I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 756: Kill in one fell swoop!

September 30th.

6 o'clock in the morning.

Zhang Sheng's [local promotion teams] across the country, led by Hu Guozhu, were frantically carrying various information on [group buying], wearing neat clothes, and shuttling through subway entrances and various places across the country like an army crossing the border. Public places such as entrances to shopping malls and cinemas...

They were full of passion and frantically recommended the new features in [Group Buying] and [Various Ticketing Systems] to all the users and stores they met.

This kind of ticketing system, in addition to tickets for cinemas and various events, also provides [group buying coupons] for service industries such as foot bath shops and massage parlors, [free medicine delivery] for the medical industry, tickets for various scenic spots, hotels and B\u0026Bs, swimming and fitness Wait for systemic industries!

It seems that from a single takeout system, a traditional function has once again been developed.

In addition, theaters across China such as [Wanda Film and Television] and [Hengdian Film and Television] also immediately followed up to promote the new features launched in [Group Buying].

In the new features of the film and television section.

Although the pre-sale tickets for the movie "The Truman" that was boycotted by the entire Internet were not as good as the crazy "The Devil", for the first time, they were not sold out. Theaters in major first-tier cities even sold out the first-day pre-sale tickets... …

"Movie tickets are incredibly cheap now!"

"Yeah, when I buy movie tickets through [group buying], the original price is 60 yuan, but now I can watch "The Devil" for 15 yuan and get a bucket of popcorn, and the original price of 70 yuan for 3D movie tickets is only 20 yuan. And give me 3D glasses!"

"Go crazy!"

"Taking a taxi is almost free, ordering takeout is almost free, and now it's so cheap to watch a movie. What kind of world is this? Can theaters make money?"



for countless users.

2012 was definitely a very crazy and magical year.

Takeaways are incredibly cheap, taxis are cheaper than buses, electric cars are almost free to ride, and now...

It’s time again for Huaxia Cinema to cut prices...

this moment……

The consumer world they once knew is becoming more and more weird. You go out with ten dollars in your pocket, and after a day of fun, you find that you still have money left.

It seems that all new business formats that can be seen are frantically reducing prices and reducing costs.

This situation has been going on for several months.

Some people even feel a sense of unease deep in their hearts, fearing that there is no free lunch in the world.

"The Truman" has always been controversial...

Until now, some people on the Internet are still criticizing this as an advertising movie!


When movie tickets drop to 5 yuan...


Will you spend 5 yuan to go to the cinema and see what this advertising movie looks like?


A sudden [strangulation] caught Wu Wenhua of [Dadi Film and Television] off guard.

Seeing the huge price cuts without any warning, Wu Wenhua from Dadi Film and Television almost frantically contacted the heads of the other two theater chains.

Unsurprisingly, however, no one answered.

He became anxious.

I started constantly complaining and calling the [China Film and Television Association]...

However, the response there is the commercial part, which is not under their control. It is recommended to call the [Business Management Department].

The [Business Management Department] responded calmly, saying that they would take this issue seriously, and as for punishment, they needed to obtain evidence.

As for how long it will take to collect evidence...

There was no response there.

He contacted all Chinese capital except Ma Yunhua and Zheng Huateng. The responses from those Chinese capitals who had instructed him to boycott "The Truman" made people even more angry!

They said they have plans to open a ticketing system and compete with Zhang Sheng, but not now...

There are various signs that Wu Wenhua suddenly realized that these capitals were watching this siege with cold eyes. When he was in trouble, not only would they not come to help him, they would even swallow up his market share immediately!

"Why the hell were you so slow to pick up the mask?"


“Why the hell did you need a mask then!”


"Why didn't you rush to the scene earlier!"


Wu Wenhua's angry voice roared on the phone.

On the phone, the driver remained silent, feeling aggrieved but could only lower his head.

"Tell me, now, what should we do!"

"Mr. Wu, we will also lower the price!"

"Reducing prices, what kind of gimmick is used to reduce prices? There are so many [WeChat] users. After [Group Buying] opens the [WeChat] payment system, it is almost invincible. Even if we reduce the price, we will not have so many users to support it for a while, and, you know How many users have we lost from yesterday to now?”

"We are going to [Tengji], [Qgou] under Mr. Zheng of [Tengji Technology] for payment... Yes, he also wants to make a payment system, we can..."

"I have called [Tengji Technology] a long time ago. Mr. Zheng's idea is very simple. He wants to buy our shares at a low price and then merge them into their [Tengji Pictures]! Ma Yunhua from [Jiahu Technology] That’s what it means too…”



Wu Wenhua's pupils were blood red and he stared at the assistant closely.

