I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 755: Lao Ma is no longer able to fight anymore (4,000 words)

Across the ocean.

The former [Groupon], the initiator of China’s group buying war and the originator of Internet group buying entrepreneurship that drove countless capital to near madness, is now in a quagmire.

In 2011, it suffered losses for nearly three quarters, and it was profitable for the first time in the fourth quarter. However, the good times did not last long. By the beginning of 2012, all aspects took a turn for the worse, with losses of nearly US$15 million...

The once-famous originator of group buying [Groupon] has been completely blacklisted by investors.

The failure of [Groupon] has begun to show signs from the moment it was listed.

In addition to the group buying business, it has developed businesses such as Getaways (wine travel) and Groupon Live (ticketing). The business has expanded rapidly, but it has not truly formed synergy and linkage between businesses.

In 2012, they even copied Huaxia and launched the food delivery business Groupon To GO, but it did not develop.

In essence, the fundamental reason for the decline of [Groupon] is that group buying is only a short-term promotion method. Rather than a complete business model, it fundamentally cannot realize the healthy operation of the chain of interests of merchants, platforms, and users...

It seems to have a wide range of businesses, but it has never connected every business. It just barbarically settled in every industry, blindly expanded the scale, attracted more investors, and then borrowed investment After raising the market value of people's money, they cash out and leave.

Laomei’s natural capital attributes allowed the founders to define Groupon as a financial product. They never thought about industrial layout, let alone building it into an ecosystem.

At this time, the term "ecosystem" is no longer an unfamiliar word in 2012.

On the contrary, it is something that countless Chinese capitals are crazily building and often talking about.


It seems to be too late.

In the early morning of September 29th.

[Tengji Technology] officially announced that it will terminate its cooperation with [Groupon] China Model [Baotuan.com]. At almost the same time, [Baotuan.com]’s overseas operations team also announced that they will end their cooperation with [Baotuan.com] in the next ten days. operational journey and returned to the head office [Groupon].


September 29th.

After Ma Yunhua saw the news of [Groupon] withdrawing from China, she was not happy that [Tengji Technology] lost an overseas support.

On the contrary, the emotions are extremely complicated.

The past [Thousand Regiments War] is really like a microcosm of the current market. Countless people rushed into the Internet [gold mine], and everyone was stuck in the mud...

The news about [Groupon]’s evacuation was very short. Except for some people remembering [Groupon], the news was soon replaced by another news.

[Two major cinema chains in China have joined the [Groupon] online ticketing business. Zhang Xing, the founder of [Groupon]: I sympathize with [Groupon]’s failure, but in the future, we [Groupon] will continue to do group buying. ! 】

The news briefly sent ripples across the internet.

But finally, in the early morning of September 30, calm returned.

However, Ma Yunhua has always been closely following the news of [Group Buying].

He is acutely aware...

[Group Buying] has merged and acquired the ticketing industry of two of China's three major cinema chain giants. In essence, it is another brand integration in the group buying field to create a new platform.

At this time, he received a call from Wu Wenhua from Dadi Cinemas.

It's said to be a phone call, but it's actually a cry for help...

Zhang Sheng has coerced other theaters and has formed an encirclement around him. If he doesn't find big capital as soon as possible to compete, he will be killed as a dragon sooner or later!

After answering the phone, Ma Yunhua asked Wu Wenhua to calm down first.

Then he immediately convened almost all the capital to discuss what to do next.

This meeting lasted from the early morning of the 29th to the morning of the 30th.

When the first ray of dawn shone on Ma Yunhua's face, Ma Yunhua, like an ambitious man, once again showed off his gift of speech.

"The failure of [Groupon] made us frustrated with the online ticketing system and even gave up on the business..."

“But, just today, I suddenly realized something. From Xiao Zheng’s [Q Dog] to our [Taozhu.com], we have always crossed the river by feeling the stones of the West... We have always used the stones of the West to cross the river. Standards are regarded as our future. After all, the Internet in the West is nearly ten years faster than ours, but... we have ignored China's capital soil, which has never been as fertile as the West. The Western model is in China, if not If you try to localize it, you will be constrained everywhere..."

