I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 761 Defeat the darkness!

On the vast sea, strong winds gather dark clouds...

Thunder roars!

The waves roared in angry droplets, contending with the wind!

Qin Weiqiang felt that his heart was almost entangled, looking at Trumen's tiny figure struggling in the sea and sky, yelling like crazy!

"Increase the air volume!"


"Increase the air volume!"


"That would be life-threatening!"

"Increase the air volume!"


He saw the figure on the screen who was still gentle and always smiling, but as aloof as God.

The figure looked at the ups and downs, constantly shouting [Truman], and did not become merciful because of this, but became more and more indifferent.

The staff were stunned...

However, looking at the God who single-handedly created "The Truman Show", they did not dare to disobey. They lowered their heads and increased the wind volume to the maximum.


The audience outside the movie saw the cruelest side.

The dark clouds in the sky have become darker and darker, and the thunder has become more and more harsh, as if every sound strikes the fear of this world deep in people's hearts!

Across the screen, everyone felt a sense of creepiness!

They stared closely at [Truman] played by Zheng Xingzu.

They saw that they were still struggling and roaring, but after the increasing wind and waves passed, Truman's figure was finally suppressed again.

However, vaguely, everyone could still hear the words "Let the storm come more violently". The voice was very soft and subtle, mixed with coughing and choking sounds, and even made people feel suffocated at one time. However, it has never been suppressed by the storm...

"that's all!

"That's it! You have to kill me!"

He is like an elf!

Proud, elf in the storm!

He was laughing and howling!

Dark clouds, lightning, and stormy waves cannot make it surrender!

This spirit infects everyone in the screening room, and everyone feels inspired by it deep in their hearts!

"Increase the air volume and add more!"

"It's going to be the biggest soon, plus the wind volume, Truman will really die!"



in the screen.

Zhang Sheng’s face alternates with the scene of a crazy rainstorm at sea!

Vaguely, the director seemed to be provoked and became a little angry!

However, Zhang Sheng's figure is still aloof, still loving, but also a little gentle. This contrasting acting and layering shocked all the film critics present!

It turns out that Zhang Sheng, who is omnipotent in the shopping mall, can actually act, and his acting makes people so angry!

On the screen!

Under the crazy rainstorm...

The boat kept swaying, and Truman's voice finally became softer and softer, and finally became silent.

In the movie, the audience at [Jitu Video] were staring nervously at the screen...

Some people are praying, some are shouting in despair, and some people are half-bathing in the bathroom and shouting at Truman on the live broadcast...

The figure they watched growing up, the figure who could have spent day after day in Utopia, the figure who could enjoy everything if they gave up freedom and the truth...

Is it really going to sink?

The audience outside the screen also became confused. They reminded themselves that this was just a movie. However, they had completely integrated into the Truman of this movie...

The storm is getting bigger and bigger!

The boat is swaying and may sink at any moment!

The figure was still struggling, but it no longer roared, but held on tightly, never giving up...

In the dim light, he saw that the figure seemed to have fainted, but his face was still extremely determined, as if he was declaring war against darkness, fear, and fate!


Marshal Zheng didn't know when he clenched his fists.

Marshal Zheng, who has always admired art and had photographed countless tragedies, saw the figure that had stopped moving in the storm, and his emotions completely exploded in his heart.

Damn Zhang Sheng!

Damn it, Bi Feiyu!

You’re not going to kill freedom and all truth by telling everyone through this movie, right?

Tragedy can sublimate art, but the same tragedy can make people despair...

At this moment, he could feel the hearts of those fans who had watched his movies!

The storm continued for a long time even when Trumen didn't move...

Finally, with the whole ship in a mess, it finally calmed down.

The sun appeared on the screen. The sun was so warm and the wind was so beautiful. The sea became calm, but the boat was already cracked.

Marshal Zheng stared at the motionless figure...

His heart began to sink.

Let the protagonist die, exaggerate the darkness of the entire world, and exaggerate the price of freedom. This is a topic that many film arts express.

It seems...


Marshal Zheng felt out of breath, his throat trembled dryly, and then he slowly loosened his fists.

Hope is completely extinguished!

If you resist the world, you will eventually be suppressed by this world!

The entire hall was immersed in depression, and some people even had tears in their eyes!

Just when everyone thought it was over...

They saw Truman's body move.


See him stand up!

At this moment, everyone in the entire screening room looked at that figure excitedly...

Some girls couldn't control their emotions and cried on the spot.

They saw the boat driving smoothly into the distance under the sun, and they watched Truman sitting on the bow of the boat, being gradually blown away by the wind in the breeze...

They saw the ship crash into white clouds in the distance...



After they saw the boat stop, Truman stood up and explored the road ahead step by step.

And at this time...

He heard Zhang Sheng's confusing voice.

"The outside world is as false as the world I gave you, with the same lies and the same fraud, but in my world, you don't have to be afraid of anything. I know yourself better than you do...

That voice was very gentle and kind, like an old father's voice, and more like a beacon in the darkness, bringing both light and warmth.

That sound once infected all the audience in front of the screening room, and many people immediately thought of their own situation...

If you were in Truman's world, with so many people serving you, you wouldn't have to worry about anything, as long as you live well and act stupid and be yourself.


This utopia seems pretty good?

Others, including Marshal Zheng, stared at the screen nervously.

Utopia is a dream…

Freedom is the true meaning!

Living in a captive world, you are a beast without dignity and without any rights!

He is a human being, not an animal!


Marshal Zheng did not see [Truman] being confused by such deceptive words.