The assistant bit his lip but remained silent.

He waved his hand: "Before you think of a good gimmick, just follow them and lower the price..."

After the assistant leaves...

Wu Wenhua clenched his fists!

He took out his [Dadi Cinema] unique ticketing system and took a deep breath.

I saw that the other three theater chains had already lured all the users away with their low prices, but the comment section under their [Dadi Cinema] ticketing system was full of curses.

They said that prices of other products are being reduced, so why don’t you do so? Some users who had already bought movie tickets had a collective cancellation of subscriptions.

He was clearly aware...

Even if the price is reduced now, it is already too late!

He stared out the window, his eyes tearing up. He never thought that the price of being late would be so severe!

this moment……

He compromised.

The assistant was called in again.

"The Truman is back in theaters!"

"But... our contract has been torn up, and now..."

"I will contact Mr. Zhang to re-sign the contract!"


He held his cell phone and kept dialing Zhang Sheng, Shen Xiaoxi, Bi Feiyu and others while asking the driver to prepare a car and take him to NC Entertainment.


After arriving at [NC Entertainment], which was bustling with people, the phone call still hadn't been answered.

I finally squeezed into [NC Entertainment] and sat in the living room, but I still couldn’t see the relevant person...

Until the evening...

Only then did he see the door open.

Zhang Sheng came over.

"Mr. Zhang, it was an accident before. It was really just an accident. We were late..."

"I have no intention of targeting you [NC Entertainment], let alone "The Truman". I have also been bewitched by capital and certain people..."

"Mr. Zhang, I come here sincerely this time. I came here with [theatre chain] and your share. It was 55 before, but now it is 64. You are 6, we are 4. "The Truman" should be our cooperation case... "


Zhang Sheng sat opposite Wu Wenhua.

Wu Wenhua excitedly handed various agreements to Zhang Sheng. At this moment, as if grasping the last life-saving straw, he wanted to see Zhang Sheng nod.


In exchange, Zhang Sheng pushed up his glasses and handed the agreement back to Wu Wenhua.

"Mr. Wu..."

"You say……"

"Do you know how to make a team condense into a hemp rope in the short term?" Zhang Sheng did not respond to Wu Wenhua's compromise, but asked such a question seriously.

When Wu Wenhua heard this sentence, he was at a loss at first, and then stared at Zhang Sheng: "Mr. Zhang..."

"Only when we have a common enemy and common interests can we move forward as a team. [Dadi Cinema] users from all over the country are now a piece of fat, and anyone wants to come and take a bite..."


"I sit across from you, and I can deeply feel your sincerity. I also believe that we will be happy if we continue to cooperate, but..."


"You are the fish on the chopping board, I am the cook, and a group of hungry beasts are waiting on the dining table. Do you think, I am telling them now, this fat piece of meat wants to sit on the dining table and fight for food with you? , do you think these beasts will listen?"


"I can trigger a series of avalanches of desires, rights, and interests, but after the avalanche, I cannot restore the snow that covers the sky to its original state..."


Zhang Sheng is very frank.

Zhang Sheng's frankness made Wu Wenhua feel cold all over. He then gritted his teeth and said, "Mr. Zhang, what if I am willing to sell you part of the shares of Dadi Cinema Line?"

Zhang Sheng did not respond after hearing this, but just looked at him calmly.

"[Tengji Technology] and [Jiahu Technology] both want my shares. If you have my shares, you will have a more obvious advantage in competing with them. Moreover, you have the final say in the entire film industry! "


Wu Wenhua felt humiliated, but at this moment, he had to say this.


There was no trace of emotion on Zhang Sheng's face.

He stood up and looked down at Wu Wenhua.

"Mr. Wu, I have no interest in your shares..."


"The opponent of Xiao Zheng and Lao Ma is not me now..."


"I'm sorry for the current situation, but... you should go back and prepare early. As I said, if you are late, you will be your opponent..."


"When have you ever seen me show mercy to any opponent?"


Looking at Zhang Sheng's leaving figure, Wu Wenhua felt dizzy and had a splitting headache.

He walked out of [NC Entertainment].


Looking at the sunset in the distance.

The sun sets.

Night falls.


In China's cinemas, an extremely brutal capital fight kicked off on the 30th.

In the early morning of October 1st, the besieged [Dadi Film and Television] lost a quarter of its users in just one day due to low prices...

And another fight...

It also officially kicked off on the morning of October 1st!


"The Truman", this movie composed of hundreds of advertising brands, is officially released!

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