“I used to think that the [takeaway industry] born from [group buying] was just a part of the [group buying model]. Facts have proved that what I thought before was right. The failure of [Thousand Group War] is not that China is not applicable. The [Group Buying] model should be more flexible. For example, the disgusting slashing behavior of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is all derived from a variant of the group buying system..."

"This kind of plan is the same as giving out red envelopes during the Spring Festival Gala. It uses people's hearts to undergo fission and qualitative change..."

"I personally think that we have to do the next [tourism], [movie ticketing system], and even [major merchants] store promotion systems..."

"This is not about venturing out, but about survival!"


Clear dawn light entered the conference room.

Ma Yunhua looked at everyone.

His thoughts were clear, but whether it was because he stayed up all night or was too exhausted these days, his voice lost its previous confidence.

The conference room became even more silent.

Countless investors who are very enthusiastic are very interested in the [Ticketing] system, but they are all in great pain.

After a long time, Li Zongyao sighed slightly and stood up to break the deadlock: "Mr. Ma..."

"Mr. Li, you said..."

“We are very clear about the future of the [ticketing] system, and we are even more aware that this is another business format. However, from 2011 to September 2012, we [Hongtian Capital] have invested close to more than 10 billion in major markets in China. , and this data is constantly increasing..."


"We are still fighting in the food delivery industry, working hard every day... In the shared electric vehicle and bicycle industry, since Xiao Zheng worked with you to create a credit system and directly replaced the deposit system, our capital leverage has It’s broken, and I can’t use the deposit to expand other industries, and all I have lost is real blood!”


"In addition, the [taxi-hailing system], the 2 billion I invested in Mr. Liu, is still burning, and it is still burning desperately. However, Zhang Sheng's [didi taxi-hailing] has never seen a decline, and we even have There is absolutely no intention of suppressing the momentum of [Didi Taxi Taxi]!"


"Zhang Sheng split all the shares of [Didi Taxi Taxi] and other industries to his people through share distribution. The people under him are like a group of followers of the Shoe Cult, and they do all kinds of things to do with us...except In addition, many brands that rely on Zhang Sheng's cooperation model to make profits, as well as small and medium-sized Chinese capital, have also invested in diluted shares of [Didi Didi Taxi] through various methods! These small capitals may seem small, but their numbers are huge. Like locusts passing by, everyone is investing money like crazy, hoping to take advantage of this battle to get a piece of the pie and sit at the card table. Our capital pressure at the moment is not ordinary... According to analyst analysis, this This battle will have to be fought for at least two years. In addition to the battle between [Taozhu.com] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall], how much did we subsidize you [Taozhu.com]? How much did you subsidize the merchants? This time both In the 10-year war, if you want to achieve the 15 billion goal, you have to go to the capital circle to find at least a 2 billion supply merchant!"


"You have to make up for it. If you don't, Zhang Sheng will poach merchants. From the beginning of September to now, don't think that I don't know how many domestic brand merchants your [Taozhu.com] has run..."


"What else? Lao Ma, there is also the [photovoltaic industry]. In the photovoltaic industry, we have invested 3 billion in it. We will not invest in this track. In the future, after the research and development of monocrystalline silicon is successful, we, Zhang Shengneng, will be able to rely on The country is making a lot of money... Have you not noticed that since your [Hupan University] was shut down, a lot of capital has begun to respond to the call to invest in the photovoltaic industry? On the one hand, the photovoltaic industry may really be able to take off, on the other hand , the Chinese market is not the old American capital market, if you want to survive in China, you have to consider the big picture!"


"There are also battles in the field of [new energy vehicles]. Zhang Sheng has reduced costs to the extreme. We entered too late. If we want to occupy a place, we must have another blood transfusion..."


"Besides that, [the food delivery field] is like a bottomless pit. If you can't give shares to these users, you can only improve the treatment, but this treatment..."


"Lao Ma, it's not that I don't support our future, and it's not that I don't know the feasibility of the ticketing system and [group buying] and other models, but there is really nothing I can do! The ticketing system will have to spend a lot of money next. When the capital chain collapses, our layout in China will also completely collapse!"


