The core of comedy movies is mostly tragedy.

Comedians are also mostly introverts.

Over the past 20 years, Hong Kong has produced countless hilarious comedy movies and countless humorous comedians.

In front of the screen...

They immerse themselves in exaggerated or ironic predicaments and make the audience laugh with their comical behavior.

behind the screen...

Figures who rack their brains to create laughter are ultimately depressed by every reaction of the audience, unable to extricate themselves.


On October 1st, the weather was sunny and sunny.

Zheng Xingzu, who is over forty, keeps trying on various suits and ties.

But every suit and tie made him very dissatisfied, as if he was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder, staring at the anxious self in the mirror with collapse.

The figure who once brought laughter to countless people and has been away from the film industry for nearly five years is still not old at this time, but there is rarely a smile on his face.

five years ago……

He is sick.

Suddenly overnight, I lost all desire for everything, rarely smiled, and felt a little numb deep in my heart.

This state naturally made it difficult for him to pursue an acting career, so he left the film industry with a burst of lament and reluctance.

In the first year or two, news of his comeback could often be seen on the Internet. However, as the times become more and more developed, the Internet becomes more and more convenient, and more and more new things that can provide users with points of interest appear, people I gradually forgot about Zheng Xingzu. Except for the occasional reporter who photographed him and mentioned him, he basically disappeared.

"Are you really wearing this T-shirt?"

"Wear this..."


He was alone in the room.

He muttered to himself in the mirror, then laughed, and simply threw the suit and all the ties into the trash can.

Finally, I put on a simple T-shirt and jeans and walked out of the room.

At the door, a commercial vehicle has been waiting for a long time.

When he saw him coming, Bi Feiyu walked out with a smile on his face, "Teacher Zheng, let's go!"


When he saw Bi Feiyu, Zheng Xingzu showed a smile on his face and then got into the car.

Almost a year ago…

There was a knock at his door.

Subsequently, he received the script for "The Truman".

When he opened the door and saw Bi Feiyu, he was shocked!

He never dreamed that after five years of absence from the film industry, someone would actually invite him to make a movie.

His instinct was to refuse. Although he had long since passed, his requirements for movie scripts had always been very high.

He comes from a comedy background. You can call his comedies vulgar, you can also call them "nonsense", you can even laugh at him. He has been nominated for the Academy Awards 5 times in the past few years but has never won. You can even say that he has never won. None of them will be accepted by mainstream filmmakers. They obviously have a high box office, crushing many movies, and their acting skills are also very good, but they still can't win a single award...

However, you cannot deny that it is really difficult to make a good comedy film.

Moreover, few people can match the seriousness with which he takes every movie.

However, before he said the words of rejection, he saw Bi Feiyu's sincere face. Finally, he lowered his head and read the script.

The gears of fate completely turned at that moment.

"Teacher Zheng, hello..."

"Mr. Zhang, hello, how are you?"

He saw a gentle young man wearing glasses.

He quickly shook hands with the young man. The forty-year-old figure seemed to be at a loss when it came to this young man.

The road show situation of "Truman" has been terrible...

He followed the crew all over the country, but he was scolded again and again, saying that he was in league with capital and had come to cut leeks.

He felt a little embarrassed towards this young man, thinking that he had made a mistake in his presentation during the road show and messed up a lot of things.

after all……

According to Director Bi, the Chinese starring role in this movie seems to have been recommended by Mr. Zhang himself.

boss Zhang……

It seems that I have watched his movies carefully.

"Don't be nervous, Teacher Zheng..."

Zhang Sheng looked at the helpless Zheng Xingzu with a smile on his face.

He motioned for Zheng Xingzu to sit down.


"I've always been very picky about reading books."

"Especially for magical data, I never read such books before..."

"But, after I accidentally read "The Demon World", I was deeply fascinated by this book!"

"About five years ago, when I heard that "The Devil" was going to be a movie, I even went to Hollywood in person, hoping that I could play a role in "The Devil"..."

"Of course, I was rejected. However, after the rejection, I still discussed with the director about investing in the film..."

"Steven is also a director I have watched since childhood. Haha, I know many of his movies by heart. This collaboration is definitely the one I am most looking forward to in my life..."


【Wanda Cinema Line】

The premiere of "The Devil" is in full swing next door.

Nearly half of the Chinese artists rushed there.

Ma Yunhua also personally attended the premiere of "The Devil" with his [Jiahu Pictures].

At the premiere, looking at the countless stars and audiences below, he smiled and followed Steven, the assistant director of "The Devil", to chat about the original novel of the film and some past magical movies. There was a burst of laughter below.

The opening preview of the premiere was a success.

