I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 758 Such a shameless advertisement!

Security personnel finally drove away non-"Truman" moviegoers.

The crowded hall finally felt a little spacious.

It's not as suffocating as when I first walked in.


But it was still extremely noisy.

Countless pairs of eyes were staring at Zhang Sheng.

The moment Zhang Sheng walked into the cinema, some people excitedly waved their movie tickets and shouted, "Come on Mr. Zhang, come on China Films."

The audience who walked into the premiere of "The Truman" looked like fans watching a certain star come and spend money to support them instead of watching a movie...

When a movie costs 35 yuan, you may think it's a bit expensive...


The moment when a movie ticket originally priced at 35 yuan is reduced to 5 yuan, and you can see the young people in [News Network] and have a chance to contact and chat with him...

This kind of support has started to change from cheap and low-priced to very cost-effective!


Reality is so bullshit sometimes.

Many media outlets got a piece of dumbfounding news through various channels.

[Wanda Cinemas] The price of a ticket for the premiere of "The Truman" has been reduced to 5 yuan, which is an affordable price for users. It will also increase the influence of "The Truman" and compete with "The Devil" for users.


I don’t know how the news [Zhang Sheng attended the premiere] was leaked.

In short, ordinary users cannot get a 5-yuan movie ticket at all. Many users can only grab a ticket with an original price of 5 yuan and a current price of 300 yuan through various scalpers in the [Qiangsheng Online Mall]. .

Tickets cost 300 yuan each, and the seats are all at the front, making you dizzy. If you want to get close to Zhang Sheng’s row of public tickets, the most expensive one has been sold to an exaggerated 100,000 yuan. One piece.

This world seems to have become increasingly difficult for ordinary people to understand since I don’t know when.


"Hello, Mr. Zhang, my name is Deng Chun, and I am the founder of [Poly Clean Bath]..."

"Hello, Mr. Deng Chun..."


As soon as Zhang Sheng took his seat and before the movie started, he heard an excited voice.

Zhang Sheng turned his head and saw a plump face. At this moment, his face was red and he stretched out his hand tremblingly.

"Mr. Zhang, "The Truman" was really well shot. You will definitely win."

"Haha, thank you very much, Mr. Deng for your words."

"Mr. Zhang, I know that it is difficult to make a movie, and it is also difficult to make a profit from a movie. Moreover, I also know that you are doing a great thing..." After Deng Chun praised Zhang Sheng for a few words, his plump His face was full of flattery. After talking for a long time, Deng Chun took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Zhang, I have a grudge. I wonder if I can tell you here?"

"What's the ungrateful invitation?" Zhang Sheng looked at the plump fat man and said with a smile.

"I have 50 million idle funds on hand. I am very patriotic and am willing to join your entrepreneurial team. Our [Poly Clean Bath] is also a Chinese brand with good roots, but at present, the brand influence has been very limited. Mr. Zhang, maybe 50 million is not enough for you. As long as you make a few words, I will immediately transfer the funds!"


Deng Chun bought the seat worth 100,000 yuan.

The moment he saw Zhang Sheng unite with two major theater chains in China to engage in "group buying", he realized that maybe his opportunity had come.

[Group Buying] The moment the pre-sale tickets for "The Truman" were launched online, he immediately started to grab tickets online.

However, there were only a few hundred tickets in total, and in less than five seconds, the premiere venue was completely sold out.

He continued to order without giving up, and found that there were no tickets for the premiere. In the afternoon, he heard the news that the premiere of "The Truman" was being sold at the [Qiangsheng Online Mall] for 100,000 yuan a ticket.

He was listed on [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and below, a large number of netizens were calling the scalpers crazy!

100,000 yuan for a movie ticket, damn, that’s not how gold is stolen!

However, Deng Chun's eyes lit up and he immediately realized that there was a mystery in the 100,000 yuan ticket, so he immediately grabbed the ticket.

After ignoring the comments from netizens calling him a bastard, a fool, cerebral palsy, and a broken brain, he immediately saved his movie tickets!

He even bought up all the high-priced tickets around him!

It turns out!

He is right!

A ticket worth 100,000 yuan is right behind Zhang Sheng!

The moment he saw Zhang Sheng take his seat, he knew that this should be the most profitable investment in his life!

"[Poly Clean Bath] I have heard of it..."



"But what?"

"Today is the premiere of "The Truman". It's not appropriate to talk about business activities... In this case, I think Mr. Deng is also a smart man. I will say hello to my business department. Please pass the information on [Poly Cleansing] and wait." After the movie is over, let’s talk about how to collaborate!”

"Okay, okay, okay!"


Zhang Sheng had just finished speaking.