"It is no longer possible to defeat Zhang Sheng with capital! I recently received news that the state's subsidies to Zhang Sheng are unprecedented. In other words, Zhang Sheng previously sold [Honeycomb Sharing] to invest in the photovoltaic industry. The funds will soon be returned to the commercial market, and even more capital..."


Li Zongyao looked at Ma Yunhua.

His face didn't look good either.

The voice was sincere, but with a sense of exhaustion.

After finishing speaking, he sat back in his chair.

Ma Yunhua's face was gloomy.

Looking around at the crowd, although they didn't say anything, they all had the same idea.

Suddenly looking back, all the new trends and new business formats have been taken up by Zhang Sheng. Even if the latecomers are one day late, they will have to pay a lot for Zhang Sheng's displacement.

The only time to rush Zhang Sheng is in the [Shared Field], but it is not a victory. In the [Shared Field], countless capitals want a share of the pie.

In order to maintain market share, they are forced to subsidize.

After three years of fighting with Zhang Sheng, the advantages I once had are constantly being lost, and I have fallen into an endless quagmire of capital...

After one battle after another, they were extremely exhausted.

At this juncture, various [ticketing] systems will be opened...

Even though they have the capital in hand to continue fighting, they are gradually unable to bear it, and they have to consider what they should do if they are trapped in the quagmire of capital.

"Lao Ma, from [takeaway] to the real economy, Zhang Sheng has built an [ecosystem]. Each circle communicates with each other. In addition, [WeChat] now has an astonishing number of nearly 270 million users. We want to It is almost impossible for sex to destroy Zhang Sheng's ecological circle, and we are getting more and more anxious..."


"Lao Ma, we can't open any more new businesses. If we continue to open them, we really can't bear it. Our analysts have said that we can only establish victory in one year, but the premise of one year is that Zhang Sheng doesn't do anything else. New industry, new business format, otherwise as soon as it opens, he can be like [Hive Sharing], exchange a large amount of money in the market, and nourish blood with blood!"


Ma Yunhua heard all her former capital friends complaining about various difficulties.

He watched each person leave, and in the end, only he and Liu Hong were left.

At this moment, Liu Hong was also complicated. She looked out the window, knowing that there were many industries she could do, but the situation was not optimistic.

This year, the sales of their [Lianzhong Computer] have declined slightly, but [Shenchuan Computer], which they once looked down upon, has continued to hit new highs in sales.

Now [Shenchuan Computer] is still very small, but who knows whether they will become a big threat to [Lianzhong Computer] in the future?

"Mr. Ma..."

"No need to say it, I know."

Ma Yunhua nodded silently.

He looked at Ni Xingjun.

Ni Xingjun took out various data on [Zhilibao].

He glanced down.

He is not short of money. As long as he wants to play, he can use the money of [Zhilibao] users to continue playing.

The funds here are in the tens of billions.

However, it must be resolved quickly. Once there is a problem with the capital chain in [Zhilibao], the entire living market will completely collapse...

By then, nearly eight years of planning had come to nothing...

It's a big gamble.

He is not Zhang Sheng.

Zhang Sheng can give everything and bet on the future.


Ma Yunhua no longer dared to gamble.

"never mind!"

"Let him play!"

"This time, we won't play."

When she said these words, Ma Yunhua's face gradually calmed down, but her heart was as sharp as a knife.

This is the first time Ma Yunhua has made concessions to the market in the past eight years.

After saying that...

He was in a trance!

this moment……

He realized that they [Jiahu Technology] might completely change from the offensive side to the defensive side!



"Both Mr. Ma and Mr. Zheng chose to abandon the ticketing system!"

“We can’t get support from [Jiahu Pictures]?”

"Unless we sell the shares of [Dadi Cinema] to [Jiahu Pictures] or [Tengji Pictures]?"

"Are you kidding? It's impossible. How can we sell it?"



【Dadi Cinema】.

Wu Wenhua, who thought he had grasped a life-saving straw, instantly widened his eyes.


He stared closely at the ticketing system of [Group Buying].

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