"You're afraid, so you don't dare to leave. Truman, it doesn't matter, I understand. I've watched your life. When you were born, I was watching you. When you walked, I was watching you. When you went to school, I was watching. You, you can't leave, Truman, you belong here, with me. Answer me, say something! You are on TV, and the whole world is broadcasting you..."

That bewitching figure sounded again.

This time, the gentleness and kindness in the voice were even stronger. Even the audience in front of the screen felt a sense of "family warmth" and attention.

After Truman left the studio of "The Truman Show", Truman was no longer a household name. He would encounter all kinds of setbacks that ordinary people would encounter...

And staying in the world of Utopia, he has everything that anyone can have. As long as he cooperates with the acting, then...

A difficult question lies deep in Truman's heart, and in front of all the viewers!

Some viewers were beguiled by Zhang Sheng's voice and then swayed...

Others in the audience felt fear and uneasiness in their hearts, fearing that after going through so many hardships and obstacles, this young man would eventually choose to look back.

The camera gave Truman a close-up!

After a long time...

He saw Truman suddenly bowing to the camera the moment he left the studio.

"If I don't see you again, I wish you good morning, afternoon and evening."


He walked out of the studio resolutely.

In the movie, countless viewers watching the live broadcast were moved to tears...

Applause broke out along with bursts of cheers and screams.

Outside the cinema, a middle-aged man wiped away tears and clapped uncontrollably, and then...

The entire screening room burst into applause!


"Congratulations! Teacher Zheng!"


"The performance was so good, I almost cried watching it!"

"Teacher Zheng, congratulations, I didn't expect the surprise you brought this time to be so amazing!"

"Teacher Zheng, come on, this movie will definitely become a hit!"


In applause...

Zheng Xingzu stood up in a daze.

He saw countless figures rushing towards him, and then [congratulated him] excitedly.

Since he entered the film industry, he seems to have never seen so many congratulations and smiles...

He was a little infected and opened his mouth, wanting to say something...

But in the end, nothing could be said.

His emotions were so complicated that he fell into a state of aphasia!

He turned his head...

Looking at Bi Feiyu, at this moment, Bi Feiyu was also surrounded by a group of people!

He looked at Mr. Zhang next to Bi Feiyu, only to find that Mr. Zhang had left the screening room at some point.

Bi Feiyu next to him was surrounded and walked out of his seat amidst bursts of congratulations.

When leaving, he saw Marshal Zheng looking at him with a complicated expression.

"Director Zheng..."

Looking at this once aloof [Beijing director], Bi Feiyu didn't have any inferiority complex at this moment, nor did he have much hatred. He just smiled calmly, as if he was an old friend he hadn't seen for a long time.

"You did a great job! It's another hit film. Among the fifth generation directors... probably, no one can compete with you!"

Marshal Zheng was silent for a moment, and then said these words with a complex expression.

Bi Feiyu could still hear some sourness in these words, but he could also listen to his heartfelt emotion.


Marshal Zheng did not wait for Bi Feiyu's response, but turned around and left the screening room alone.

Bi Feiyu silently watched the back of Marshal Zheng as he left. After a moment, he showed a smile.


["The Truman": Director and audience who entertained themselves to death]

[Freedom and voyeurism, a resistance between utopia and reality, a war without gunpowder! 】

[Thoughts after watching "The Truman": Perhaps, we all live in a world of "The Truman"...]

[The most shocking and terrifying movie in 2012, another Chinese movie classic! 】


Before the release of "The Truman".

The entire Internet is filled with all kinds of curses.

After the premiere of "The Truman"...

No one could have imagined that this movie, which was supposed to be a bad movie and consisted of hundreds of advertisements, could burst out with such amazing energy, let alone that this movie could integrate film art and business so well. Perfect!

The scoldings on the Internet are gradually decreasing, and more film critics have come forward to write film reviews one after another in the most sincere language...

When netizens saw these movie reviews, they were skeptical...


When netizens walked into the cinema one after another with strange emotions and watched The Truman...

They suddenly realized!

The surprise the movie "The Truman" brought them was so amazing!


More and more netizens have begun to log on to major movie review websites to rate "The Truman"...

On the evening of October 1st.

When I see "The Truman" which was only 4.6 minutes in the morning, it has now reached 7.5 minutes...

[Dadi Cinema Line]’s Wu Wenhua was stunned!

"Isn't this movie a bad movie? Are these results not just for you?"


He looked at the assistant.

The assistant watched "The Truman" at noon today. After watching it, he became unusually silent.

Faced with Wu Wenhua's question, the assistant finally shook his head: "We made the most critical move wrong! We should take a good look at this movie when it is given to us, instead of being paced by hundreds of advertisements. …”

"This movie will be a hit, does that mean?"

"Maybe the box office of this movie is not as good as "The Devil". After all, the ticket price is different, the difference is nearly half, but the number of moviegoers may not be much less..."


When he heard this sentence, Wu Wenhua was stunned: "Then let's..."

"We have terminated the contract and no longer have the screening rights for "The Truman". Our traffic and revenue may be greatly reduced. Now our stocks are already falling..."


Wu Wenhua nodded.

No more words.

Afterwards, he locked himself in the office until the early morning of October 2.

In the early morning of October 2...

He heard a message.

Another new overseas version of "The Truman" was officially released in Hollywood and caused a huge sensation!

(Today’s update. Yesterday I went to a massage parlor to collect information. As a result, my whole body ached so much that I couldn’t stand it anymore. The new book was actually finalized with the editor half a year ago. However, I won’t publish it immediately after finishing it. I may take a while to think about it. The outline of the middle and later stages is not ready yet. , I’ll post it when it’s ready...,)

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