As the lights gradually went out, Ma Yunhua sat on the main seat under the gaze of the media and quietly watched this epic movie slowly unfold.

The movie opens with a war...

Humans, elves, goblins, dragons...

Fighting, roaring, roaring, towering mountains, ice and snow filled with boundlessness and cold wind...

The epic feeling and heavy Western fantasy that hit her face made Ma Yunhua couldn't help but feel the long-lost blood boiling.

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart...

This is a truly epic blockbuster!

Not far away, a group of directors from the Chinese Directors Association were sitting on chairs. Almost everyone except the vice president Kou Huai was here!

They stared passionately at the opening of the movie, feeling the cells and souls stimulated by the tragic music, and involuntarily thought of the "Truman" in their hearts.

There is irony and ridicule, as if "The Truman" is like a clown, being nailed to the pillar of shame.

Several directors unanimously looked in the direction of "The Truman"...

The imagined chaos did not happen. Instead, I saw several artists who supported "The Devil", with their heads lowered, secretly leaving the screening room in the dark and heading towards the screening room on the other side of "The Truman" Go.

It’s not just them…

Even several people from the creative team of "The Truman" turned around and left.


The promotion of "The Truman" was a failure.

Perhaps it was the repeated encounters on the road show that made Bi Feiyu finally give up on the premiere of "The Truman"...


No one could have imagined that when Zhang Sheng and others got out of the car, countless media swarmed around them.

Bi Feiyu and Zheng Xingzu were stunned at the same time, and then looked at the young man who walked into the screening room with a smile.

in the sun……

That young man was so eye-catching and dazzling that the audience who had once angrily accused them and even hit them with eggs were extremely excited when they saw this young man coming out!

"boss Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang, look at me, Mr. Zhang, look at me!"

"Mr. Zhang, that's Mr. Zhang!"

"Mr. Zhang, ahhhhh!"

"Mr. Zhang, can you say a few words? Please say a few words, or give a speech..."



The excited voices stimulated everyone's eardrums. After looking at the extremely excited and even crazy expressions, Bi Feiyu even felt a sense of horror from the bottom of his heart.

Behind Zhang Sheng, they seemed to be a group of foils...

Zhang Sheng was a little surprised when he looked at these people, but then he smiled brightly and greeted everyone one by one.

Until he walked into the cinema, the whole cinema was still lingering.

"Mr. Zhang, I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Wang Jiancong, the young master of Wanda Pictures, came over excitedly and shook hands with Zhang Sheng.

After Zhang Sheng gave a brief greeting, a large group of brand owners nearby rushed over.

"Mr. Zhang, I have a project. Mr. Zhang, can you help me take a look at it? I want to cooperate with you!"

"Mr. Zhang, I have been waiting for you for nearly half a year. Mr. Zhang, I have finally waited for you!"

"Mr. Zhang... We support you to continue fighting with Lao Ma. Mr. Zhang, don't worry about money. We have plenty of money! We just hope you can promote our brand!"



The brand owners were even crazier than the audience outside. The security personnel tried hard to block the scene for a long time, but still could not block Zhang Sheng, whose eyes were red, as if he was seeing the God of Wealth.

Zhang Sheng always greeted these brands one by one with a smile on his face.

When he reached the end and was about to walk through the door, Zhang Sheng saw another group of people appearing on the aisle not far away.

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations!"

"Mr. Zhang, congratulations!"

"Mr. Zhang, I wish you a great success in your movie, fafafafa!"

"Mr. Zhang, I have already appealed to my fans on the Internet to buy tickets for "The Truman"!"

"boss Zhang……"


This world is really confusing sometimes.

Bi Feiyu and Zheng Xingzu looked at a group of celebrities and artists gathered around...

Half a month ago, their "The Truman" was boycotted by almost everyone on the Internet, which made Bi Feiyu miserable.


The moment Mr. Zhang appeared, the artists who had just supported "Devil World" gathered around them. Some of them even had almost ingratiating smiles on their faces, extremely flattering.

Why is this happening?


It was the moment they learned that Zhang Sheng had returned...

Or maybe, when they heard the news, Zhang Sheng integrated two of China's three major theater chains in one fell swoop and was planning to clean up Dadi Pictures, while the rest of the capital never dared to make any statement...

More likely, they realized that in the future, the entertainment industry may usher in the era of Zhang Sheng...

Capital, fame, talent, power...

When all these things were concentrated on this young man, everything formed an almost explosive feedback.

Bi Feiyu also saw the organizer of "Demon World" and the deputy director Steven also came over, briefly shook hands with Zhang Sheng and said congratulations.

Wherever Mr. Zhang goes, it seems that he is always the center of attention.

When everyone finally entered the screening room, they found that the entire screening room was overcrowded.

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