I have to teach the world a lesson

Chapter 763 The eve of Lao Ma’s defeat!

Since 2004 to the present, [Taozhu.com] has always been a legend on the Internet.

As the founder of [Taozhu.com], for a long time in the past, Ma Yunhua was in a state of looking down on others and seeking defeat alone.


When the New York Stock Exchange listing bell rang, Ma Yunhua stood on top of the world's e-commerce, overlooking the world.

However, 2012 was the most glorious year for Lao Ma, but it also seemed to be the most painful year for Lao Ma!


"This time, everyone, we have reached the most critical moment of life and death!"

"We just have to win!"

"15 billion sales!"

"We can't lose!"


October 2nd.

While everyone was immersed in the happy time, a rare and extremely depressing meeting was held in the conference room of [Jiahu Technology].

In the conference room.

Zhang Jun, the vice president of [Taozhu.com], was sitting in his seat with a particularly solemn look on his face.

He looked at Ma Yunhua.

The figure who he once regarded as a god is rarely used in public at this moment to use the words "life and death" to describe the current situation of "Taobao.com".

After he finished speaking...

The expressions of the executives at [Taozhu.com] began to become more and more serious.

Suffocating emotions, like ripples, surrounded everyone's hearts, making them breathless.

[Taozhu.com] went public in the United States, creating the world's largest e-commerce IPO. Behind the seemingly unlimited glory, there is a reality that people have to face.

Countless pairs of eyes are staring at [Taobao.com].

The higher you stand, the more beautiful and amazing the data you produce will be!

Therefore, it is very important to have the first [Double 10 event] after listing. Therefore, Ma Yunhua publicly spoke in front of the media in September. Their goal for this Double 10 event is 15 billion!

"Mr. Chen, tell everyone about our current situation at [Taozhu.com]!"


After Ma Yunhua finished saying this, she stared at Chen Jun.

When Chen Jun heard these words, he was suddenly shocked, and then his mouth was slightly bitter: "Mr. Ma, these things are still being sorted out, and the data is not accurate. We plan to..."

"No need to be secretive, just say what you need to say. Only when you truly know how much you weigh can you cope with the next challenge..."

Ma Yunhua looked serious.

Chen Jun saw Ma Yunhua's almost questioning expression, and then glanced at the other people in the conference room. The corners of his mouth opened slightly, and finally his throat trembled: "Our [Taozhu.com] current registered users..."

"Talk about daily active users..."

"On October 1st, our website had 70 million daily active users. Since the launch of our mobile platform APP, the average daily active users is 50 million, a total of 120 million..."

"Where's [Qiangsheng Online Mall]?"

"..." Ma Yunhua interrupted Chen Jun's continuation and continued to ask such a question.

"On October 1st, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] had 50 million daily active users on the PC side, and the APP port..."

When Chen Jun said this, he paused briefly, and finally gritted his teeth and said the words "20 million."

After saying this, the entire conference room suddenly became quiet.

The senior executives of [Taozhu.com] looked at each other and lowered their heads, not even daring to breathe for a while.

"They have a powerful traffic port of [WeChat]. Currently, [WeChat] users are about to exceed 300 million. [Tengji Technology]'s [WeChat] has completely failed to beat [WeChat]..."

Chen Jun still wanted to explain something, but the more he explained, the more helpless he felt. The more he explained, the more desperate he became.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] and [WeChat] were born almost under their noses and grew wildly...

The most desperate thing in the world is to watch your opponent continue to get stronger, but you are powerless to do anything.

The conference room suddenly became silent.

The other party’s APP has 20 million active users!

Our [Taozhu.com] has 50 million active users!

Already nearly halfway to the chase!

Although they still have an advantage on the PC side, this advantage is gradually being shortened...


Someone told them on the spot that in one year's time, [Qiangsheng Online Mall] would be on par with them on the APP port, and no one would question it.

[Qiangsheng Online Mall] Whether it is the red envelope fission mode, the knife-fighting mode, or the stock dividend mode...

Every pattern is disgusting!

The key is……

[Taozhu.com] cannot imitate, let alone learn from this model.

The depressing atmosphere lasted for a long time.

Ma Yunhua also looked at everyone for a long time.

He finally continued to look at Chen Jun: "How many merchants have we lost from September to now?"

"Mr. Ma..."

"Let's talk, it's time now..."



After walking out of the conference room.

Ma Yunhua felt heavier than ever.

There is a feeling that the building is about to collapse and it is impossible to support it alone.

Ma Yunhua, who had never regretted anything, could not help but regret it at this moment.

From September to October…

Zhang Li, the former vice president of [Taozhu.com], was poaching people at [Taozhu.com] almost every day...

Their goal is very clear. All they want are leading domestic brands, and they are already preparing to build momentum for their Double 11 event!

Domestic brands that Ma Yunhua usually doesn't care about have become the most critical part in completing the 15 billion goal...

He returned to the office, then called up the surveillance and looked at the business department of [Taozhu.com].

At this moment, the commercial department is working very hard to connect with those [domestic brands] and constantly using various methods to retain them...


"Our appeal is very simple. For the Double 10 event, we must be on the front page of the event interface!"

"We need traffic. Although we can't compete with those foreign brands, we need the traffic of [Taozhu.com]. If you are willing to replace those foreign brands with our brand, we will not leave!"

