The Earth is round.

This is scientific knowledge that countless children know.

However, what is unbelievable is that in the 21st century, there are still a group of people in this world who firmly believe in the "Flat Earth Theory".

They swear that the entire earth is actually flat. The earth is similar to the big plate we usually use for eating. It has a flat structure inside and is slightly higher around it for shielding...

This statement seems very funny to ordinary people.

However, what is staggering is that there are as many as 200,000 users and members around the world who adhere to the flat earth theory.

What’s even more shocking is that there are many famous people among them, such as famous American rappers, NBA stars, female celebrities, and even computer engineers who once worked for NASA are members of the Flat Earth Theory...

Some people find it hard to understand that we humans have already landed on the moon.

A very clear photo of the Earth was even transmitted from space, and a series of evidence was put on the table...


Why do they still think the earth is flat?


"Why is the earth round?"

"Growing up, your father told you that the earth is round..."

"Your teacher tells you that the earth is round, the news played on the TV tells you that the earth is round, everything you see, hear, and see tells you that the earth is round..."


"Is the earth really round?"

"Have you ever really seen that the earth is round?"

"You said we landed on the moon!"

"So why have we never landed on the moon again, decades later?"

"If I told you that all of this is a scam, a scam that will overturn your life, would you believe it?"


"What if we lived in a controlled world..."

"From the time we are born, our first words, our first words, the knowledge we learn, the knowledge we have, our rules, our aesthetics, and even everything about us are all controlled by others..."

"We are taught a set of things and then we take it for granted that our parents, our relatives, our teachers and friends and a range of media tell us that these are the truth..."

"But what if all of this is fake? Is it all a premeditated scam?"


October 1st at 21:00 China time.

It will be 8 a.m. on October 1st, US time.

Another version of "The Truman" was screened at the newly opened Seru Cinema in Laos and the United States.

Because there is not much publicity, although the cast are all Hollywood stars, most of them are related to has-been stars. The premiere of "The Truman" did not show much influence...

Only fans of the two movies "Seven Days to Die" and "Prisoners" came to support them.

Even the seats at the premiere of "The Truman" were not full.

Bi Feiyu was not surprised by this. After all, he had not officially gone to Hollywood to promote "The Truman".

In fact...

The birth of the old American version of "The Truman" was really unexpected.

At first, it was just because the brand owners were too enthusiastic. The capacity of a "Truman" movie could not accommodate so many advertising brands. In addition, during this period, I also got to know some outdated Hollywood artists, so I simply started advertising in the same way. During the period, two "Truman" movies were produced, both of which were basically in the direction of advertising movies.


What no one would have thought of is that among the names watching the movie "The Truman", several are members of the "Flat Earth Theory". Several members who participated in the old American version of "The Truman" are also members of the "Flat Earth Theory"...

What is even more unexpected is that after watching "The Truman", those members were so excited that they could not speak. Immediately afterwards, they posted an article on the Internet titled "Revealing the truth, we live in the world of The Truman, we They are all people who have been deceived, this is a conspiracy]!

Then, this article went viral!


Driven by certain forces.

The old American version of the movie "The Truman" is actually...

There are signs of fire.


"What did you say?"

"Nearly tens of thousands of people on the American Internet social media think that the birds flying in the sky are all surveillance cameras?"

"Are they all created by some mysterious organization to monitor them?"

"Even the history of birds, bird varieties, bird habits and a series of knowledge about birds are all created by thoughtful people. In fact, there is no such animal [bird] in this world at all?"

It will be 3 a.m. on October 2, China time.

In this world, sometimes some inexplicable and incredible things happen.

Bi Feiyu was stunned to hear a piece of news from Hollywood.


He climbed over the wall and connected to the external network, and clicked on the post saying "This is a scam".

This post was posted on Twitter a few hours ago. After it was posted, the number of clicks quickly exceeded 10,000, and the post was quickly searched by countless [big smart people].

Bi Feiyu stared blankly at the statement in the post that [birds] were monitors...

It is hard to imagine that in a developed country like Laos and the United States, a place with the highest education ratio in the world and the top scientific research field, there are so many "big smarts".

However, Bi Feiyu found that after reading these posts for a long time, he suddenly felt an inexplicable infection.

For example, that group of conspiracy theory groups who seem to be sensationalizing can actually cite a series of irrefutable remarks...