Several more brand owners in suits and leather shoes came over from the other side, and they rushed over.

"boss Zhang……"

"boss Zhang!"

"boss Zhang!"


The screening room before the premiere of "The Truman" was too noisy.

Even though the security personnel came to protect him, they could not suppress the voice mixed with excitement.

In the end, the security staff warned that if they made any more noise, they would be kicked out, and then their voices became softer.

Bi Feiyu's face looked a little ugly next to him.

Visitors coming and going...

Very few are true movie fans.

The commercial value covered by Mr. Zhang has already affected the essence of a movie.

Several film critics and journalists in the back row watched this grand occasion.

They immediately took out their notebooks, took pictures and recorded a group of people surrounding Zhang Sheng, and wrote down the news at the premiere.

Movie watching, for them, is a [hot] item.

As for the movie itself...

Like many people in the industry, they have no interest in this movie, which consists of nearly a hundred advertisements.

[Premiere supported by one person] Qin Weiqiang silently typed out a title.

After knocking, I looked up and saw that the lights in the entire screening room went out, and then the big screen in the distance appeared in light.

After a few commercials…

The movie "The Truman" has officially begun!

Qin Weiqiang watched the end of the credits and saw the smiling expression of the former comedy star Zheng Xingzu under the sun.

"If I can never see you again, I wish you a good morning, afternoon and evening!"



Wizards, humans, elves, dwarves, hobbits, dark creatures...

These different races have their own territories and are distributed in different areas of Middle-earth. Together with the mountains, grasslands, lakes and other natural landscapes, they form a magnificent and colorful map of Middle-earth. The magnificent scenes and Epic sound effects, spectacular scenes...

The screening of "The Demon World" has come to an end.

Ma Yunhua heard waves of exclamations ringing around her.

He stood up without wanting to finish. This movie did not disappoint him. Even in his mind, this movie had surpassed "Avatar" and would be another ceiling.

The movie wasn't over yet, so he lowered his head and stood up to leave.

For him, it doesn't matter what the outcome is, as long as the process is perfect, that's enough.

When he walked out of the screening room, he looked in the direction of "The Truman".

There are still countless people outside the screening room of "The Truman"...

This movie doesn't seem to be as bad as imagined.

At least……

It seems that no users have come out in advance.

However, this is normal. Usually when a movie premieres, there will be a bunch of trolls. Even if the movie is a piece of shit, these people will praise the movie to the sky...

Zhang Sheng's asking for help has become an open secret in the entire circle.

"Go in and have a look."

The assistant next to him was obviously stunned when he heard this sentence: "Mr. Ma, we..."

"Go and have a look, support it."


Ma Yunhua brought her assistant and several bodyguards wearing masks.

Excited by the exclamations of passers-by, I walked into the screening room.

In a dark screening room.

Ma Yunhua was watching the movie, which happened to be advertising...

He saw a pretty girl with a strange expression, who seemed to be holding a bottle of kitchen utensils with a forced smile.

That actress is Zhang Panpan, a former classmate of Zhang Sheng, and currently one of the leading actresses of [NC Entertainment]...

"[Good Wife] Kitchen utensils, if you love her, give them to her!"


"Win the world, Hongwei Electric!"


"Drink [Sun Laoji] for fear of getting angry!"


"Use elegance to be more confident!"


"I just use this shampoo and my hair is so soft..."


When Ma Yunhua saw Zhang Panpan holding out three advertisements at once with a strange expression on the screen, even the experienced Ma Yunhua was still shocked. She just felt like millions of people were in her mind. Keep passing by!

He has watched countless movies and they have never been as shameless as this one!

His heart beat violently!

This person...

How dare you insert advertisements in movies like this?

Have you become so shameless?

This is like slamming advertisements into users’ faces!

Why do human users pay to come and see your ads?


When Ma Yunhua looked at the audience next to him, Ma Yunhua frowned again, feeling a little incredible.

The audience was watching attentively at this moment, and even a bunch of film critics in the back row were paying special attention, and their expressions even seemed to be shocked by the movie at one point.

Ma Yunhua shook her head, feeling that this was an insult to her own intelligence...

The actor Zhang Sheng was hired really well.

The actors acted so realistically that everyone looked exactly the same...

Ma Yunhua originally wanted to take a closer look at what kind of movies Bi Feiyu had made, and boasted that she dared to compete with "The Demon World" at the box office...

But after seeing a series of ads...

He shook his head!

"Let's go!"

"Mr. Ma, are we leaving like this?"

"Let's go, there are other things to be busy with..."


However, after leaving...

The atmosphere in the entire screening room is starting to get a little different...

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