep fighting!"

"And, we will win!"


When Zhang Sheng talked about something high-pitched, he seemed to have completely forgotten that he was in the conference room of the relevant department.

He even raised his hand!

He almost shouted with excitement.


No one in the conference room blamed him.

Everyone looked at this not-so-tall figure.

Immediately afterwards...

Thunderous applause broke out!

(Third update, a big update for Guo Jiuxing! There are 7 more updates!)

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