[If the earth is round, the pilot should tilt the flight angle downward every time he flies in a straight line, otherwise, he will fly away from the earth. 】

[From Genoa, Italy, which is 21 meters above the sea, you can see Capraia Island, 164 kilometers away. If calculated according to the curvature of the earth, this island should be 1,708 meters below sea level]

[When you look at the moon, do you find that some clouds are in front of the moon, but some clouds are behind the moon? The moon is more than 370,000 kilometers away from the earth. This phenomenon should not happen]


A series of various and seemingly pseudo-scientific remarks opened Bi Feiyu's eyes. If he had not been determined, he would have even fallen into the trap of "The Truman Show".

Bi Feiyu, who recovered from the old beauty's tweet, shook his head slightly. For a time, he had an inexplicable illusion that he had mistakenly entered the shoe cult and saw countless crazy people!

The phone rang again.

He answered the phone.

"What are you talking about? Our "Truman" has been designated by the president of the [International Flat Earth Association] as one of the must-see films for members?"


"Say that our "Truman" revealed the truth?"


"Laura, one of our actors in Lao America, is a member of Flat Earth?"


After Bi Feiyu heard more and more news, his whole body suddenly became numb!


Bi Feiyu saw Elaine, the owner of Sailu Cinema, send a photo from Los Angeles.

A photo of "The Truman" being booked out.

And those people who walked into the cinema and watched "The Truman"...

Either you are a member of [Flat Earth Theory], or you are a new member who is about to join...

In addition, more and more inexplicable conspiracy theory organizations have also reserved the venue for "The Truman".

They completely regarded the movie "The Truman" as a brainwashing educational film...


Early morning on October 2nd.

Thunder roared.

Wu Wenhua of Dadi Film and Television stayed up all night, silently staring at the weird news from the United States.

It seems like ridiculous news, but Wu Wenhua can't laugh at this moment.

"The Truman" seems to be a hit in China.

In the United States, it seems to be popular too...

No one could have imagined that this movie, which is composed of advertisements, would be so stunningly shot!

Wu Wenhua, who had been awake all night, looked towards the box office at this moment.

Because it was the National Day, yesterday's box office statistics were delayed, and they were not calculated until this morning.

The phone rang.

"Mr. Wu, [Wanda] and [Hengdian], the two theater chains, have adjusted the movie tickets of "The Devil" and "The Truman" back to normal prices..."

This news is good news for Wu Wenhua.

Of the three theater chains in the country, two are besieging their own Dadi Film and Television in a price war, which is almost a lose-lose situation.

They can't make money, and they can't make any money themselves...

However, Wu Wenhua immediately realized a problem: "Has the box office been released?"

"The detailed data just came out..."

"How many!"

"The total national box office of "The Devil" exceeded 76 million, and the premiere had over one million moviegoers nationwide..."

“What about ‘The Truman’?”

"The box office of "The Truman" is 12 million, and the number of moviegoers nationwide is close to 350,000. However, this does not include the situation in our theaters... This movie has become the big dark horse in China's October 1st movies... "


The box office here only counts the original price box office, and the box office for discounted tickets is also considered the original price box office...

When he heard that there were 350,000 moviegoers, Wu Wenhua fell silent.

How much did "The Truman" cost?

Ten million?

Probably not yet.


The cost of this movie is shockingly low!

According to the latest news that Wu Wenhua learned, the sets of the movie "The Truman" were all decorated by employees of his company [Bird's Nest Decoration]. As for the materials...

All provided free of charge by those sponsors...

No, it's not provided for free. Instead, they paid a sponsorship fee for "The Truman" in exchange for a close-up of their brand logo in a conspicuous place in the camera.

Sponsorship of a film…


How much did this movie cost?

Actor's salary?

The biggest actor in "The Truman" is Zheng Xingzu. His highest salary is 200,000 yuan per film, and the rest is divided into box office dividends from the movie...

The remaining salaries of Zhang Panpan, Song Yufei and others were even lower, reaching over 100,000...


They are all small shareholders of [NC Entertainment]. At the same time, they also receive box office dividends...

0 cost?


You can say that this movie is the only negative-cost movie in the entire Chinese film industry.

Therefore, even if this movie costs 5 yuan a movie, in fact, the creative team does not have any problem of losing money or not...

Pure profit!

"Mr. Wu, this movie is more than just a's..."

"then what?"

"A knife stabbed at Lao Ma's Double 10 event..."


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