"Now is no longer the era when you [Taozhu.com] are the only one. Brands like us have a better way out by going to [Qiangsheng Online Mall]! Why should we stay here?"

"I know that Double 11 is a domestic product festival, but Double 11 is Double 11, and we need traffic support for Double 11!"



I heard the live conversation coming from over there.

Ma Yunhua closed her eyes silently.

The merchants who once nodded and bowed to themselves have become particularly tough at this moment. They want a piece of the Double 10 event.


Obviously, Ma Yunhua was caught in an extremely difficult choice at this moment.

[Taozhu.com] The brands with the best sales and the largest traffic are all investment brands owned by cooperative capital.

In May, these brands all signed a [cooperation agreement].

And those domestic brands that have not been acquired by capital...

Although they are part of the Double 10 event, it is obvious that it is completely impossible for them to stand in the C position for sales...

The capital of [Taozhu.com] is too complicated, so complicated that Ma Yunhua herself has no absolute say.

However, if all these brands leave, then the 15 billion target for the Double 10 campaign...

Ma Yunhua closed her eyes and felt a headache.

He has deeply realized that their [Taozhu.com] and [Qiangsheng Online Mall] have gradually lost any advantage in the market competition.


If he could have split some of his shares and given them to Zhang Li, would Zhang Li...

If I had completely crushed Zhang Sheng to death, would the current [Qiang Sheng Online Mall]...


Unfortunately, there is no if in this world.

He sat in the office for a long time, and finally, he was forced to think of another plan.

He took out his mobile phone and called Chen Jun.

"We will set up another mall in addition to [Taozhu.com]. That mall will be called [Tengu Mall]. In the new mall, you sign an agreement with those domestic brand users. In addition to the core capital, we will not accept other capital to settle in for the time being. We retain absolute control. Well, [Tengu Mall] claims to the outside world that we are in order to combat counterfeiting, produce better quality products, and improve e-commerce infrastructure..."

On the phone, Chen Jun was particularly shocked when he heard this sentence: "Mr. Ma, are we building a new mall now? We are too late! The Double 10 event will be held soon... and even if [Tiangu Mall] is established, then we will Being shunted!"

"Long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. In order to survive, sometimes we have to make some stupid decisions..."


On the other end of the phone, Chen Jun was obviously shocked by the words "live on".

It seems that they never dreamed that Ma Yunhua and their [Taozhu.com] could be forced to such a point by Zhang Sheng.

"Of course, we are not launching during the Double 10 event. We will wait until the Double 10 event is over before we, um, make our own stuff in the name of the Chinese Products Festival..."


After finishing the phone call with Chen Jun.

Ma Yunhua stood up and looked out the window. Outside the window, the scenery of Hangzhou was still very beautiful.


His mood became heavier and heavier.

He knew very well that the current situation was much more severe than anyone imagined.

His [Taozhu.com], life and death, is definitely not a joke, let alone a slogan to motivate employees.


It’s truly a matter of life and death!


Early morning on October 3rd.

A new round of box office results is out.

The movie "The Devil" has a box office of 85 million, and has far exceeded 1.21 million moviegoers nationwide.

The box office of "The Truman" was 15 million, and 420,000 people watched the movie nationwide, which was an increase of about 70,000 people compared to the premiere!

As for "Demon World" in Europe and the United States, it earned US$7 million.

"The Truman" $1.5 million...

The gap between "The Truman" and "The Devil" is still huge.

However, "The Devil" was released in movie theaters across the country, and "The Truman" did not have the market share of [Dadi Cinema], so the viewing rate was still a bit lower.

Logically speaking, it was the production team of "The Truman" that should have been anxious...

However, at this moment, [Dadi Cinema] Wu Wenhua is almost going crazy in order to win the market for "The Truman"!

He realized that even if the original price was restored, the traffic of his [Dadi Cinema] was still declining because there was no screening of "The Truman"!

And over there at [Taozhu.com]...

Ma Yunhua also felt gloomy after seeing the box office results of "The Truman".

Almost every few minutes, this movie uses various forms to embed advertisements for [Qiangsheng Online Mall] and the Double 11 Domestic Product Festival...

As this movie gets more and more viewers!

The traffic of [Qiangsheng Online Mall] is also getting higher and higher!

Seeing the amazing influence of the movie "The Truman", a large number of brand owners almost went crazy!

There is a large wave of domestic brands that want to get traffic advertising. Even if they sign agreements and provide subsidies to retain them, they still cannot retain them...

They are deeply aware...

If you cooperate with Zhang Sheng, you can have enough to eat!

Moreover, Zhang Sheng will promote their products through every channel!

In the early morning of October 4th...

Nearly half of the domestic brand users of [Taozhu.com] have left!

"Mr. Ma!"

"We have performed the 15 billion Double 10 campaign nearly 20 times!"


"The goal cannot be achieved!"

"Even 13 billion is difficult!"


Chen Jun's heavy voice came to Ma Yunhua's ears.

Ma Yunhua closed her eyes.

At this moment, he...

Facing Zhang Sheng’s attacks from all directions...

He found that there was nothing he could do!

(I’ve been blocked a lot lately ~ I have a headache)

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